[ES!] Crossroad (Chiaki Scenes ONLY!)
Crossroad was released on July 31st 2017. It’s the first story that revealed how Chiaki used to be in past, including being the first reveal that he wears glasses.
This translation introduces all the Chiaki scenes from Crossroad. The story is fully voiced in the Ensemble Stars!! Basic game.
Live Quotes

Keito (and Eichi)’s Plan
Keito wanted control over the delinquents around the area (presumably Yumenosaki idols or just Yumenosaki students in general) and to "clean them up in a single swipe."
The reason for this all this is: there’s a huge problem with these delinquents because they made the underground live house into their gathering spot and have been causing a lot of trouble around the neighborhood.
If this clean up were to be successful, the teachers and management groups of Yumenosaki (so basically the upper staff) would take the Student Council more seriously (they’d see them in a better light, basically). This’d then make working as part of the Student Council much easier and they’d finally have a foundation of some sort.
It’d also be a great excuse to finally motivate Rei, the current Student Council President, to actually get himself involved with Student Council duties.
For the plan, Eichi uses himself as bait to gather up all the delinquents in the underground live house. With Eichi’s wealth, he was able to fake being a rich idiot who stumbles into these delinquents, who took the bait and tied him up. On the worst case scenario that something really does end up happening to Eichi, he has bodyguards on standby that can rescue him out anyway, and even calling the police would’ve worked. In the meantime, Keito hurries to Rei and pretends that there’s an emergency that he has to come deal with at the live house.
The ideal result was that Rei would cause a huge ruckus with an amazing live and get Eichi out there safely. The name "Sakuma Rei the Student Council President" would then bring fear into those delinquents, but at the same time, those same delinquents, who don’t even try nor bother in their schoolwork, will start to riot against Rei for causing havoc to their gathering place.
Rei would then lose all his supporters, and be persecuted by everyone. In that moment, Rei will finally have no choice but to use the Student Council(’s influence, I suppose). It’d be even better if Rei could then see the Student Council as his own home. And so, with Rei on the Student Council’s side, Keito could make him the "boss", and thus finally reform the academy.
He explains a little extra details about the plan, but this is basically the main gist.
If this went all according to plan, Keito presumes he would have been able to "purify" the academy from these delinquent students. But things didn’t go as planned.
First off, by the time Keito finally got Rei to the live house, something unexpected happened. Keito notices Chiaki’s on top of the stage singing, and…
Chapter 4/6/7 of Chaos

Hmm? Oi, there’s someone singin’ onstage.
Mm? That’s… Morisawa from Ryuseitai, isn’t it?
(Why is he here? Shoot, this is completely unexpected… What’s going on?)
Hm? You are…? Are you friends of the delinquents gathered here?
Do I look like one to you?
Um, no… I couldn’t tell at first because it's so dark here, but you’re Hasumi-kun, aren’t you? Then you wouldn’t be a delinquent.
But if that’s the case, then you’re in trouble! Leave this place to me, and get away from here right away!
W-What are you on about!? Explain, Morisawa! I might be able to help!
(And while I’m pretending to be worried, I’ll move away from Sakuma-san and… sneakily get closer to Morisawa and talk to him quietly.)

(whispering) …Hey, was Eichi here? He didn’t get kidnapped for real, did he?
Eichi? Ahh, you mean Tenshouin-kun! He looked like he was in great danger, so I helped him out!
You’re too loud! Wait, I don’t really understand why you’re up here… What are you doing here?
From what I can tell, you seem to be singing onstage for some reason.
A-Ah… It’ll take a pretty long while to explain, or well, it’s a bit embarrassing, so it’s hard for me to say.

But don’t worry about that! Run away right now!
Don’t worry, I’m an ally of justice. I’ll make sure you can safely get away from here.
I don’t understand. Mmm… Just what is this guy going on about?
Then Keito worries about how everything’s turning out different from what he expected, but it’s too late to change the plan now that Rei is here. So he decides to drop this plan and forget about it, since it’s not worth the gamble.
But Rei accepts the chaos as it is, and wants to have fun with it since it’s already here (Keito rejects the idea at first, but ends up being swept along with it.)
Later, Keito seems to have also been swept with the mood, singing along with Rei on the live house’s stage, until he snaps out of it and demands to understand the current situation they’re in (to which Rei tells him don’t think just feel.)
S-Sorry, but… Hasumi-kun, I feel like you could help me understand. What exactly is going on right now?
That’s what I want to know. Morisawa, why were you singing onstage all by yourself in the first place?
Oh right, is this part of your Ryuseitai activities?

No way! A rowdy underground live house like this is very ill-fitted for the duties performed by allies of justice.
A more ideal place would be a really tall skyscraper, or an abandoned mining cave.
What are you even talking about… Okay, then why are you in a place like this?
Well, when Mikejima-san isn’t around, the others don’t have any motivation, so I struggled very hard just to get them together in one place…
And after that, we wound up in this underground live house.
Then they started having fun eating and drinking as they messed around and sang karaoke. Well… That’s the usual for us, though.
But there was one problem.
For some reason, Tenshouin-kun was on the floor, tied up in a corner. Obviously, as an ally of justice, I had no choice but to help him.
So I desperately tried to make negotiations with them, and I got them to promise me that, as long as I sing onstage and entertain them, they would untie Tenshouin-kun.
And that’s why I was singing.
(Huh… so that’s what happened, I get it now. I should’ve known that bribing some delinquents to do your bidding wouldn’t go that well.)
(They changed the plan as they pleased, without ever giving thought to what was really intended… They’re beyond help — Actually, no, our plan was probably just too weak.)
…Well, that must’ve been unfortunate for you, to say the least.

Yeah, they sneered and made fun of me… It was pretty rough…
But I waited for an opening and loosened Tenshouin-kun’s binds a little, and then he escaped by himself at one point.
After that, I just had to buy enough time by bringing all the attention to myself. I’m going to continue singing until my throat goes dry!
(I can’t believe this… So thanks to this imbecile doing something completely unnecessary, my plans have been forcibly changed?)
(I never expected Ryuseitai’s Morisawa Chiaki to be this sort of person.)
(I thought Ryuseitai were a bunch of fools, going only by the name of “allies of justice.”)
(But now I have to reconsider what I’ve known about them… It seems like only Mikejima and this guy are different from the others.)
(I have to be cautious. Well, Mikejima’s the more important part, and he’s working overseas right now, so it should likely be alright.)
…? What’s wrong, Hasumi-kun? You look grim…

It’ll be okay! I’ll protect you, no matter what!
(Mmm… Something’s off about him. He may be saying reassuring things, but it feels like he’s shaking in fear.)
(There’s a gap between his words and actions, as if it’s strangely off sync.)
(Seems like I need to research on what kind of person he is. So because of these uncertain variables popping up, Eichi evacuated without falling into any danger?)
Then Keito monologues about the plan which I already explained.
After a monologue of the plan, Keito wonders how a plan so perfect (or so he thought) could’ve been ruined like this. Is it really because of Chiaki doing something unnecessary, or was it a plan that only works in theory?

…What’s wrong, Hasumi-kun? You don’t look well. Would you like me to take you to the nearest hospital?
Tenshouin-kun seemed unwell, too… I think some people in black suits panicked and took him to the hospital.
I guess it’s not surprising that honor students wouldn’t feel so well in the atmosphere of an underground live house.
…? Wait, Eichi was taken to the hospital?
I’m only guessing. I got worried about him because he was obviously feeling unwell, so I paid close attention to what the people in black suits were saying…
They sounded shaken up while contacting a hospital.
(Dammit! I’m such an idiot! I should’ve known that Eichi’s health still wasn’t back up to shape. He was only pretending to be fine…)
(After all, he was still supposed to be at the hospital.)
(I didn’t pick up the signs, and ended up involving him with the plan… That’s my greatest failure. I rushed too much…)
(What “perfect plan”… I’m the fool.)
W-What’s wrong? Are you really alright, Hasumi-kun…?
…Yes, I’m alright. I’m calm. I’m just shocked at my own carelessness.
I see. It’s alright, it happens. I’m also always irritated by my own incompetence. I suppose there’s only so much you can do as one single human being.
Even so, I can’t stand and watch as someone falls into danger right before my eyes.

I’ve always been a coward, who looked away from the evil in this world… But I won’t run away ever again.
I will become the ally of justice that I’ve yearned to be since I was young.
(…I haven’t understood a single thing he’s said from start to finish.)
(I thought Morisawa had absolutely no striking features about him, but he really does seem to be different from the other pack.)
Rei and Keito have a small chat, where Keito is displeased by Rei’s “People are unique and that’s makes them interesting” and “C’mon, let’s put that aside and sing for real now”
Anyways, I went with my gut and barged in on this guy’s live, since he sounded so pitiful, singin’ all alone.

I’m guessing you mean me by “this guy.” Thank you. To be honest, I really couldn’t handle being here any longer, so you helped me out…
The atmosphere of this place changed entirely, all thanks to you two spontaneously joining me and singing.

Let’s have fun. The moment we got on this stage, we became idols who entertain guests.
I’m still an amateur who can’t do it well, so… I’d like your help.
Ahaha, that sounded like a pick-up line a pure young boy tried his very best to come up with. Not bad at all. Do your best, boy, do your best. This time, we’ll be here to help you.
And that’s the end of Chiaki’s involvement with Keito’s ruined plan.
Kuro and Chiaki’s Friendship
Kuro was outside near the underground live house, when he makes a phone call to his sister.

Mhm, alright, I get it. So you’ll have food at your friend’s house, huh.
……That friend isn’t a guy, right?
Should I pick you up once you’re done hangin’ out with her? You sure you’re okay? I see, so someone from there will take you back home by car, alright… I got it.
If someone as scary-lookin’ as me came to pick you up, your friend would freak out anyway. If anythin’ happens, call me. Yeah.
Right then, see ya. Come back before it gets too late, alright?
(…Hmm… My li’l sis has been real cold to me lately… Is this the so-called rebellious phase?)
(Well, she’s been talkin’ to me a lot more than the days after our mother died… and she has her own life, so I shouldn’t be meddlin’ with it.)

(Haha, she told me “Why don’t you go hang out with your own friends, Aniki?”, but I don’t really have any friends I can casually hang out with.)
(If I had to pick someone, the closest would be Morisawa. But if he’s thought as someone who hangs out with people like me, it’d only cause trouble for him.)
(Ahhh, man… Maybe I made a mistake with the school I joined. I mean, I’m a second year and still can’t get along with anyone at all.)

(But between back then, when I was a middle schooler who hung out with dangerous delinquents and did bad things, and now…)
(Being all alone so I can’t hurt anyone is a lot better than that.)
After a while, Kuro could hear a singing voice from inside the live house, to which he commented: “I hear a nice energetic singing voice… Is that Morisawa?”
In a few later chapters…
Kuro approaches Keito near school for something. They have a small chat, until Keito asks what Kuro really wants from him. Kuro says his friend Chiaki is wondering which hospital Eichi is in, and thought Keito might know. After a bit more side-tracked chatter, Kuro asks to get an answer to his question.
He then says that Chiaki was really worried about Eichi, probably because he saw him fall down in front of him, so… He wants to make Chiaki feel at ease as his (more or less) friend, and Chiaki will most likely be able to do so if he gets to see Eichi in person.
Keito agrees to give him the location by sending him the info through phone, but he needs Kuro’s phone number first. Kuro gives him his contact info, and asks that he sends him the location by today.
Keito says, it’d probably be a lot faster if he sent the info to Chiaki directly. Since they’re both friends, Kuro should have his number, right?
Kuro replies, “Huh? I can’t just give away other people’s personal info as I please.”
Keito is impressed by how considerate Kuro is, to which Kuro replies with “I’m the type of delinquent that’d pick up a stray dog in the rain.”
Kuro’s Special Mini Event 3/3:

Chapter 4 of Crowd
This is the last chapter Chiaki appears in. It’s the day of the DEADMANZ live. Everyone’s at the underground live house, and Souma encounters Kaoru and threatens him for what happened in their previous meeting. Adonis and Kaoru try to calm him down, but Souma says he better be careful on a moonless night, or else.
Chiaki thinks it was a dispute between the two, and…
Note: It’s implied that Kaoru’s dad owns the live house.

Excuse me, Hakaze. Is there some kind of argument going on? If you don’t mind, I’ll be your mediator!
Huh? You’re talking to me like we know each other but… who were you again?
I’m Morisawa, we’re in the same class. Please remember that. Though, you aren’t usually in school, so it makes sense you don’t know me.
Ahh, I kinda remember seeing you around. You’re in Ryuseitai, right?
You guys from Ryuseitai don’t really have good manners, so be careful, okay? Tell that to the other guys too.
If it starts to get worse, you might get thrown out and get banned from entering the live house again.
Ack… I’m sorry, I’ll try to tell them. I don’t think they really listen to what I say though.
That so? Well, whatever, at least try to enjoy yourself with the amount of money you spent to get in here. Want a drink?
I recommend diluted orange juice~♪
Hakaze, are you working in this underground live house? I’m not sure I get it, but are you tight on money? It must be rough on you…
Alright then, I’ll order lots of drinks!

Um. I feel like we’re kinda off here, or like we’re on two different topics…
Morisawa-kun, you seem like an earnest good boy~ So why are you in Ryuseitai, when it has a bad reputation?
Its state may be like this right now, but the group upholds the image of being an ally of justice…
That’s why I’d like to reform it from within, so that it can be reborn once again to live up to the ideal that comes with its image.

But changing things is pretty hard…