[ES!] Legendary Hero!
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Chiaki asks Jin to give advice to the inexperienced first years…
This story is connected to the card [Senpai Hero] Chiaki Morisawa.
Story Release Date: August 26, 2017
Season: Summer
Location: Running Grounds

The red flame is the mark of justice! The sun of life, burning bright red!
Ryusei Red! Morisawa Chiaki…!

The black flame is the mark of effort! The burning fighting spirit, stained with mud!
Ryusei Black! Nagumo Tetora…!
And! Sengoku isn’t here yet because his lessons are running late, so I’ll act as a substitute!
The yellow flame is the mark of hope! A single miracle shining into the darkness!
Ryusei Yellow! Sengoku Shinobu…!
Oh, substitutes are fine, huh? Then I’d like you to say all’a these embarrassing catchphrases instead, Taichou.
Honestly, I have nights where I cringe in my bed just rememberin’ how embarrassing it is.
We shouldn’t waste our breath on pointless chatter! I’ll be substituting for Kanata as well, as his whereabouts are unknown!
The blue flame is the mark of mystery! The water planet1, shining within the universe!
Ryusei Blue! Shinkai Kanata…!
Ah— So that’s Shinkai-senpai’s official catchphrase?
“I’ve come from the blue sea” matches him so well that I didn’t even question it.

If Shinkai-senpai’s version is okay, then can I also skip out on saying that cringey thing Morisawa-senpai came up with…?
No, you have to make sure that you say it properly. Introducing oneself is crucial, Takamine. You only feel embarrassed because you keep convincing yourself that it’s embarrassing.
I just can’t stand to do something embarrassing in the first place…
Uu~… The green flame is the mark of compassion-something-something-Ryusei Green… Takamine Midori…
Not only did you say it quickly, but you even chopped half of it off…!?
No matter! With the five of us together—! We are Ryuseitai…☆

W-What do you think, Sagami-sensei?
Please do let us know your thoughts! Although, I’m quite embarrassed to say that I feel like we still lack in some areas…! ♪
Well, there’s a ton I could say here…
I almost wanna point out how weird it is to say “five of us” when there’s only three of you here, but — I’m an adult. I’ve no interest in being a nitpick with kids.
How admirable, Sagami-sensei! You’re amazing as always! Always digging in to everything to its very core…☆
Yeah, uh, I really wish you’d put a little more effort in picking up on how other people feel.
I was in the middle of work, only to suddenly be called over by you — and then the thing you show me is an incoherent hero show?
Well, there were no injured students today, so I did sorta have the time.
But I’m piled up with all sorts of work to do, from a whole array of lessons to even homeroom duty for Class 2-A. Do you understand, or no?
Sensei’s busy, m’kay? I don’t have the time to watch over your hero-play.
Now, now, there’s no need to be that way!
As the pride of Yumenosaki Academy, the legendary hero himself — please give a proper speech to the first years Ryuseitai, as they’re still inexperienced!
It seems that none of them are motivated, or maybe they’re a little embarrassed, and so they’ve yet to fully awaken to their hero side…
So please do teach them how to build a proper mindset and such, as our great predecessor! ♪
Ehh… Sorry, but that sounds like a huge pain in the ass.
Umm, may I ask somethin’? Was Sagami-sensei a hero?
Oh yeah, he’s a graduate of the school, isn’t he… and Ryuseitai’s history goes way back, right…
Was he in Ryuseitai in the past…?
Indeed he was! Sensei was Ryusei Rainbow once upon a time! He’s the legendary hero!
He also appeared in a tokusatsu show on TV! I’ll play it up on the projector for us later! ☆
Rainbow…? That means he was seven colors at once, right?
Um, why do you know so much about me, Morisawa…?
You should be more aware of how famous you are, Sensei!
You’re one of the legendary stars of Yumenosaki Academy known as the Super Idol Sagami Jin, aren’t you?
“Super Idol,” huh… Haven’t heard that in a while. That name is outdated by now, y’know…
And for the record, while I did work with Ryuseitai for a while, I wasn’t part of it or anything.
I was called in to help out as a crowd puller every once in a while, but…
The audience would only ever pay attention to me, so I ended up getting into an argument with Ryuseitai at the time, and split ties with them.
You guys better make sure to get along with each other, ‘kay?
It’s not so bad these days, but still… Nowadays, it’s even more likely to get stressed out from the downsides of the unit system, like having differences in objectives and whatnot.
Ryuseitai was in awful shape back then, as an example.
Nobody would ever have the heart to show kids the swampland that they were. I was only invited as a guest every once in a while, so I don’t know that much about it, but…
I do know that, if you can’t even get along with your own teammates, then it’s just ridiculous to try and protect the human race and the whole world.
That’s about all I can tell you, really.
So uh, Nagumo and Takamine… Morisawa may be like that, and it can be overbearing at times, but he’s doing the best he can in his own way.
You should acknowledge that to some extent and treat him with respect, ‘kay?
If you ever can’t stand it, you can punch him. That’s just another part of youth.
Letting stress build up without ever letting anything out will only cause a group to rot. So make sure you vent as much as you need, while still freely enjoying yourself.
Until you guys grow up, us grownups’ll protect the peace of the world and all that.
That’s all I’ve got. Uh, can I get back to work now? I’m gonna have a drink tonight, so I wanna get my paperwork done now, alright…?
Yes, of course! Thank you so much, Sagami-sensei! Your words are incredibly thought provoking and phenomenal!
Ahh, Sensei really is the best hero ever…☆
C’mon, guys, you should bow your head down and show your gratitude, too!
No, actually! It’s fundamental to wave goodbye to the hero! Thank you, Sagami-sensei…☆ (waves)
(waves) Thank you, Sagami-sensei!
(waves) Thanks for the hard work, Sagami-sensei…♪
Stooop, don’t wave at me… Now everyone’s looking over here…
I’m enjoying my peaceful retirement, so don’t get me involved in stuff, m’kay?
Fuhaha! You may say that now, but you’d definitely heroically rush to our rescue if we were ever in a predicament, wouldn’t you? ♪
Ah, um… Well, if I ever have the time, I guess.
Aight then, I gotta go. Make sure you kids don’t overwork yourselves to the point of ruin, alright? Good luck out there~♪
Ahh~… I get how Ultraman feels now. Just a few minutes is enough to drain you dry.2
Note: This story was released on August 26th 2017, and was the first story to reveal Ryusei Rainbow.