Aquarium – Prologue
Location: Beach

puka, puka~
…ohh? hello, anzu-san~♪
what are you doing here? are you here to [bathe] in the water, [too]?
the [ocean] during these times is at a [good temperature], after all…♪
see, the water is at body [temperature]. it makes you feel like you are being embraced by the mother ocean~…♪
hmm, i am wrong? you are picking up [litter] while taking a [walk]?
now that you mention it, you are wearing a [jersey], which is the perfect way to [exercise]. and you also have a [garbage] bag with you~
hmm, i see… lately, yumenosaki has been bustling with [activity], and the dreamfes have big [audiences].
there are [notices] about it, but there are still some [guests] with bad [manners]…
and they are throwing [litter] around while visiting this neighboring [ocean], yes?
it is absolutely inexcusable. the ocean has an [auto-purification] system, but humans dirty it [much more] than it can handle.
leaving behind all these things that cannot decompose, like [plastics], [vinyls], [bottles], [toxic waste]…
this is [abuse], domestic [abuse].
you could not ignore that, so you are [picking] up the [litter], right? that is wonderful. good girl, gooood girl…♪
oooh. so you will just [look] around the place for now, and if it seems extremely bad, then you will [post] up a new school [part-time job] for picking up [litter].
well, yes, [cleaning] up the [whole] ocean by [yourself] is definitely [impossible].
you really would have to rely on [everyone’s strength], or a very [strong power].
when i become an [adult], i will be able to use that kind of [power], too…
and then i would also like to make the ocean [clean]. it would be my [repayment] to the kindness from the mother ocean.
right now, i am not very [reliable]…
but at the very least, i will help you out by [carrying] the [garbage bag] for you, anzu-san. i will help out as much as i can~
fufu, please leave it to me. i may not look it, but i have quite the [strength]~♪
Location: School Route

whew… in the end, we got really [into it], and ended up picking up all the [litter].
it is completely [dark] now… anzu-san, where do you live? i will take you back home.
it is [dangerous] for a girl to [walk alone], after all. you may get attacked by a [monster], or a [bad person].
but do not [worry], it will be okay. i will [protect] you, no matter what happens.
fufufu, i sounded just a little like a hero, don't you think? ♪
huh? you have never heard of a hero who walks around [drenched wet], looking all [suspicious]?
they probably do exist. i have heard that there are many kinds of heroes out there in this world, you know?
chiaki told me all about them.
well… you see, i often watch [tokusatsu shows] with everyone in ryuseitai, so i have become very [knowledgeable] of these things.
i find them a bit [hard] to watch, though…
because, no matter what i do, i [empathize] more with the [villain]… with the [monster].1
but, if the heroes' [bonds] become stronger after [defeating] them…
and if they are able to [ascertain] their form of [justice] even further…
then those [monsters] would have had value in [existing], as well.
…wah! anzu-san, you are [rubbing] me with a [towel] without even listening to what i was saying, aren't you?
it is a little too [rough]~ please do it a little [softer], like how a [mother] would.
ah, no, i have not met my [mother] that often… it is simply the [image] i have of one.
yes, my [mother] is very [pretty]. but she is also a little [scary].
every time we meet, she scolds me. because i am not a [good boy] at all.
i do not want to be scolded, and i do not want to cause [trouble] to everyone, either… so i do want to try and become a [good boy].
i do, even if it meant that i could not become a hero. i want to become a [good boy] — the kind a hero would want to rescue.
but right now, it is still too [difficult] for me.
i am always going to be a mysterious [monster], aren't i?
…ah, that’s right! please [wait] a moment. (rustle, rustle)
anzu-san, this is for you.
this is my [repayment] for listening to me. and also because i have to share these, but was not sure [how]…
so i still have plenty with me.
yes, this is a [ticket] to the [aquarium].
please take it. it is your [reward] for being a hard worker.
now then, let's keep going. if you do not return home soon, the people at home will [worry] for you… anzu-san.