Associated Story


MV Size Lyrics - Full Size Lyrics - Translation Notes

MV Size


Click here for the video! Follow along the timestamps written in the translation!

Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Midori(Come on!)
AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Shinobu(Come on!)
AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Kanata(Come on!)
Midori“Come on over to paradise,”
All“Let’s go together~!”

MidoriIt was an encounter out of nowhere
Tetora & ShinobuStumbling on loosely-shaped characters one day
Chiaki & KanataThe carefree-looking
MidoriAnimals spoke to me!
Shinobu & Kanata(Hi!)

Kanata“hey there~”
Shinobu“no need to look so depressed”
Shinobu & Kanata“let’s take it easy together~”
Tetora & ChiakiIf you want to break away from stress-town
AllThen let's go on a relaxing adventure where we
Shinobuhunt for
MidoriYou, too, should

AllAhh! (Ah!) Paradise (Yeah!)
Softness is always so nice! (So nice!)
It’s so fluffy and warm! (Yeah!)
Shinobu & ChiakiIt always
Tetora & KanataWraps around
All(Hug me!)
Our hearts so gently (Yes!)
AllThat’s right! (Oh!) We call that ‘favorite’!2 (Yeah!)
It’s time to go searching for yours (With me!)
MidoriIt’ll heal you!
Midori & Shinobu & KanataWhere we’re headed
Tetora & ChiakiWe’re undefeatable!
All(Oh yeah!)
MidoriThere were never any enemies to defeat here
Allin the first place, anyway!

Midori“In this jungle, where all our favorite things are gathered,2
MidoriEverything’s connected to all kinds of people… That’s why—”

ShinobuHey, about your special thing,
ChiakiWon’t you tell us what it is?
AllWe’d love to know!
KanataBecause hearing it always
MidoriGives courage
TetoraTo our hearts
Tetora & Shinobu & Chiaki & Kanata“One day, I encountered my ‘favorite’ thing!”2
MidoriThat’s why—
Tetora & Shinobu & Chiaki & Kanata“Come on over to paradise, let’s go together~!”
AllAhh! (Ah!) Paradise (Yeah!)
Anything goes here! (Anything!)
It’s because everyone’s different that it’s interesting! (Yeah!)
Midori & ChiakiThe design
Tetora & Shinobu & Kanataand balance
All(We’re all different!)
Are best when it looks half-hearted and unclear! (Yes!)
AllNow! (Ah!) You, too (With love!) Should join us! (With us!)
Let’s be happy together! (Happy!)
Midori & ShinobuEmpathizing with one another,
All(Me too!)
Tetora & Chiaki & KanataOur feelings
All(Our minds!)
Tetora & Shinobu & Chiaki & KanataSupport each other’s hearts
AllSo let’s meet at the
AllJungle~! (Roaaar~~~~~!)
(Welcome! Paradise!)

AllHealing jungle is calling you! (Come on!)
Healing jungle is calling you! (Come on!)
Healing jungle is calling you! (Come on!)
“Come on over to paradise, let’s go together~!”

Please check the translation notes for more details!

These lyrics are for the MV. Please look below for the full lyrics!

Full Lyrics


Note: Italics indicate the lyrics sung in English.

AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Midori(Come on!)
AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Shinobu(Come on!)
AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Kanata(Come on!)
Midori“Come on over to paradise,”
All“Let’s go together~!”

MidoriIt was an encounter out of nowhere
Tetora & ShinobuStumbling on loosely-shaped characters one day
Chiaki & KanataThe carefree-looking
MidoriAnimals spoke to me!
Shinobu & Kanata(Hi!)

Kanata“hey there~”
Shinobu“no need to look so depressed”
Shinobu & Kanata“let’s take it easy together~”
Tetora & ChiakiIf you want to break away from stress-town
AllThen let's go on a relaxing adventure where we
Shinobuhunt for
MidoriYou, too, should

AllAhh! (Ah!) Paradise (Yeah!)
Softness is always so nice! (So nice!)
It’s so fluffy and warm! (Yeah!)
Shinobu & ChiakiIt always
Tetora & KanataWraps around
All(Hug me!)
Our hearts so gently (Yes!)

AllThat’s right! (Oh!) We call that ‘favorite’!2 (Yeah!)
It’s time to go searching for yours (With me!)
MidoriIt’ll heal you!
Midori & Shinobu & KanataWhere we’re headed
Tetora & ChiakiWe’re undefeatable!
All(Oh yeah!)
MidoriThere were never any enemies to defeat here
Allin the first place, anyway!

Midori“In this jungle, where all our favorite things are gathered,2
MidoriEverything’s connected to all kinds of people… That’s why—”
Shinobu & KanataYou’re definitely bound to discover your paradise, too!
AllThere’s surely someone who shares those feelings for that “Paradise”!

TetoraLet all the pressures of your daily life drop to the floor
Midori & TetoraYou don’t have to pick them up at all
Everything you don’t want to leave behind
ChiakiIs all you need to bring with you

AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Chiaki(Come on!)
AllHealing jungle is calling you!
Tetora(Come on!)
AllHealing jungle is calling you!
(Come on!)
Shinobu“Come on over to paradise,”
All“Let’s go together~!”

ShinobuHey, about your special thing,
ChiakiWon’t you tell us what it is?
AllWe’d love to know!
KanataBecause hearing it always
MidoriGives courage
TetoraTo our hearts
Tetora & Shinobu & Chiaki & Kanata“One day, I encountered my ‘favorite’ thing!”2
MidoriThat’s why—
Tetora & Shinobu & Chiaki & Kanata“Come on over to paradise, let’s go together~!”

AllAhh! (Ah!) Paradise (Yeah!)
Anything goes here! (Anything!)
It’s because everyone’s different that it’s interesting! (Yeah!)
Midori & ChiakiThe design
Tetora & Shinobu & Kanataand balance
All(We’re all different!)
Are best when it looks half-hearted and unclear! (Yes!)

AllNow! (Ah!) You, too (With love!) Should join us! (With us!)
Let’s be happy together! (Happy!)
Midori & ShinobuEmpathizing with one another,
All(Me too!)
Tetora & Chiaki & KanataOur feelings
All(Our minds!)
Tetora & Shinobu & Chiaki & KanataSupport each other’s hearts
AllSo let’s meet at the
AllJungle~! (Roaaar~~~~~!)
(Welcome! Paradise!)

AllHealing jungle is calling you! (Come on!)
Healing jungle is calling you! (Come on!)
Healing jungle is calling you! (Come on!)
“Come on over to paradise, let’s go together~!”

Please check the translation notes for more details!

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Ryuseitai Yumenosaki Era

Ryuseitai ES!! Era

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Translation Notes

  1. The word yuru(i) means “laid-back”, “relaxed”, “loose”, “soft”.
  2. The word for “favorite” is daisuki in Japanese, which would roughly translate to “likes/loves” or "things (we) love". The “likes” is a common theme in the story itself, so please give the story a read for a better understanding of this song’s lyrics.