Tropical – Prologue
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, April)
Location: Meeting Room

One year after ES’s establishment, in April. During a Ryuseitai meeting…
I’d like the next commander3 to be… Midori-kun!
Ehhh…? Me…?
clap, clap…☆ (claps)
congratulations, midori~♪
Mhm, and great work coming from you, Nagumo.
Now that you’ve appointed a new commander, we’ll be changing from “RB” to “RG,” Ryuseitai Green.4
Heheh, I cannot wait to be next so that I may lead “RY”!
Erm, I’m aware that we‘ve decided to take turns being the leader of Ryuseitai…
I mean, the leadership stuff was the whole reason things got tense in our unit, so I’m not against it…5
But this is way too sudden, y’know…!? I’m not mentally prepared at all!
Huh? You don’t want it this way?
Since we decided to take turns with bein’ the commander from now on, I thought it’d be good if we made it so that one leader appoints the next one.
Um, won’t that be unfair…? It’s no different from having no place to refuse, and it’ll definitely lead to someone getting the leader spot more often than another.
Besides, we’ve barely decided on other things we should be doing.
Like, how long should one of us stay as the commander? What do we do when the commander has clashing views from the other members? We’ve barely settled on anything properly except based on vibes.
So I dunno, making me the one to go next is just a lot on me…
Hahaha, Takamine, you’ve got so many thoughts to share with us, y’know? I feel like that’s exactly why Nagumo chose you as the next in line.
You’ve never truly had an opportunity to stand out in the center, so if anything, I think that having you as our next commander would certainly demonstrate to the world that Ryuseitai has powered up.6 I feel like it’s a great opportunity!
Nagumo’s vision of a hero came to life through RB. If we were to follow in his footsteps, our unique traits will be able to shine even brighter within Ryuseitai.
Mhm, it’ll be just like the hero alliance, the Avengers…!
His speech sounded good ‘til he added the last bit…
Anyways, so… Midori-kun, you’d rather not take the position for now, right?
Yeah… I know I was bound to take on the position at one point, but…
There’s just no way I can be the second in line, y’know… That’s just way too much responsibility to bear after Tetora-kun… I mean, he was even the leader of Ryuseitai-N…7
Aw c’mon, it’s not that big’a deal…♪
Um, I wasn’t saying that to compliment you, though…?
I see… I think I let myself get a little too excited. Sorry, that was hasty of me.
I’m just so happy that Ryuseitai has turned over a new leaf. I know all the troubles we’ve gone through are my fault, but I’m just so excited about our new system.
And the fact of the matter is, Nagumo’s RB created a huge buzz. Not only was it new ground for us Ryuseitai, but it garnered a great reputation and news coverage.
I felt as though our gears were all spinning together perfectly at last, and it allowed us to witness a scenery like never before.
it was a one-of-a-kind [live show] for us, wasn’t it?
it was a lot of fun performing as a ryuseitai with a dark charm~♪
Indeed! Not to mention, our fans also welcomed the new Ryuseitai image color with open arms. I truly understand how Morisawa-dono and Shinkai-dono feel!
Well, I think it was well-accepted partly ‘cuz RB is real different from the usual Ryuseitai. I guess it’s the charm of seein’ a different side to a unit.
That’s why I wanted to appoint Midori-kun as the next leader, since he’s the complete opposite of me… But if he can’t do it, I guess I’ll go with someone else…?
I’m always prepared to take the position! ☆
No, you’re better off as a regular member for a while. Do you have any idea how long you’ve been acting as the leader…?
That leaves Shinkai-senpai or Shinobu-kun…
mm~ for the sake of our future, i [feel] as though it is not a good idea to decide on the leader without proper [reason].
you would not want to be chosen just because you are the [only one left] either, would you, shinobu?
Me? Mm… Indeed, I would not. I would rather await my turn as the commander. It is a rank that has been treasured dearly for a long time, after all.
Yeah, well, that very same rank has unfortunately been turned into a rotation-based system…
No, that just means that it has that much significance.
The commander position isn’t something to push on someone for no discernable reason.
But of course, I do think everyone here has the capability to become one themselves.
In hindsight… When the public was informed that Ryuseitai split into M and N8, I should have also declared that every one of us has the capability to become a leader…
But I was so caught up by the hero tradition, that I never once considered it at the time. I need to learn to do better…
chiaki always wants to [learn] to do [better]~… it is honestly a bother.
Wha—!? Where did I go wrong, Kanata!?
do you see what i mean…?
What now then…? We can’t leave the spot empty, so I wanna decide on someone through some method.
Is there any way we can go ‘bout this that could satisfy us all?
Hmm… Well, I know it’s important to have a reason and convention to go about it, but I feel like we’ll feel trapped that way.
Most of us still haven’t experienced being a leader, so I think I’d be way more glad with a lighter way of doing it…
I think deciding who’s next based on a game is a casual enough way to go about it while we’re still adjusting to this system.
Ohh, so you intentionally wanna decide more casually for now, huh?
How about we decide based on a lottery, then? It would be fair that way, and I feel as though we would all be in agreement!
lottery~ i like that idea.
i am sure that none of us would like to stop this steady flow for ryuseitai right now, so i think that each of us feels a bit [unsure] if we are suitable for the position.
so let’s decide on who is next through [lottery], and [settle] on that~♪
…? There’s only four draws…? Not five?
Yeah, because you’ve already done a great job leading us in RB. The rest of us should be the ones trying for the position of the next commander, right?
So, could I ask you to draw the lines for us after everyone’s chosen a spot in the ladder, Nagumo? That way, the next commander will inherit your resolve!
Aight! I’ll be the one in charge of it then!
So, which are you guys choosing?
Translation Notes
- ↑ RB refers to Ryuseitai Black, the Ryuseitai that Tetora led in Supervillain.
- ↑ R2 is one of the DreamFes (DLFS) lives, ranked at the second lowest (The ranking order from lowest to highest goes N1, R2, R1, SS).
- ↑ “Commander” (taichou in Japanese) refers to the leader. It’s how hero sentai squads typically refer to their leader, hence why Ryuseitai does it as well. Both leader and commander refer to the same position, and they use the two words interchangeably in the story.
- ↑ By the end of Supervillain, Ryuseitai decided that each Ryuseitai led by a different unit member will have its own name, hence Midori’s becoming “Ryuseitai Green”.
- ↑ To learn more about what happened, please read the !! Era stories that precede this story, such as Comet Show, Submarine, Supervillain, etc…
- ↑ As a side note, “Ryuseitai Power Up” is how the all-leaders Ryuseitai was introduced by the game after the “Universe” (Supervillain) event ended, as shown in this video. You can compare the changes with their previous introduction video from 2019.
- ↑ Ryuseitai-N (N = Nagumo) refers to the Ryuseitai that worked within Yumenosaki Academy, which was then disbanded by the end of summer. You can read more about them in the story Motor Show.
- ↑ This is referring to the initial decision Ryuseitai took after Chiaki and Kanata graduated and the ES agencies were established: To split between Ryuseitai-N (Yumenosaki Academy’s Ryuseitai, led by Tetora), and Ryuseitai-M (StarPro’s Ryuseitai, led by Chiaki).
- ↑ You can see the whiteboard in Chiaki’s card.
- ↑ A ladder lottery looks like this.