[Song] Heart Heat Beat

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Heart Heat Beat

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Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

All“Take one more step forward”
ChiakiYou felt as though someone just told you that, didn’t you?
KanataFrom the very moment you were born
AllI’ve always been pounding out
ShinobuThe cheers
TetoraThat beat
MidoriIn your chest
ShinobuI know how it feels; you can’t help but hesitate, right?
MidoriAnyone would get scared here, it’s always like that at the start
TetoraBut you know, even then — we have to just go for it
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuIt’s by going through those experiences over and over that we can grow further
KanataWhen asked where the heart lies
All(Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
ChiakiEveryone points to their chest, right?
All(Heart Beat! Feel your soul!)
Chiaki & KanataThat’s right, no matter the time
MidoriYour true voice inside
ShinobuIs something I can always feel — I’m sure you can tell
TetoraThat’s why!
AllI’m always transmitting it to you! It flows through your whole body!
Chiaki & TetoraThe energy of your passionately hot blood stream, I’ll pour my feelings into it
All“Let’s take one more step forward” — If that’s the reason I exist
Kanata & Midori & ShinobuThen I’ll sing to you, so that I light up a fire in your tiny courage
AllI’m pounding out the cheers that beat in your chest
All(Heart Beat! Click on the chest! Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
(Heart Beat! Click on the chest! Heart Beat! Feel your soul!)
TetoraTo match the beat your heart is pounding
ShinobuPlace the dream you wish to see here
All(Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
ChiakiYour whole life will then turn into a song
KanataAs for ‘me’, I’ll always be by your side, so1
MidoriLet’s go!
All“Take one more step forward” — I’ll always convey that to you
Kanata & Tetora & MidoriFrom the very moment you were born, I’ve always been by your side
AllAnd pounding out the cheers
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuThat beat
Chiaki & KanataIn your chest

Please check the translation notes for more details!

These lyrics are for the MV. Please look below for the full lyrics!

Full Lyrics

Heart Heat Beat

Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

All“Take one more step forward”
ChiakiYou felt as though someone just told you that, didn’t you?
KanataFrom the very moment you were born
AllI’ve always been pounding out
ShinobuThe cheers
TetoraThat beat
MidoriIn your chest

ShinobuI know how it feels; you can’t help but hesitate, right?
MidoriAnyone would get scared here, it’s always like that at the start
TetoraBut you know, even then — we have to just go for it
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuIt’s by going through those experiences over and over that we can grow further

KanataWhen asked where the heart lies
All(Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
ChiakiEveryone points to their chest, right?
All(Heart Beat! Feel your soul!)
Chiaki & KanataThat’s right, no matter the time
MidoriYour true voice inside
ShinobuIs something I can always feel — I’m sure you can tell
TetoraThat’s why!

AllI’m always transmitting it to you! It flows through your whole body!
Chiaki & TetoraThe energy of your passionately hot blood stream, I’ll pour my feelings into it
All“Let’s take one more step forward” — If that’s the reason I exist
Kanata & Midori & ShinobuThen I’ll sing to you, so that I light up a fire in your tiny courage
AllI’m pounding out the cheers that beat in your chest

MidoriHow do you feel? You must be nervous
ChiakiBut that’s your pulse cheering for you to go for the challenge
ShinobuIt’s not just anxiety; it also happens when you’re full of anticipation
KanataOr when you’ve accomplished something; your tempo rises up

TetoraEven when you feel like you’re close to giving up
All(Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuI’ll never ever stop beating
All(Heart Beat! Feel your soul!)
KanataBecause you see, no matter the moment
ChiakiI know you’re always doing your best
MidoriEven your emotions are yelling that out
ShinobuThat’s why!

AllI’m always transmitting you passion! It flows through your whole body!
Chiaki & MidoriThis energy can change tomorrow, so I’ll ride along the rhythm
All“One more step, as far as you can” — It’s all so that I’m able to deliver those words to you
Kanata & Tetora & ShinobuWhen you’ve raised up the flame of your ignited courage
AllI’ll be pounding out the cheers that beat in your chest
(Heart Beat! Click on the chest! Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
(Heart Beat! Click on the chest! Heart Beat! Feel your soul!)

TetoraTo match the beat your heart is pounding
ShinobuPlace the dream you wish to see here
All(Heart Beat! Click on the chest!)
ChiakiYour whole life will then turn into a song
KanataAs for ‘me’, I’ll always be by your side, so1
MidoriLet’s go!

AllI’m always transmitting it to you! It flows through your whole body!
Chiaki & ShinobuThe energy of your passionately hot blood stream, I’ll pour my feelings in it
All“Take one more step forward” — I’ll always convey that to you
Kanata & Tetora & MidoriFrom the very moment you were born, I’ve always been by your side
AllAnd pounding out the cheers
Tetora & Midori & ShinobuThat beat
Chiaki & KanataIn your chest

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

Heart Heat Beat is a song about the actual heart inside our body. Ryuseitai takes on the “heart” persona, singing to the listener. This is why the singular pronoun of “I” is used instead of the plural “we”.

Comment from the lyricist, Matsui Youhei:

Ryuseitai’s Heart Heat Beat MV released! The composition and arrangement are by Yamamoto Reiji-san!

Their charm lies in each of them having their own unique individualities, and in this song, there’s Chiaki’s passionate zeal, Kanata’s gentle kindness, Tetora’s striving efforts, Shinobu’s bold courage, and Midori’s healing comfort… We depicted an encouraging song sung by the heart flowing through one’s whole body; as a hybrid that mixes each of their growths. Ryuseitai will always be in our “heart”, and I’m super happy that the choreography of a song I love is also a hybrid of cute and cool!

  1. The first-person pronoun in quotations is boku. It’s the only line in the song that has a first-person pronoun in the Japanese lyrics. As Kanata is the one in Ryuseitai who refers to himself with boku, it suits him to sing this line.