[Song] Unmei Power Energy! – Fate Power Energy! (Tetora Solo)

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Unmei Power Energy! – Fate Power Energy!

Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

Wo-oh wo-oh wo-oh…

Fate that’s straightforward enough to immediately click in your mind
Is not the only kind of fate that exists
I’ve somehow started to understand what that means now
All my emotions gradually piled up until it finally hit me

It undoubtedly transformed into something ‘special’ since last year
Transcending logic itself, what I simply ‘liked’ back then1
Now yells out from the very core of my heart

Passionately, passionately invigorated
That’s the energy that the power of fate gives me2
As tears sparkle down, and I become smeared with mud3
I strive to live through today
For my ‘like’ is the strongest there ever was!1

Wo-oh wo-oh wo-oh…

The future can only be made through the prolonging of the present
I know that fully well
I’ll straighten my posture upright
So that my enthusiasm to work hard gets the perfect score

All the encounters, brought forth by the ‘special’ things that I’m eager to challenge with all my might
All that gentle strength, all those feelings directed at me
I’ll be sure to take every single ounce of them with me

At this place where your ‘like’ overlaps with mine
This energy fires up the power of fate
As the first star of the evening shines a sparkling smile
While searing today into my mind,
I’ll hone the strongest ‘like’ to the very extreme!

Passionately, passionately invigorated
That’s the energy that the power of fate gives me
As tears sparkle down, and I become smeared with mud
I strive to live through today

At this place where your ‘like’ overlaps with mine
This energy fires up the power of fate
Alongside the first star of the evening that shines a sparkling smile
I embark into tomorrow
For my ‘like’ is the strongest there ever was!4

Wo-oh wo-oh wo-oh…

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Translation Notes

Tetora doesn’t use his typical speech quirk ending ssu in his second solo. This is unlike his first solo, IRON HEART TIGER, which contained many lyrics where he sings in his usual speech quirk. Tetora speaking in a more plain manner without his ssu speech quirk can be seen in his 5* unit event, Supervillain.

  1. Tetora sings about suki (with brackets around the word), lit. “likes”. “Likes” (i.e. Things they love) is a running theme in Ryuseitai’s solo songs.
  2. “Power of fate” is originally just “fate power” in Japanese, like the solo’s title. It could also be read as "fate-power", "fate(ful) power", or "fate’s power" depending on the interpretation.
  3. “Smeared with mud” is a common phrase for Tetora, as well as a reference to his Ryusei Black catchphrase: “The black flame is the mark of effort! The burning fighting spirit, stained with mud!”
  4. The lyrics suki koso saikyou is lit. “like is truly the strongest”. There is no possessive pronoun indicated in Japanese, so it can also be interpreted to be about any ‘like’ in general.