[ES!!] 2023 Kanata Shinkai Birthday
Birthday Quote

ufufu, thank you very much~♪ it makes me so [happy] to have my birthday [celebrated] by everyone~♪
Birthday Moment
Moment Event

anzu-san, hello~♪ what a [coincidence] we meet each other.
oh, i am here to check all the [presents] from my [fans], since they arrived to the [agency].
ah! the presents must be those on that [desk] over there, yes?
fufufu, thank you~♪ i am so happy to hear that from you, anzu-san.
my [roommates], mr. [chief] and mr. [sun], also said [happy birthday] to me first thing in the morning…♪
there were more than [expected], so they are being kept somewhere [else]~?
i am surprised to get so many, as well. my [fans' feelings] make me so happy…♪
Kanata, Anzu! I'm back!
chiaki~♪ are you done with your [work]?
Yep! I wanted to personally tell you happy birthday, so I made sure to finish it up so I could make it to your party…!
yes, i am really happy that chiaki worked hard for my sake.
oh? anzu-san, you would like to personally [talk] to me about something? okay~
Hm? What's wrong, Anzu? You'd like some time to talk to Kanata after the party is over…?
i do not have [anything] in particular to do afterwards, so i do not mind. where will we talk?
Phew… Sorry, but is it alright if I sit down? I'm out of breath after running in the sun…
feel free. you seem [thirsty]. please feel free to drink my [water] if you like.
Thank you. …Ahh, I feel alive again~♪ I should get back in shape before the party starts!
yes, i had a lot of fun in adonis and midori's parties yesterday.
so i am sure it will be a lot of [fun] with everyone today, too…♪
Ooh, cold green tea? It even looks refreshing…♪
yes, it looks just perfect for a refreshing drink. anzu-san, may i have a [cup] of it, too?
Birthday Night, Part One

…hm. anzu-san is still not here…?
well, there is still [five minutes] before our [meeting time]~ i came a little early.
maybe i will [puka puka] in the [pond] until she arrives?
I'm sorry to keep you waiting!
hello anzu-san, thank you for your hard work~♪ i just arrived, too.
i was thinking of [puka puka]-ing until you arrive, but it seems like i do not [need] to do that~
thank you for working hard on the [party] clean-up.
so many people came to my party~ there was everyone from ryuseitai, souma, kaoru, and even my [circle] members~♪
i received so many [presents] from everyone…♪
Did any leave an impression on you?
mm~ that is a difficult [question]~… i was happy with all the [presents].
oh! the [sashimi boat] was pretty [impressive]. there were so many [sashimi] on it, it was incredible~♪
there were so many [fish] in the [food] today~♪
they were all so tasty that i ate too much. i am still [full]…
souma made the [sashimi boat], but did you make the rest of the [food], anzu-san?
People helped me.
i see~ you split the work between people who were good at [cooking]~?
you started from preparing the [fish]? that must have been a [new] experience~♪
Birthday Night, Part Two
oh? anzu-san, what is that [box]…?
waah~♪ a [present] for me? i am so happy to get one from you.
fufu, what a lovely [brooch]. thank you very much.
It's water-proof!
realy~? then it is time to [soak] in [water] with it on…♪
of course, i am simply [joking]. it is a gift from anzu-san, after all. i will cherish it well.

i will not [bathe] with it, but i have clipped [it] on [myself].
with it on my chest, it feels as though my heart is in [jumping] happily…♪
it puts me in such a [good mood], even without having a [puka puka] time.
I'm glad you like it.
yes, i love it lots~♪
i will go back to the [dorms] with this on. i will [show] it off to everyone tomorrow~♪
thank you very much for such a fun [day] today.
i even got a lovely [present] from you by the end, so i am filled to the brim with [gratitude].
please let me [repay] you~♪
Just hearing that from you is enough for me.
hm… you have no [desire]…? what shall i do now…
then please let me know if anything comes up. i will do whatever i can, to the best of my abilities~♪
Birthday Phone Call
good evening~♪ thank you for such a lovely [birthday]. you [prepared] a lot for me, right? everyone [celebrating] my birthday made me so happy…♪
Birthday Cake

Click here for the office interactions that appear when a specified character gifts a present to Kanata.
※ On the day of the idol's birthday, the birthday cake is available to purchase in the office.