MV Size Lyrics - Full Size Lyrics - Translation Notes
MV Size

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Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.
Shinobu | If you want a flare |
Kanata | That never fades |
All | Then call for us |
Chiaki | As loud as you can |
All | Your voice will reach even the stars of fate |
Midori & Shinobu | That shine at the ends |
Kanata & Tetora | Of the far galaxy |
Tetora | To every corner in the lonely universe |
All | (Let’s shout your wish right now!) |
Midori | We’ll send waves of love1 |
All | (We send you love!) |
Chiaki | We want to protect2 |
All | Your desires, so tell us what they are! |
All | Gathering the fragments of wishes sent to the stars of the night sky Will make a miracle suddenly burst forth3 SUPER NOVA REVOLU5TAR |
Chiaki | RED! |
Kanata | BLUE! |
Tetora | BLACK! |
Shinobu | YELLOW! |
Midori | GREEN! |
All | Fire out |
Chiaki & Kanata | Justice |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | To tomorrow! |
Kanata | Mystery, |
Shinobu | Hope, |
Tetora | Effort, |
Midori | Compassion |
Chiaki | All of these turn into justice10 |
All | Ryuseitai! WE ARE BIG BANG OF LOVE!! SUPER NOVA REVOLU5TAR descending onto Earth |
Chiaki & Kanata | The radiance of justice… |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | (To the dazzling tomorrow)4 |
All | YES! Hero! |
Please check the translation notes for more details!
These lyrics are for the MV. Please look below for the full lyrics!
Full Lyrics
Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.
Shinobu | If you want a flare |
Kanata | That never fades |
All | Then call for us |
Chiaki | As loud as you can |
All | Your voice will reach even the stars of fate |
Midori & Shinobu | That shine at the ends |
Kanata & Tetora | Of the far galaxy |
Tetora | To every corner in the lonely universe |
All | (Let’s shout your wish right now!) |
Midori | We’ll send waves of love1 |
All | (We send you love!) |
Chiaki | We want to protect2 |
All | Your desires, so tell us what they are! |
All | Gathering the fragments of wishes sent to the stars of the night sky Will make a miracle suddenly burst forth3 SUPER NOVA REVOLU5TAR |
Chiaki | RED! |
Kanata | BLUE! |
Tetora | BLACK! |
Shinobu | YELLOW! |
Midori | GREEN! |
Chiaki & Kanata | The radiance of justice… |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | (Towards the dazzling tomorrow)4 |
All | Now, let’s fire it out! |
Tetora | We will never, ever give up |
Midori | Our courage will only take greater heights5 |
All | We’ll make your wishes come true |
Chiaki | With our whole life on the line |
Tetora & Shinobu | Iron will itself is6 |
Kanata & Midori | Feelings of kindness |
Chiaki | This energy formed from our feelings |
All | We want it to deliver you |
Kanata | To the deep, deep depths of your heart7 |
All | (Let’s shout your wish right now!) |
Shinobu | We swear to you; we will send you hope8 |
All | (We send you love!) |
Chiaki | We want to protect2 |
All | Your ideals, so tell us what they are! |
All | The flames of justice kept in our hearts will detonate and burst forth a new universe3 SUPER NOVA REVOLU5TAR We promise you! |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | We will make sure |
Chiaki & Kanata | (To turn the future) |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | Into smiles |
All | YES! BIG BANG!! |
Chiaki | “Ooh, I hear the beating pulse of new stars!” |
Tetora | “We’re gonna bring smiles to everyone alongside our seniors!” |
Midori | “I’m not sure why I’m here, but…!” |
Shinobu | “We can shine by combining our powers!” |
Kanata | “now then, let’s send our [love]~!” |
Chiaki | “Super Hero Time has only just begun! Now, rise: Supernova…!!!”9 |
All | “YES! BIG BANG!!” |
All | Gathering the fragments of wishes sent to the stars of the night sky Will make a miracle suddenly burst forth3 SUPER NOVA REVOLU5TAR |
Chiaki | RED! |
Kanata | BLUE! |
Tetora | BLACK! |
Shinobu | YELLOW! |
Midori | GREEN! |
All | Fire out |
Chiaki & Kanata | Justice |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | To tomorrow! |
Kanata | Mystery, |
Shinobu | Hope, |
Tetora | Effort, |
Midori | Compassion |
Chiaki | All of these turn into justice10 |
All | Ryuseitai! WE ARE BIG BANG OF LOVE!! SUPER NOVA REVOLU5TAR descending onto Earth |
Chiaki & Kanata | The radiance of justice… |
Tetora & Midori & Shinobu | (To the dazzling tomorrow)4 |
All | YES! Hero! |
Please check the translation notes for more details!
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Translation Notes
- ↑ Ryusei Green’s catchphrase is “The green flame is the mark of compassion”. Compassion is jiai (慈愛) in Japanese, which has the kanji for “love” (愛).
- ↑ Chiaki sings mamoritai for “protect”, referencing his last name that uses the same kanji, morisawa (守沢).
- ↑ Here, they sing bakutan (爆誕) for “burst through”, “detonate”. This is the same word found in Supernova’s event title, which is lit. “Bursting Into Existence (爆誕) ☆ The Sparkling Five-Colored Supernova”
- ↑ In these lyrics, the Ryuseitai seniors and juniors sing a part one after the other. They sing in this order: “(of) justice” “dazzling” “radiance” “towards tomorrow”.
- ↑ Midori sings takami e 高みへ for “greater heights”, referencing his last name that uses the same kanji, takamine (高峯).
- ↑ Tetora and Shinobu sing koutetsu no ishi (鋼鉄の意志) for “iron will”. “Iron” references Tetora’s name that uses the same kanji (鉄虎), and ishi is homophonous with 石 (ishi), the kanji found in Shinobu’s last name, sengoku (仙石).
- ↑ Kanata sings fukai fukai for “deep, deep”, referencing his last name that uses the same kanji, shinkai (深海).
- ↑ Ryusei Yellow’s catchphrase is “The yellow flame is the mark of hope”.
- ↑ This part of the song references the event story Supernova. Particularly this Chiaki line, which was said at the end of his speech in Supernova, just before the epilogue.
- ↑ Ryuseitai sing out the mark of their Ryusei flames, all of which are a different form of justice.