WILDLAND – Possibility and Guiding Star
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, May)

Several days later…
uu~… i am so thirsty… i will dry up at this rate…
someone, anyone, please give me water…
Please hold on for a little longer, okay? Shinobu-kun’s trying to fetch some for us right now.
midori, i [cannot] go on any longer… i leave the rest to you…
Leave what to me…? Uwah— Please don’t lean on me… I’m already drenched in sweat as is.
I apologize for keeping you two waiting! I’ve brought something to drink from the staff~!
shinobu, please hurry and pour water on me…
We have practice after this, so I cannot do that right now.
Here, I opened the bottle for you, so do make sure to take slow sips.
gulp, gulp…♪
pheww~ i feel revived~♪
I’m delighted to know you’ve regained your vitality, Shinkai-dono! Ah, Midori-kun, make sure to drink some too.
Yeah, thanks… I’m not like Shinkai-senpai or anything, but I was really this close to drying up, too.
The stage lighting’s pretty strong around this area, after all~
Combined with this wild land-like interior design, it almost feels as though the sun itself is illuminating us.
…When I look at this scenery, I start to get the feeling that the initial image I had of WILDLAND’s world wasn’t that far off, actually.
I mean, if the wild land looks like this, then it wouldn’t be strange to find a bunch of people carrying crazy-looking weapons around here.
Ah, there are some cars and motorbikes with apocalyptic designs.1
I believe they’ll most likely be used to navigate this vast area.
I truly wonder what sort of technology is being utilized here… Even the horizon can be seen from here, so I keep doubting if we’re actually inside a building right now.
Yeah. It’s got that exact feeling of wandering into an alternative world. Makes me feel uneasy somehow.
ufufu. it is almost as if we became [alice].
When I went to fetch us water to drink, I caught sight of a lion and a horse, as well. I asked about it, and apparently, they are going to be involved in performances of other attractions.
A horse is one thing, but a lion too…? Well, whatever; not like it has anything to do with the attraction we’re in charge of, I guess.
Mhm. It appears that the other idols will also begin practicing on the actual stage starting today, just like us.
As the opening unit for WILDLAND, let’s put all our energy into practice!
I’m not really that up for this, though. That suffocating guy is coming back soon, too.
Morisawa-dono, correct? Indeed, when was he planning to arrive here?
he said that he will [join] us in the afternoon~
he seemed to be looking forward to the [practice session] with ryuseitai after so long.
I’m not looking forward to it at all, though…
midori really is not [honest], is he~♪
Let’s start practicing ahead of time, so that we can also surprise Morisawa-dono when he joins us!
I mean, sure, but… Tetora-kun still isn’t back?
I know the staff called him over, but a lot of time has passed since then, hasn’t it?
Indeed, it has… But I’m sure he hasn’t gone that far. I’ll go and look for him!
I’ll go too, then. I got the main gist of what WILDLAND’s like by now, so.
then how about we all split up and search for him?
WILDLAND’s Staff Aisle…
(When I checked with the staff, they told me that he’s having a meeting in this room, but…)
Ossu! Thank you so much for hearing me out!
(Ooh, there he is! It seems like he’s still speaking to the staff.)
You’re the ones who’d like to thank me…?
Since I took the time to discuss and tune up the stage with everyone, you now feel like it’ll turn out to be an incredible performance?
Ahaha, I’m super glad to hear that.
As I’ve said before, we hope to be in your care from today onwards for our stage practice!

Is the discussion over, Tetora-kun?
Whoa!? Ah, it’s you, Shinobu-kun. Since when were you behind me… Don’t surprise me like that!
Fufu, hiding my presence is my forte! ♪
Anyway, you still hadn’t come back, so we all went looking for you.
Ah, you were? I’m sorry for worrying you guys.
Did a problem come up by any chance?
Nah, nothin’ like that. There was somethin’ they wanted to check over ‘bout the stage’s direction, and I heard ‘em out, that’s all.
We also reviewed the schedule of the performance day, like checking the productions in other attractions and integrating ‘em with the world setting.
Ooh, I feel bad for leaving everything to you…
Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’m the commander this time!
…But to be honest, I had this thought when we were RB too, but… Bein’ a commander’s seriously tough, isn’t it?
Bein’ the point of contact with the client is a given, but you also have to think ‘bout how to bring out the most impactful performance, then coordinate it with the staff, and so on…
There’s just so much to think over, it feels like I could blow out any minute.
I know exactly what you mean. It felt like that when I was the commander, as well.
These were all the things that Morisawa-dono had done for us up until now… But now that I’ve actually attempted it myself, it’s truly sunken in my head how tough it is.
Yeah. …But that’s exactly why there’s just as much stuff you get outta bein’ the leader.
After all, with the way Ryuseitai has powered up now, it’s become a lot easier to take a step forward in tryin’ out new challenges.
So I wanna pour my all into WILDLAND, too.
It’s gonna involve stuff I’m not that well-versed in, like Alice in Wonderland and the concept of “wild”, but… I wanna take full advantage of this opportunity.
That’s why, for every li’l thing I can come up with… for everythin’ I can do, I wanna make sure to take ‘em on as a challenge.
Chapter 2
What’s wrong, Shinobu-kun?
…No, I simply felt as though you truly are more determined than usual, Tetora-kun.
You think so? I’m not usually trying to cut corners either, though…
Hold on, that isn’t at all what I meant!?
How should I put it… I sensed an undoubtable “zeal” from you just now. Do you have some thoughts regarding this particular job by any chance?
It’s not really clickin’ in me what you mean by that, but — Yeah, if we’re talking ‘bout feelings I have towards this job, then that’d be…
I wanna discover a new possibility within Ryuseitai through this stage, y’see.
Possibility within Ryuseitai?
Ossu. For the past few months, we’ve performed activities while changing leaders as the reborn Ryuseitai, right?
I’m pretty fond of this method, actually.
I can’t deny that I felt a bit anxious at first, though. We went through one misfortune after the other last year, after all… or more like, it felt as though we kept misaligning with one another.2
But when we actually started alternating between commanders, I think we managed to experience a lotta things we wouldn’t have been able to previously.
Indeed, it’s like I mentioned earlier. We now get to challenge ourselves with the same tasks that Morisawa-dono had been doing for us.
You’re right, that experience was only obtained because each of us tried out being the commander.
Yeah. But it’s not just that, really…
I got the sense that I gain all kinds’a experiences precisely when someone else is the commander.
So, when you aren’t the one who’s the commander…?
Every Ryuseitai member’s got their own solid sense of individuality, right? And up ‘til this point, the five of us had cooperated together to aim for the Ryuseitai that Morisawa-senpai envisioned.
But… Each of us have somethin’ we’re not willing to give up on, or somethin’ we wanna do… Our own ideal, so to speak.3
Like Yuruseitai, that yells out its love for yuruchara, or Ryuseitai-C, that aims to be somethin’ similar to the stars that light up the world…4
If we were still the Ryuseitai from back then, I would’ve only been able to catch glimpses of those feelings that Midori-kun and Shinkai-senpai hold inside…
But with the powered up Ryuseitai… with the current Ryuseitai, where each of us can act as the commander — I get to learn each and every one of those colors.
And I find learning ‘bout those feelings real fun, y’know?
It’s like I’m being told, “there are possibilities within Ryuseitai that you would’ve never been able to reach, no matter how hard you tried thinking it up.”
“This isn’t all that Ryuseitai has to offer” — “We can still shine more and more”…
I know I’m exaggeratin’ a li’l, but that’s how it feels to me.
I see, so that’s the sort of thoughts you’ve been having, Tetora-kun?
…Does that mean that this time around, you will be the one to expand Ryuseitai’s possibilities for us?
Ahaha, that’s why I chose to be the commander, yeah…
But as I’d expected, it’s pretty tough to make sense outta somethin’ I dunno much ‘bout, and then utilize it for Ryuseitai’s activities.
I’m hoping to draw out another charm within Ryuseitai through WILDLAND, just like everyone else has done before, but…
I can barely tell if I’m actually making progress.
…That might be why I consulted with the staff a moment ago, huh.
I dunno if I’m right or wrong in any of this, so it feels like I gotta keep floundering ‘bout, if nothin’ else…
…There’s no need to worry so much, Tetora-kun. You aren’t advancing in the wrong direction at all.
After all, this is the path that all of us thought over and chose together with you.
It is precisely because you acted as our commander that we were able to get this far.5
…Hearing that makes me feel a li’l relieved.
By advancing through a path I’ve never explored before, I came to understand that there are things I’m able to grasp onto, but…
It’s still nerve-wracking making my way down a path I’m unfamiliar with, you feel me?
But I wanna find it too, just like everyone else did. That possibility within Ryuseitai that’s yet to be seen.
So I think I might continue to cause you all trouble from here on, too…

Bring on as much trouble as you like. Have you forgotten? Ryuseitai is—
All for one, and one for all — Right?
If there’s anything you need, I want you to rely on us without any hesitation!
This has made me want to see what we could become even more! The Ryuseitai from WILDLAND!
Ossu. I’ll make sure to meet your expectations~♪
Right. We talked for a long while there, but we should head over to the stage now!
Indeed we should. We can’t keep Shinkai-dono and Midori-kun waiting any longer, either—
Ah, found them! Over here, Shinkai-senpai!
[wonderful work], midori.
Midori-kun and Shinkai-senpai? Why’re you two so panicked?
I knew it, you really haven’t heard anything yet…
Well, to be fair, we also just happened to learn about it when overhearing the staff talking, so we don’t know much either…
…? Not sure what you’re talking ‘bout, what on earth happened?
it is an emergency — a [fierce beast] has been let loose into ‘wildland’.
Chapter 3

WILDLAND, Ryuseitai’s green room…
Those two still aren’t back…
Sigh… Why is today the one day that something troublesome happens…
let’s calm down, midori. the [staff] will surely [settle] it in no time.
I sure hope so… Everyone’s in such a panicked rush that I think it’s making me feel restless too.
Ossu, we’re back.
Welcome back, you two. …How was it?
It’s as Shinkai-dono said exactly.
It’s true that there’s a lion that escaped inside WILDLAND.
So we didn’t mishear after all…
Seems like it escaped from the car while they were transporting it to the stage it was gonna perform in.
They thought they kept it secure inside the transport box, but then realized the lock was actually worn out.
And the staff are now on a search for the lion… is what I assume?
They are conducting a search more or less, but they can’t have all the staff on duty, it seems.
They said that they must prioritize ensuring the safety of the visitors above all, so the first thing they’ve done is increase security so that the lion doesn’t exit out of WILDLAND.
it is a regular [amusement park] outside of ‘wildland’, after all. it would be a [grave matter] if something happened to the visitors.
Apparently, they’re tryna track down the lion’s whereabouts through the cameras in the area…
But they still haven’t found the lion itself. They said they might have to go to that spacious area and look for it themselves…
Nevertheless, we were told that we shouldn’t leave this room until the matter is resolved.
I’d do that even if they didn’t tell us to. It’d be a disaster if I accidentally stumbled on that lion the moment I stepped outside.
yes. i believe it is best that we stay here until the [issue] is settled.
Tetora-kun, you’ve got a grave look on your face… What’s wrong?
Ah, is what the staff said still on your mind?
…? is there another [problem]?
…Truth is, I heard that the staff members who were working inside the wild land area haven’t come back yet.
As we mentioned, most of the staff are focused on ensuring the visitors’ safety, so it’s just a small number of people goin’ on a search for the lion.
And apparently, the staff that were left behind in the area are somewhere far from where the lion fled, so they also said it’s fine to come and help ‘em way later…
are you perhaps hoping to go and save them, tetora?
Go and save them…? The staff just told us not to leave this room, right?
You do realize how bad it’d be to disobey that and go off to the wild land area where a lion might be, right…!?
If we just let time pass, the staff will take care of it eventually, and I think we should just stay put as we’re meant to, anyway.
You’re right, Midori-kun. If we went to save ‘em, the absolute worst possibility is us getting attacked by the lion.
…I know that in my head, but… I just can’t get myself to accept it.
It’s natural for the staff to prioritize the visitors’ safety. They’re not in the wrong there.
But… I still think doing nothin’ for the people waiting for rescue right before our eyes is not the way to go… Like, I just hate the thought of it.
Abandoning one side to save the other is not the sort of heroes we aim to be, either.
Well, yeah, I don’t wanna turn a blind eye either. I won’t be able to sleep well tonight if I do… But even then…
the [wild land] is pretty wide, after all. i think it will be difficult just looking for them.
if we are going to go rescue them, we must think up some sort of [plan].
So the issues are that the wild land area is vast… and that there’s also a possibility we could get attacked by the lion.
…How about navigating through the area with a car?
If we’re all in a car, it should be a piece’a cake to travel, no matter how wide the place is. And even if we do get attacked by the lion, we’ll be safe inside of it!
and with the [air conditioning] on, we should do fine with the [heat]~♪
That might be a fine idea and all, but who’s gonna drive the car?
I doubt the staff would help us out even if we asked… Not to mention, Tetora-kun, Shinobu-kun — Neither of you have a driver’s license, right?
Uu~myu… That’s true. I thought it was a good plan, though…
no, i think it was very much a [nice idea], tetora.
But without someone to drive the car like Midori-kun said, there’s no point, is there?
no, there is someone. a hero that we know very well.
…! That’s right! I heard he finally received his driver’s license just recently!
Oh yeah, he sent a message that he’ll arrive in the afternoon, right?
I’m so sorry I’m late! Ryusei Red, Morisawa Chiaki—! Has finally made his arrival!
It seems there’s some sort of problem happening; are you all alright? I haven’t fully made sense of the situation, though…
ufufu, a hero truly always arrives in the nick of time, right? ♪
Mm? What do you mean, Kanata?
Chapter 4

WILDLAND, the wild land area…
mm~ it is hard to search for someone [through] the [window], isn’t it~ chiaki, may i pull the window down a little more?
I don’t mind, but don’t forget to take caution in case the lion appears.
We can’t risk getting attacked by the lion because of an open window, so it’s best not to pull the window too far down. We got to rent this car for safety, so it would be pointless if we end up failing to protect ourselves.
Uh, if you’re gonna say that, then there’s someone else you should actually be scolding right now, y’know.
Mm, true, but—
He had the look of a man who’s made up his mind. I doubt I could’ve stopped him.
It’s as Morisawa-dono says. I don’t think he would’ve dropped the plan no matter what we told him.
and most of all, we were out of luck when we ended up with a car that has this sort of [design].
well, in tetora’s case, it might have been luck on his side, though~♪
Okay, but—
It’s still way too reckless to tie himself to an iron pole just to look for the lion!
Midori-kuuun~!? Didja say somethin’!?
Tetora-kun, I really think we should give up on that plan! You don’t need to push yourself this much, seriously!
I can’t do that now! There are people waiting for rescue in this wild land as we speak!
…I do feel bad for dragging you all in this, though.
there is no need to act like we are [strangers], tetora.
Exactly! The five of us together are Ryuseitai. We’re the heroes of justice who stretch out our hands to those in trouble, are we not?
Yeah. We share the same feelings as you, Nagumo. Let’s pour out all our efforts for the sake of those waiting for rescue…!
Morisawa-senpai, Shinkai-senpai, and even Shinobu-kun…!
I’m such a fortunate guy!
Erm, okay, I get that you wanna save them. I’ll give that part up.
But you don’t have to look for them from there, right? Can’t we at least search around from inside the car together?
Didn’t we already confirm this before hoppin’ on? We talked ‘bout how it’s hard to see the full landscape even if we had those small windows wide open!
Isn’t that why we chose to use this car, since it so happened to be nearby and have a pillar attached to it, yeah?
Yeah, I know, but! Don’t you understand that you’re at risk of getting attacked by the lion!?
Exactly, Nagumo! We’re all comrades here! We can’t have you do something so dangerous all on your own!
Oh, I know! After I drive for a little longer, how about you and I switch places!? A situation where the hero is in captivity burns me up, anyway!
You, stay quiet please! It’s only making the conversation more convoluted…!
Hahaha, it’s been a while since Takamine’s been this harsh with me. I now truly feel like I’ve come back to Ryuseitai…♪
yes, it seems you felt lonely during the [audition], since you could not meet with us~
Erm, more importantly, if Morisawa-dono was tied to the pillar, nobody would be able to drive the car, you know…?
Midori-kun, I’m grateful that you’re so worried for me.
But you can rest easy. I’ll be fine!
(Going to the point of sacrificing yourself just to put your all into saving someone in trouble—…)
Besides… Aren’t I super wild right now!?
I feel like I’m starting to understand what bein’ wild is by feelin’ the wind on my body~!
UOOOOHHH!! I’m at peak wild right now~!!
Nah. You just look like you’re captured into the wild.
Now, now, Midori-kun. As Tetora-kun says, it would be difficult to see the landscape from inside the car. It makes sense to search for them from the outside.
Does it really make sense…?
shinobu tied the [ropes] firmly, so there should be no need to worry about them getting loose while driving around.
Heh~♪ I also made sure Tetora-kun can loosen the ties himself if he ever wants to, so please trust us on that.
and even if the [lion] attacks us, because we are [inside] the car, chiaki can shake it off for us.
I heard that lions are fast on their feet, but a car is obviously going to be much faster. You can count on me for that!
Haha, who would’ve known that this is where I’d be able to make use of the driver’s license I finally got a hold of~♪
…I almost forgot. Being with you guys means this sort of thing, doesn’t it.
Sigh, it’s really been a while, huh. This boisterous energy…
We should be arriving at the place where the staff were left behind, but… Nagumo, can you see them?
Wait one moment… Ah!
There! I found ‘em! Something’s moving behind that boulder!
just to be sure, it was not the [lion], right?
From the color I saw for a second, I don’t think it is, but… Look! They heard the sound of the car and showed themselves!
It looks like they’re safe!
Haah, I’m so glad… Now we just need to get them on board and get back, right?
shinobu and i will help the staff onto the [car], so the rest of you keep a look out if the [lion] is around, please.
I’m so glad this is ending on a good note. Of course, we can’t let our guard down until we’re back, though.
Seriously… But I’m glad to know the staff are safe.
Yeah, definitely. With this, we’ve accomplished our duty as heroes…♪
come, now that we, ryuseitai, are here, there is no need to fear. let’s get in the car and get back.
ah— i am sure you feel thirsty, right? we have water too, so please feel free to drink as much as you like~
It isn’t the time for that right now, Shinkai-dono. Let’s give them water after they’re in the car.
…What’s that?
… …!? Shinkai-senpai, Shinobu-kun! Hurry back to the car!
The lion is running over this way!
Awawa!? S-Shinkai-dono! We must hurry!
i am hurrying as much as i can~!
(This is bad! The lion’s way faster than I thought, at this rate it’ll catch up before they enter the car…!)
I won’t let you…!
Why’s Nagumo loosening the ties— No, don’t tell me!
Is he gonna try and stop the lion!?
…You’re not getting past this point!
Chapter 5
Kanata! Did everyone get in!?
yes. only tetora is left.
Tetora-kun! Hurry back already!
Why won’t he move…!?
If he turns his back on the lion and tries to run, that’s exactly the moment he’ll get attacked.
He has no choice but to withdraw slowly!
In that case, I’ll be the one to act as a decoy… While I’ve got it distracted, you all get Nagumo into the car.
Are you an idiot!? That’d only make you the one in hot water this time!
Then I’ll act as a decoy! I have confidence in my agility!
Nobody gets outta the car!
Tetora-kun! But at this rate, the lion will…!
I’ll be fine, so you all just stay there.
(Looks like Shinkai-senpai and Shinobu-kun managed to get the staff onto the car… All that’s left to do is for me to get in, but…)
(This is bad. …This intimidating air. So this is how it feels to be glared at by a real beast, huh…)
(Every time I step backwards, it inches closer to me at the same pace… Nah, at this rate, I’m gonna be caught before I get to the car.)
(Does karate work on lions? Wait, no, wouldn’t it be bad to injure an animal…?)
(No, no, this isn’t the time to be sayin’ that!)
(It’s been wandering ‘round the wild land for a while now, so it might be starving.)
(I could get attacked at any moment now…!)
(…Midori-kun was right. We would’ve been safe and sound if we just waited in that room.)
(But… If we were able to save the staff, then I have no regrets.)
(I did my best, didn’t I… Taishou. I faced it without runnin’ away, like a man.)
Ah, the lion closed the distance in one go…!?
Aaaaahhh~! Tetora-kuuun~!!
…Huh? I don’t feel hurt anywhere… Actually, I just feel thick fur brushing against me…
What’s going on…?
[lion]-san is snuggling up to tetora, it seems…?
Erm… What the heck’s goin’ on here?

Time passes…
Fuhaha! We sure got chewed out by the staff, huh!
Of course we did. And why do you look so happy being told off, anyway…
Mm. Getting told off for misbehavior like this suddenly reminded me of my Yumenosaki Academy days.
I used to be reckless and get reprimanded by Kunugi-sensei a lot in the past…♪6
No, seriously, why do you look so happy saying that…?
Nevertheless, you were so cool, Tetora-kun!
You never once let out a scream, even when the lion gained in on you!
I was just doin’ what I could to stay put to avoid provoking it, so I don’t think it was anythin’ cool.
But I honestly really thought I was a goner. Like, Taishou’s face even came to my mind for a moment.
but, because tetora risked his life to attract [lion]-san’s attention, we were able to get into the car.
at that moment, tetora was undoubtedly a hero.
Mhm. Great job, Nagumo!
But let’s not take any more risks, okay… I’m so glad it was a friendly lion.
I had the impression that lions are hard to approach due to them being called the king of the beasts… So I didn’t expect it to be attached to Tetora-kun to that extent.
yes, even when the staff came, it never left tetora’s side.
Oh yeah, about that… I heard more details from the staff concerning that lion.
It appears that the lion was always with a certain animal trainer from a young age. The lion thought of him as its parent and grew attached.
But then, in order to prepare for a performance in WILDLAND, a different trainer was chosen to teach it the techniques.
So it got separated from the animal trainer it adored as its parent…
Yep. The staff said they could tell it was feeling down, but…
According to them, they thought to check in and see how it’s doing for the first few days, only for this incident to occur.
Huh, so that’s what it was. Yeah, I can see how it’d feel anxious getting separated from someone it used to be with all the time, and then being taken to an unknown world all on its own…
the reason it escaped the transport box may have been for the purpose of meeting that [animal trainer]-san, too.
…Erm? Hold on. I still don’t understand why it got attached to me, though?
Ahh, right. Actually, the staff showed me a photo of the animal trainer. And surprisingly, he looked just like you!
It wasn’t an exact splitting image, but I could probably believe it if someone told me the two of you were siblings.
So in other words, the reason it got so attached to me is that it mistook me for the animal trainer that raised it?
Yeah, that would be it. And as we all saw, that lion never left Nagumo’s side until the very end.
…I feel conflicted somehow. It’s not that I thought this meant I have the qualities of being liked by lions or somethin’, but I didn’t expect it to just be ‘cuz I was mistaken for someone else, either.
No, no! Animals have a strong sense of smell, so I doubt it thought Tetora-kun was Animal Trainer-dono, no?
I’m sure without a doubt that the lion could tell that Tetora-kun was a kind person, and relaxed its guard around you.
Uu… Your follow-up touches my heart, Shinobu-kun.
Well, considering it was loitering around this hellishly hot wild land — I can kind of understand why it’d relax itself when someone who looks like its parent showed up…
Either way, it’s still true that the lion felt lonely enough for that to happen.
According to the staff, they’ve been sending requests for the animal trainer to come by before the performance.
We’ll have to make sure we send our greetings on the day he arrives! ☆
yes, let’s. i am also curious to see how much he resembles tetora~♪
That sounds like a good idea. I’m curious about the stage the lion will appear in, as well!
I’m good. I don’t wanna see any lions for now…
Hah, well, now that the case is closed, it’s ‘bout time we head to the stage and start practicing.
Translation Notes
- ↑ The word “apocalyptic” is seikimatsu (世紀末), lit. end of the century. For stories, it usually describes apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic settings. The word is also in Tetora’s first !! Era gacha, End of the Century War, and what’s more, even his gacha embodies an apocalyptic, survival theme!
- ↑ Referring to the events that took place across the first year of ES!! Era (ES1) for Ryuseitai. For a summary, please see the Ryuseitai timeline provided by the Dokisuta stream. To learn more about what happened, please read the ES1 Ryuseitai stories, such as Comet Show, Supervillain, etc…
- ↑ Originally, Tetora says yuzurenai, lit. “refuse to yield”. It’s a word that sometimes appears in Ryuseitai’s songs, like Colors Arise (Something precious they refuse to yield), or Goshoku no Shooting ☆ Star!!!!! (An unyielding strength we each possess), and even gets mentioned in the prologue of Stella Maris.
- ↑ Yuruseitai was shown in Tropical, and Ryuseitai-C (C for Cobalt Blue, also known as “fish Ryuseitai”) was shown in Stella Maris.
- ↑ This is referring to the events of Supervillain, especially the epilogue. It’s thanks to Tetora’s efforts and desire to uphold justice as a hero that Ryuseitai found a new path for themselves; the all-leaders Ryuseitai. Tetora’s dialogue right after this one is also referring to his thoughts during Supervillain.
- ↑ One exchange between Chiaki and Akiomi happens in the first main story of ! Era, found here, where Akiomi scolds Chiaki for his behavior. Chiaki and Akiomi also get to interact again after many years in VS★GOURMET, Flood of Customers.