WILDLAND – The Tiger Fumbles Around and Searches
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, May)

One year since ES’s establishment. In May — During a Ryuseitai meeting…
I hope you’re all doing well! …Ah, I’m the last to arrive? I hope I didn’t make you all wait…
I hope you’re doing well too, Morisawa-dono. You didn’t make us wait at all.
yes. i also only arrived a moment ago.
oh, that’s right. i will give this to chiaki, too. it is a [new product] being sold in [aoumi aquarium].
Hmm, what’s this…? Oooh, water manjuu!1 Based on the packaging, I assume it’s meant to be like a jellyfish?
ufufu. i came up with the idea when i saw the [kudzu noodles] souma brought over.2
both jellyfish and water manjuu are [transparent] and wobbly, so they are a perfect match, don’t you think?
Yeah, I think it’s an amazing idea! I’ll gladly have some…♪
Erm, is it okay to start the meeting now?
Actually, isn’t it Shinobu-kun’s job to do this?
I appreciate you saying it in my stead!
But it is nothing we need to rush to discuss, so there is no need to worry about the time.
Huh, really? You said you wanted to have a meeting as soon as possible, and since that’s a pretty rare request comin’ from you, I sorta expected it’d be ‘bout somethin’ important.
Same. I was worried something had come up in the project Shinobu-kun worked on as the commander…3
You can rest at ease with that. I am proceeding with all the after-event tasks without any issues!
then why did you call for a [meeting] as early as possible? you must have something you want to tell us, yes?
Of course! I brought over wonderful news today…♪
For you see, we’ve received an offer directly requesting for us to appear in ‘UNDERLAND’!
‘UNDERLAND’ is that live show event themed around Alice in Wonderland, right?
I remember Tomoya-kun and Hiiro-kun gettin’ real busy when it was time to participate in it.4
Oh yeah, I remember hearing something about that…
But isn’t there some sort of screening process for that?5
Yep, I think so. ‘Cuz I remember Tomoya-kun being real happy when his unit got the role in ‘UNDERLAND’.
The management hasn’t changed, but it seems that the contents of the project is undergoing massive updates.
‘UNDERLAND’ was also originally ‘WONDERLAND’, after all. By making alterations every year, they likely avoid getting stuck in a rut.
According to the project’s details, it’s turning from a large-scale live show-based event, to a focus around a collaboration with a theme park.
There’s a theme park that recently added an area based on Alice in Wonderland…
And various units will perform collaboration events that match with each attraction in the area.
A collaboration with a theme park? They’re puttin’ a lotta effort in this, huh?
And it does not end there. The unit they’d like to have for the opening event of that project is none other than Ryuseitai!
That’s… a pretty major role for us, isn’t it!?
It indeed is! Apart from the live show event in the theme park, they’ve also approached us with a request to film an MV that utilizes VR.
Erm, I can tell from what you’ve said so far that a pretty huge job has come our way, but…
Why did they choose us for a job as big as this? So many things happened last year that I can’t help but feel anxious, like there’s an ulterior motive to this somewhere…
Mm~ I’m not suspectin’ an ulterior motive like Midori-kun, but yeah, there’s somethin’ about this that doesn’t sit right with me.
Like, for starters, Alice in Wonderland’s pretty heavy in its fantasy elements, while Ryuseitai’s a hero unit. Don’tcha guys feel like it’s a bad combo somehow?
I could understand it if we had participated in ‘WONDERLAND’ or ‘UNDERLAND’ before, and if our performance had gotten a lotta raving reviews…
But we don’t even have that, so being chosen as the openin’ unit all’a sudden feels kinda weird.
Yeah, I understand Nagumo’s point, too.
But isn’t this, in a way, the result of the new Ryuseitai’s activity policy garnering recognition?
After ‘Supervillains’6, Ryuseitai powered up on a massive scale. And now that Ryuseitai is a unique unit where all members are leaders, we’ve started to heavily emphasize our individual colors.7
Such as RB, in which Nagumo acted as the leader, and Yuruseitai, in which Takamine acted as the leader…8
We challenged ourselves to projects we never could’ve imagined taking on during the days I was the sole commander, and then achieved success.
Isn’t it possible that the ‘UNDERLAND’ management staff had seen our activities as the new Ryuseitai, and offered this to us knowing we could do it with the way we are now?
It is exactly as Morisawa-dono says.
When I received note about this job, they mentioned that they’d like Ryuseitai to take on the job due to the vigor our unit gives off.
Our unit gives off vigor, huh… So that’s how the public’s startin’ to see us?
Also, Tetora-kun may have said that it’s a bad combination, but actually, the image is not that far off from our unit.
Huh? Did we have some common link with Alice in Wonderland…?
If it’s to do with the “mysterious wonder” genre, then I feel as though it’s Kanata who’s the closest to Alice in Wonderland’s image…
what is that supposed to mean, chiaki?
As I said earlier, the ‘UNDERLAND’ project is undergoing various updates this year.
I had called it ‘UNDERLAND’ out of convenience so that you all could understand the topic faster, but as a matter of fact, it already has a different project name.
Unlike the previous world of Alice in Wonderland, where everything was dark… A new world of Alice will be spun together—
And its name is none other than ‘WILDLAND’…☆
Chapter 2
A strange world that’s lost all order and fallen to ruin — Known as ‘WILDLAND’…
When the balance of the world collapsed, many people lost their way, and wound up in ‘WILDLAND’… Is what it says.
This is the last thing you’d imagine as a title for Alice in Wonderland, huh?
But on the other hand, I feel like it got a little closer to Ryuseitai’s image…!
Did it really? I don’t remember the wild route being much of a selling point for us.
Don’t you sense something full of vigor and power from the word “wild”?
Ryuseitai has been powered up on a massive scale, and is currently at its most vigorous state.9
If you consider that to be the reason why they came to us for this project, it makes a lot more sense, don’t you think!?
Mm~, I feel like you’re stretching it way too far, though…?
Whatever the true reason may be, out’a all the units out there, they got in touch with us — and that means it’d be disgraceful as a man to fail to meet those expectations.
Yeah! As Nagumo says, this job is an incredible opportunity for us. If we don’t particularly have any reason to decline, then I believe it’s best to take on the challenge, but… What do you all think?
i do not mind. i do not know much about [alice in wonderland], but… i am curious to see what sort of [alice in wonderland] us ryuseitai will be.
I don’t have any particular reason to turn this down, either…
Then with that agreed upon, it’s time to discuss the most important part when it comes to proceeding with a project—
And that is—! Deciding which one of us will be appointed as the commander!
Eh? Shinobu-kun wasn’t going to take on the position? You’re the one explaining the project, so I thought for sure it’d be you.
The reason I’m the one explaining it is because I was the commander from the previous event.10
Now that the next project, WILDLAND, will begin… We must appoint a suitable commander for this one!
Yeah, agreed. Is there anyone who’d like to be the commander?
Well, that’s to be expected. I don’t recall any of us showing an interest in Alice in Wonderland before, so.
I know what sorta story it is, but I don’t really hold any special strong feelings towards it, yeah…
As is the same for me.
While I have performed in a stage based on Alice in Wonderland over in Dramatica…11
There were a considerable amount of adjustments to the plot, and I’m also not well versed with the original story either.
Mmm, this puts us in a fix. If there’s nobody who wants to be the leader, then I would’ve loved to raise my hand here, but… This is the one time where that’s difficult for me to do.
it is because chiaki is planning to participate in the [audition], is that right?
Oh yeah, he did mention that. I think it’s called lightning or something…12
It’s ‘THUNDERBOLT CHALLENGE 4piece’. It’s an ambiguous audition with barely any disclosed details ‘bout it.
Hearing that alone is super anxiety-inducing…
Well, the management team behind it is ‘Thunderbolt Entertainment’—
Also known as ‘Thunderbolt’. The company is famous worldwide, so I don’t think we need to worry about that part so much.
What Morisawa-dono is actually worried about is the audition period coinciding with the practice period for WILDLAND, correct?
Yeah. The WILDLAND event won’t begin immediately after the audition, so there are no issues with the practice time needed before the performance, but…
The commander is meant to lead everyone, and being absent for a whole week wouldn’t really be optimal for that. It’s very likely I’d have to entrust someone else with contacting the client, too.
In that case, it’s best I don’t nominate myself as the commander from the start. I’m sorry that I can’t be of help here…
Why’re you apologizin’… Didn’t we all talk it out the other day and agree together that Morisawa-senpai will be participating in the audition?
I know, but… Even if this was a sudden job, I still can’t help but feel concerned that Ryuseitai’s pace might get thrown off all because of me.
i am sure that the only person here who thinks that is chiaki.
You’re overthinking it! It’s a common occurrence to have schedules conflicting with each other because of work.
Actually, you were just agonizing over whether or not to participate in the audition until recently — Seeing you hesitate all over again is actually just getting on my nerves instead.
Now, now, settle down, Midori-kun.
You don’t have to worry ‘bout the trivial stuff, Morisawa-senpai.
More importantly, you’re the only one from Ryuseitai who’s participating in the audition, so I’d like ya to go right in for the strike!
…You’re right.
Mhm, you can count on me! I’m going to make Ryuseitai’s name known to the whole world through this audition!13
UOOOOHH!! All of this has suddenly gotten me fired up nowww!! ☆
It’s suffocating enough as is, don’t start yelling too.
ufufu. it is a [case closed] now~♪
We haven’t closed any cases yet, Shinkai-dono. We were supposed to discuss who will be the commander for WILDLAND.
It’s ‘cause Morisawa-senpai got us all side-tracked. Such a hindrance…
Hahaha! You say that, but I know you’re thinking about me, Takamine~♪
but what shall we do now? from the sounds of it, there is nobody who would like to be [commander].
Erm, mind if I say somethin’?
Could I be the commander this time around?
But Tetora-kun… You said you don’t really know much outside of the story, right?
Yeah. And like I said earlier, I’m not that interested in Alice in Wonderland, either.
But… That’s exactly why I thought it’d be nice to give it a shot.
mm~ what do you mean?
I think that havin’ no interest in somethin’ means you don’t get what makes it so good — In other words, it means you just don’t know it all too well.
But Alice in Wonderland is a super famous story, and pretty popular too, right?
So I thought that maybe if I learn more ‘bout Alice in Wonderland through this job, then I’ll also realize the reason why it’s so popular.
Ah, I get it. If you become the leader, you’ll naturally need to study up on the original story, after all.
And through the ‘WILDLAND’ project, we Ryuseitai could also power up even further.
Yep, exactly. …Although, I don’t really know much ‘bout Alice in Wonderland, so I might end up makin’ you all lose course throughout the project…
If that happens, we’ll just ponder over it a whole lot together!
Just ‘cause you’re the one who’ll be the commander, doesn’t mean you’ll be the only one studying up on the story, Tetora-kun.
I’m not sure if I’ll be helpful, but I’ll also try thinking about it.
ufufu, then are we going with tetora as the [commander]?
Yeah, I think Nagumo would be great for it! You could even say that the theme of ‘WILDLAND’ is suitable for him too, since he aims to be a man among men.
That’s true… I have the impression that the phrase “wild man” is used as a compliment.
Huh, now that you mention it, yeah… I was just thinking ‘bout Alice in Wonderland mostly, but surprisingly, this job might actually be suited for me more than I expected!
Aight then, we gotta first start by studying up on Alice in Wonderland, and thinking ‘bout what it means to be “wild”!
Chapter 3
Location: Shinobu, Tsukasa, and Souma’s dorm room

(It seems that ever since then, Tetora-kun has been debating over WILDLAND~…)
(I have also been thinking about Alice in Wonderland’s story and the concept of “wild” in hopes of helping Tetora-kun, even if only a little, but…)
(Leaving aside Alice in Wonderland for a moment — the concept of “wild” is tricky.)
(I tried to think about it by linking it back to ninjas, as they’re what I’m well-versed in… But I’m struggling to come up with any wild-like ninpou arts.)
(I suppose if I had to provide an idea, I feel as though the fire-escape ninjutsu is pretty wild…14 But how can we make the best use of that in ‘WILDLAND’?)
I have a meeting with the rest of Ryuseitai today, so I was hoping to come up with something good beforehand…
But at this point, the time until the meeting is just flying by, and… Huh?
Oh no! It’s already time to meet up with them…!?
I have to head on to the common room right away!

(Is everyone already here…?)
Hey, are you really gonna do this?
You gotta give everythin’ a shot!
(That’s Tetora-kun and Midori-kun speaking!)
I apologize for being late, you tw—
HYA HA HA~! I hope you’re freakin’ ready~!
GYAAAAHH—!? There’s a suspicious person in the Seisoukan Dorms~!!
Ehhh!? A suspicious person!? Where!?
Um, I think he’s talking about you, Tetora-kun…
…? Ah… It was Tetora-kun?
Yeah, it was… Did you see me and seriously think I was someone suspicious?
Uu, because you altered your voice, it made me think you were someone else…
And you were holding a strange weapon, too… I could not hold back the yell… I’m sorry.
I don’t think you should be apologizing here, Shinobu-kun. I mean, Tetora-kun really did look kinda suspicious a moment ago…
Why!? All I did was hold a weapon with an unusual shape and yell in a different voice…!?
Um, just the yelling alone makes it hard to blame anyone for treating you as suspicious, y’know…?
…Now that I’m taking a closer look, there’s a handful of flashy items laid out on the table, huh?
Nunchucks, an iron bar, and some strange weapon with an iron ball connected to the grip through a chain…
It feels weird to see such grandiose weapons like these in the common room of all places.
They’re all just replicas, though. Tetora-kun and I borrowed a bunch of props that were used in previous programs.
Ahaha, spreading out the weapons like that makes you look like an arms dealer, Midori-kun~♪
Anyway, I tried yellin’ to see if it gets me into the feel, but this still isn’t the kind of wild image we were thinkin’ of, is it?
…Did you perhaps borrow these to think up a wild version of Ryuseitai?
Yep. We’re having a meeting together today, so I was thinking ‘bout the concept of “wild”.
But man, the more I think ‘bout it, the more I realize how tough the word “wild” is.
Apparently, a man growing a beard or the trait of being untamed is considered wild…
But I dunno… there’s not much else I understood — or more like, I only managed to get a rough idea of the concept.
Same here. I think something untamed or, like, rough is what I’d consider “wild-like”, but it doesn’t really tie well with Ryuseitai’s vibe.
Yeah, and I was starting to feel like we’ll get nowhere at this rate, so I went over WILDLAND’s proposal again.
Following after UNDERLAND, WILDLAND takes the stage in an Alice in Wonderland world that’s lost all order and turned to ruin.
‘Cuz of that, the balance of Alice’s world collapsed, and all sortsa people lost their way into WILDLAND, not just Alice alone.
And ‘course, all the people who suddenly wandered into this alternative world feel disoriented and confused, but—
The one who helps out those people in trouble is the Cheshire Cat, whose role will be played by us Ryuseitai… is the setting, right?
No matter how many times we reread the synopsis, it doesn’t make it feel any less audacious, does it~…
At this point, the only thing about it that contains “Alice in Wonderland” elements are the names of the characters.
Well, considering that it’s bein’ advertised as “The world of Alice in Wonderland, with a twist”, it’s prolly better that they change this much ‘bout it.
I feel like the worst thing they could do is make it hard for the audience to notice what’s changed ‘bout it in the first place.
Yeah, since it’d really suck to be told that “you were better off not changing it”… But still, I feel like this is kinda overkill.
Regardless, why did the two of you borrow such dangerous-looking weapons after rereading the project proposal?
When I heard that it’s a “world that turned to ruin”, the first thing that came to my mind is a manga with this sort of worldbuilding.
When I told Tetora-kun about it, he said that we should try acting out that role.
Then I contacted Anzu-Anego, and asked her if we could borrow some outfits and props that could come to our use.
I see. So that’s how it led to the situation I arrived to? It all makes sense now~♪
That made sense to you…? I still feel like there wasn’t any need to go this far…
WILDLAND may be a decayed world and all, but it’s obviously not gonna be exactly like Fist of the North Star…15
I’m actually grateful you gave me an idea, Midori-kun. I wouldn’t have been able to come up with anythin’ good otherwise, even if I kept trying to think ‘bout the concept of “wild”.
But nothing really came to you even after trying it out, right? And I can’t imagine a version of Ryuseitai holding these weapons on stage, either…
Indeed, that is neither Ryuseitai-like, nor Cheshire Cat-like.
Uu~myu… I still think this is way better than feeling bummed out ‘bout not having any ideas come to mind at all.
This truly is a difficult proposal, isn’t it…
It is an entirely different kind of world from the typical Alice in Wonderland, for one thing.
This may mean even the character we’ll be acting as, the Cheshire Cat, has a different image from the original story.
I think what’s still the same about the character is it being a cat, and guiding Alice through the strange world—… Or well, more like guiding all the people who lose their way into WILDLAND.
Alice in Wonderland, Cheshire Cat, wild… There’s way too many things to think about for each of these elements… Are we really gonna be able to manage this?
It’s too early to lose heart! It’s true that it’s a struggle to understand the concept of “wild”, but we can’t give up that easily!
Once we understand all there is to know ‘bout Alice in Wonderland and bein’ wild, I’m sure a new possibility within Ryuseitai’ll be unleashed!
…Is it just me, or is something burning?
Fufu. Indeed, Tetora-kun’s so fired up right now~♪
It has been a while since he was the commander, so he must feel more determined than ever.
I didn’t mean that, I meant outside! Isn’t that smoke over there!?
Whoa!? You’re right! Don’t tell me there’s a fire…!?
I-Is a tree burning in the courtyard!? Let’s go and inspect what’s happening!
Chapter 4

Cough, cough… I-I see a figure within the smoke.
Uu~myu… I feel like I’ve seen that person before…?
ufufu, so you have finally arrived, hm~?
Shinkai-senpai? Why’re ya here of all places?
Could it be… Are you the culprit who’s burning the courtyard, Shinkai-dono!?
hrmph. you make me sound bad… i am not burning the [courtyard], okay?
the only thing i am burning is [fish]~
Fish? Oh yeah, I kinda smell something nice mixed in with the smoke…?
Guys, look. The cause of the smoke must be this charcoal brazier, yeah?
Ahh, I get it now. The smoke we saw came from this charcoal brazier that’s grilling some fish!
Ohh, whew… So the courtyard wasn’t on fire. What a relief~♪
I don’t feel relieved at all, not when I have no clue why Shinkai-senpai’s grilling fish in the courtyard in the first place…
now, now, please take a seat.
the [fishies] have just finished grilling, so let’s all eat them up as is, in a [wild-way]~♪
Wild-way…? Wait, have you been thinking ‘bout WILDLAND too, Shinkai-senpai?
yes~ i do not like hot things much, but i did my best for tetora’s sake, because he was at a loss~♪
ufufu, be grateful please, okay~?
Ossu! I’m super moved you’d go this far for me!
in search for what is [wild], i actually wanted to do this over an [open-air fire] instead of a [charcoal brazier], but…
when i asked the [temple guy], he said that i cannot have an [open-air fire] in the courtyard.
Well, if that was seen by someone who isn’t aware of the situation, they would get startled thinking it’s arson. It would naturally be reported.
Yeah, but I think it’s pretty surprising to see a charcoal brazier in the courtyard, too…
Where’d you even get this charcoal brazier from, anyway?

when i was stumped on what to do after being told that i cannot have an [open-air fire], souma lent me this.
munch, munch…♪ grilled fish on a [charcoal brazier] is tasty in a way different from an [oven] or [regular grill].16
Munch, munch… It feels fresh to have a meal like this, sinkin’ our teeth in and all.
It’s as Shinkai-senpai said, it feels wild-like somehow!
Munch, munch… Indeed, it feels untamed, or even manly!
You’re all just talking based on vibes, aren’t you… Well, can’t say I don’t get how you feel, though…
I feel like you’d eat fish like this if you were stranded somewhere or something. It really is exactly the feeling of “survival”.
Not that I’ve ever experienced being stranded, nor do I want to…
But that’s true, I do feel like “wild” and “survival” are similar.
Yeah, maybe ‘cuz it has the image of fighting to stay alive and sustaining yourself, I guess? Like, “the only person I can depend on is myself”, that sorta thing!
Thinking ‘bout it that way makes it feel like a thrilling and blazing hot turn of events! So cool!
…Come to think of it, perhaps that is the sort of world that WILDLAND has…?
what do you mean~?
WILDLAND is set in a strange land that has lost all order, correct?
The world of Alice in Wonderland has the image of a forest and castle, but this means that something so unthinkable happened that it transformed the setting into a complete wasteland.
Though there is still the forest and castle around, more or less. But from what I can tell, it’s turned weird in a way.
It’s scary enough to wander into an entirely mysterious world… But it’s even worse if, of all things, you have to survive in a world that looks apocalyptic, too.17
If it’s someone like Tetora-kun, Shinobu-kun, or even Shinkai-senpai, you could probably get by, but someone like me would immediately die in the middle of nowhere…
You aren’t the only one who’d be anxious, Midori-kun. Most of the people who lose their way into WILDLAND would feel the same.
And… I believe that that’s exactly why we exist.
yes. because ryuseitai are heroes who rush to any person in trouble~♪
No, I think Shinobu-kun is talking ‘bout Cheshire Cat, not Ryuseitai, right?
Indeed. To all the people who don’t know their left from right — We, the Cheshire Cat, will lend a hand.
Huh, hearing that makes me think Ryuseitai and the Cheshire Cat might surprisingly be similar…?
But the Cheshire Cat from the original story couldn’t have helped the troubled Alice for the sake of justice, like Ryuseitai does.
I’m sure the Cheshire Cat had a different motive. If we come to understand what that is, we might be able to think up an image for a wild Ryuseitai!
I really appreciate it, Shinobu-kun! Thanks to you, I feel like I’ve gotten hold of a new clue!
No, no, I simply came up with that after hearing the word “survival”.
I’d much rather you say your thanks to Shinkai-dono and Midori-kun!
Nah, I was just saying anything, really…
Wait, is it possible that Shinkai-senpai grilled fish with a charcoal brazier to make us pick up on the common link between Ryuseitai and the Cheshire Cat…!?
ufufu. cats tend to hold fish in their mouths, after all~♪
Yeah, uh… I don’t think he was thinking that far ahead.
Either way, it seems we still have some room to come up with something, Tetora-kun.
Ossu! I’m startin’ to feel like this project’s gonna go well!
Chapter 5

“what splendid vegetables, coming in all colors~♪”
“Let’s be friends with even the eggplants you can’t stand~♪”
M-Midori-kun… Please don’t glare so intensely.
Huh? Ah— Sorry… Was I glaring?
Mhm, almost as if you were looking at your most detested enemy… I regret thoughtlessly humming the tune.18
I’m sorry… You didn’t do anything wrong, Shinobu-kun…
The only one at fault here is Morisawa-senpai, who made that weird song and dragged me into it.19
Tetora-kun may have told him to go right in for the strike, but there’s no way he meant it like this, right?
Tetora-kun? What’s wrong?
Ah~… The truth is, I thought up some choreography.
There aren’t any actual problems with the current one or anythin’, but I get the sense that there’s somethin’ missing to it.
Do you think so? I feel as though the current routine, with its lightweight and strange dance compositions, is suitable enough for our Cheshire Cat role.
Yeah, I agree that the choreography as it is now suits the Cheshire Cat as well as Alice in Wonderland’s world setting.
It’s just that… that’s all there is to it? I mean, this project’s called ‘WILDLAND’, right? So it’s like, the intensity is kinda missing somehow…
I dunno, the movements are so neat and snug that I don’t feel anythin’ wild from it at all.
I see. So you’re thinking of adding something wild-like to the dance routine, Tetora-kun?
Well, yeah, I guess…
This is kinda tricky, huh… If you change it to be a more bold choreography to bring out the wildness, it might stray from the image of the Cheshire Cat.
Exactly~… And in reality, if this is the kind of Ryuseitai that the client wants, then what I’m thinkin’ up is completely unnecessary…
But I just can’t help but feel like we’re better off adding somethin’ more wild-like if we’re tryna give proper attention to the world setting…
Regardless, if you plan to change the choreography, I believe the best option would be to consult with the client.
Yeah, right. After all, the decision is up to them in the end. There’s no point in racking my brain over it on my own.
I know that, but…
I understand feeling anxious.
If there ends up being someone who’s fixated on this dance routine within the staff members, then clashing with them is inevitable.
There’s that too, but… This is embarrassin’ to admit, but I don’t even have the confidence in whether or not what I’m saying is 100% correct.
That’s why I was thinking to talk it out with ‘em after I make sense of what’s bugging me.
Huh, Tetora-kun… Are you being even more cautious than usual?
…Maybe. Might be ‘cuz this project’s theme is outta my scope.
I think the staff who came up with the proposal would be waaay more informed than I am ‘bout the concepts of wild and Alice in Wonderland.
…I wonder. Maybe we’ll be surprised to find out the management team of WILDLAND is also lost, y’know?
I mean, the concept of the project got updated heavily this year, so maybe they’re also trying to make sense out of it as they prepare everything?
If that’s the case, then maybe what Tetora-kun is sensing is something the management team will be grateful for.
Like Shinobu-kun said, if it keeps bugging you, how about you try consulting with them at least?
…This is kinda surprising. I didn’t think you’d say all that just for me…
Even though you seem like you’re thinking ‘bout how much of a pain it is to change the choreography you’ve finally learned.
Nah, I actually am thinking that, y’know?
He’s actually thinking that, huh.
I mean, I think there’s no problem going ahead with it as it is…
But I dunno, I’d hate it even more if we reach the day of the performance with Tetora-kun still feeling bothered by something.
This is a special opportunity, but if it ends up like that, it’d just feel incomplete. And wouldn’t that also waste all my efforts, too?
That’s why, since Tetora-kun’s the commander, I think I’d rather if he can feel satisfied with this being the stage for Ryuseitai.
And seriously, I’m on edge as is ‘cause of what Morisawa-senpai did — I’m only gonna feel even more irritated if Tetora-kun starts getting worried over stuff right next to me…
Ah— I think that’s his actual reason! I feel like I wasted my time feeling moved for a sec there!
Shinobu-kun, what’s wrong…?
(Whispering) No, um… It’s just, Shinkai-dono…
…… (Grinning)
(Whispering) He’s in a really good mood, huh.
(Whispering) It doesn’t seem like he’s angry that we didn’t involve him in the conversation, right?
(Whispering) Mm. Half-way into our conversation, he started watching us with that look on his face…
Erm, Shinkai-senpai. Did you hear anything we said?
hrmph. that is just rude, midori. i will [puff up] with anger.
I-I’m really sorry. You didn’t say anything while we were talking, so…
…i just felt a little nostalgic over the [old days]. my heart feels warm and cozy~♪
Uu~myu… I don’t really get it.
ufufu~♪ i am just talking to myself, so please do not worry about it.
so, you would like to change the [choreography], right, tetora?
Ossu. I’m thinkin’ of consulting with the staff first, but what do you think, Shinkai-senpai?
the [commander] right now is tetora, so i will not oppose it~
…no, that is not quite right. if that is how tetora feels, then i think it is best we do it.
but, if you will alter the [choreography], then it might be best to be certain how you would like it done.
you must have an [image] of how you would like it changed, right?
Ah, yeah. For example, right before the hook, I’m thinking that…20
—All of us move our bodies like this, but how does this look to you guys?
Ooh! That’s so cool!
mm~… it is indeed a [bold] choreography, but…
if we will go with that, then we will [all] have to perfectly time ourselves, or it will cut off the [flow] of the dance.
chiaki and i would do [fine], but i am [worried] about the three of you.
do you think you can manage it before the performance?
Of course! We will train as hard as we can, with everyone together!
…Well, I’ll try my best.
Midori-kun. I’d have liked it if you stated that as strongly as Shinobu-kun did.
No, I can’t just be irresponsible and say that I can do it… It’s genuinely super challenging.
But… Since the two of you are determined, I’ll try my best, too… You tagged along with my selfish desires when we were Yuruseitai, so…
…… (Grinning once more)
(Whispering) Shinkai-dono is smiling again.
(Whispering) What is it… Now it’s just kinda scary.
then, let’s do it as tetora suggested~♪
and then, before you [talk] with the staff, how about we all try thinking of any other places we could change?
Ossu! Personally, the part that’s been on my mind is here durin’ the B-melody—21
(not only is chiaki not here right now, but i thought that i would have to [look after] the children, too—)
(but… children really do [grow up] quickly, don’t they? ♪)
Translation Notes
- ↑ Water manjuu are made with kudzu starch and bracken starch, and looks like this.
- ↑ Kudzu noodles, kuzukiri, are clear transparent noodles made from kudzu starch. It looks like this.
- ↑ “Commander” (taichou in Japanese) refers to the leader. It’s how hero sentai squads typically refer to their leader, hence why Ryuseitai does it as well. Both leader and commander refer to the same position, and they use the two words interchangeably in the story.
- ↑ Referring to Ra✽bits and ALKALOID’s event stories for UNDERLAND; Ra✽bits’ Black Bunny, ALKALOID’s Playing Cards.
- ↑ For UNDERLAND, units had to apply for the role they wanted, and then go through a screening to get chosen.
- ↑ Supervillains is the blockbuster tokusatsu show that Ryuseitai performs in, broadcasted in the spring of ES2 era. It’s a crossover of many heroes, with a setting related to “heroes dyed in evil”. It’s discussed a lot in the story Supervillain, and a basic summary can be found in the epilogue.
- ↑ Upon becoming a unit of all leaders, Ryuseitai’s unit title changed from “Heroes Burning With Passion☆” to “Heroes Who Shine Their Own Individuality☆” to reflect the change in direction.
- ↑ RB (Ryuseitai Black) was shown in Supervillain (the story that launches the new Ryuseitai direction thanks to Tetora), and Yuruseitai was shown in Tropical (the story that explores the new direction through Midori’s leadership).
- ↑ As a side note, “Ryuseitai Power Up” is how the all-leaders Ryuseitai was introduced by the game after the “Universe” (Supervillain) event ended, as shown in this video. You can compare the changes with their previous introduction video from 2019.
- ↑ As of 2024, we haven’t gotten a story showing Shinobu as the leader yet, only mentions that he has been one. Such as in the prologue of Stella Maris, when Tetora mentions all the juniors got to be the leader before Kanata’s turn as one. Here, Shinobu is referring to his leadership for a project after the events of Stella Maris.
- ↑ This is referring to Dramatica Act 3, "Karafuru" Wonderful!. Shinobu played the role of the Dormouse.
- ↑ Midori says raijingu (ライジング), which typically means “rising” (or “power up”). But it seems there have been some Japanese people who grew up mistaking the word to mean “lightning” instead, as they have phonetic similarities (raijingu, raitoningu) and would also typically see it used with lightning imagery, such as with Kamen Rider Kuuga’s Rising Form. It’s unclear if the writer themself also mistook raijingu to mean lightning, or an intended reference. (I found it interesting enough to share!)
- ↑ Spoiler alert; Chiaki doesn’t just make Ryuseitai’s name known, he ends up trending on social media during the audition because of a certain stunt he pulls off, and because of Ryuseitai promoting him! Please read VS★GOURMET to find out more!
- ↑ Known as katon in Japanese, it’s one of the ninja arts of escape. In the case of the fire-escape jutsu, the ninja uses gunpowder or setting straw on fire to distract the enemy and escape. In fictional stories, katon ninja arts are instead reimagined as manipulating fire to attack enemies.
- ↑ Fist of the North Star is a manga set in a post-apocalyptic world, after a nuclear war turned Earth into a wasteland without any order. It’s where the famous omae wa mou shindeiru quote comes from.
- ↑ In the story, all three of them make cute munching sounds for these lines.
- ↑ The word “apocalyptic” is seikimatsu (世紀末), lit. end of the century. For fictional stories, it usually describes apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic settings. The word is also in Tetora’s first !! Era gacha, End of the Century War, and what’s more, even that gacha embodies an apocalyptic, survival theme!
- ↑ The full song Shinobu is referring to can be found in VS★GOURMET, Flood of Customers, Chapter 3, sung by Mayoi, Raika, and Chiaki. Ryuseitai react to the song in the following chapter.
- ↑ In the audition Chiaki participates in, VS★GOURMET, Chiaki gets the idea to make Midori possess him in order to overcome eggplants, all thanks to a song Mayoi and Raika sing together (the same one Shinobu and Kanata sing in this chapter). That moment ends up being broadcasted on prime-time television. It happens in Flood of Customers, Chapter 3 & 4.
- ↑ The hook usually refers to the catchiest part of the song. In the case of WILDLAND SURVIVOR, it’s likely the chorus. This is my own interpretation, but I think Tetora may be referring to the high kick in the MV.
- ↑ B-melody usually refers to the second verse of a song. In the case of WILDLAND SURVIVOR, it’s likely the parts just before the chorus.