Tropical – Tetora Mini Talk: Studying Every Day

Hello, Anzu-Anego! Thank you for all your hard work! Are you gonna eat lunch now?
The other seat is empty, so you're totally free to sit here~♪
Ah— It's bad manners to look at my phone while eatin', right… Sorry, I'll put it back in.
I was reading through a TV entertainer's interview.
There's somethin' I wanna study up on, so I was using it as reference.
That's true! We should focus on our food when it's time to eat, after all.
We dunno who's watchin', so I wanna be careful with my manners at all times.
Ahaha, yep, you're right, I'm usually way more careful.
I'm pretty hungry after finishing my work, but there was also somethin' I was real curious to look up… so I couldn't help myself.

I was filming for a TV show just a second ago, and one of the entertainers was late, so it caused a bit of tension…
But the host calmed the situation down in a peaceful way, and things went back to normal.
I was honestly amazed, 'cuz I could never do that. That's why I thought to learn more from 'em by checking out their interviews.
At first, I thought, "Is it really okay for things to be this lax with the host…?"
But their ability to change the atmosphere of the room in a flash is incredible. I can really learn a lot from people who've been in the show biz for a long time.
It's nothin' big really, especially compared to other people, like Morisawa-senpai.
I'm real clumsy, so I wanna try to absorb as much reference points as I can.
Yuruchara… as in, the ones Midori-kun likes?
Oh yeah, since yurucharas also heal people in a peaceful way, right? Maybe I should learn from 'em, too.

Lately, RB has been gettin' a lotta attention, so I've been getting a lot more jobs, like the one I just mentioned.
I've been appearing on magazines, radios and a lot more… It's a real good reminder that each media has a different vibe to it.
I gotta study more and more to be capable of handling any kinda work!
Ahaha… Yeah, you're right, I gotta be careful not to go too far.
I must've made ya worry a lot, haven't I? But I assure you that you don't have to worry as much anymore!
Really!? You'd be a powerhouse to have, Anego!
Ah, but… You don't just produce me, so I can't keep relyin' on ya.
…Huh, you'll give me your side dish? Thank you!
But I'm not a fan of only receiving and never giving, y'know? So if it's alright, please exchange side dishes with me!