[Song] Goshoku no Shooting ☆ Star!!!!! – The Five-Colored Shooting ☆ Star!!!!!

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Goshoku no Shooting ☆ Star!!!!! – The Five-Colored Shooting ☆ Star!!!!!

Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

TetoraSpeaking with our fists (Black flame)
ShinobuKicking away the darkness (Yellow flame)
Tetora & ShinobuAn unyielding strength we each possess1

MidoriWith every injury we sustain (Green flame)
KanataOur bonds solidify (Blue flame)
Kanata & MidoriAs we repel, we are further drawn to each other

ChiakiBurning a bright red, the sun of life
Shines upon our future
Blazing passionately, the red flame!
AllThe five colors now become one…

AllShooting Star! Shooting Star! Shine bright!
Justice is—
TetoraTo see the truth
ShinobuAnd believe in it
MidoriTo put your life on the line
KanataAnd protect others until the very end
ChiakiNo matter how smeared in mud you become

AllShooting Star! Shooting Star! In an instant
Burn incessantly, (Sparkling bright) This tenacious spirit

TetoraNo fatal injury can stop us (Black flame)
ShinobuWe’ll simply revive once more (Yellow flame)
Tetora & ShinobuThe yellow lightning against the black night sky

MidoriTo fight means (Green flame)
KanataTo protect until the very end (Blue flame)
Kanata & MidoriOn the surface of the green and blue Earth

ChiakiLike the sun, like the flame
Burning passionately, more and more
We were called here in the name of justice
AllThe five life forces become one…

AllShooting Star! Shooting Star! Let’s vow
To protect what we must—
TetoraOur cherished ones
ShinobuOur comrades
MidoriOur faithful hearts
KanataOur loving feelings
ChiakiNo matter how torn-apart our bodies become

AllShooting Star! Shooting Star! O, five-colored shooting star
(To the night sky)
Now, fire off your light

AllOur hardships, our pain
Under the name of hope
We’ll be able to share all of it between us
Absolutely! Absolutely! Absolutely!

AllShooting Star! Shooting Star! Shine bright!
Justice is—
TetoraTo see the truth
ShinobuAnd believe in it
MidoriTo put your life on the line
KanataAnd protect others until the very end
ChiakiNo matter how smeared in mud you become

AllShooting Star! Shooting Star! In an instant
Burn incessantly, (Sparkling bright) This tenacious spirit
Fire off your light

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

  1. “Unyielding” is a word sometimes found in Ryuseitai’s stories and songs. In Japanese, it’s yuzurenai, though sung as yuzurenu in this song. It can also be found in the song Colors Arise (Something precious they refuse to yield), or in future Ryuseitai stories like the prologue of Stella Maris (Note: This story is set in !! Era).