[ES!] 2016-2019 Kanata Shinkai Birthday
Birthday Quote
ufufu, today is my [birthday]~♪ what a special day…♪
fufu, i am sooo happy that you [celebrated] my birthday~♪ what [deep-sea fish] would you like in return…? ♪
you will celebrate my [birthday] with me? then let's sing and dance together~♪
thank you very much~! you prepared for me [fishies] to [eat], didn't you? that is so wonderfully [kind] of you.
Birthday Greeting
i am so, so happy to have my [birthday] celebrated. [birthdays] are fun, aren't they~? puka, puka…♪
Birthday Course

hello, anzu-san. today is another [perfect] day to soak in the fountain. puka, puka…♪
hm? you came to see me? hmm, i see… you want me to come with you [somewhere]?
ufufu, no thank you~ it is hot, so i do not want to get out of the fountain.
really? okay~ let’s go [together], then~♪
my skin will start to [sting], so please spray some [water] on me once in a while. yes, you [must] do it with everything you’ve got.
fufu. you see, you must always have [bait] for the [fish] you catch~
i am only joking. there is no need to make that [face]~
ufufu. you planned something for my [birthday], didn't you?
you [look] surprised. fufu~ i can [see through] everything, you know~

the blue flame is the mark of mystery! i have come from the blue sea~♪
today's protagonist! shinkai kanata…☆
ahaha~ what do you think? it is a [version specifically] just for today…♪
fufu. when we are having [fun], you are also having [fun] too, don't you?
thank you for [taking care] of all of us, and for making these [celebrations] for us.
good girl, good girl…♪ ufufu. i am also [taking care] of you now.
ufufu. both tetora and shinobu got excited when i did this~♪
they were looking at me with sparkles in their [eyes], so i got [more] into it.
this is a [special day] that only happens once a year, so i am a little more [hyper] than usual~♪
puka, puka…♪
i had so much [fun] that i am [puka puka]-ing even more than usual. puka, puka…♪
i had a feeling that i would have a [birthday celebration], but i did not [expect] that.
i have another [favorite] item now — it is a [megamouth shark] plushie~…♪
hmm. to think someone would have an [eye] for this child… i would love to [shake hands] with whoever made it~
ahh, so it was you, anzu-san~ ufufu, i [love] it. handshake~♪
yes, i was very [surprised] at how the rest of the [five eccentrics] arrived to the party.
it is so [like them] to [come] at me with [water guns]~
they were all [enjoying themselves] and having fun, and then we all got drenched wet… it was lots of [fun]~♪
Birthday Story
Fuhahahaha! Happy birthday, Kanata!
Wow, so many people have gathered here just to celebrate your birthday…☆
Seeing you surrounded by your comrades and the children, and smiling so happily…! It makes me awfully emotional!
Sorry, sorry. I wasn’t planning on crying or anything, but I just got so into it. Ha ha ha~! ♪
Oh, uh, now you’re patting me on the head… I’m here to show my gratitude and to celebrate your birthday, but I’m getting comforted by you instead…
Aaalright then! I have to redeem my honor right here! We’ll call over the Ryuseitai kids and perform a special live show together~♪
Erm, aight. Shinkai-senpai, happy birthday!
The truth is, I, uh… always thought you were a weird person.
But now I really respect ya as someone great like, I’m always thinkin’, “wow, as expected from someone of the Three Eccentrics!”
And so, Shinkai-senpai! Please teach me more and more stuff! I’d appreciate it!
Uoohh~?! You’re okay with it?! Thank you so much~!
…Hm? You’ll start by teaching me how to puka puka?
O-Ossu! I gotcha! I’ll puka puka like my entire life’s countin’ on it~!
Shinkai-senpai… I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday…
I’m just awful, aren’t I… You came to celebrate my birthday yesterday… and even gifted me a cute yuruchara plushie, I still went and forgot all about it…
Uuu, please don’t be kind to me… It’s fine, you can curse at me and hate me… I’m ready for it… I think…
Sigh… It’s your birthday of all days, yet I’ve ruined the mood with my moping…
I’m gonna make up for all of this, I swear… I’ll even buy you a present…
I really do wanna celebrate your birthday, so please accept my present once I’ve bought it… I’ll be really glad… Happy birthday, Shinkai-senpai…
Shinkai-dono! Happy birthday!
Are you enjoying the party we prepared for you?
If there's anything you wish to change about it, you can always inform me!
Heheh. I’m always in your debt, so I want to make you happy, even if just by a little bit.
Since there's the expression of “Mother Ocean,” you have somewhat of a motherly-feel to you within Ryuseitai, you see.
I’m still a novice compared to Tetora-kun and Midori-kun, but I’ll keep working harder and harder in order to show my respect and care for my seniors~♪
Kanata-kun, yoohoo~♪ Happy birthday~ Are you having a blast?
Hey, wait. I asked you earlier if you wanted to come with me to the ocean, but you refused 'cause it’s too hot to move! And now you came to this party when Anzu-chan asked you?
Although, I mean… if I were invited somewhere with her, I’d go without condition too, but…
It’s not like I was planning to surprise you with something, y’know~? I was just thinking of walking on the beach a little, so I invited you over as well~♪
Hmm? You’ll join me once the sun goes down and it starts to get cooler?
Ahaha, thanks. But for now, just enjoy your party. It’s not really like me to do this, but I’ll try and make things exciting here for you~♪
Happy birthday, Buchou-dono. Kanzaki Souma has now arrived.
I apologize for the sudden request, but may you please accept my present for you?
Last night, I prepared multiple types of sushi in order to make them for you! They are raw of course, so I would like you to eat them as soon as possible. ♪
Huh—? Have I made too many…? It has covered the entire “tay-bul”…
I was imagining your joyful face while making them, thus I ended up with this much before I noticed.
It is perfectly fine to offer it to the people gathered here. We will make this a sushi party…♪
Kanata! Happy birthday…! ☆
How joyful! We’ve managed to gather here for the sake of celebrating a dear, beloved old friend’s birthday~♪
Although, if we could just come to school properly, we would be able to see each other practically every day, yes?
But let us leave that aside for now! I’ve prepared a present specifically for you. Please watch closely… One, Two, Amazing!
Yes, an inflatable pool. Please do use it and puka puka wherever you please, whenever you like! Fufufu!
It is an extreme honor to know it made you happy! There’s already water inside, so it’s completely alright to go ahead and soak yourself anytime~♪
Kanata-niisan, happy birthday…♪
Sorry about Earlier. You were surprised to see us show ourselves with water guns in our hands, weren’t You?
Ahaha, I’m glad to know you enjoyed It. Cleaning this room will be hard work now that the whole place is drenched with Water, though…
But eh, you’re probably happy with it being this Way. Go ahead and try out the present from Wataru-niisan, too. For his Sake.
Fufufu. The rest of the guests here will be unhappy if you keep having fun with us Only.
I’ll be more respectful and keep it Down, and tell the rest of my niisans to do the Same. So just enjoy your day as much as you want, Kanata-niisan~♪
Birthday Present

When gifting Kanata a flower box…
puka, puka…♪ there are so [many] pretty [flowers]~♪ i am sure it would look even more [beautiful] if i placed them on top of [water]~
ufufu, but since they're so fresh, i will just keep them in a vase for now. thank you so much, anzu-san~♪
Birthday Cake

Fruit Tart (HAPPY)
there are a lot of [fruits] in different [colors] on this cake. it kind of looks like ryuseitai, doesn't it? ufufu…♪
Shortcake (GOOD)
i do not eat [fruit] and [cake] that much, but today is a [special day]. i will have a bite~…♪
Chocolate Cake (OK)
this [cake] has a strange [shape] to it, doesn't it~? ahh, it is meant to look like a [fish], i see~
Birthday Motion

Birthday Skill: Today is Kanata's birthday. With a heart that adores the ocean, and is as vast as one, "i will do my best today, too…♪"