Aquarium – Inviting Friends Together
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Aquarium (Main Exhibition)

HaHa~♪ Hina-chan, Hina-chan! Come over here!
There are fishies here with pretty colors~ They're shining like a rainbow with the reflected colors of the people around them!
Which ones? Lemme see~! Ah, but you shouldn’t run off, okay? It’s reaaally crowded here, you’ll hurt yourself if you smack right into someone, Sora-kun!
C’mon, let’s hold hands.
Okay! HiHi~ You feel like a big brother sometimes, Hina-chan~♪
Ahem! That’s 'cause I am a big brother!
But I’m worried about you; you’re kinda wobbling about! It’s like you can’t focus on what’s going on around you… You okay?
Are you bad with places like this…? Sorry!

HuHu~♪ Sora can’t see very well in a place like this!
But Sora can enjoy it as much as everyone by looking at the colors reflected in people’s eyes~
Everyone is emitting colors; it’s like Sora’s in a jewelry box! But the fishies are what we’re here for, and Sora can’t exactly see them well, so that’s a little disappointing~
But this is all because Sora’s strange, so you don’t have to apologize, Hina-chan~♪
Aaalrighty, then how about we do this. Let go of my hand, and then part your legs.
…? Sora doesn’t really get it, but Sora will do as you say!
Good, good. I’m gonna carry you up on my shoulders~ Here we go~♪
Wawa—!? Hina-chan, you’re super strong~! Sora is around the same size as you, yet you easily managed to carry Sora up!
That’s ‘cause you’re light. Upper strength is needed for lifting things, but a sense of balance is also important to manage it.
I’m pretty good at that~ I often carried my little brother like this when we were young.
How’s it up there? You should be able to see the fishies now that everyone’s colors aren’t blocking your vision, right?
HeHe~♪ Yes! Sora can see them! This area is like an underwater tunnel, so Sora can see the fishies on the ceiling, too!
Uwaa… Sora thinks it probably looks colorful and pretty~☆
“Probably”…? Hmm, just what kinda view are you seeing right now…
Well, whatever. We’ll be in everyone’s way if we stay near the entrance any longer, so let’s go in like this.
Don’t move around too much, okay? We’ll both crash down if I lost my balance.
Okay! Sora will be obedient, Hina-chan~♪
But Sora wants you to also have fun! You don’t have to be looking after Sora the whole way~
Sora will tell you about any fish with pretty colors. Whenever you feel like you have less weight on your shoulders, you should look over at them too, okay?
Ahaha, wow, you figured out that I have a weight on my shoulders~
But it’s not your weight that’s pressing me down; I just have way too much on my mind right now.
Well, if Yuuta-kun were here, I could feel more relaxed by splitting some of those troubles with him.
Oh, that’s right… Yuu-chan isn’t around today, is he? That’s odd~ Aren’t you two peas in a pod?
Although for Sora, if only Hina-chan is here, Sora can feel at ease by being able to see your real color.
Usually, Sora sees your color masked by other colors that don’t suit you.
But your real color always feels like it’s sad and lonely, so wouldn’t it be better if you were with Yuu-chan?
Yeah. I also wish I could be around Yuuta-kun every single second of my life, but it couldn’t be like that this time around~ Something kinda happened, you see.
I’m taking up some part-time jobs to help increase 2wink’s funds, and so I can get a special present for Yuuta-kun.
He found out about it though, so lately he’s been helping me out here and there with saving up money…
But the thing is, I’m working way more than I told him I was.
One of the jobs I didn’t tell him about was at a fish market near the riverside. Along with the paycheck I got there, I was given tickets to the aquarium.
So if I told him to come with me to the aquarium, I’d also have to explain to him how I got the tickets in the first place.
Even if I tried to get away with it by lying or something, he’d probably find out anyway, and then he’d sulk about it.
This is literally right after he got angry at me for taking up whatever part-time jobs I could get, so I think he’d get suuuper angry at me if he found out I “haven’t learned my lesson”…
But I didn’t think it’d be right of me to sell the tickets for money…
And Yuuta-kun often tells me that I shouldn’t only play with him, and that I should hang out with my own classmates more.
So I thought I’d invite any friend I could find without telling Yuuta-kun about it, and now here we are.
HoHo~? But Sora is not your classmate~?
But you’re a friend I’m close to! You don’t really poke your nose in or try to ask about what’s going on with us, either…
So I feel relaxed, since I prefer people not butting in on that kinda stuff.
Y’know like, when people act as if they actually get me and Yuuta-kun, but talk about us in typical terms, saying stuff like “I’m so sorry for you,” or “You should try doing this.”
When in reality, I never wanted any of their help. He and I are different from what’s normal, after all.
We were always two halves of one whole from the very moment we were in in our mom’s belly. There’s no way people who aren’t like us could understand something like that.
I think you’d get what I mean, though.
Yes, Sora is an alien, after all~ No matter where Sora goes on this earth, it’ll always be a completely different world for Sora.
But Sora was able to meet with Shisho~ and Senpai by chance, and they can understand and decrypt how Sora feels.
If it weren’t for that, Sora would have trouble just breathing!
But even Sora has been adapting to this earth with the help of kind people.
You’re handy and can do anything, so Sora is sure that you can get used to this earth, too — even more smoothly than Sora does.
So don’t be so stubborn, don’t shut your heart inside… You should show your real color to everyone, Hina-chan.
No one will say it’s a creepy color.
Didn’t I just tell you? I’ve heard that kinda advice so much already that I’m tired of it!
I’m fine! If you won’t believe me, then I’ll do this to you!
Wha—Waah!? Hina-chan, don’t spin around~! Sora’s eyes are twirling!
Chapter 2
(…Gosh, Hina-chan. You’re always trying to fool Sora by force. Sora can't really do things as well as Shisho~ and Senpai do it, huh~?)
(Accurately using magic and leading someone just a little closer to a happier direction… That's easier said than done. It's still tricky for Sora.)
(But even if Sora is still a novice, the world is brimming with magic. If Sora's power isn't enough for this, then Sora will rely on power from the people around him.)
Look, Hina-chan, look! There’s a big thing moving around in that water tank~!
Oh, you’re right! It’s a strong-looking shark swimming with the tropical fish, huh?
I think that shark's usual food is tiny fish, so won't it eat the fish around it…?
Hmm…? Now that you mention it, it is strange~
If they're not careful they'll probably be gone in a swipe, so maybe there’s a reason for it?
Like, maybe it’s because this sharkie doesn’t treat them as food.
Or maybe because the sharkie is always given food, so it won’t attack the other fishies.
Nature’s living creatures don’t ever kill more than what they need, after all.
The idea that such creatures could reach a “breaking point” in their instincts and go on a rampage is usually born from mankind’s own unique rationalization.
Contrary to what society perceives as dangerous, what’s actually much more dangerous is the capacity of humans to think that way. Sora finds that really interesting~♪
Hmm… Now I'm curious. I wonder if it's explained somewhere. If only we could find someone who knows more… I don't come to places like these often enough to know.
HiHi~ This is the first time for Sora! Sora can't really calm down~ Sora’s eyes are prickling!
Ahh, that’s right, you’re not good with places like this… My bad. You look like you could get tired at any second, so we'll take occasional breaks~♪
Sora's fine, though~ If Sora is with a friend, then anywhere is fun!
Actually, the feelings of happiness and fun win over the pain and distress~! Sora's painted with colors right now, after all~
But not having enough stamina is Sora's weak-point, so Sora's happy that you’re being considerate~♪
Nah, it's not that; it feels more like you exhaust through your stamina way faster than someone else normally would.
It must be a looot of work just to move at the same pace as the rest of society.
I mean, you’re extremely athletic. The only person our age who can move as well as you do is Mitsuru-kun.
…? Hina-chan, is that thing over there a human?
Has the sharkie come right out of the water tank…?
Huh? What!? Are we turning into a horrific thriller movie!?
Hmm? Wait, that's not a shark, Sora-kun. That's Akatsuki's… Kanzaki-senpai?
…You bastard! Where did you go!? It is inexcusable of you to sneakily take a head start!
I was a fool for admiring how you were thinking for once!
Eeek!? Wai— Don’t take out your sword! Yuuta-kun will be sad if I die!!
Hmm? My apologies, I thought you were someone else. If I recall correctly, you are one of the twins…?
Ah, I'm Hinata, the elder one~♪ And the one on my shoulders is Harukawa Sora-kun from Switch!
Yep! Hello! Sora will greet anyone he meets!
Mm… There is no need to say your names, I know who you are. I am pretty good at remembering people's names.
Also, there is no need to be frightened. Even I am aware that brandishing my katana here would only cause unnecessary havoc. I therefore do not have my katana with me today.

I feel uneasy without my katana, but… It is an unavoidable matter.
Instead, I tried to search for something that could be used like a weapon, and settled on the scabbardfish stuffed toy at the shop here.
It is even more useless than a bamboo sword, but I am skilled enough to be able to use it for punishing scoundrels if necessary.
Also, it can be a souvenir for my younger brother. He enjoys the sight of cute things.
Oh, it really isn’t a sword… You looked ready to strike, so I freaked out when it looked like you were ready to instantly end my life~♪
HuHu~? What are you doing here, Kanzaki-senpai? You’re radiating with the color of bloodlust~ Sora thought you were a sharkie!
Ahh… Well, you see, this happened, then that happened… And now I am searching for Buchou-dono. I had come here with Anzu-dono and another person, but I ended up separating from them.
It is most likely because of that lecher who confused me, only to then desert me, all so that he could be alone with Anzu-dono. You insolent man… I will never forgive you.
However, I was taught that it is best to stay where you are when you lose sight of someone, and that is why I am impatiently waiting here.
Hmm? I don't really get it, but if you're lost then how about broadcasting for someone to come for you? This is an aquarium, so there should be a place to do something like that, right?
But I am not lost. If I choose to broadcast such a thing, then I am basically accepting that I carelessly got lost in the midst of an important task. I do not quite like that.
C’mon, don't be so stubborn. What's important right now is finding your “Buchou-dono,” right?
So how about dumping that pride into the bin and going for it without worrying about how it’ll make you look?
My little brother does that whenever he loses sight of me. He uses all means to find me again.
Mmm, but I come from a samurai family. Dying would be better than showing shame.
Hmm~… Then Sora-kun and I will go around the aquarium and find Anzu-san and the others. If we're lucky enough to find them, then we'll tell them that you’re near the shop.
But if we can't find them, then we'll just ask for a broadcast for a lost child. Of course, we'll do it in a way that won't be shameful to you.
…That would be most helpful, but why are you being so considerate towards me?
Ah nah, it’s just that I may as well do this too while I’m here. Besides, you said you bought a souvenir for your little brother, right? I can relate to that kinda thing.
I wanna be of help, so just leave this to us~♪
Yes! When we are in trouble, we are in trouble together~ That is the norm in this gentle planet! HaHiHuHeHo~♪
Chapter 3

(Mmm… What do I do now…? I lost complete sight of Anzu-chan…)
(I got so distracted while trying to catch up with her that I didn’t even notice that Souma-kun isn’t here anymore. Ahh, jeez, what am I doing?)
(This isn’t like me. The most unbelievable thing that should never happen in your long-awaited date with someone is to somehow manage to lose sight of them midway into it… and now guess what happened…)
(I’ve been really weird lately… I’m meant to be much more tactful than this.)
(Eh, whining won’t get me anywhere. I gotta work with what I have right now.)
(Souma-kun doesn’t have a phone right now, and Anzu-chan wouldn’t ever tell me her phone number…)
(Should I just search for them normally? Or maybe my only choice is to broadcast for a lost child…)
(Souma-kun will probably get angry at me and say, “How dare you embarrass me like that!” if I did that, but… Yeah, let’s call for a lost child.)
(It’s times like these that things are easy for me, since I’m already hated by them anyway. It’s not like they can hate me any more than they already do, after all…)
(Well, being treated with hostility 24/7 can be tiring too, though.)
(I’d prefer to be treated more warmly by default instead.)
(I really am trying to be considerate. I’m putting a lot of effort into trying to keep them in a good mood by chit-chatting and cracking jokes.)
(So why do both Souma-kun and Anzu-chan hate me so much…?)
(I really did make a bad first impression on them, huh. But I really have learned from my mistakes, and I’m trying to be better than that now.)
(But I guess I was too hasty with that. I thought things would be okay between me and Anzu-chan now, but I only ended up going over the line by talking about the wrong things with her…)
(And now I'm back to square one.)
(But… There isn't even half a year left until graduation. It makes sense that I feel like I need to hurry.)
(The two of us have always lived in completely different worlds, so I feel like once I graduate, our ties will end right there.)
(That's why I don’t wanna say goodbye with only awful memories between us.)
(Sigh…… Well, whatever. For now I should figure out the place to go to for a lost child. Hmm, I think there's a guide near that water tank over there?)
(Huh, weird, there's a huge crowd over here… I wonder if there are unusual fish in it? Like, something the aquarium has to attract attention.)
(I should try to group up with Anzu-chan and Souma-kun again as soon as possible, but just glancing over might be okay…)
(I mean, it's pretty neat how aquariums have all kinds of stuff you wouldn’t be able to find, even if you went for a dive in the ocean.)
(Let's see… What kinda fish i— Wait, huuuh!?)

puka, puka…♪
ohhh? kaoru! ehehe, what a [coincidence]~♪
Um, no, no! What're you doing, Kanata-kun!? I mean, I can see you're inside the water tank, but…!
I second-guessed myself about this before, but were you actually a sea creature and not a human all along!?
fufufu, i am meant to be a [human] being, more or less. i am no longer a [sea creature], so i cannot swim.
i sacrificed something [important] to me so as to live on the [land]… it is just like [the little mermaid]~ puka, puka~♪
Okay yeah, you do look like a “little mermaid” princess resting on top of a rock right now, but! What're you doing!? We were looking for you 'cause of how worried we were!
Yet all this time you were over here, just acting all weird like it's completely normal!
now, now… please calm down, kaoru.
it is not like you. you are usually much more [composed], drifting through the [waves]… you are a [surfer], after all…♪
if you start to [panic], you will be consumed by the [waves] and [drown]~ fufu~♪
[do not] make a ruckus~ okay, kaoru? or you will scare the fish~
Guuh… Okay, wait a sec. I'll take a deep breath, and go back to my usual self.
okay. a confused kaoru is also cute… but the usual [kaoru] is more [charming]~♪
Yeah, uh, be quiet for a sec. (Breathes in, breathes out)…… Alright, I'm good to go.
Hey, Kanata-kun.
yes. what is it, kaoru?
…Sorry, before we sit down and chat, could you come out from there? It's getting pretty embarrassing talking like this, what with all the attention on us.
i see. your voice is [far] away from me, so it does feel a bit [lonely].
but, i am sorry. this is my [punishment]… so i cannot leave this [place].
i know it must be [embarrassing], but can we talk as we are right now?
Punishment…? Just what did you do, you troublesome kid?
I haven't heard much of what happened, but apparently it's some problem related to your household, right?
yes. i kind of ended up going against my [household]… but even i did not think it would become this much of a [problem].
now i am truly in trouble. but their [side] of the story is also correct, so right now we are talking it out and finding a [common ground] between us.
for now, i am going through with the [punishment]. they will listen to my [selfish requests] afterwards.
so if you can, please try not to [interfere], kaoru.
Chapter 4

Hellooo, is this Chiaki-san?
Yep! It's me! It's your Mamaaa~♪
Hahaha, if it feels awkward, then you don't have to force yourself to call me “Mama”… You don't have to be considerate towards people and disguise your true feelings.
That pure side of you can be tainted sooo easily, so I'm worried for you, Chiaki-san…
Anyway, sorry, but I'll have to talk quietly. If it's hard to pick up what I'm saying, then raise the volume on your side.
It says on the pamphlet to be respectful while talking on your phone inside the aquarium, sooo yeah…
I might annoy someone if I talk loudly.
Alright. Good, good… You're an obedient and good boy as always.
As a reward for being well-behaved, I'll clear off a liiittle bit of your stress.
Right now, I'm at the aquarium for various reasons, but…
I'm guessing that since Kanata-san can't join in with Ryuseitai's activities ‘cause of a problem that happened, it's causing you trouble, right?
I see. So it's not a trouble, but it is making you worried… Okay, then you should properly say that that's how you actually feel.
Even if you lie and say otherwise, someday those lies won't hold up anymore. Besides, Kanata-san is preeetty smart… He'll more likely feel lonely if you step away from him out of consideration.
Hahaha, that goes for both of you, I think. It seems like you both find each other so important that you end up holding back from each other…
Buuut y'know, it's fine to fight each other with all you've got every once in a while.
“Diamonds only form under extreme pressure.”1 Aren't tokusatsu shows practically built on that concept?
Weeell, I plan to try and solve this problem as much as I can.
After all, I did leave literally everything behind to go off on a trip by myself… I need to do something — even if a little bit — for my former home, Ryuseitai.
Mhm, so you haven't heard much about Kanata-san's circumstances at home.
Ohh… So when he was gonna join Ryuseitai, he asked you to promise not to mention anything about that, I see.
That's why aaall you can do is just stand by and watch, huh? You're loyal to your promises.
Are you scared that he'd drift away from Ryuseitai if you break that promise?
He's one of the Five Eccentrics — He has incredibly powerful capabilities within the school itself, not just Ryuseitai.
Aaand not only that, but you're also friends — pretty much just like family now, right? So you don't wanna separate from him, I understand.
But… His circumstances at home are a deep darkness he's carried since he was born. If you're gonna keep accompanying him, then someday you won’t be able to avoid it anymore.
If he's important to you, then don’t wait for that time to come — I want you to prepare yourself for this and break into it by yourself.
If you do that, you'll become a great man who can solve everything without harm, Chiaki-san… If anyone can do it, it's you.
Even if I can't — Even if no one else can — you will be able to.
The only one who could make the cold, dark universe shine bright is the one who shines passionately himself: The sun.
And no matter how horrible the sight is after shining light upon it… Don't back away from it. Make sure to win the fight. That’s exactly what it means to be a hero, right?
Weeell, I found out that this problem is really trivial with the little inspecting I did…
It’ll probably solve itself one way or another. The worst case scenario is that I’ll end up having to try and end it quickly.
But I can’t truly solve this. The circumstances at Kanata-san’s home are deeply rooted within this whole region.
It’s a deep seated grudge from long past… Nothing could solve it — Not money, nor violence, nor any kind of authority.
Even the Student Council who’ve previously reformed the academy — fine and Akatsuki…
They avoided heavy involvement with his circumstances, and suppressed him by brushing it all off as being his own personal problem.
Because of that, there ended up being sooomething of an after-effect, and now Kanata-san is in all kinds of trouble.
He still has many unresolved problems of his own.
I could just say it’s all ‘cause of the Student Council, but eh, it’s too late for that… Nothing'd come out of slamming Eichi-san or Keito-san’s face in.
All it’d do is make my fist hurt. This wouldn’t go like a tokusatsu show would, huh…
The only thing that can be done is to take time solving this — to slowly and carefully undo all the tangled knots.
And you’re reaaally good at stuff like that, right? Good luck, Chiaki-san.
Yep, if things start progressing, I’ll tell you about it in secret.
You probably can't focus due to how worried you are, but this is a really important time for Ryuseitai. As its reputation increases, your work has been increasing as well, right?
So focus on your practice sessions, and leave this to me. Don’t worry, I’ll do whatever I can so that Kanata-san can come home to Ryuseitai as soon as possible.
You’ll be able to say, “The five of us together are Ryuseitai” befooore you know it.
Haha, you’re so silly… You don’t need to thank me.
I couldn’t become a hero — I’m just an uncool guy who’s trying as hard as he can to make it up to the people he couldn’t protect, even though it's already so late.
Don’t look up to me… Don’t call someone like me “incredible”… Chiaki-san.
I want you to pursue your own kind of justice. I'm sure that you, who loves heroes more than anyone, are correct in your justice.
Mhm. Bye byeee~ I’ll call you again.
(…Alright then. First off, time to go find the managers of the aquarium.)
(I’ll ask about what’s going on, and if it starts sounding like the worst case scenario, I’ll make them do things my way even if I have to threaten them.)
(In this country — In this time period — Gods barely have any real power, so this should be effective.)
(This is the only way I know how to do things… That’s why I fail as a hero.)
Chapter 5
Location: Aquarium (Entrance)

Amazing! How wonderful!
Once you’ve arrived at the site, they present you with the flashiest of sceneries and immerse you within it right away! So simple, yet such a precisely well done concept!
Look, look! It’s as if we are walking underwater this very second~♪
You are taken to a whole different world as soon as you step into the aquarium!
Ahh, the extraordinary is truly lovely! They keep the guests entertained with what they want to see, but keep the most prized treasure at the furthest end of the course!
They don't forget to leave their guests wanting more, and effortlessly entice them further and further in!
Such sublime attention to detail…! I am truly impressed! I would love to learn from this, in fact! ☆

So I see the very first thing that attracts your attention is the design of this entrance… Are you incapable of enjoying an aquarium like one normally would, Hibiki-kun?
Oh my, how rude of me! Perhaps this is a habit I picked up from my field of work? However, while this may not be related to it, one must learn from other peoples’ craftsmanship!
I would love to take in everything I find, and go further up towards the peak of art performance…☆
Mm, it is a good thing to desire to grow further.
I used to think you were in danger since you aim for heights beyond imagination, but… Thanks to a certain someone keeping you at your reins, you no longer seem to be overreaching to that extent.
Correct! Lately, if I ever learn a new art technique, I show it to Eichi first for his judgement and opinion on it!
If he reacts to my act, then I show it to the ever-so-pure Himegimi and to the unimpressed butler! Both of them are polar opposites, so with their reactions, I make adjustments to the performance style!
Ahh, fine is such a wonderful environment to be in…☆
Kukuku. If that is how you feel, then I am glad. I was quite worried for you in the beginning, you see.
After all, you are skilled at everything, yet the one and only trait you do not properly possess is living a normal life.
Fufufu! I am always growing, Rei!
There is still so much more to improve myself in! No, in fact, any prodigy would always have heights they simply could not reach, even if they were to repeat their life over and over again!
For as long as I believe this, this would mean I am nothing but another mere, foolish, powerless human, just like everyone else! Ahhh, such an incredibly wonderful life that is…☆
Hibiki-kun, I do not particularly mind this chat, but we are in public right now, so at least keep it down.
People are looking at us now, thinking that some kind of performance for the aquarium is happening.
My oh my, this is completely against etiquette!
However! If their attention is now on us, then it is an entertainer's job to perform! Now then, everyone! Please keep your eyes on the palm of my hand!
One, two, Amazing! Now, you shall find a pamphlet of the aquarium in your pockets! Please see for yourselves!
Yes, thank you very much! Thank you for the applause! ☆
Ohhh… This is so embarrassing…
It has been quite a while since I have gone out with you, and I had completely forgotten about this terrible habit of yours. How Tenshouin-kun allows you to do this every time is beyond me.
Oh no no, he also gets angry at me for it pretty often. He’s from a well-off family, you see, and so he must be careful about the way he presents himself.
But that aside, we would be blocking the path if we stay here. Let’s move right in.
What a blunder I’ve made… If I was going to hold a performance, then I should have chosen a much wider area to perform in.
To begin with, we are just visitors of this aquarium. There is absolutely no need for you to perform something.
Kukuku. That all being said… You may have completely become a part of fine, but it seems you have not forgotten the bonds that once existed between us Five Eccentrics, so I am relieved.
That is why I thought that perhaps you had bought tickets to the aquarium from Shinkai-kun, as well. I was right to ask you about it.
Thank you for accompanying me. If I had come alone at this time of the day, I would have fallen right to sleep midway.
Without an escort, I would not even be able to walk past the door.
If it is an escort you need, wouldn’t your favorite child… your favorite puppy have been a good choice for it?
Do you mean Doggie by any chance? I have already previously told him that both UNDEAD and the Light Music Club have no activities for today… I would feel a little terrible for calling him over after saying so.
That child gets displeased when you take back your words or forget what you had previously said to him.
Yet I believe that if you were to call for him, he would gladly rush to you with his tail wagging…
But, well, it’s also good to be in the company of an old friend from the Five Eccentrics, yes?
It seems that Kanata is in this aquarium… If that’s true, then it would have been nice to invite Shu and Natsume-kun over, as well. We could have gathered as the Five Eccentrics for the first time in a long while.
Let us have our long awaited reunion! Let us enjoy the Amazing sensation brought by the unexpected child marrying and having children~♪
Those two have finally been participating in DreamFes, so they are likely busy.
Also, if we were to join arms again as the Five Eccentrics, then there would surely be too much commotion.
I did not even plan on showing up here in the first place…
However, Mikejima-kun sent me some worrisome information after I asked him to go to the aquarium.
He woke me up with a phone call when I was sleeping and informed me of many things… I became uneasy of what could be happening, so I decided to come here just in case.
But coming alone to an aquarium is lonesome, so I am very grateful that you accompanied me in this trip, Hibiki-kun.
It reminds me of the past… It is delightful for a friend to travel from great distances just to join you, is it not?
Fufufu. It is a holiday today, after all. Relaxing with an old friend and wandering around an aquarium is also a lovely way to spend one’s time.
If we are here, we will be able to rush to Kanata’s aid quickly, as well.
True. And if his situation ever requires help from assets or influential power, you can quickly prod Tenshouin-kun to do something.
Eh? Are you casting me as the strings connected to Eichi’s wallet?
Although, it does feel like he would buy me a small country if I were to ask of it!
Indeed. We shall make him go through hardships as his atonement for turning us into villains.
Only then can we call it quits. The chain of hatred will be broken, and we may move on.
After all, we, too, cannot continue wandering about in the same place endlessly.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Originally, he says 雨降って地固まる ame futte ji katamaru, which is an idiom to mean "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". It's also used in various tokusatsu shows.