Aquarium – Hanging Out Together
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Brief mentions of seppuku.
Location: Aquarium (Main Exhibition)

My deepest apologies! I am truly sorry for separating from you!
Not only that, but due to my fussiness, the lost child broadcast was undertaken in a considerate way towards me…!
You had it broadcasted that you were the one who is lost, and that your guardian should come rushing to you right away, without ever mentioning my name… Correct?
I am truly, deeply sorry!
Ughh, for an “ai-dol” to bring dishonor to their lord — to their “puro-du-ser”…!
I am a shameful man! I cannot bear this shame — I will slice my stomach open as apology!
Ah—! But I did not bring my katana today…!
What do I do!? Should I dive into the water tank full of “pi-rah-na” and allow myself to get devoured as apology!?
Kanzaki-senpai, calm down~ No one wants a gory scene happening… If you feel bad for this, then just make sure you don’t get lost again.
Sorry that we couldn’t complete your favor, though.
We saw Anzu-san walking around, so we caught her from behind, buuut…
We couldn’t find the other person you separated from.
Heh, but I always thought that Akatsuki members were serious honor students, so I feel like I got a lot out of knowing that they have their own slip-ups~
That’s suuuper interesting~ I think you’d be fun to tease~♪
It’s a bad habit to tease your elders, Hina-chan~
It’s good manners to show respect to your seniors!
Well done. That is indeed proper manners.
I had thought you were a troublemaker since you have often opposed school rules, but… You are more well-mannered than I expected.
Heh, learning about another side to someone is one of the many charms about hanging out with people on a holiday.
Hey, Kanzaki-senpai~? Do me a favor and tell the vice president to shorten down his lectures from now on, as thanks for being nice to you~♪
Except the only reason you get lectured is for conducting wrong deeds…
Well… If I am to ever catch you while you are being lectured, then I may ask Hasumi-dono to hasten the lecture for you…
Although, I am not very fond of participating in any acts so similar to bribery.
It is for your own sake that Hasumi-dono lectures you, so you should listen closely when he does.
Yeah, yeah, I know~ I know that when they scold you, it means they’re worried for you.
It’s not like I’m not grateful for it.
HaHa~♪ Anyway, this case is closed, yes?
Nay, we have yet to solve anything. I believe that the lecher will show himself if he heard the broadcast…
Therefore, it would be wise for me to wait here. We will decide on what we must do next after we have grouped up.
Well, what we must do is find Buchou-dono and check on his situation. That is our mission.
But you two may enjoy yourselves while going around the aquarium.
Yep, that’s what we plan to do. We’re gonna be here for a while, so phone call us or something if there’s anything we can help you with.
I dunno what’s going on, but still, wouldn’t it be good if you guys took it easy and enjoyed yourselves like you’re on a date?
Anzu-san, you always have your head buried with work, work, and more work, y'know?
Wouldn’t falling in love and having fun also be helpful for work? Not that I know anything about that.
HiHi~♪ That’s right, Hina-chan! Youth is a treasure you can’t buy with money~!
Well, see you~! We’ll be heading off!
Sora has many things he wants to see! It looks like there’s a lot of dugong and seals and other marine mammals in the aquarium~! ♪
Marine mammals! That’s exciting! You don’t usually get to see those animals! Rare animals really are valuable just 'cause they’re so rare, aren’t they~♪
No no, this is the result of everyone working hard to give them value! They made the unknown into a precious radiance! It’s the same with idols~♪
Fufu, they speak like they know things so well… However, it is indeed the truth. What strange children.
Now then… Anzu-dono, I am sure it is irritating of me to apologize over and over again, but allow me to say it one last time.
……Is there something that is troubling you?
I have good hearing, so I had heard what you spoke about with my senior… I am truly sorry for not realizing that you had been crying.
If something is troubling you, may I ask you to speak to me about it?
I am sure you are aware of this by now, but I am not reliable and attentive enough. I am still but a novice, and so I do not possess the power to solve problems easily.
However, you are a friend who I sit next to and learn together with every day in class… A the very least, I could listen to your worries and try to assist you — even if it is not the best of assistance.
The most upsetting thing for me is that you hide your pain and suffering with a strong front.
Was doing things alongside that lecherous man unpleasant enough to bring you to tears?
I understand completely. It must have felt like you were tossed into the same cage as a dangerous beast.
But fear not! I will absolutely protect you to the very end.
Hmm, that is not the case…? That person is not as bad one would think…?
Well… I suppose I must regretfully agree to that.
However, I cannot completely trust him. He hides his sincerity within his frivolous nature.
He is not a bad person… And since that is the case, then he should simply face people as he is without flimsily hiding his true nature.
There is no need for him to think of virtue as something shameful…
Yet he continues to keep matters vague by hiding his sincerity with frivolous talk, and waving away any serious conversation.
That is what I simply cannot accept about him.
Chapter 2

whew. i am finally [outside].
leaving the source of [water] and walking on my [feet] is a [pain], but…
that is how it is. after all, i am also [human]. i have to walk on my [feet] and breathe through my [lungs].
(breathe in, breathe out)… the air is [tasty], so i do find being outside [enjoyable].
kaoru. humans [breathe] through their [mouths], so they can probably [taste] the air…
but fish breathe through their [gills], yes?
i wonder if they cannot taste the tastiness of the air. if that is true, then i feel bad for them…
now i am curious~ what do you think, kaoru?
yes, what is it, kaoru?
Quit talking about weird things without a care in the world~! You should apologize for making us all worried first~!!
unini~!? kaoru! please [do not] pinch my cheeks~!
uuu… how cruel, i thought kaoru was a [kind boy]. please do not [hurt] me, i can feel [pain], too.
ah! there is a [theory] that fish do not feel [pain]…
it is [said] that if you [cut] a fish properly, it will continue to [swim] just with its [bones].
i wonder if that is [true]?
i have never seen a [fish] like that before…
actually, if they were only [bones], then they would not have [meat] or [fins], so they should not be able to swim… right?
Kanata-kun. I think you’re just trying really hard to avoid the subject, but if you’re actually being this thickheaded, then even my chill side will snap a nerve…
Seriously, we were all worried for you.
Morisawa-kun, Souma-kun, Anzu-chan… and me too, of course. I sacrificed a precious holiday for you.
It’s not my style to be nice and considerate whenever and wherever, y'know?
So if you don’t feel even a little bad for making us all worry, then I may just get real angry.
uuu… kaoru, you may be smiling, but your [eyes] are completely [serious]…
it is scary. i [really] do feel [bad] for making you all worry.
but this is my [problem]. i will be okay. you do not have to poke your nose in my [problem].
i do not want to ruin [everyone’s] peaceful lives with my [problems].
Listen… You don’t live on some far away island surrounded only by ocean. If you just live your life like anyone normally would, you’ll end up causing trouble to other people.
And that’s nothing to be embarrassed about at all.
Everyone lives while getting others involved in their lives.
You can’t just tell people to ignore things whenever it’s most convenient for you. You can’t get through life by hiding away every problem.
When you were part of the Five Eccentrics last year, there was a a huge mess about stuff like this, so I’m guessing that’s why you excessively distance yourself from others…
But times have changed now, I think.
You have to understand that, and then adapt to the changes. You’re not a coelacanth1…
I’m trying to do that, too. I’ve been trying to act as a big brother to the rascals in my unit.
If I can do it, then so can you. We’re similar after all, right? We’re both part of the Marine Life Club — Both of us gathered to the water, captivated by the ocean.
Also, in hard times, I’d want to depend on someone.
Even if it was a bother to them. After all, if I don’t get a nice fresh filling of love, I’ll dry up and die.
I think you're like me, too. I also think that, ‘cause you’re strong, you don't want to burden people with your problems, so you forcibly distance yourself from others.
That's why I'm here, by your side.
I wouldn't like to have my teenager-ish, bratty feelings brushed off as “poking my nose in your problem.”
That’d made me look like an idiot, wouldn’t it? Like someone who’s just going around in circles…
I’m still trying to keep a sexy and wise big brother image, okay, Kanata-kun?
kaoru… are you really [sexy]?
Shut up! Jeez! You’re so annoying!
I shouldn’t have tried! I should’ve just had a nice date with a girl! I wasted my holiday for nothing!
Ahh, I’m so irritated! How about I pull off that stray hair of yours, huh!?
…if you pull this off, i will [die]. please do not.
Huh!? That’s how it works!? You cryptic creature!
fufufu, i am only [joking]…
i am sorry for making you talk about something so [serious], even though it is out of your character… i completely [understood] what you said.
Hmph. I ended up getting separated from the people who could properly have a serous talk with you, alright?
So I had to be the one to say it. You would’ve gotten away if I didn’t deal with you the moment I found you.
Anyway. I’ve gotten pretty used to your eccentric behavior, but you have to explain clearly what happened to the others.
Especially to all your important pals that you work with in Ryuseitai.
Saying you can’t work ‘cause of a personal problem usually won’t cut it.
We’re still students, so you can get away with it now, but an actual company would just fire you. Fire, you hear?
You need to talk about how it all led up to this, until they’ve properly understood.
We work as idols, after all. So at the very least, we have to properly go through those procedures.
Chapter 3
sigh… i am not one to [think] of being an idol as [work].
kaoru, you surprisingly have your [head] on your shoulders.
I hate to say this, but I'm not a genius like you are, so I have to be mindful of a lot of things, Kanata-kun.
That’s what you call “swimming the current of life”. You'll only make everyone's lives harder if you don't note of it, as well.
okay. i will not forget these [memories] with everyone… never ever.
Memories…? Why’re you talking like you’re leaving for a far away place?
Kanata-kun? Hey, wai— Where are you wondering off to?
Quit doing things that make no sense, you enigma! Hold on, hold on! You can’t disappear on me! Give me a break!
(Ahh, jeez… I gotta go after him. If only I could contact the others, too…)
(There was an announcement for a lost child just a second ago, so Anzu-chan and Souma-kun probably grouped up again…)
(And here I was, hoping I could go over to show them that Kanata-kun is doing just fine, too…)
(All my plans are gone in a flash. Kanata-kun's always taking me by storm.)
Ughh, I’m serious! Kanata-kuuun, if you don’t quit messing around, I’ll trap you in a fishing net!
What’s wrong all of a sudden? You’re heading outside…?
Did being inside a dim water tank for so long make you want some sunshine?
no… kaoru, please [wait] here, okay?
No, no. I’m telling you, this place is really crowded — I’ll lose sight of you immediately. And then it’ll take even longer for all of us to group up again.
Don’t make me waste my energy moving around everywhere~ C’mon, please.
Location: Aquarium (Dolphin Show)

(Humming) Hmhmhmmm~♪
Drink a lot, eat a lot! Keep eating and grow quickly! Become a splendid idol for the aquarium, you cute dolphins…☆

ahh, i thought so… hey! stop giving [food] to the [dolphins] as you please, okay?
Ooh? I was wondering who that was! So it’s you, Kanata-san! I missed youuu!
Come, come, come! I’ll give you some of their food too~♪
hmm… i love [fish], but if i eat it [raw], it will hurt my [stomach].
you need to at least prepare it and make it into [sashimi] first.
Oh? Prepare? So you’ll only eat food if it’s properly made? You fancy boy!
Buuut I don’t have a kitchen knife right now, so maaaybe I could use the dolphins jaggy teeth instead?
Heeey, what’s going on? Seriously… You look like you’re having fun talking to someone. Is it someone you know?
sigh… just some [rogue].
Ooh, it’s Mikejima-kun. Yahoo~♪ What are you doing over here?
Ooh, Kaoru-san! Hahaha, it’s refreshing to meet a classmate in a place like this!
Hm. Leeet me guess; you were also worried about Kanata-san’s disappearance and came searching for him.
Kanata-san is suuuch a naughty boy, making everyone worry for him…
Yeah, well, I already gave him an earful of that, sooo… Erm…
Earlier, Kanata-kun was told he could leave the water tank all of a sudden. Was that ‘cause of you?
I kept trying to persuade him earlier, but he kept saying no, and that he’d take his punishment. He wouldn’t budge one bit.
So I thought maybe someone did something elsewhere.
And that someone was you, huh? Now that I think about it, you two are childhood friends, so you’re also close, right?
no. that has [nothing] to do with [me].
Hahaha! It’s rude to point fingers at someone and call them “that,” y'knooow!
Kanata-san, your words and actions are easily misunderstood, so be careful, okaaay~? ♪
Aaanyway, it’s just as you’ve guessed… When I found out about what happened to Kanata-san, I pressured some people to do things…
I’m different from Kaoru-san and the others; I don’t reaaally hold back from doing that kind of stuff.
You gotta use all the resources you can find. You can’t just muscle your way through eeeverything.
And now I’m checking up on the results and consequences of those actions.
The staff members are clattering aaall about ‘cause of it, so I had some free time while I wait, and decided to feed the dolphins in their stead.
I’ll tell you now; I have permission to do this aaand I’m qualified enough for it.
I can do aaany and aaall jobs swiftly. I plan to clean the water tanks next~♪
doing such unnecessary things… no one asked for it, okay?
if i were to just [restrain] myself, it would have all worked out peacefully.
you said you put [pressure] on them, but my [household] has not actually done anything [wrong].
please do not [threaten] people for no reason.
it is our responsibility as people with [power] to protect [peace] by [not using] that power.
We have differing viewpoints, huh? Weeell, that kind of justice may be more befitting for the current Ryuseitai…
And as you said, maybe I did go too far and did something no one even asked for. It makes sense that you’d be displeased about it…
But if peace comes at the price of a good and kind kid restraining themselves… then it can go eat shit.
Chapter 4
Location: Aquarium (Main Exhibition)

Look, Hina-chan, look! It’s a sea cucumber! If you push on this, the insides will come out!
Ahh, that one’s really tasty. I think the old man from the Chinese restaurant used to make it often for me looong ago.2
Maybe I’ll take some home and cook it for dinner.
HaHa~♪ Sea cucumbers aren’t typically sold around here, so if you took some back, it’ll be obvious to Yuu-chan that you went to the aquarium~
That’s true! He’d get his undies in a bunch from jealousy and say, “You cheater, Aniki! You hung out with someone other than me, didn’t you!?”
But this is just the Free to Touch section, so I guess I can’t take it back home anyway. I’ll put it back.
Look at this, Sora-kun! Putting starfish on my chest gives me that sexy swimsuit look~☆
What’cha think~? Does this make li’l ol’ me look pretty~?3
HiHi~♪ You’ll have the whole seaside talking about it~!
Hellooo… Hinata-kun, you look like you are having fun. But you should not be frolicking around too much in public, alright?
Oooh? So it was you, Sakuma-senpai! Hello! Pretty unusual to see you outside of school during the day~♪
And I am here too! Your Hibiki Wataru is here… ☆
Ah! It’s Hibiki-senpai! Aaahh, I’ve been a big fan of you since Circus! I really respect you! I’d love your signature!
Amazing! I was expecting you to push me away for daring to talk to you like we’re friends, but!
This is quite the unexpected reaction!
Fufufu! Cute twin, you said you’d love my signature?
Then allow me to scribbley dibbley it down for you with this pen I bought from the store! Its ink disappears once in contact with water! ☆
Ah— Wait! So it’ll disappear as soon as it gets wet!? I was playing around in the Free to Touch section, so my hands are all dripping wet!
Kukuku. Hibiki-kun is typically immediately rejected by his underclassmen, so he is feeling bashful over someone gladly latching onto him for once.
He is acting strangely, perhaps in his excitement.
However, Hinata-kun is my beloved child, so I cannot allow you to take him.
Eh~? You’re the one who gets everything no matter where you go; you can let me have one of them at least!
Ahhh, I’m ever so happy…! I’m beyond emotional right now! I’m this close to signing your entire body like Hoichi the Earless…!4 ☆
You always go to the extreme with anything you do… Is that not why you are constantly despised by your underclassmen?
HuHu~ Sora will greet anyone he meets! Hello, Shisho~’s nii~sans~♪
Oh? You must be Sakasaki-kun’s child. Good day to you.
Excellent job at your greeting~ Good boy, good boy~♪
HeHe~♪ This is all thanks to everything Shisho~ and Senpai have taught Sora!
Fufu. But how odd… Did you not come here with Yuuta-kun today, Hinata-kun?
Ahaha… Something kinda happened… So please don’t tell Yuuta-kun we were here.
Very well, I will try to fulfill your wish as best as I can.
Did you perhaps get into a fight with your younger brother? It will only become more difficult to deal with the problem if you let it get worse, so you should make amends as soon as possible.
Ahaha, hearing you say that isn’t even the sliiightest bit funny~ But we didn’t fight, so please don’t worry.
I see… Well, no matter. I have a policy not to poke my nose into people’s personal affairs if I can help it.
However, does that mean that you two are simply here for fun?
Hibiki-kun and I are actually trying to find Shinkai-kun. Have you seen him anywhere, Hinata-kun?
Ah, you're here for Shinkai-senpai?
I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on with him, but apparently he and some others are going to have a live show at the dolphin area up ahead.
Live show…? Why did this situation develop into such a ridiculous event…? Hmm, perhaps it is Mikejima-kun behind all this again? He always regrettably turns things into festivals when he is taking the lead.
Dunno. If you’re curious, then I’ll show you the way to the standby room. I think they won’t start for a little while, so you might still have time to ask what’s happening.
Oh? So you know where the standby room is… Are you also going to be participating in the show or what-have-you? You never know your limits, do you, child?
Heh, Anzu-san did ask us if we wanted to be part of the show, too.
But today is my day off, and Yuuta-kun isn’t here with me anyway, so I plan to enjoy it like any other person here will.
Oho, so that’s what it is. If you were asked to participate in the show, then that must mean it is a spontaneous performance that was not originally planned.
It may mean that they need more hands on deck. What an interesting twist of fate… Perhaps we should try and help out if there ever seems to be a problem.
Hands? If it’s hands you need, then these starfish have plenty!5 Here you go, Rei-nii~san! ☆
Ahahahaha!! What a wonderful joke! I expect nothing less from Natsume-kun’s favorite pupil! You have quite the sense of humor! ☆
HoHo~♪ Thank you! Sora must give his thanks when he’s complimented!
Wataru-nii~san, you’re Shisho~’s master, so you would be Grand-Shisho~!6 Sora’s happy to be acknowledged by you~♪
Ahaha, this conversation’s nice and fun, but it’d suck if we missed out on the show, so… How about we head over to the standby room in the meantime?
I’ll show you the way! Over here, over here! C’mon, Sora-kun, let’s go together~♪
Okay! Going there together is much more fun than doing it all alone~ HaHiHuHeHo~♪
Woah, woah—! Do not drag me over by the hand…
Fufufu. What a ruckus we’re having~ Things are starting to feel just like the Yumenosaki we know today.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Coelacanth are an extremely old species of fish.
- ↑ Referring to Kung Fu.
- ↑ Hinata uses atai (feminine pronoun for “I”).
- ↑ Hoichi the Earless had his whole body painted with kanji to protect him from ghosts. You can read about it here.
- ↑ Rei says 人手 (hitode) for helping hand, which sounds like 海星 (hitode) for starfish, so Sora makes a pun with the two words. Thank you Nanashi for the localization!
- ↑ Natsume calls Wataru Shisho~ (Master), similarly to how Sora calls Natsume Shisho~. So combining both Shisho~'s would become Dai-shisho~ (Grand-shisho~).