[ES!!] Parallel World (Ryuseitai Scene ONLY!)

Translation of Ryuseitai's scene from the Ra*bits Climax event story Parallel World.
Note: This is a partial translation of the event story Parallel World. The story is set just after the Ryuseitai story, Supervillain.
Ryuseitai is dressed in Ra*bits uniform, and Ra*bits is dressed in the Parallel World event outfit.
Location: SANCTUARY Amusement Park

A few days later. Within the SANCTUARY Amusement Park, during the “Parallel World” special project…
“Fuhahahaha! An amusement park means only one thing: it’s time for a hero show!”
“The white fur is the mark of justice! The pure light, untainted by evil…!”
“With our cute round eyes and our long ears—! We will eradicate any and all evil!”
“We are—! The Lovely☆Cute Allies of Justice: Ra*bits!”

W-Wooow~…! Clap, clap, clap ♪
Woaah, you guys look super duper cool~!
Mm~… I know we already watched a video of this performance beforehand, but seeing it in real life really does feel strange— Ah, actually! I feel more like I’m in a dream somehow.
Pfft—S-Sorr—…Ahahahaha~! ☆ I dunno, I think I like it! It’s just so funny! The way you guys even thought up catchphrases…!
“Whew! I’m so glad to know you like it, Nito!”
Don’t call me “Nito” with Tomo-chin’s face~ You can’t break character; you guys are supposed to be Ra*bits now, m’kay?
“Yeah… That’s super important. It’s the same with yuruchara; if it feels like there’s a human being inside the costume, it spoils the whole fun for everyone…”1
“Ossu! We’re gonna do our absolute best with our performance, while abidin’ by your character!”
“Nihihi, we were just in the middle of considering what to do from now on as Ryuseitai…”
“So we are also grateful to take part in this project, as it provides us an opportunity to test our potential in various ways!”
“Yeah! That being said, while we may personally be accustomed to doing these heroic acts—”
“When a more orthodox idol unit like Ra*bits do hero-like moves, it feels extremely out of place, doesn’t it?”
“That’s ‘cuz in the first place, we Ryuseitai forcibly combined two separate styles with each other.”
“To be honest, idols and heroes seem compatible, but they’re sorta a bad combo.”
“Beep, beep, this is the Yuruchara Police. We are currently Ra*bits, so I believe calling ourselves by the unit name ‘Ryusei-whatever’ is an issue.”
“Aren’t you also talking in a not-so-Hajime-kun way with his face, Midori-kun?”2
“Yeah… I’m sorry, Shino-kun… Of all people, it ended up being me acting as you…”
Huh? But I’m really happy that it’s you who’s portraying me, Takamine-kun! I’m honored!
“I’m also pretty happy, actually… Fufufu, right now, I’m cute in every single way…♪”
“I don’t have to feel fed up with myself whenever I look at the mirror and get reminded how huge I am…♪”
I-I’m not that short, though…?
“Huh, yet you always give the impression that you’re tiny and cute… How come…?”
Ah, that’s because I always make sure to have my photos taken at the right angles.
“Mhm! This is all very intriguing, and it’s great to see you guys getting along, but we’re in the middle of work! I’d like you to stop your chatter here!”
Ooh~… Chiaki-chin, it seemed like you’d been taking the backseat in Ryuseitai for a long while, but… Looks like you’re leading the unit now, like you used to.
“That’s because I’m the commander this time!”3
What do you mean by “this time”~?
Well, I’m sure that just means that a lot has happened to you guys, too.
“Yeah, and for you all, as well. All the strange ruckus going about is pretty worrisome; are you truly alright?”
“If there’s anything else we can help you with, you’re completely free to rely on us!”
You’re helping us out a bunch already. Right, Tomo-chin?

Yes. We’re sorry to ask more from your time, but we would love it if you could keep acting as a parallel version of us.
That’s the main point of the “Parallel World” project.
“‘Parallel World’… In the Heronese language, that’d be like a multiverse, huh?”
“Which means there are parallel versions of Ra*bits that went down a different path from the Ra*bits we know.”
“As for us in Ryuseitai, we’re acting as Ra*bits in the ‘what if Ra*bits was a hero sentai squad?’ alternative universe.”
“I see that you’ve stationed all sorts of bizarre versions of Ra*bits around the park to make them sing and dance, but… What’s the reason behind all of it?”
You’ll know shortly. We’ll have the official announcement out about everything soon.
“Alright! I don’t fully get it, but I’ll wait to see everything unfold with anticipation!”
“You’ve got this, Mashiro Tomoya! You guys were the most strong-willed unit in all of Yumenosaki! I’m sure you can overcome any and all hardships, no matter what they may be!”
Ahaha, getting a pep talk from someone with the same face as me feels weird — It’s like I’m talking to myself through the mirror.
It really feels as though we’re in a different dimension, doesn’t it…? There are so many people with the same face as us walking around.
There’s probably a much more outstanding version of me out there. I’m sure we wouldn’t even have to go looking for one; he’s probably around here already.
No matter how outstanding or talented he is, he’d never be able to replace you, Hajime.
The one and only Shino Hajime of Ra*bits that we love is you.
“Mashiro-kun… Sorry, but you’re gonna make me blush if you stare at me so closely.”
You liar, Tomoya-kun! It took you mere seconds to confuse me for someone else! So much for that love! You wouldn’t have made that mistake if you truly loved me…!
S-S-S-Sorry…! But they really do look exactly like us, seriously!
Yeah! Technology is amazing~ SSVRS is crazy good!
It sure is~ It feels just like magic to me at this point. Like special contact lenses you can wear to see a whole new world or something.
Yes, to both us and the visitors, all the other idols look exactly like us.
That’s the plan, after all. This sorta technology is the norm in the SANCTUARY.4 Visitors are under that sort of “mechanical spell”.
Everyone is dreaming while still being in reality.
While watching all the parallel versions of us, right?
I’m pretty satisfied with our plan, and I do think it’s interesting, but… Ughh~ It’s making me feel dizzy somehow… I feel like I’m gonna go crazy~…
You’re extremely sensitive after all, aren’t you, Nii~chan?
It’s more like I just can’t beat the flexibility that a youngster has, no matter what…

“with the [five of us] together, we are [rabbits]…☆”
“Ah—! Kanata, no! You lost in rock-paper-scissors and ended up with the role of the monster villain5, remember!? Ra*bits is a group of four, so we can’t be ‘the five of us’!”
“but i’m so lonely~! i feel like i am the only one [left out] and it is so lonely~!”
“O-Oh no, poor Shinkai-senpai… Technically, while three-man and five-man hero squads do exist, four-man groups are pretty rare, so it does feel a bit out of place.”
“We should let Shinkai-senpai in—”
“midori! you are a good boy! because you were so kind to me, i will give you [wakame seaweed] to show my [gratitude]~♪”
“Ahaha, why does this sound like the start of a new folktale?”
“Yeah, it’s the monster repaying the kind favor.”
“Do you mean Metalder!? Is this like another episodic story from Superhuman-Machine Metalder!?”6
“Ughh, so annoying… I hate that this guy’s tokusatsu nerdy side lit back up — probably ‘cause things finally got sorted out for our unit…”
…Well, I’m really glad everyone is having fun while helping us, but…
We still don’t actually know if this’ll solve everything yet, so let’s fire ourselves up and do what we gotta do.
Mhm! It’s time to overthrow “Bishojo-senpai”~! Hip-hip-hurray! ☆
W-We aren’t fighting against Idea-sama, you know~…?7 I really don’t think you should pick fights whenever you can, Mitsuru-kun…
Yeah, this is probably going to be a battle against ourselves.
Note: This is only a partial translation of the story. For more Ra*bits and Ryuseitai interactions, please give Sweet Halloween a read as well! (Fun trivia: The high rarity cards of Sweet Halloween, Midori and Chiaki, are portraying the other half of the high rarity cards, Hajime and Tomoya.)
For more information on Ryuseitai's status after the story Supervillain, please refer to the timeline and relationship chart from their Dokisuta stream.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Yuruchara, yuru meaning “loose,” “soft,” “laid-back,” + the word “character”. Yuruchara are mascot characters, their defining features are that they have very peculiar designs, ranging from bizarre-cute to adorkable, as well as being used all across Japan for PR purposes, in companies, prefectures, etc… For more information please see this.
- ↑ In Japanese, Tetora points out that Midori is using the first-person pronoun ore (for “I”) when he's acting as Hajime, when the first-person pronoun Hajime uses is boku.
- ↑ This story is set after Supervillain. By the end of that story, Ryuseitai decide to take turns being the leader (leader is also referred to as “Taichou”, “Captain”, or “Commander”).
- ↑ They're in the same amusement park from the SS main story Sanctuary.
- ↑ The word used here for “monster villain” is kaijin 怪人, which is also a term in tokusatsu to refer to characters who are antagonistic humanoids. You can find more info here.
- ↑ More information on Superhuman-Machine Metalder.
- ↑ Pronounced as ee-de-a.