[Song] Bokura no Stella – Our Stella

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Bokura no Stella – Our Stella

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Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

Allstella, stella…
stella, stella…

TetoraA downpour of twinkles rain down
ShinobuOnto the surface of the ultramarine stage
ChiakiThe ripples enticing our hearts
MidoriAre the ebb and flow of our heartbeats

KanataLet us hear the voice of that wishing star
AllTonight, we sing in harmony with you1
On the Stella that binds the sky and sea together2
Tetora & ChiakiWe were within the same light from the very start
AllWarm courage sparkles as it flows in
Every time we share that courage among each other
It feels as though we were always connected in this way
KanataBefore we were even born,
Alldoesn’t it?
KanataThe stars we saved and scooped up gently3
KanataWe’ll return them back to the sky
AllThis is a world covered with
Tetora & MidoriHundreds of millions of
Shinobu & ChiakiSmiles

AllTonight, we sing in harmony with you
On the Stella that binds the sky and sea together
KanataWe will always be within the same light

AllWarm courage sparkles as it flows in
Every time we share that courage among each other
We know we have always been connected in this way
Before we were even born

Allstella, stella…
stella, stella…

Please check the translation notes for more details!

These lyrics are for the MV. Please look below for the full lyrics!

Full Lyrics

Bokura no Stella – Our Stella

Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

Allstella, stella…
stella, stella…

TetoraA downpour of twinkles rain down
ShinobuOnto the surface of the ultramarine stage
ChiakiThe ripples enticing our hearts
MidoriAre the ebb and flow of our heartbeats

KanataLet us hear the voice of that wishing star

AllTonight, we sing in harmony with you1
On the Stella that binds the sky and sea together2
Tetora & ChiakiWe were within the same light from the very start
AllWarm courage sparkles as it flows in
Every time we share that courage among each other
It feels as though we were always connected in this way
KanataBefore we were even born,
Alldoesn’t it?

MidoriWe’ve held words for each other for a long time,
TetoraAnd sometimes, we struggle to convey them properly
Shinobu & ChiakiBut we’ll keep firing arrows of hope
KanataBecause we believe nothing has been in vain

AllAiming for the future filled with every one of our feelings

AllA long time ago, a gentle, kind miracle occurred within this place
Midori & ShinobuEven now, we are within the same prayer
AllSwaying as it flows through, is every beautiful part of our peaceful present
We’ll never forget that this day must be cherished and passed on

KanataThe stars we saved and scooped up gently3
KanataWe’ll return them back to the sky
AllThis is a world covered with
Tetora & MidoriHundreds of millions of
Shinobu & ChiakiSmiles

AllTonight, we sing in harmony with you
On the Stella that binds the sky and sea together
KanataWe will always be within the same light
AllWarm courage sparkles as it flows in
Every time we share that courage among each other
We know we have always been connected in this way
Before we were even born

Allstella, stella…
stella, stella…

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

“Stella” means star. The event story title, “Stella Maris”, means “star of the sea”.

  1. The word translated as “sing” is kanade(ru) in Japanese. The word shares the same kanji in Kanata’s name (奏). Alongside the above note, kanadeau (sing in harmony) can possibly be interpreted as a wordplay of “sing” and “encounter” (deau 出会う).
  2. The horizon, where the sea and sky meet, is a common theme for Kanata, as seen in his first solo song, marine blue rendezvous.
  3. “Saved and scooped up” comes from the wordplay for sukuu すくう, which can be read as both “save/rescue” and “scoop”. Kanata sings a similar line like this in Ryusei Hanabi.