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MV Size Lyrics - Full Size Lyrics - Translation Notes

MV Size


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Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

AllWhile wrapped up in the rising hope, awoken to the morning
I’ll sing with you

MidoriWhile grasping tightly onto a tiny conscious of myself
ShinobuI kept aiming towards the very ends of the ideal I refused to abandon
TetoraIt’s because I worked so desperately hard during those days that I was finally able to reach this point
Midori & ShinobuThe radiance, the burning passion
Chiaki & KanataIs undoubtedly here
ShinobuWithin the dark dead of the night
TetoraWhere no stars are visible
Tetora & Chiaki & KanataThe feelings you gave me
AllAre dazzlingly beautiful meteors
AllThe calling voice, the never-fading stars, ah
ChiakiThere’s no telling how many times we gained courage from them
AllWhile time passes and everything shifts, our bonds remain unchanging
KanataSo for all that love you constantly showed me
AllLet’s sing, New Daybreak
Shinobu & KanataMy wish to answer your feelings gets stronger, ah
Tetora & MidoriBecause I’m always receiving reassuring strength from you
Chiaki & KanataWe chanced upon one another through our own individual fates
Tetora & ShinobuOur lights
Midori & ChiakiWere drawn to each other
There is meaning to that
AllThe calling voice, the never-fading stars, ah
There’s no telling how many times we gained courage from them
While time passes and everything shifts, our bonds remain unchanging
So for all that love you constantly showed us
Shinobu & KanataWe’ll raise our voice
MidoriFrom where we stand here
Tetora & ChiakiSo let’s sing,
AllNew Daybreak

Please check the translation notes for more details!

These lyrics are for the MV. Please look below for the full lyrics!

Full Lyrics


Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

AllWhile wrapped up in the rising hope, awoken to the morning
I’ll sing with you

MidoriWhile grasping tightly onto a tiny conscious of myself
ShinobuI kept aiming towards the very ends of the ideal I refused to abandon

TetoraIt’s because I worked so desperately hard during those days that I was finally able to reach this point
Midori & ShinobuThe radiance, the burning passion
Chiaki & KanataIs undoubtedly here
ShinobuWithin the dark dead of the night
TetoraWhere no stars are visible
Tetora & Chiaki & KanataThe feelings you gave me
AllAre dazzlingly beautiful meteors

AllThe calling voice, the never-fading stars, ah
ChiakiThere’s no telling how many times we gained courage from them
AllWhile time passes and everything shifts, our bonds remain unchanging
KanataSo for all that love you constantly showed me
AllLet’s sing, New Daybreak

TetoraWhat’s visible to the eyes isn’t all there is
ChiakiYet I still exist, here in this place

KanataThis place repeatedly recognizes my individuality
Midori & ChiakiThere’s a life force within it
Tetora & ShinobuThat we fire up for one another, reverberate between each other
Midori & Shinobu & Chiaki“I want us to reflect that
Tetora & Kanatainto each other’s eyes”
AllMy heart yells out
As the meteor that intersects with you — Now, let’s sing

Shinobu & KanataMy wish to answer your feelings gets stronger, ah
Tetora & MidoriBecause I’m always receiving reassuring strength from you
Chiaki & KanataWe chanced upon one another through our own individual fates
Tetora & ShinobuOur lights
Midori & ChiakiWere drawn to each other
There is meaning to that

AllThe calling voice, the never-fading stars, ah
There’s no telling how many times we gained courage from them
While time passes and everything shifts, our bonds remain unchanging
So for all that love you constantly showed us
Shinobu & KanataWe’ll raise our voice
MidoriFrom where we stand here
Tetora & ChiakiSo let’s sing,
AllNew Daybreak

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

(1.) NEW DAYBREAK has no first-person pronouns in the lyrics, so they don’t mention any “I” or “we”. Because of this, the “I” and “we” used in the translation are interchangeable depending on the person’s interpretation. I’ve chosen to mix between the two as Ryuseitai’s development is a lot about five individuals with different backgrounds uniting as one.

(2.) The “you” in “I’ll sing with you,” “The feelings you gave me,” and “The meteor intersects with you” is clearly mentioned in the song with kimi (a second-person pronoun).

(3.) This song is sung under the all-leaders Ryuseitai formation. In this case, there is no designated one leader for NEW DAYBREAK.

  1. Tetora’s album card references this line, check the Associated Cards for more details.
  2. Midori’s album card references this line, check the Associated Cards for more details.
  3. Shinobu’s album card references this line, check the Associated Cards for more details.
  4. Here, the word for “worked so desperately hard” is gamushara, which is to focus on one objective with such extreme enthusiasm that you practically ignore everything else to reach it. Another way to put it is “reckless” or “frantic”. It’s a word that commonly appears in Ryuseitai songs as it fits their storyline and journey.
  5. Here, feelings can be both “desires” and “feelings”.
  6. Kanata’s album card references this line, check the Associated Cards for more details.
  7. Chiaki’s album card references this line, check the Associated Cards for more details.