[ES!!] Ryuseitai Album TRIP

- Love is Truly the Strongest
- Singing in the Awakening Morning
- Ryuseitai’s Color of Determination

- Will Always Love
- The Passion Within His Conscious
- Ryuseitai’s Color of Freedom

- Sharing the Love
- The Light at the Very Ends of His Ideal
- Ryuseitai’s Color of Hope

- Charge Up the Love
- Living Alongside Fate
- Ryuseitai’s Color of Passion

- submerged in the love
- the courage to express individuality
- ryuseitai’s color of dreams
Album Song Translations - Album Voice Lines - Album Commemoration Live - Translation Notes
Album Track (Song Translation)
Album Voice Lines

Click here to listen to the voice lines!
Each and every one of us took a different path. Each of those differences are irreplaceable memories, all residing in our songs!
I hope someone out there listens to our songs and feels a sense of courage and strength through them…
When I’m with everyone, I truly feel as though many new worlds open up before us!
This album will surely convey a new charm of Ryuseitai to everyone! I’d like you to listen to our songs and feel us by your side!
for this world ahead of us as well, let’s move forward with [all] of us together~♪
Album Commemoration Live

It’s time for the Album Commemoration Live! Join Ryuseitai’s journey through their songs!
MC 1

♫ Now playing: NEW DAYBREAK ♫
“hello, we are ryuseitai!” (waves)
“thank you very much for coming to watch our [album commemoration live]…♪”
“The first song we performed is ‘NEW DAYBREAK’, our new single for the album.”
“The song’s themes are on friendship, bonds, and courage. It’s exactly fitting for us, right?”
“Mhm! It’s an incredible song with the best, most passionate lyrics and melody! It’s even got a close resemblance to the tokusatsu shows on a Sunday morning!”
“If we could, I’d love to sing it another ten more times…!”
“Ten…? We don’t have the time for that, so please go do karaoke after this live show or something.”
“Ooh, that’s a great idea! Alright, we’re having our closing party for the live at a karaoke room, then! ☆”
“Ehhh, that’s such a pain, it’d just exhaust me further… Please just go on your own, or at least without me.”
“Come on now, Midori-kun! The five of us together are Ryuseitai, so you can’t be absent from it!”
“More importantly, our live show has only just begun! It’s prohibited to discuss anything to do with the closing curtains this early on.”
“Come on now, let’s fire up the place and entertain all our fans~♪”
“Our next song is ‘Nekketsu ☆ Ryusei Ninpouchou’! Feast your eyes on the cutting-edge of digital ninjas…☆”
MC 2

♫ Now playing: Nekketsu ☆ Ryusei Ninpouchou ♫
“That was ‘Nekketsu ☆ Ryusei Ninpouchou’. Umm…”
“I’ll be at the corner of the stage, so good luck with the rest, okay?”
“We’re not letting ya get away~ Shinobu-kun and I’ll hold you on each side!”
“Mhm! You’re going right in the center, Midori-kun!”
“Uuu, they’re making me stand in the middle…”
“Ermm… Shinobu-kun, talk about something related to ninjas, c’mon…”
“Ahaha. You’re starting up the conversation so awkwardly, Midori-kun.”
“I can’t help it, okay… I’m not good at this sorta stuff…”
“And besides, a lot did happen to Shinobu-kun, right? Like the Ninja Association and stuff.”
“Ahaha. The tale would be too long, and might end up as a tearjerker, so I shall leave it for another time—”1
“However, I learned a lot through the Ninja Clan live show, where we performed ‘Nekketsu ☆ Ryusei Ninpouchou’.”
“I understood the importance of having the courage to persist and express your ‘likes’ to the very end, as well as the beauty of having comrades who will accept your ‘likes’.”2
“That is why I, too, will support everyone’s ‘likes’!”
“I’d love you all to accept my very own cheering to you, ‘Seisei Doudou Ouenka!’”
MC 3

♫ Now playing: Seisei Doudou Ouenka! ♫
“Thank you for listening to my solo, ‘Seisei Doudou Ouenka!’”
“Allow me to introduce myself, even if briefly! I’m Sengoku Shinobu!”
“My specialty is jumping through rings of fire! As you already know, my favorite thing is ninjas!”
“This outfit I’m wearing was designed to look ninja-like according to my wishes. Nihihi~♪”
“…When I was young, I didn’t have any companions who understood my interest.”
“However, it is because I continued to persist with what I ‘love’ that I now stand here before everyone.”2
“That is why I’ll cheer for what everyone ‘loves’! The large shuriken on my back is proof of my resolution.”
“‘Love’ towards something is such a precious, praiseworthy feeling to have. So rather than hiding it, I’d like you to live your life in your own way!”
“I assure you that I will always be by your side…♪”
“Up next is an energetic song that will cheer you up! It’s time for ‘Suisei HALATION’…☆”
MC 4

♫ Now playing: Suisei HALATION ♫
“That was ‘Suisei HALATION’, sung by all of Ryuseitai!”
“…Shinobu-kun talked about ninjas just a while ago, didn’t he…”
“But ‘Suisei HALATION’ is also a song packed with all of Morisawa-senpai’s ‘likes’, right?”2
“Mhm! A showdown with a space kaijuu gets me extremely excited every time!”
“Take this: Hyper Infinite Justice Beam! Bibibibibibi…!”3
“Takamine (midori)~?”
(Uu, I don’t wanna say it… But even our audience is doing a weird “bibibi” chant, too…)
“fufu, wonderful job~♪”
“ryuseitai is all about freely expressing our ‘likes’ however we want — isn’t that right, chiaki?”
“Yeah! We’re all different, and we’re all wonderful! From here on out too, let’s always hold our own star close to our heart, and shine together! ☆”
“Next up is my solo song! Please have a listen to ‘Kokoro de Pittari Ai ni Naru’.”
MC 5

♫ Now playing: Kokoro de Pittari Ai ni Naru ♫
“Hello, I’m the burning heart Morisawa Chiaki!” (waves)
“Did you enjoy ‘Kokoro de Pittari Ai ni Naru’, everyone?”
“…Haha, thank you! I’m so happy to know everyone liked it! ☆”
“As the days go by, we’re bound to face a lot of painful or sad things in our lives.”
“Whenever something like that happens to you, I’d like you to remember me.”
“I’ll show you my energetic self anytime; it’ll surely make you smile and laugh with me!”
“My unit members — as well as myself, of course — have moments when they worry or feel down, too.”
“But as long as we have the smiles of everyone cheering for us, we can strike back, no matter how dark the road ahead of us is.”
“Let’s all walk the path to the bright future together, while smiling side-by-side. Everyone here is part of Ryuseitai…☆”
“Next up is ‘Colors Arise’! Come on, let’s liven up the stage together!”
MC 6

♫ Now playing: Colors Arise ♫
“That was ‘Colors Arise’, sung by all of Ryuseitai!”
“We first performed this song at the advertisement live show for ‘Supervillains’. Once that was done, Ryuseitai went through a power up—”6
“Where we then decided to all be the leaders of our unit, and perform activities that make the best use of our unique, individual traits.”
“It’s like the proverb, ‘different strokes for different folks’. We’re five different people bearing five different colors.”
“All for one, and one for all!”
“We’ll continue to support each other and overcome any and all hardships together, as we always have.”
“Please continue to support us Ryuseitai! Look forward to our next big show…☆”
“…Wait, I accidentally made it sound like this is our last greeting on stage, didn’t I?”
“We’ve still got more to go for our live show, so please try to follow along!”
“Next up is my solo song, ‘Unmei Power Energy!’ Please accept all my energy and efforts…☆”
MC 7

♫ Now playing: Unmei Power Energy! ♫
“Ossu! I’m Nagumo Tetora!”
“What’cha think of ‘Unmei Power Energy!’?”
“Ahaha, thank you so much for all your applause!”
“I’m real happy to see that you’re all enjoyin’ our commemoration live!”
“Although we’re all leaders for our own kind of Ryuseitai, for this live show, we actually decided on the content together.”
“This stage is what we ended up with, after sharing our opinions on what to do and what not to do.”
“We discussed everythin’ together, like the set list, the MC talks, the performance plan… Our live show’s packed full with what makes us Ryuseitai, so I hope you enjoy yourselves to the very end! ☆”
“Right then, our next performance will be ‘RELAX PARADISE’, sung by all of us together.”
“We first performed this song at the Tropical Live—”
“And for today, our friends from ‘Tropical Troppeys’ have rushed over to join us as special guests!”4
“It’s time to depart to the jungle stuffed full of all’a the things Midori-kun ‘loves’! ☆”2
MC 8

♫ Now playing: RELAX PARADISE ♫
“That was ‘RELAX PARADISE’, brought to you by Ryuseitai and ‘Tropical Troppeys’.”
“Guhh, I’m so frustrated…”
“What’s wrong, Midori-kun? Did you make a mistake in the choreography?”
“No… At the start of the live show, Morisawa-senpai said that he wants to ‘sing this song another ten more times’, right?”
“I got so baffled by that, like, ‘The hell is this guy saying?’, but… I just thought the exact same thing right now.”
“I won’t actually ask for that many times, really… I just wanna dance with ‘Tropical Troppeys’ at least another nine more times…”
“Ermm… That isn’t really any different from ten times, you know~…?”
“human beings live their lives while [influencing] one another.”
“you are also gradually resembling chiaki, aren’t you, midori?”
“Please don’t say something like that, it’s upsetting… Sigh, me, becoming similar to that guy… This must be a nightmare…”
“midori~ we are still in the middle of the [live show], so [no sighing], okay?”
“Indeed! Next up is Midori-kun’s solo song, so it’s time to cheer up!”
“Yeah, I know. I’m dreading standing all alone on stage, though…”
“If it’s alright, please listen to the next song… This is Takamine Midori’s ‘Green to the sky’.”
MC 9

♫ Now playing: Green to the sky ♫
“This was Takamine Midori, singing ‘Green to the sky’…”
“…Um. For the time being, I’ll introduce myself.”
“I’m Takamine Midori. My hobby is collecting yuruchara merchandise, my speciality is handstands, and…”
“……Mm, that’s all I’ve got.”
“…Up until this point, I’d somehow manage to make it through by leaving it up to everyone, like Morisawa-senpai…”
“But from now on, we’ll be taking turns being the leader, so I’ve got to get used to doing MC segments, don’t I…”
“I was able to get through the Tropical Live ‘cause it was a collaboration with ‘Tropical Troppeys’, but…”
“I’m worried if I’ll actually be able to manage that again in the future…”
“Wait, then again… Ryuseitai powered up to be a unit that expresses each member’s own individuality, so…”
“If I get to express my ‘likes’ next time too, I might be able to enjoy myself again…?”
“I’ll be waiting for the next yuruchara request~…♪” (waves)
“…Mm? It looks like everything’s ready for the next segment of the live show.”
“It was nerve-wracking on my own, but I’m really glad I managed to pass the time until the next performance just fine.”
“Right then, please listen to our next song: ‘Bokura no Stella’.”
MC 10

♫ Now playing: Bokura no Stella ♫
“That was ‘Bokura no Stella’, brought to you by Ryuseitai! Thank you for listening! ☆”
“hrmph… saying it like [that] does not feel quite right, does it~?”
“let’s say ‘ryuseitai’ and ‘fishies’, okay?”
“Oh! You’re right, fish are a vital part to this song.”
“Let me announce that once more: that was ‘Bokura no Stella’, brought to you by Ryuseitai and the fish.”
“Shinkai-senpai, are you copying Midori-kun’s MC with that fish bit?”
“yes~ i am [imitating] midori~♪”
“just like the [living creatures] coexisting in the ocean, we [evolve] by [influencing] each other.”
“i wonder what sort of [evolution] the [powered-up] ryuseitai will achieve? isn’t the future so exciting…♪”
“Yeah, it is. We can’t predict the future, not even what’ll happen just an hour or two later. And we may be a unit with many shameful mistakes—”
“But we’ve got a proper track record of making it through in the end, after all our struggles. That’s why, I’m not worried at all.”
“Yeah. Just like today’s live show — As long as we combine our powers, we’ll surely be able to accomplish anything!”
“Next up on the list is Kanata’s solo song.”
“yes~ it is called ‘happy drops’. please have a listen~…♪”
MC 11

♫ Now playing: happy drops ♫
“hello, i am shinkai kanata. puka, puka…♪”
“that was ‘happy drops’. which [solo song] did you like, everyone?”
“…fufu, i like them [all], too~ i could never pick just one.”
“we are all different, and we are all wonderful. that is what makes us ryuseitai…☆”
“oh? chiaki is here with everyone else. that means…”
“is it time for the [final spurt]?”

“Yep! The live show’s about to reach its climax! Let’s burn our hearts a bright red, and give it everything we’ve got!”
“We’ll be singing two songs in a row now! We’ll first start with this song—”
“even fishies are alive~♪”
“Even fishies are alive~♪”
“Mm!? The “fish song” is not part of our set list, you know?”
“Not to mention Midori-kun joining along with the song…”
“I just did it by reflex… Uu, I think it’s completely ingrained into my mind at this point…”5
“Ahaha, my condolences to you… Right, let’s get back on track—”
“We’ll first start with this song! ‘Meteor Scramble ☆ Ryuseitai!’”
MC 12

♫ Now playing: Tenka Muteki ☆ Meteorangers! ♫
“That was ‘Tenka Muteki ☆ Meteorangers!’”
“This brings our Ryuseitai commemoration live show to an end.”
“our songs are always the type to [cheer] you up.”
“please stay [smiling] every day by listening to our [album] on repeat.”
“I gotta at least do the final greeting properly, right… Umm…”
“Thank you for always supporting us.”
“I know this is cliché to say, but we hope for your continued support from here on out, too.”
“Aight then, we look forward to seeing you the next time! ☆” (waves)
MC 13

♫ Now playing: One with One ♫
“Midori-kun, why are you hiding behind my back?”
“Woah, he really is doin’ just that. But ‘cuz of the height difference, he’s not hidden at all.”
“I completely forgot about the encore earlier, and greeted everyone like it was our final segment… Uuu, I’m so embarrassed…”
“fufu, it will be okay, midori.”
“that earnest, [absent-minded] side of you is another one of your wonderful, [unique traits].”
“Plus, what you said wasn’t incorrect. Encores originally exist to respond to all the fans’ desires.”
“And it’s because our fans wanted more from us that we came back to the stage once again.”
“Everyone, thank you so much for such a grand encore call!” (waves)
“We’ll end it with this song! ‘BRAND NEW STARS!!’”
MC 14

♫ Now playing: BRAND NEW STARS!! ♫
“thank you very much for coming to ryuseitai’s [commemoration live]~♪”
“It’s thanks to all of you that we got to have the best time of our lives. We got so much energy and courage from everyone! ☆”
“We shall seal away all of the memories we made today into our hearts, and grow even stronger!”
“Ryuseitai’s tale will only continue from here…♪”
“See you all another day, everyone.”
“Mm? That’s all, Midori-kun?”
“Yeah. I already said what I wanted to say earlier…”
“Aight, then I’ll do the final greeting with Midori-kun’s feelings in mind, too.”
“Everyone~! Thank you so much for livening up the stage ‘til the very, very end! ☆” (waves)
“Woah, there’s a kid crying.”
“now, now… please show us a beautiful [smile], okay?”
“This isn’t our final parting or anythin’, so please don’t be sad.”
“Exactly! Tears don’t suit you!”
“We’re heroes, and it’s a hero’s duty to make everyone smile. We’ll come back again, we promise you that.”
“Farewell, until the next time we meet! See you then…☆” (waves)

That’s all! Hope you enjoyed the trip with Ryuseitai!
Translation Notes
- ↑ This tale is shown in Ninja Clan, the story connected to this song.
- ↑ The “likes/loves” mentioned with quotation marks refers to the thing(s) they love. In Japanese, the word is suki or daisuki. Ryuseitai’s “likes” is a running theme in their story, songs, as well as their solo songs. In particular, Tropical and its song RELAX PARADISE discuss it.
- ↑ Referring to the main story, when Chiaki and Kanata fire off a Ryuseitai move.
- ↑ These are the mascot characters that appeared in Tropical.
- ↑ The fish song is performed in Stella Maris, and Midori goes through quite the experience while practicing. Please give the story a read to find out what happens!
- ↑ After the event “Universe” (i.e. Supervillain) ended, “Ryuseitai Power Up”, the all-leaders Ryuseitai, was introduced. You can see their introduction video here, and compare the changes with their previous introduction video from 2019.