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MV Size Lyrics - Full Size Lyrics - Translation Notes

MV Size


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Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

TetoraThe sky, akin to a sinking world
Midori & KanataGlaring at that sky — this is the page that marks the beginning
Shinobu & ChiakiWithin the eyes that glimmer in the darkness, you
TetoraHave a shadow that almost seems to recoil — stealthily shutting it back in Ah,
Midori & ChiakiDriven by an unexplainable urge
Shinobu & KanataThe only thing you’re aware of is that you’ve no choice but to make a choice
Tetora & ChiakiThere’s no such thing as “right”1
Midori & Shinobu & KanataThere is only the pathless path of the unknown2
AllThe moment you take the first step, you set off on the journey
AllInto the WILDLAND
The scorching hot desire lies in wait for you
Chiaki & KanataWhile achieving our dream, we become aware of it
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuGrabbing hold of our ego that has just awoken Ah,
AllWe will survive
MidoriThis is WILDLAND
ShinobuThe scorching hot desire
ChiakiLies in wait for you
KanataWhile achieving our dream, we become aware of it
TetoraGrabbing hold of our ego that has just awoken Ah,
AllWe will survive
AllNot even the common sense you believed in will protect you here
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuWhile seeking out our dream, we chase after it
Chiaki & KanataEven if it’s stolen from us, we will never give up Ah,
AllWe will fight
In order to survive
Keep on moving forward
TetoraLet’s be alive! Let’s be alive!

This song has a lot of meaning to it. Please check the translation notes for more details!

These lyrics are for the MV. Please look below for the full lyrics!

Full Lyrics


Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

TetoraThe sky, akin to a sinking world
Midori & KanataGlaring at that sky — this is the page that marks the beginning
Shinobu & ChiakiWithin the eyes that glimmer in the darkness, you
TetoraHave a shadow that almost seems to recoil — stealthily shutting it back in Ah,

Midori & ChiakiDriven by an unexplainable urge
Shinobu & KanataThe only thing you’re aware of is that you’ve no choice but to make a choice
Tetora & ChiakiThere’s no such thing as “right”1
Midori & Shinobu & KanataThere is only the pathless path of the unknown2
AllThe moment you take the first step, you set off on the journey

AllInto the WILDLAND
The scorching hot desire lies in wait for you
Chiaki & KanataWhile achieving our dream, we become aware of it
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuGrabbing hold of our ego that has just awoken Ah,
AllWe will survive

Chiaki & KanataThe moment you think you’re lost, you’ll always find some way3
Midori & ShinobuTo blame it on someone else, won’t you?
TetoraIf guidance is what you want, take our hand
AllYou may then run off whenever you like

ShinobuWhen you feel anxious over the unforeseeable future, you become paralyzed4
ChiakiBut there’s no need to fear that at all
MidoriThat’s right, until you finally reach it5
KanataThrough this unknown path, you simply
AllJust have to devote yourself to moving forward

Not even the common sense you believed in will protect you here
Tetora & Midori & KanataWhile seeking out our dream, we chase after it
Shinobu & ChiakiEven if it’s stolen from us, we will never give up Ah,
AllWe will fight

MidoriThis is WILDLAND
ShinobuThe scorching hot desire
ChiakiLies in wait for you
KanataWhile achieving our dream, we become aware of it
TetoraGrabbing hold of our ego that has just awoken Ah,
AllWe will survive

AllNot even the common sense you believed in will protect you here
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuWhile seeking out our dream, we chase after it
Chiaki & KanataEven if it’s stolen from us, we will never give up Ah,
AllWe will fight

In order to survive
Keep on moving forward
TetoraLet’s be alive! Let’s be alive!

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

(1.) WILDLAND SURVIVOR is based on Alice in Wonderland but with a twist; it's set in a desolate wasteland without any order. Watch the MV or read the story to learn more!

(2.) Ryuseitai takes the role of the Cheshire Cat, singing to Alice and anyone else who wandered into WILDLAND. Because of this, the lyrics have a much more mature feeling to them than typical Ryuseitai songs, likely to match the Cheshire Cat and its role: the guide who knows more than Alice, and who has been loitering around the world for far longer.

(3.) Some examples of this mature feeling can be seen in the commands Ryuseitai gives to Alice; they use an imperative tone like te-goran in “take our hand” (how a superior/older person would speak to a junior/younger person), or right at the end with “Keep on moving forward” (said in a commanding tone like a leader).

(4.) In the story, Ryuseitai also discusses the themes and concept behind the song and its stage. Tetora in particular talks about it a lot, especially in Epilogue 1, and I recommend reading it!

(5.) This is my own personal interpretation, but the imagery in the MV (Chiaki and Kanata showing you the way underneath the moonlight, Tetora being the center and leader for the event, etc.) perfectly fit the journeys that each Ryuseitai member took since ! Era all the way until the end of !! Era ES1. Not only did Chiaki and Kanata go through many hardships in their 2nd year (as shown in Meteor Impact), but so did Tetora, Shinobu, and Midori in their 2nd year too (shown in !! Era ES1 stories). Not to mention their efforts together during their Yumenosaki days (! Era stories). All five of them grew stronger through all these hardships and united as a unit better than ever, and they learned how to face against the harsh reality for the sake of their ideals and wants. So to me, it feels as though this song is Ryuseitai, as the experienced Cheshire Cat, guiding the listeners to go on their own unknown, but exciting world. Tetora talks about his own experiences to his junior in Epilogue 2 as well, and I recommend reading it!

  1. The word for “right” is tadashisa (正しさ). It can refer to many things, like the right thing, the appropriate actions or words to take, and it can also refer to justice or morality.
  2. This is a wordplay of a common expression that goes michi naki michi (道なき道), meaning “pathless path”. In this song, the second michi is written as 未知 instead, meaning “unknown”.
  3. The word for “lost” here is mayoi-go (迷い子), lit. “lost child”, and refers to when someone’s lost their way. Usually said as maigo, the word is commonly used for children, but adults can use it too, though it may be interpreted as self-deprecating or childish.
  4. “Unforeseeable future” is a wording also found in the premise of Tetora’s first center event, Supervillain; “When one advances towards the unforeseeable future—”
  5. The word used here is tadori tsuku, used to express finally reaching a destination after going through hardships. It was also used in NEW DAYBREAK, and is generally a word befitting of Ryuseitai's journey.