[Song] Seisei Doudou Ouenka! – Seisei Doudou Cheer Song! (Shinobu Solo)

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Seisei Doudou Ouenka! – Seisei Doudou Cheer Song!

Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

Go for it! Go for it! Go for it! Go—! Go! Go! Go for it! Go for it! Go for it!

You have one, don’t you? Something you can proudly boast about, that you love more than anyone else
Teach me all the treasured secrets and intel only you know!

You gathered every bit of your love while staying hidden, so your heart is bound to be full of it by now
And I know that you truly, truly can’t hold back those feelings of love, so

You can insist on it as honestly and boldly as you like
Teach those people who say “it doesn’t suit you,” “it’s weird”
How to walk down that ‘path’ in a fun way!

Go for it! Go for it! Go for it! Go—! Go! Go! Go for it! Go for it! Go for it!

There’s no need to worry over what makes you different from others
That part of you defines all the love stuffed inside you
Just sound out an SOS and I’ll leap over to pull you out of your distress1

There’s no such thing as needing a qualification to say you love what you love
You’re worried about the stares? Pardon me! Pardon me!
I’ve been supporting you from the shadows all this time

Let’s walk down the same ‘path’ in a pure, right way2
Let’s teach each other the rare quality of something called “unusual,” “strange”
It’ll lead us to more happiness, until that happiness spreads everywhere

C’mon, let’s shout it out loud, c’mon, let’s shout your favorite out loud
Don’t you think it’s too unlikely that nobody would ever notice it?
Yes, yes, being understood for those things always feels the best!

The sky is far higher, the sea much more endlessly deeper than you’d expect
That’s why I’m sure you’re bound to find it
Let’s go the ‘route’! Go the ‘route’! ‘Faraway’!3

You know, anyone can say it as honestly and boldly as they like
Every bit of those feelings you kept hidden will only make your love expand further
That’s why the world may just be more vast than you’d expect
You’ll be able to communicate with someone about what you love
We were able to encounter one another, after all4

Go for it! Go for it! Go for it! Go—! Go! Go! Go for it! Go for it! Go for it!

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

(1.) The song title Seisei Doudou Ouenka! (Seisei Doudou Cheer Song!) is made up of wordplays. seisei means “accurate/punctual”, and doudou can mean many things such as “boldly” “majestic”. Together, seisei doudou (正々堂々) means “fair and square”. When Shinobu sings seisei doudou, the lyrics transcribe the word with its typical spelling. I chose to translate it as “honestly and boldly”, but there are many ways to interpret it.

The song title, however uses different kanji for each part:

  • sei: Pure/Noble
  • sei: Correct/Right
  • dou: Same
  • dou: Path (This kanji, when read as michi, is the same one that appears in his first solo, Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi)

He references the wordplay in the line “Let’s walk down the same ‘path’ in a pure, right way”.

As for ouenka (cheer song), this typically refers to the songs a Japanese cheer squad would sing.

(2.) Shinobu doesn’t use his typical ninja-like speech quirk ending de-gozaru in his second solo. This is unlike his first solo, Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi, which contained lyrics where he sings in his usual speech quirk. In stories, when Shinobu doesn’t speak with de-gozaru, it typically relates to his non-ninja, boku self (typical first-person pronoun for a boy). See Shinobu’s FS1 story for a brief look into this part of Shinobu.

(3.) Shinobu briefly talks about his solo in the Album Commemoration Live, MC 2 and 3.

  1. Originally, Shinobu rhymes “SOS” with “oh-hisse” (pronounced oh-es), the French version of “heave-ho”. I decided to make it rhyme with “distress” in my translation. Thank you Peace for the localization!
  2. This line references his song title, “Seisei Doudou”. Please check the translation notes for more information!
  3. These English lyrics sound as if Shinobu is saying “gozaru” when singing!
  4. Shinobu uses the first-person pronoun bokura. This is unlike his first solo, where he only uses the ninja-like first-person pronoun sessha. Please check the translation notes for more information!