Supervillain – Epilogue
Location: In the training room within ES

Time passes since then…
Tetora-kun, Tetora-kun!
I have news to report to y—
—Wait, what the—!? Eek—!
(Sound of a thud)
Waah!? A-A-A-Are you alright, Morisawa-dono!? Are you hurt anywhere!?
Uu~myu, the way you flew away was a lot more flashy than I expected, Morisawa-senpai… Sorry, sorry.
Gosh…! Are you fighting again? We would be in grave danger were this filmed and spread around, you know?
It is already bad enough that there are rumors that Ryuseitai no longer have a good relationship with one another, due to the incident from a few days ago.
They keep saying that the Ryuseitai that used to always get along with each other is only in the past now.
Can we really do anything about that, though…? There are some dedicated fans who keep up with any and all information on us, but…
There are some who’re just picking up whatever information they find, and now think that Tetora-kun and Shinobu-kun have left Ryuseitai to become part of RB—
Or that Ryuseitai disbanded and became a different unit for Crimson Production…
There are some people out there who only have access to that kinda information, and misinterpret it as a fact.
That truly is misinformation… I mean, we have returned back to being Ryuseitai of ES by now.
Alas, there are quite a number of people who have misunderstood that about us, as they did not follow up with all the information at hand.
And likely because of that, we have been receiving some petitions saying, “Please go back to the original Ryuseitai, when everyone would get along with each other!”
On the other hand, we also receive requests for RB from companies that appear to be anti-ES. In fact, that is the very request that I, for some odd reason, have received this time.
It’s ‘cuz ES’s really hated by people… That’s why RB keeps gettin’ requests like that, since it’s seen as a unit that’s anti-ES.
I’ve been getting a lotta requests lately ‘cuz of that. I’m happy that they want me, but I feel like I’m deceiving everyone, and it pains me inside…
At this point, RB may be making more money than Ryuseitai itself.
Surprisingly, people like bad guys, too… Or more like, they enjoy seeing stuff ‘bout heroes who struggle between justice and evil.
Like, RB’s real popular among chuunibyou kids, for one thing.1
Ah, the demographic that likes UNDEAD and Valkyrie, correct? There is a decadent, dark charm to them, and there are groups of people who seek those themes.
My beloved ninjas were originally supported by fans who like that sort of thing, and it is how ninjas survived to this very day. The inhabitants of the dark world… So cool…♪
Ossu. It seems like RB just so happened to match that sorta public demand, since it was workin’ in that direction.
Oh, and not to mention that ‘Supervillains’ influence really did end up being crazy.
We appeared in a promotional event for ‘Supervillains’ the other day, for the purpose of denouncing Crimson Production.
That’s also why we now perform under the name “RB” instead of “Ryuseitai” in ‘Supervillains’ production, as well.
It’s still written as such in our contract, so whenever ‘Supervillains’ sells well or becomes a topic, RB’s fame grows, too.
‘Supervillains’ is extremely [popular], after all, even though only the first part has been [broadcasted] so far.
Of course it’d be very popular. It has a lineup of all-time favorite heroes that have a massive, passionate fan base. On top of that, it’s undeniably a masterpiece with a godly script and direction.
Oh, you were alive, huh?
As if I’d die. I did warm ups during our rehearsal, but it’s also because you’ve become completely steady with your moves, Nagumo.
You make your attacks appear to be dynamic, but still never actually hit the target — your sundome is perfect.
Ossu! I’m grateful to hear that. Honestly, I am a li’l confused by all’a this, but I’m super happy that RB is getting more and more recognition, and even sellin’ well.
It’s as if I’ve been recognized by the world, and that makes me happy.
Thanks to all’a this, I think I’m starting to like myself a li’l more. Just a li’l bit.
Really? I’m so glad to hear that.
You were able to find your very own happiness and purpose in life — something that wasn’t me forcing it on you.
It’s only ‘cuz of everyone’s support that I was able to, y’know!
Still, I feel bad that I’m the only one who’s happy.
RB’s doin’ great and all, but we need to do something ‘bout Ryuseitai, don’t we?
I’ve been doing real well so far, but everyone else seems to be in a decline as per usual…
Hmm… Maybe we should learn from RB’s success.
What d’ya mean?
Up until now, Ryuseitai had been aiming for my ideal image — an accurate representation of a hero sentai that loves justice and achieves justice, but…
As for RB, which has Nagumo as the commander — it’s been attracting a lot of attention by showing a “dark charm” that we wouldn’t have gotten a chance to express if we stuck to the same conventions, right?
That’s exactly why, Kanata, Takamine, Sengoku — How about each of you try to develop a completely new charm to Ryuseitai?
You mean… by following Tetora-kun as an example?
Yep. For example, how about we make a unit like “RY” — as in, Ryuseitai Yellow — with Sengoku as the commander…
And then do activities that we don’t usually do?
oh, i see~ shinobu is cute, so maybe it would be a good idea to aim for a super adorable [unit]~♪
Like Ra*bits? Ah, but I am not seeking out cuteness, personally.
However, it is an interesting idea. The thought excites me!
Yeah. For a long while now, Ryuseitai seemed to be stuck at a dead-end, but Nagumo’s RB breathed life back into us.
I believe we have no choice but to follow suit now. Investing in growth stocks is the basis of management.
I feel like there was a ton of luck involved with RB’s success, though… Like a lucky punch, or somethin’.
But… This is a hundred times better than dwelling on the past, wondering what went wrong.
‘Course, I’m totally gonna do my best to get on that bandwagon and help everyone out. I wanna know everyone’s ideal image.
I wanna see the new Ryuseitai that everyone has in their minds.
All for one, and one for all.
That phrase has never changed for us — It’ll always be the perfect way to describe Ryuseitai’s principles.
Aaalrighty then, let’s discuss all about it! All of us, together! Talking all about our future!
Starting with the guy who’s trying to look like he has nothing to do with this — Takamine! You’re very much involved in this, too!
Let’s hear your thoughts on your ideal Ryuseitai — “Ryuseitai Green”!2 I want you to speak your mind without any hesitation!
Ehhh…? Ughhh, this is turning out to be such a pain…
But eh… I guess it’s fine. I feel like we’re finally going back to how we used to be.
It really is just like us Ryuseitai to be messing around like this, right?