WILDLAND – Epilogue
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, May)

Morisawa-dono, look…! WILDLAND’s booming with business!
Yeah, it seems that the event passing itself off as a new twist on Alice in Wonderland was tremendously effective.
The MV that utilized VR also got a lot of response since its release, so everyone’s efforts are truly proving to be fruitful.
And this means that all the people here are the Alices we’ll be guiding! ☆
Yeah, the info related to the attractions and the collaborating idols is available to the public, but…
The actual events that’ll go down in WILDLAND haven’t been announced yet.
Ah, Tetora-kun. You’re back already?
You went to check up on the stage where that lion’s performing, right? How was it on that side?
They all looked super eager to start. And it seems that even the lion got back all its energy thanks to Animal Trainer-san coming over.
ufufu. you know, the very moment [lion]-san caught sight of tetora, it immediately clung to him.
the makeup artist looked so [frantic] and [worried] that his outfit will get dirty~
Ahaha, yeah, I accidentally got the makeup artist all worried.
You’ve basically gotten used to handling that lion, haven’t you, Tetora-kun?
Yeah. I kept bracing myself around it the first few times, but now, it just feels like a sorta big cat playing around with me.
I’m amazed you’re able to call a lion a “sorta big cat”.
But the most unexpected one was Takamine. I didn’t think he’d go meet the lion by himself. I could’ve sworn he said that he didn’t want to see any lions for now…
Is the stage set still weighing on your mind, by any chance?
Ah, no, I’m fine with it by now. I was surprised when I first saw the stage, though.
Well, anyone would feel that way if they suddenly got taken from that wild land to this menacing stage.
Indeed, since the project’s details only explained it as “having an ominous air”.
ufufu. all the first time visitors might feel surprised too, won’t they~?
Yeah, but that surprise is likely meant to be part of WILDLAND’s concept.
Yeah. I went ‘round the other attractions and stages, and all of ‘em have different kinds of worlds…
Each and every one ‘em was like getting lost in an entirely new, unknown world.
It truly is exactly like Alice in Wonderland.
Ossu. I feel like I get why Alice in Wonderland is loved by so many people now.
(An extraordinary feeling that you’d rarely get to experience in typical daily life… You feel anxious, but you’re also filled with anticipation, not knowing what could happen next—)
(A world that feels as though you’re having a strange dream… That’s what everyone feels charmed by, right?)
(In that case, our role as the Cheshire Cat is—)
…Ah, it’s just ‘bout to be our turn. Is everyone ready?
We’ll take the hands of all the Alices wandering ‘bout — and guide ‘em~♪
Screen fades to black for a second…

“—Ahaha! What a surprise to see this many people lose their way and wander into this world!”
“What’s your name? And yours? …Actually, nah, you don’t have to answer that.”
“We give anyone who wanders into this strange world the same name — ‘Alice’.”
“Once again, as a reminder… This is WILDLAND — a place where the weak won’t be able to survive.”
“From here on out, Alice — all of you — will go on a journey within this world.”
“You’ll travel through this world, completely different from the one you were once in… this disordered world, with only distorted logic.”
“Fufu, did that scare you a li’l? But y’know, there’s no need to feel anxious.”
“In order to help you be able to stand against this world… We, the Cheshire Cat, are here.”
“Come, listen closely to our voices. We’ll clear away your overflowing anxiety — and release that desire of yours that anticipates a whole new world!”

(It looks like you’ve caught their attention perfectly, Nagumo.)
(For this project… It’s a given that Nagumo worked hard for the live show and MV, but he even made sure to practice his MC role at the same time.)
(And it doesn’t stop there, either. Based on what I’ve heard from Kanata, he also had several discussions about the production and choreography with the staff.)
(The reason that we can shine this bright on this stage today is none other than you and your efforts — For leading Ryuseitai as the commander.)
(I joined practice midway, so I can’t afford to hold everyone back… I have to make sure I live up to Nagumo’s efforts and wishes, too!)

(Lightweight moves like the Cheshire Cat… and then add variation to the movements to bring out a wild feel… is what I think Tetora-kun said?)
(The way Tetora-kun poured all his efforts even when facing something he had no interest in… I really think that part about him is just amazing.)
(Um, we’re about to reach the part before the hook, where we all have to synchronize our movements… I have to be sure I don’t fall behind…)
(Tetora-kun changed this part ‘cause he trusted that Shinobu-kun and I could do it. I can’t afford to ruin all that hard work.)
(It’ll be alright. It went well during rehearsal, so — One, two, three…!)

(…Mhm~♪ Everyone’s timing was perfect for this part!)
(Like Shinkai-dono said, it was a difficult area for all of us to match in rhythm, but—)
(Look how well we’ve done with enough practice! With our combined efforts, we made the composition look so cool!)

(What do you think, Tetora-kun? Is the performance turning out how you envisioned it in your head?)
(I, for one, can say it with full confidence…! Ryuseitai is undoubtedly wild-like right now~♪)

(you look so happy, shinobu.)
(i already knew that the three of them could do it with how they are now, so i was not particularly [worried]…)
(but i am still surprised, as they [grasped] the movements much faster than i imagined.)
(one of the reasons why is because the children have [grown] since those days of the past, but…)
(most of all, tetora led everyone for this project. that must be the true reason why we were able to reach this level of [perfection].)

(ufufu, if we keep standing around doing nothing, we might get overtaken before we know it, chiaki~♪)
(Everyone’s amazing as always. Their movements now are even sharper than they were during rehearsal.)
(…At first, I didn’t understand anything ‘bout Alice in Wonderland, nor ‘bout the concept of ‘wild’, but…)
(I still plunged myself into this project, going as far as I can while believing in the image of WILDLAND I had in my head.)
(Whether I was right or wrong in my choices… That’s pretty easy to tell just by lookin’ at all the guests’ faces~♪)
(The “Wild-like Ryuseitai” challenge is a huge success! We’re shining at our ever brightest right now!)

“Now then, Alice! With your high hopes towards a whole new world, try taking one step forward!”
“Because beyond this point — There’s surely an irreplaceable encounter waiting for you~♪”1
Chapter 2
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, June)

After some time passed — In Yumenosaki Academy, the dojo…
(…Aight, my focus is on point.)
(I was thinking a whole lot ‘bout WILDLAND up ‘til recently, so now that the event’s settled, I feel like I finally got a weight off my back.)
(It’s been a while since I’ve been to the club, so I’m gonna go all out~♪)
(Mm…? Who’s that over there…?)
(waves) Heeey~! What’re you doing here?
Ah, hello. I hope you’re doing well, Nagumo-senpai.
Ossu! You could’ve greeted me if you were here, y’know?
Ah, no, I didn’t want to interrupt you while you were concentrating…
Also, I have unit practice after this, so I can’t participate in Karate Club activities today…
Ahh, I see!
…? Then why didja come to the dojo? Are you here to pick up somethin’ you forgot?
Ah, no, I just had something I wanted to tell you, Senpai…
Somethin’ to tell me…?
Um… The WILDLAND live stage was absolutely incredible!
Ahaha. So you really did come and see us. I felt like I recognized someone I know in the crowd.
…! You noticed I was there, Nagumo-senpai?
Bein’ attentive to every single corner of the venue is an essential skill as an idol~♪
Ossu…! I’ll engrave your words in my heart, Senpai… Ah, wait, we were talking about Nagumo-senpai’s performance!
Even though Ryuseitai’s a unit I know well, the song you were all singing felt like something I’ve never seen before…
It made me realize there’s still a Ryuseitai I wasn’t aware of yet, or rather… I was just so surprised by the performance, like…!
I’m so sorry. I can’t get the words out right. But it was really, really amazing. I just badly wanted to let you know that…!
No worries. Your feelings are getting across just fine.
Thank you. I really appreciate you coming to see our Ryuseitai live show.
Ah, no! I’m the one who got so much courage from you again, Senpai.
…The truth is, I was feeling a little depressed about today’s unit practice. The rest of the first years had already joined their own units and started practicing back in April, unlike me…
Ahh~ It’s June by now, yeah. It must be nerve-wracking joining a unit so late.
But after I saw Senpai’s stage with Ryuseitai, I felt more prepared to participate in my unit’s activities.
…It made me decide that, no matter how anxious I feel, I have to first try jumping in that whole new world. ‘Cause if I don’t try and do something, I’ll never ever be able to become like Senpai.2
Ahaha! Nothin’ makes me happier than knowing you feel that way!
That’s all I wanted to say, so… I’ll head over to practice now.
Actually, I’d like you to wait a moment.
Could you hear me out a li’l?
See, I get a lotta support from many fans as a member of Ryuseitai nowadays, but…
I didn’t start out as such a respectable guy at all.
In fact, when I first joined Ryuseitai, all I’d do is complain ‘bout our unit activities. I’d always whine and say it wasn’t what I wanted to do—
I didn’t really understand my seniors, and I wasn’t aligned with the other members, either.
You say that I’m your goal, but actually, my starting point as an idol didn’t go smoothly at all. I had a lot more failures than anythin’ else.
…Sorry. This prolly doesn’t make much sense, huh?
Basically, what I wanna say is… I was anxious at first, too.
Things didn’t always go the way I hoped. There was just as much stuff I wasn’t satisfied with.
But even then, the reason that I’ve been able to remain as Ryuseitai’s Ryusei Black — It’s all ‘cuz my comrades in the unit were here with me.
It’s ‘cuz I had my seniors who would guide me. I had my companions who would support me as much as I support ‘em. That’s why I can shine so bright right now.
It’s true that the me who once wanted to join Akatsuki will remain a part of who I am… But—
In the new world that I stepped into — in Ryuseitai, I saw something shinin’ within it, too.
That’s why… I’m glad that I get to be part of Ryuseitai. I just wanted to make this part clear.
You said that you finally found a unit that feels like a group you want to join, right?
I’m sure you also felt somethin’ shining within that unit, right?
Then you’ll be just fine! Just believe in your instincts and push your way through!
There may be moments when your opinions don’t align with the other members, and maybe you’ll even end up in arguments ‘cuz of it, but…
That only happens ‘cuz you’re all different people. By clashing against each other and learning more ‘bout each others’ different mindsets and beliefs, it’ll eventually become a huge source of motivation for you.
It’s fine to fail or make mistakes. If you fall down, just stand back up~♪
…Thank you very much, Nagumo-senpai.
I’ll try and do my best. I’ll practice a whole lot, and then someday… I’ll become a cool idol like Senpai!2
Ossu! Keep up the spirit and do your best~!
Sound of footsteps
…Whew. I feel so much better now that I said everythin’ I wanted to say.
But maybe I acted as a senior a little too much…?
I don’t think so at all~♪
Woah!? Shinobu-kun, since when were you here!?
You really are amazing, Tetora-kun. I’d never be able to give advice to a junior like that…
Midori-kun too…!? How long have you guys been watchin’!?
Since you said, “Could you hear me out a li’l?” to him.
That’s practically all’a it…! This is so embarrassing…!
There is nothing to be embarrassed about~ You were such a cool upperclassman!
I hope that in time, that kid becomes a wonderful idol.
…He will, I’m sure of it.
Well, I’m heading home. I only happened to be here ‘cause Shinobu-kun called out to me while I was on my way back.

Wait a moment, Midori-kun! If you don’t have any club activities, I’d like you to help me with student council work.
Eh, that sounds like such a pain… The fact that it’s student council work just makes it worse, too…
It won’t be that much of a pain, so! Please do me a favor~!
Ahaha, even when we’re in the highest year in school, you two are the same as always.
(…But, we’re definitely moving forward.)
(No matter how many times we fall down, as long as we keep standing back up, we’re bound to reach the place we wanna be at someday…♪)
Translation Notes
- ↑ Tetora’s lines here align beautifully with the lyrics of WILDLAND, please give the lyrics a read!
- ↑ Here, Tetora’s junior says -ssu in hiragana, similar to how Tetora ends his lines with -ssu in katakana.