Aquarium – Epilogue
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Aquarium Stage

“hellooo everyone~ thank you for coming over to our [live show] today~♪”
“to the [children] sitting in the [front seats], please be [careful] and watch your step, so that you don’t slip and fall into the [pool]~♪”
“there will be a lot of [splashing] about, so may all the mommys and daddies take [good care] of their children, please?”
“and now! to the people in the [back seats]~! hello~! ♪”
“fufufu, did i [startle] all of you? i asked the [talented] mr. [dolphin] to [spring] both of us up high~♪”
“it may be hard for the people in the [back seats] to see the [pool] because of how far away the seats are…”
“but i will [spring] up like this every once in a while to greet you all~♪”
“ehehe, thank you for waving your hands! and now for the special [fan service]~ (kiss) ♪”
“yes, mr. [dolphin] gave me a [kiss]! i am so happy~♪”
“ah, are you alright? did it hurt you?”
“hm~… it only [startled] you for a moment? okay, i am glad~ you are such a [strong child]~♪”
…Buchou-dono is handling that “dol-fin” magnificently. The sight is beautiful, but what he is doing is normally quite preposterous, is it not?
Hahaha, are you really saying that after all this time you’ve known him? Kanata-san has aaaalways been dearly loved by marine animals. No one knows if it’s true, but they say it’s ‘cause he comes from a family that dominated the ocean.
Long ago in ancient times, his ancestors lived their lives with the ocean’s tides, and built a paradise within its depths.
And since that blood runs in his own veins, he's the current head of the family. But that’s aaall just a fairytale.
You do not need to tell me, I am also aware of the general story of the tale. However, I cannot think of it as nothing but a fairytale, as it seems that the people of power within this region deeply respect Buchou-dono’s family lineage.
Deeply respect, huuuh? It looks more like they're trying to atone for something to me, though…
This is also just folklore, but it’s said that the rich folks of this region used those in his lineage as a sacrificial lamb for prosperity.
But yeah, it’s such an old tale that no one knows if it’s even true anymore.
I’m the type to try and find out more about valuable things with ancient history attached to them, but unlike Nagisa-san, I have no interest in purposely taking those things right out from the graveyard.
If things are happy in the present times, theeen that’s good enough for me! Hahaha! ☆
Alright you guys, less chit-chatting and more working~
But I’m really amazed by you all. This was a sudden performance, but everyone’s on track with each other’s steps.
Especially Souma-kun. I really didn’t see that coming, you looked like you’d be bad at dealing with unexpected situations~♪
Do not look down on me. I have gone through training since childhood. I am proficient in all kinds of performance arts.
I am somewhat bewildered by all of this, but I will not be performing in any way that could falter my seniors.
Also, Buchou-dono has brought me to this aquarium with him plenty of times as part of our Marine Life Club activities.
In those cases, I watched the “dol-fin” show in the audience seats.
Thus, I am more or less aware of the inner workings of the show.
I have asked Buchou-dono all kinds of questions pertaining to it as well, as I get delighted when watching such an admirable performance.
It has long been a dream of mine to play alongside “dol-fins” like this…
Before falling to sleep, I had often imagined the various acts I would love to attempt were I to ever have the chance.
I am thrilled to know that I have now fulfilled that dream.

“Come now, one and all! Those who sit afar, listen closely! Clap your hands to the beat of the music, and feast your eyes on this joyous spectacle! Behold the heart and soul of our performance!”
“bravo~♪ mr. dolphin wonderfully [caught] the [rings] souma tossed with its [tail]~!”
“a round of applause for you~♪ let me give you [fish] as reward~”
“Wawa—!? Buchou-dono! I do not particularly want any reward, so please do not toss seafood at me!”
Ahaha, you’re really into this, Kanata-kun.
But this is the first time I’m hearing about this whole “going to the aquarium together” thing. That’s weird, you never invited me to this~?
Did you want us to? However, you come and go with the club, do you not?
Our timing had always been off, and we had thought that forcing you to come would be too much.
And when you do show your face, you usually look very tired as you gaze idly at the water tanks… We had only wanted to let you rest during those times.
Whaaat~ I don’t have to prepare anything just to go around an aquarium with friends, and I also wanna see all kinds of fish, so invite me next time, okay?
And whenever you can, invite Anzu-chan over, too.
Yeah, please do hang out with her more.
I think she might be bad at making friends, or more liiike, she prioritizes others over herself, so I’m always worried for her.
But right now, I want you to focus on this live show… What’s wrong, Kaoru-san? You don’t seem focused on the show, y'knooow?
I know you can do it if you try. Yes you can, yes you can~♪
Mmm… Honestly, I have no will whatsoever, not with the audience full of parents with their children and couples looking all happy.
Seriously, I’m super jealous of the couples here… maybe I should splash water at them…
Hahaha, then just show off the most terrific performance ever, something so good that all their attention darts from their lovers to you.
If anyone can do that, it’s you. After all, you’re the most gorgeous, beautiful guy in the whole school~♪

Ewww, being complimented by a guy doesn’t make me happy at all~ But you’re right… How about I elegantly steal away all the girls from their careless boyfriends, hm?
That sounds like a lot of fun to do, and it suits my style… Even if I succeed only for a moment~♪
Chapter 2
Okay kids, gather around! It’s time to pet the dolphins~♪
Come, all of you, come!! You have to touch the dolphins gently! It’s not scary, so don’t be scared~! Hahaha!! ☆

If the real thing’s still too scary for you, then pet this stuffed toy version instead!
Here, here! ♪ The real dolphin’s even softer, y'know! Dolphins raise their own offspring through milk like us, after all! That makes them our friends!
(whew… the rogue gave us a chance to [rest] at a good [timing].)
(we would only end up getting tired if we kept singing and dancing.)
(not only us, but the [dolphins], too.)
(he is not like how he was in the past… he has become much more [mindful] with people.)
(he is still just as pushy as he has always been, though.)
(like how he was this time… i did not even ask him to, yet he came all the way over to [help] me… gosh, he is so strange.)
(i have always [treated] him so horribly, too…)
(i have never once [given] anything back to him, so why is he always this [nice] to me?)
What’s up, Kanata-kun? You look dazed; you getting tired?
If you are, then you can leave the singing to me and Souma-kun, and rest over there while doing your puka puka~♪
i would definitely not [puka puka] during work…
while it is a fish’s [job] to [swim], an idol’s [duty] is to [sing] and [dance].
but i am not tired at all, anyway. this is [nothing] compared to ryuseitai’s [performances].
Ahh, Ryuseitai’s all about action and stuff, yeah.
UNDEAD’s performances are rough and intense, too~ I have to push my limits to match up with the energetic youngsters.
yes… fufufu, we both have it [rough], don’t we? but it gives the thrill of being [alive]…
so i do not [dislike] it being intense, either.
and this time around, we are performing above the [water], so i am actually getting more and more [energetic]~♪
You are a sea creature, after all.
that is right, and so are you, kaoru… so is souma, since we are all part of the [marine life club]~♪
Indeed. It feels cool and pleasant here.
And most of all, I had the honor of performing with people other than my “yu-nit.” It feels very refreshing. That does not mean I have any dissatisfactions with Akatsuki, though.
However, it is pleasant to perform side-by-side like this with my companions from the same club every once in awhile.
Oh? The way you say that sounds like you see me as a pal from the same club now~♪
I only partially feel that way. Today, you were kind to people around you, such as Anzu-dono, for starters.
I still believe you may have some ulterior motive, but I also believe that the love and kindness you presented was not a lie.
And now I do feel that I had treated you too harshly from being overcautious.
However, I still do not completely trust you… If you get too ahead of yourself and conduct any insolence, I will cut you down with no mercy.
Well, that’s terrifying… Hey Kanata-kuuun, can’t you scold Souma-kun and tell him to show more respect to his senior?
fufufu, what is wrong with that? it is true that you get too [ahead] of yourself sometimes. this is good [medicine] for that; the [carrot] and [stick].
Whaaat~? You guys are so harsh~! I’ve had a complete 180 flip, I’m an earnest guy now! I’m serious~
Kanata-saaan? Sorry for interrupting your chatter, buuut could you come over here for a second?
yes? what’s wrong…? is there [trouble afoot]?
i will do anything as an [apology] for causing [trouble] to everyone.
Naaah, there’s just something I want you to see. I thought it was about time I finished off one of the objectives behind this performance I made us do.
…? The plan is to help the aquarium’s business by calling over an audience with a performance, is it not?
I have been working with all my might with that in mind.
If we are to make the business flourish, then there will be no reason to let go of the aquarium. The problem will be fundamentally solved this way, will it not?
Yeah, we’ve still got that objective to complete. Buuut it’s not like we can work full time here…
No matter how good of a performance we put up, it’ll only be a temporary help to the business.
But besides that, there's something important Kanata-san needs to consider when thinking about his own future. Kanata-san, take a gooood look at the seats over there~♪
over there…? oh, it’s rei and wataru.
Ah! Kanata looked over here!
Kanata~! My dear old friend! The splashes amplify your divine glow! Amazing…☆
Never mind that, Hibiki-kun, the doves within your clothes seem to be moving about everywhere…
Are they perhaps hungry? They do not feed on fish, though, do they?
HaHa~♪ There’s been an unusually strange color drifting in the air for a while now~ Maybe it’s because of that?
Hm? Ahh, I can hear a peculiar sound when I listen closely… Could this be the dolphins’ singing?
That sound is visible to you? How wonderful! ♪
Waah, this is Mr. Dolphin’s singing? It’s a lovely color~! La~di~la~! ♪
Ahaha, you’re so lucky~ I wanna hear it too. Are you able to hear it, Hibiki-senpai? Is there some trick to it?
Hmm… Training your hearing sense is quite difficult to achieve in a short time. But anyone could do it to some extent with enough training.
Ah! Then please teach me sometime! I mean, it’s probably best I try to pick up that skill, since I’m an idol!
Chapter 3
Hush now. Do not frolic about; you should be listening to their song.
Well, it is up to each person how they want to enjoy a live show…
However, for idols, I imagine that it would feel terrible if the guests were idly chatting instead of paying attention to the song.
Perhaps this kind of awareness is also something that comes from one’s field of work. You become unable to have a more objective viewpoint of these things, so it has its merits and its demerits.
fufufu, they look like they are having much more [fun] than i thought they would.
thank goodness. i hope that they were able to enjoy themselves after coming all the way over [here], instead of feeling like they only [wasted] their time…
i am so [happy] that we were brought together here.
the [five eccentrics] are supposed to have [drifted] apart from each other, but we still have our [friendship].
that makes me happy. i have always considered everyone as my [friends].
rei~! wataru~! are you watching me? i am truly [happy] right now~♪
Yeah, they’re important too, but I meant to look a liiittle bit to the right… Look, it’s the people from your household.
wah— you are right. they look different from how they [look] at home, so i did not notice them.
they seem like [regular people] when they look like that way, don’t they?
Heh. During festivals, everyone puts on a mask, so even gods can blend in.
During these moments when people look the same and aren’t their usual selves, they interact with and talk to each other, growing fond of one another. That's why I looove festivals.
We’re not like other people. But here, we can be happy just like everyone else.
Now, Kanata-san… Show your smile to your household — to your family.
Let them know that you’re fine, that you're living happily as an idol… Show them that you feel that way, to give them peace of mind.
You’re their hope. Their dreams, their happiness — All of it. After all, you’re their god.
That's why they become uneasy when you start being gloomy.
This time around, you started saying selfish things to them, and your feelings clashed with theirs…
So that must’ve made them reaaally worried. That’s exactly why you need to show them with pride that you’re okay right now.
It’s probably rough to be treated like a god when you just want to be human, but…
Having faith in God is a strong emotion similar to love, and not getting anything in return for their love probably makes them feel left out.
So your most important duty in aaall of this is to meet that need. That would do for now.
We have long lives ahead of us, so you can take your time thinking about what to do after this.
acting like you know any better… just how long do you plan to [meddle] with my affairs like you are my [guardian]?
well… i suppose i can [understand] what you are trying to say. i am sorry that things always end up this way… mama.
Oh, c’mooon~ All I want is for you to blast through trivial problems such as this, so that you can go back to joining Ryuseitai’s activities.
I think Chiaki-san is gonna get a really bad stomachache from worry if things don’t get settled soon.
…so chiaki really was [worried] about this?
Yeah, so much that it startled me. He’s the type to be way too mindful and considerate about things, so you should properly tell him eeeverything to ease his mind.
He’s not ashamed of losing, but of being unable to fight. If he doesn’t know what’s going on, he can’t involve himself in it, nor can he fight.
He could be the most brilliant hero ever, but he would still be unable to do anything ‘cause of that.
The hardest thing for him is probably when he can only sit by and watch what happens.
yes, i know… i do hope for a day when i can [tell] him all about it…
but it is still too difficult to do that right now. ryuseitai is finally [shining] in the [ideal] way chiaki has dreamed of.
things are looking very [good] for ryuseitai right now.
so i would feel [terrible] if that [radiance] clouds over because of me.
but someday… when that day comes… i will shout out “save me, hero!” from the bottom of my heart.
when that happens, i am sure that chiaki would [gladly] come rushing for me.
for the sake of that day… i will [clear] through all these [problems] immediately and come back home to everyone, so that chiaki would not [abandon] me.
i will come back to [where] i [belong], as a human.
Kanata-kuuun, does that mean you don't see the Marine Life Club as somewhere you belong?
That’s so cold~ Did you hear that, Souma-kun? Kanata-kun said Ryuseitai is the only place he belongs~♪
What? Buchou-dono~ What are we lacking? I am ashamed of myself — If there is anything you would like us to change, then please tell me!
t-that is not what i said! you [bully], kaoru~
Hahaha, let me crack some jokes for all the trouble you’ve caused me.
…Anyway, I think we’re gonna get tired really soon, so how about we end this with a song we sing all together?
I mean, we’re going around the aquarium with everyone after this, so let’s quickly get rid of the tedious parts and enjoy life with only the fun stuff~♪
yes, i am also [hoping] that we will be able to do that.
everyone together now~! let's [sing] together with high spirits! we will sing our [ensemble] in unison~♪
this is the gentle [planet earth]!1 we are all [family], born on this planet!
we will help each other, love each other, and sing a happy [song]!
we will sing together! and i hope, foreeever…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ Kanata calls “planet Earth” as 水の惑星 (mizu no wakusei). This isn’t the typical way to refer to Earth in Japanese (that would be chikyuu), and is also part of the original Ryusei Blue line (which was first revealed in the Chiaki sub story, Legendary Hero!, and can also be seen in Boarding Live). A literal translation would be “water planet.”