[ES!!] Exhibition In A Blink Of An Eye

[] Rei Sakuma

[] Midori Takamine

[] Makoto Yuuki

[] Mao Isara
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes
Portrait Shrouded In Mystery 1
Season: Winter
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Common Room

One day in early March…
Whew. It’s finally over…
The photoshoot dragged on for so long… I just couldn’t draw out the right nuance for the photos… or more like, my synergy with the photographer wasn’t great…
But now I have the rest of today and tomorrow off… Things have been so hectic lately, so I’m glad I can finally take it easy while hugging all my yuruchara plushies…♪1
Hm. This painting is truly riddled with many mysteries…
(Huh? That’s Sakuma-senpai… What’s he doing with that picture frame?)
(Eh, not that it matters much to me… It’d only be a pain if he starts up a conversation, so I’ll just hurry back to my room and relax with my phone.)
…Now, now. Don’t try to leave with such haste as soon as you see me, Takamine-kun.
Uwah— You noticed…?
Kukuku. Who do you take me for? Sensing someone’s presence is child’s play for me.
It must be some sort of fate that we met each other here… This is perfect timing; take a good look at this painting here.
Ehh… Why me…?
I remember you doing this back during Music Festa too, but you always talk to me at the exact moment that I don’t want to be perceived…2
Ah, that takes me back. Takamine-kun would always shrink back in fear upon seeing Sena-kun and I. You would yell, “Save me, Morisawa-senpai!” over every little thing.
Please stop making up false memories.
Nevertheless, this is the painting I was looking at. It is excellently crafted, don’t you think?
And he’s not listening to me…
Umm, it’s a painting of a woman smiling in a beautiful landscape…? It looks like a regular painting to me, but is there something up with it?
Well, you see. This painting is said to “make one drop dead upon gazing at it three times”.
Here. Take another close look. ♪
W-Wh— Why’d you show it to me twice!? Are you trying to kill me…!?
It’s such a beautiful painting; I simply could not help myself…♪
I’m the one who’s going to need help at this rate, though!?
And why do you even have a painting like that, anyway… That’s way too disturbing…
I found this painting lying untouched while I was helping clean the storehouse of an acquaintance’s home.
I, too, had little interest in the artwork at first, but then I noticed that ES’s sandbank is painted in the background.
That was when the owner thought that this must be some sort of sign, so they requested that I investigate in detail everything there is to know about this painting.
Not only could there be historical value within it, but as a member of the Mystery Researchers Club, it became of great intrigue to me.
Thus, it is necessary to investigate who painted this, and for what purpose.
And so, Takamine-kun. What say you and I work together to discover the truth behind this painting? Now that you’ve seen the artwork for yourself, surely it’s piqued your interest, too?
No, it has not. Please put away that painting already and go someplace else…!
Oh? Was it a little too shocking for you, Takamine-kun?
My invitation has been declined by various people thus far, starting with Ritsu… It makes me feel so lonely…
No one has shown interest; saying they’ve got a fear of horror, are too busy with work, or anything else of the like.
I’m shocked that nobody would give me the time of day when such a mystical painting is right before them. We live in a harsh era where time is money…
Of course nobody would… If you suddenly show them a painting that’ll make them drop dead if they look at it three times, they wouldn’t want to kill time by helping you.
I suppose I have no choice now… I’ll have to display this painting in the Seisoukan Dorm.
No, no! Why do you wanna show it so badly!? If you do that, not only will I die, but the entirety of Seisoukan Dorm will be annihilated…!?
Nobody cared to clear my troubles, so this is my means of venting my frustrations. Ahh, if only someone had extended a hand to me before it would end like this~…?
Peek, peek (Peeks his head in and out from the back of the frame)
(What an actual pest…)
(Uuu, I really just can’t handle talking with people I don’t know well…)
(I’m better at talking to people than I used to be, but it still wears me out… I wanna muster the courage to turn down his request…)
(But… what if people really will die if they look at that painting three times…?)
…Fine. I just have to investigate this painting with you, right…?
But only for today, okay? I don’t have time to help you every day…
Ooh, I’m pleased to know you’re willing to accompany me, Takamine-kun. ♪
Right then, let us conduct our investigation as part of the Mystery Researchers Club.
The owner of this “makes one drop dead upon gazing at it three times” painting — Also known as the ‘Mysterious Portrait’ — will surely be overjoyed to hear this, too. ♪
Portrait Shrouded In Mystery 2

Whaa!? It was all a lie when you said that people die after looking at this painting three times…!?
Indeed it was. If that was truly the case, we would have corpses lying around everywhere.
There lies a mystical air within this painting that is past its prime— So in that sense, it wouldn’t be surprising to learn if it had exaggerated rumors surrounding it.
However, it was all said in jest. I have gazed at this artwork many times by now.
Ah, I see… Sigh… I got all anxious over nothing…
But why would you even do that…? Was there really any need to try and scare people with that joke?
Everyone sees themselves as pitiful, no? I was trying to attract people’s interest to this painting by deliberately alluding to a dangerous mystery that could cause harm.
I am also weak to sunlight, and investigating all on my own would be extremely difficult to accomplish.
That is why I thought of finding a kind-hearted ally to assist me… And that’s when you showed yourself, Takamine-kun. ♪
This is so depressing… That’s why I was forced to do this…?
But it piqued your interest, did it not? Here, take another look at this painting that will not make you drop dead even if you’ve gazed at it three times — Sear it into your eyes. ♪
Please stop that already. Even if the rumor was just a joke, I don’t really wanna look at it so much…
Anyway, Sakuma-senpai. Where are we even headed…?
You said we’d go on an investigation in ES, so does that mean you’ve got a hunch who you could ask?
Mm. Regarding that… I had been waiting for a response back from a few colleagues while I was gazing at the painting in the Seisoukan Dorm. There is someone I’ve contacted that is currently investigating the painting over at the Information Room.
Whaa…? So you’ve got other allies?
Then couldn’t you have just left me be…?
Come now, what harm is there in having more helping hands? I also have my own life to deal with, and I can’t afford to fixate on this painting all day.
Um, I’ve also got my own life to deal with…?
You certainly do. That is exactly why I’ve requested your help during your time off.
Uh, right.
(He’s moving onto the next topic like nothing’s wrong… So basically, I don’t have any right to refuse…)
Location: Information Room

Yuuki-kun. Have you finished investigating?
Hello, I hope you’ve been doing well, Sakuma-senpai! Yeah, I’m almost done.
…Huh, Takamine-kun? Why are you just standing there at the door, looking so frustrated?
Don’t mind me, please carry on… I was just suddenly dragged into this…
Ah, yeah, Sakuma-senpai sometimes does things out of left field, doesn’t he?
But he doesn’t do it to be mean; it’s actually done with good intentions, so it’s something to be grateful for.
So maybe there’s a deeper reason why he asked you to help him out with this, Takamine-kun.
When I did intensive training under UNDEAD‘s guidance, they made me go bungee jumping, and it was a rough time for me then, too… But it’s still a good memory for me to this day, I think.3
…Actually, can I really say that… it was a good memory…?

Please don’t start questioning your own words…
Anyway, I’m aware that Sakuma-senpai isn’t a bad person or anything…
But it tires me out to be suddenly dragged around from place to place, and I’m getting mentally worn out from the stress of trying to communicate…
Ah! I feel you so bad~ Our MP drains the longer we spend time with other people, right?
But don’t worry. I was also curious about this painting, so I’ve already done some research. I think that if all goes well, you’ll be released from this investigation soon too, Takamine-kun.
Sakuma-senpai, could I start by asking you to look at the printout I gave you?
Hm… This is an archive of the public national exhibitions. This painting… I see, the painting style here is similar to our ‘Mysterious Portrait’, isn’t it?
This would mean that this artist is the one behind the painting in question, correct?
Yep. I had to really dig deep for info since there’s no digital data of the painting. I used the date written on the back of the frame as a clue, and looked through that year’s public exhibitions.
I had to go to a huge library, so it was rough rummaging through all the illustrated books they had… But I managed to find the person who created the painting in the end.
But just because the painting style is the same doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the same person behind it, does it?
Artists tend to take in a pupil… So it’s possible that this painting was drawn by someone who copied the mentor’s style.
Mhm, I was wondering about that too. But the signatures on the two paintings are the same, so I don’t think we’re off the mark here.
Hm. Indeed, there’s a signature drawn on the edge of the frame. Takamine-kun, see for yourself, too.
Uu… I know I won’t die by looking at it three times, but it still makes me nervous…
But… You’re right, the signature seems to be the same as the one on the painting Yuuki-senpai printed out…?
You have my gratitude, Yuuki-kun. Thanks to you, we should be able to reach the truth much faster than expected.
Right then, allow me to contact the artist…♪
Ah— I tried contacting him already. There’s just one problem—
It seems like the artist’s an old man, and he’s currently in the hospital.
In the hospital…?
Yes. I tried contacting him by finding his phone number in a telephone directory… And a family member picked up the phone, saying that he’s currently in the hospital and can’t allow any visitors at the moment.
The exhibition his painting was displayed at also happened a few decades ago, so he must be really old by now.
What a strange coincidence… Now that you’ve said that, it feels as though this painting intentionally beckoned us, in hopes of making us meet the artist.
Perhaps that is also why I showed extraordinary interest in this painting. As if an unseen force was at work—
Guh— He’s saying something occultish again… I’m not buying it this time, okay…!?
Kukuku. Takamine-kun’s such a worrywart. ♪
Regardless, I will try to contact his family myself.
As the one entrusted with this painting, punishment would befall me if I do not take on that task at the very least.
Portrait Shrouded In Mystery 3
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Corridor

Two days later, in the morning…
(Ahh, I’m sooo glad I got to relax all day yesterday…♪ I feel healed from all the exhaustion…♪)
(But huh, so what was the truth behind that painting in the end…?)
(The conclusion was sort of a let down… Like, I didn’t really get to find out a clear answer.)
(That sort of thing… just bothers me…!)
Ooh, Takamine, what’s wrong? You’re holding your head like you’re stressed out~
Did you forget something? If it’s something I’ve got, I can lend it to you~♪
Ah, Isara-senpai… Nah, I didn’t forget anything.
Sakuma-senpai showed me a weird painting the other day, and now I feel like I’ve left something unfinished…
Weird painting…?
Ahaha, you’re still thinking about it too, Takamine-kun?
I feel you~ I wanted to know how that painting came about, so I dug around the net after our conversation the other day.
Ah, you were here too, Yuuki-senpai… Did you come to school with Isara-senpai?
Yup. Subaru and Hokuto aren’t around today ‘cause they’ve got their own solo work to do~
Anyway, tell me more about that painting! It’s unusual to see Takamine and Makoto talking to each other about something, and I’m getting curious about it myself~♪
Hah… It’s nothing special, really. But if you don’t mind me explaining it, I’ll do so…
Time passes…
—So, yeah, the artist in question is apparently an old man in the hospital right now.
Huh… A painting that has ES’s sandbank painted in the corner of the background…?
Yeah, I’m wondering about the story behind the artwork now, too. Us idols don’t know anything about that land before ES was built.
This is like doing some social studies or something, huh? Like a lesson where we learn about our region.
Yeah, I accepted Sakuma-senpai’s request for a similar reason. Researching about all of this really satisfies my curiosity.
Obviously, since we’re talking about a very far past, the land in the painting looks completely different compared to how we know it, now that ES has been built on it…
So it makes me want to learn a lot about what the area was like before ES came around.
Are you sure that’s okay with you? Or are you just following along with our excitement…?
It sounded like you were forced to tag along with Sakuma-senpai two days ago, so you don’t have to force yourself to be part of this, okay?
No, I was also just really tired back then, ‘cause I had just finished work…
Besides, if Isara-senpai and Yuuki-senpai are here, I think it will soften the load on me when talking with Sakuma-senpai…?
Haha, what’s that supposed to mean? ♪ Are we the cushioning~?
Cushioning! I like that! ♪ Let’s also be the lubricating oil while we’re at it! ♪
Right, it’s settled then. After class, I’ll join you guys, then we’ll go and ask Sakuma-senpai about what happened afterwards.
Until then, make sure to do your best in class, Takamine. ♪
Location: Seisoukan Dorm Common Room

—And that’s how I ended up joining you guys.
Kukuku. I’m delighted to know that Isara-kun is also interested in this painting. ♪
Take a close look. This is the painting that is said to “make one drop dead upon gazing at it three times”. ♪
Ah~ I’m sorry… I already heard about that being a lie.
Ah, a pity… I wanted to see you tremble in fear over a curse.
Why would you try to do something strange like that anyway? Did you really want to scare me that much?
Indeed I did. It would be in poor taste to only frighten Takamine-kun, and I wanted to see how you’d react, as well.
And if you are the type to show interest in curses, then I could invite you to be a new member of the Mystery Researchers Club.
Well, no matter. You’d like to know what happened to this painting, correct?
I called the artist’s family afterwards, but it seems that they do not want any strangers visiting him while he is in poor health.
Even a request to hear my part of the story was promptly declined.
With how they spoke, they might have assumed me to be a distant relative who is attempting to take part of his inheritance.
True, to an outsider, you’d definitely be seen as someone aiming for his inheritance.
If I got a phone call telling me that they have an old painting and want me to hear them out, I’d be on my guard too.
Mm. Indeed so.
At any rate, since neither the artist in question nor his family will hear us out, we likely have no choice but to investigate the surrounding area.
I am the first person to suggest this investigation, so I plan to take responsibility and will conduct one tomorrow, too. If the three of you are interested, I would be most grateful if you would assist me.
Of course. I finished passing on everything to the Student Council, so I’ve got a bit of free time. This whole thing’s actually perfect timing for me, if anything.
I’ll also help out. Having a mystery presented to me without finding out the truth… just doesn’t feel satisfying to me.
Right, Takamine-kun?
Yeah. I’ve come this far already, so leaving the rest up to my seniors doesn’t feel right.
Plus, I’m now even more curious to learn the truth behind this painting, so…
I’ll help out if it’s for a short while.
Then it’s settled. Tomorrow, we will split in pairs and conduct a survey on anyone concerned with the artist, as well as investigate the region.
We shall decide the pairs through a drawn lottery. How does that sound, gentlemen?
Portrait Shrouded In Mystery 4

Next day, in the afternoon…
(It’s still winter, but today is such a warm day…♪)
Ah, the wind is a sign that spring’s coming soon. It feels so nice~…♪4
Pant, pant, gasps… Could you please wait a moment, Takamine-kuuun~?
Erm, are you alright, Sakuma-senpai…?
We just took a break a second ago, but if you still feel exhausted, it’s okay to call for a taxi to take you home, y’know?
We’re still on our way to meet the friend of the elderly artist… Once I reach them, I’ll listen to what they have to say…
N-No. I am the one who requested a lot from you and dragged you here. I ask that you let me put in the effort and meet them, as well. I will need a few breaks in between, however…
That being said, the sunlight is quite harsh, even though it’s still winter… Perhaps I made light of this planet Earth a little.
Yeah… Lately, rather than all four seasons, it’s been feeling more like we have twice the summer throughout the year… Apparently, today’s a more extreme case, since it’s warmer than usual for this time of year…
But this is pretty unexpected. I thought Sakuma-senpai was a perfect superhuman, but… Surprisingly, you’re bad with sunlight, aren’t you?
—Ahh, is that why in last year’s Pirate Festival, you were asleep until the evening…?5
Hm? I thought it was common knowledge that I cannot handle the sunlight — Were you perhaps unaware of that, Takamine-kun?
Ah, no. I’ve heard from Shinkai-senpai that you say vampire-like stuff, but…
…Isn’t that just you putting on a character?
…Kukuku. I see; “putting on a character”, you say? ♪
Eh!? Did I say something wrong!? There was a long pause there…!?
Not at all. I was simply surprised by such a novel response. I mean it in a good way.
It’s understandable. You would not know much about me, after all.

When we worked together once upon a time, we were mostly performing in separate areas… And you were also desperately doing your best during that time, so you likely hadn’t noticed then…2
But I am simply a human being who breathes, eats, and sleeps just like you, Takamine-kun. ♪
(He’s smiling…)
(Did it make him that happy? Mm~ I don’t really understand Sakuma-senpai…)
(But, somehow I felt an affinity with him just then…)
(I only knew Sakuma-senpai as his idol self, or through rumors, so I felt nervous around him at first…)
(But knowing he has this side to him as well gives me a sense of relief somehow…)
Takamine-kun, over here! Come this way~♪
There was a convenient shade to rest in, thankfully. Come take a break with me, too. ♪
Woah, that was fast—! When did you get to that tree…?
Ermm… Then I hope you don’t mind me resting here…
Mhm, mhm. Feel free to seat yourself beneath the shade.
We walked up quite a long slope. There is no divine punishment for resting a little and enjoying the scenery, is there? ♪
Ah— This scenery… Is it—
Mm. Coincidentally, it matches the same place that was painted in the ‘Mysterious Portrait’.
The sandbank in ES lies on the edge of the canvas, as if it were seen from down here.
It is likely that several decades ago, the artist and the person in the portrait met on this hill.
Maybe he painted this scenery as a memory of this woman and this beautiful landscape.
Hm. That’s a good deduction, Takamine-kun.
However, I cannot help but feel as though there is a different reason to it.
A different reason…?
Yes. If he wanted to keep that spectacle as a memory, he would not have sent it away to a commercial art gallery, would he?
I wouldn’t have done that, at least. I would have cherished it for life and displayed it somewhere without ever letting someone buy it — all to hold on to such a beautiful memory forever.
That is why, this is what I think: Perhaps the artist saw the woman and this landscape and thought to himself, “I want to capture this beautiful moment as a painting.”
Ahh, I see… Yeah, that’s what the fine arts is all about, I think. This scenery is really pretty, after all…
The woman in the portrait could actually be the elderly artist’s wife.
Kukuku. Takamine-kun is such a romantic. I thought of that theory as well, but I am considering a different possibility now.
Although, we do not have enough time to discuss that possibility, do we? While we’ve been amusing ourselves with idle chatter, our meeting time is drawing near.
We will verify our theories later. For now, I am starting to feel a lot better, so let us do our best to reach the artist’s friend’s house without any more stops.
I’m glad to know you’ve recovered. Okay then, let’s climb up the hill while enjoying the view…♪
Portrait Shrouded In Mystery 5

The next day…
Oi~ssu~ (waves)
I saw your text message on HoldHands. Sakuma-senpai was able to arrange a meeting with the artist, right?
Yeah. Yesterday, Sakuma-senpai and I visited the elderly artist’s friend, and that person explained the situation to his family for us.
His friend doesn’t seem to know anything about the time when the ‘Mysterious Portrait’ was created…
But it’s apparently the biggest masterpiece he painted when he was young, so they told us that it’s best that we learn about the story from the artist himself, before he passes away.
They said they’re sure that he’d want to talk about it to us, too.
Ahaha. Our team didn’t get any info the whole day, while your team had real success in surveying people, huh?
We also thought of surveying people, and visited the home of someone who teaches painting, but for some reason they grew really fond of us…
It seemed that they were happy to be visited by teens the same age as their grandkid, so they treated us to a nice meal~♪
Sounds like it was fun over on your side, which I think is good to hear…
By the way, where’s Sakuma-senpai right now? He said to meet in front of the hospital, so is he resting in a nearby shade…?
Ahh, Sakuma-senpai is double-checking with the hospital staff if we can visit the artist or not.
It seems his health goes up and down depending on the day.
So they said that as long as there’s no problems with his condition, he’ll be able to meet us.
I see… I hope he’s doing okay…
There is no need to worry about that.
The warm weather has been common as of late, so it seems his condition has stabilized.
Now then. The elderly gentleman is looking forward to our visit. Let’s not have him wait for us; it is time we head inside.
This is it, huh… We’ll finally get to learn the story behind the ‘Mysterious Portrait’…

Please excuse us.
Please excuse us…!
Ahh, so you’re the kids who are holding on to my painting?
Thank you. I painted that a very long time ago, and had thought it’d never appear before me again… I’m truly glad to be able to see it again.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You have my gratitude.
Huh? Are you talking to me…?
Ah, no. We were just helping out Sakuma-senpai. Please thank him instead of me.
Sakuma-senpai took the initiative to find out who painted this portrait. We simply helped him out with that~♪
So it was Sakuma-kun… Thank you.
If you hadn’t taken interest in this painting, I would have never been able to experience such a miracle today.
Oh, no, I did not accomplish this all on my own, sir.
Without the assistance of the people around me, I don’t believe I would have been able to reach you at all.
I owe it to everyone who has cooperated with me. Wouldn’t you say this is a victory our team accomplished as a whole?
(Ah— Sakuma-senpai is speaking really politely to the artist.)6
(I guess that makes sense. There may be some people in ES who don’t speak politely to their seniors, but Sakuma-senpai’s in Rhythm Link, and that agency’s pretty strict about hierarchy, I think…?)
Hahaha. There’s no need to be so formal with me.
Aren’t you an idol who originally always speaks like an old man? I researched a little bit about you before your visit.
Oh my… So you know about that? Pardon me, then.
Indeed. It is I, Sakuma Rei, the leader of UNDEAD — The unit that champions itself as demons of the night.7
Ahh… You excel much more with that tone of speech; it really suits you perfectly.
I suppose if there’s something that stands out to me, it’s that you wouldn’t hear any actual old people speak that way.
That stings to hear directly…
Oh yeah, that is kind of strange. Why do you talk like that?
Takamine-kun, that is obviously because I am an old man, don’t you know~?
What other reason would there be? Right, this is the last time we speak of this.
Hah… I’m sorry, I think I might’ve accidentally touched on a sensitive subject.
Hey now, we’re going off-topic, y’know~?
We’re here to ask about what made him paint this artwork… ‘Cause we want to know about the story behind the painting, right?
Ah— Yeah, you’re right…
Mister, could we please learn about this painting’s background?
We’re here because we want to know the mystery behind it.
Alright, that’s fine by me.
This painting means a lot to me, but I had no choice but to let go of it once upon a time.
It was such a shocking moment for me, that I had entirely forgotten about the painting for a long time… And it then faded into the depths of my memories. But when I was on the brink of death, the memories of that painting flashed before my eyes.
If you hadn’t found it for me, I would’ve never, ever… (sniffs)…
Are you alright? Would you like a handkerchief?
No… I’m fine. I just got emotional…
You see, it’s all because of the portrait’s model — This lady here.
This person…?
Yes. Judging by your expression, Sakuma-kun… I think you may have already guessed the reason.
Indeed. At first, I had thought that the person in the painting was the artist’s lover — In other words, your lover.
However, considering the whereabouts of this painting, as well as the historical background painted within it, I inferred that that theory is unlikely.
In those days, arranged marriages were common — and you, who came from a high family status, hesitated to pursue a relationship with your woman of fancy.
She must have known that, as well. And so, the two people who could not truly be together instead chose to enclose a beautiful moment in a landscape area.
This painting then brought you a lot of fame as an artist… However, at the very same time, it imprisoned your relationship as “the one who painted” and “the one who was painted”.
What do you say? Is my deduction incorrect?
No, it’s exactly as you say.
She was a friend of mine that I met when I was still studying in art school.
I was fond of her, but I graduated without ever confessing my feelings, and we then lost contact entirely.
This painting acts as a memory of my innocent youth.
…Could I ask you to keep hold of this painting a little longer?
I feel as though I’ll come to a halt if I keep the painting in the hospital. When I’m discharged from the hospital safe and sound, I’d like to collect it from you.
Mm. Then I’ll negotiate with the owner of this artwork. The painting is surely wishing for the same…♪
Right. The mystery is solved, so it is time we head home.
We wouldn’t want to be in the way of someone’s nostalgic memory of his youth. Let’s instead fill our own youth with new discoveries—
And so, with this, the ‘Mysterious Portrait’ case is solved. ♪
Portrait Shrouded In Mystery 6

A few days later…
♪~ (Humming)
(Heheh, I don’t have anything scheduled today. This day’s going just great…♪)
(The last time I had a day off, I had to join Sakuma-senpai with the investigation, and it mentally drained me— Actually, in Yuuki-senpai’s words, you call that MP, I think…?)
(So I have to rest up lots to make up for it…♪)
(But well, to be fair, it wasn’t so bad in the end.)
Ah, Isara-senpai, Yuuki-senpai. Hello, thank you for your hard work the other day…
Ooh, hey Takamine. We’re bumping into each other a lot lately~♪
Maybe that ‘Mysterious Portrait’ brought us together?
No, no, please stop. We don’t need any more occult stories…
But still, the truth behind the ‘Mysterious Portrait’ was a surprise to hear, wasn’t it?
Yeah, it reminded me how the norm really was different depending on the era. It all felt so dramatic to learn, like a manga.
But now the mystery’s solved. Isn’t that great to hear, Takamine~? ♪
Yeah… I was pretty curious to find out, so I’m glad…
Now I don’t have to be terrorized by a painting that will make me drop dead after looking at it three times…
Ahaha, you still believed that? Wasn’t it all good in the end~?
Y-Yeah, but… Even if looking at it three times was okay, there could’ve been a possibility I’d die on the fifth time, and you don’t wanna take risks with something like that, do you…?
Ahaha, you get way too worried. If you’d like, I could prove to you it’s fine by looking at it a hundred times?
Please cherish your life more…
Kukuku. How unusual to see all three of you gathered here. Perhaps I was so lucky as to witness this because of my proper routine?
Guh— Sakuma-senpai’s here too…!?
Kukuku. Don’t look so displeased. I’m completely harmless, you know~?
More importantly, could I ask for a bit of your time?
What, no.
Now, now, do not be like that. Today happens to be the day that the elderly gentleman artist will come to collect the ‘Mysterious Portrait’ after being discharged from the hospital.
I was planning to ask the three of you to join me as well, even if it’s to simply show your face, but you have already saved me the trouble of contacting you. So, could you come outside for a moment?
W-Well, if that’s all it is… I guess it’s alright.
But wait, this is way too much of a coincidence…? I-Is it really the power of the ‘Mysterious Portrait’ after all…!?
Fufu. Perhaps that painting truly does have the artist’s feelings dwelling within it.
He will arrive sure enough. Speak of the devil, and… There he is. ♪
Good afternoon. Have you all been doing well?
Ah, yes… It’s great to see you doing well too, mister.
Erm, but is it alright for him to enter the dormitory…?
I’ve already arranged for his arrival. There are no issues if it’s simply to pass on a painting, so I received a permit immediately.
What a pleasant surprise, though. I didn’t expect that he’d get discharged so quickly.
Yeah, right~? He recovered a whole lot in such a short time.
Haha. I can’t let myself be so disheartened forever, after all.
I felt a lot better thanks to youngsters such as yourselves visiting me.
It was my first time seeing an idol performance, but I did watch a few videos of all of you. Your overflowing energy truly helped me feel better, even physically.
Maybe the three of you bringing this painting, brought everything to me as well.
Especially Sakuma-kun. Your performance truly left a deep impression on me.
It reminded me of my past self. It almost makes me want to have you as my model for a new painting. ♪
I appreciate hearing such kind words. It makes me feel blessed to be an idol.
(whispering) “Past self”… I feel like he’s glorifying it a bit…
Hahaha, you’re an honest one.
Y-You heard what I said!?
It’s alright, I take no offense. While I was good-looking in the past — It’s simply an old man’s nonsense in the end.
The past is in the past. We have to live in the now as best as we can, while leaving the past to our records and memories. That’s always important no matter what.
Records and memories—
Hey, Makoto. How about we do “that thing” we did just recently?
That thing—… Ahh, you mean “that”!
Mister, since we’re all here with the painting… Could we take a photo so that we can capture a moment of this day?
When we were making a graduation album, we took a lot of photos to keep as a memory. This is a wonderful day to celebrate, so let’s take a photo together~♪8
To commemorate you being discharged from the hospital and collecting your painting, and to commemorate us solving the mystery…♪
Is that alright with all of you? If it is, I’d love to do so.
I’ve become a fan of everyone, so this would be a blessing for me, as your fan. ♪
Alright, then what say we take a photo together with the painting and the older gentleman in the middle?
While Yuuki-kun prepares the tripod and camera, I’d like to ask the older gentleman to choose a location to take a picture.
If a renowned artist such as yourself chooses the place, it surely means it will be special.
…Yeah, that’s true. He’s the same person who created the painting that captivated us for days.
As your first job after being discharged from the hospital, I would be extremely grateful if you could capture a beautiful moment of the four of us.
…Would you be so kind as to accept this request of ours, mister?
Translation Notes
- ↑ Yuruchara, yuru meaning “loose,” “soft,” “laid-back,” + the word “character”. Yuruchara are mascot characters, their defining features are that they have very peculiar designs, ranging from bizarre-cute to adorkable, as well as being used all across Japan for PR purposes, in companies, prefectures, etc… For more information please see this.
- ↑ Referring to Music Festa. Midori, Rei, Izumi and Yuzuru performed in the same team together as “Rei-chan Team”.
- ↑ Referring to the first Main Story in ! Era, in the Rebellion chapters.
- ↑ This refers to haru ichiban; when strong wind blows from the warm south for the first time as the season changes from winter to spring.
- ↑ Referring to Pirate Festival from Rei’s Yumenosaki days as a third year.
- ↑ Rei switches to speaking in polite Japanese (keigo) to the artist. You can learn more about this side of Rei in Resurrection Sunday (Specifically Reincarnation 8), where he is shown to switch between speech patterns in different settings.
- ↑ Rei switches back to his usual old-man speech quirk, where he uses wagahai as his first-person pronoun.
- ↑ Referring to Four Seasons of Love. Please check this masterlist for a translation.