Aquarium – Going to the Aquarium Together
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: At the Bulletin Board

(Humming) Hmhmhmm~♪
Blue skies and a clear sun! The morning feels greaaat! I feel the energy just gushing right out of me! It’s making me wanna run around aaall over!
(Other than that one specific thing, I don’t have any urgent work to do, so maaaybe I’ll go to the Track & Field Club to use up some energy on practice.)
(Actually, is there practice for the club today?)
(Maaaybe I can check from the window…? Hmm… I’ve been hearing music for a while now, sooo does that mean people have been participating in a DreamFes on their holiday?)
(Everyone’s motivated! That’s good, that’s great! But there’s a stage installed on the grounds, sooo I’d be in their way if I tried to run through, huh?)
(Hmm, what to do…)
…Hm? Hiii—Hahaha!! ☆ Heeey, who's the naughty kid poking Mama’s sides!?
Ohh, it’s you, Anzu-saaan! You’re tiny and I couldn’t see you, so I didn’t notice you were there! You should make your presence muuuch stronger!
Shout out that you’re here! Starting with a really energetic greeting!
Come now! Let’s do it together! Good moooorniiiiiiing!! ☆
Hmm? What is it? Are you gonna say, “Anyone is tiny next to you”? Or “Please don’t be noisy in the corridors”? Or maybe “You’re energetic right from the morning”?
You gotta tell me cleaaarly! Or it won’t reach Mama’s heart! Hahahaha! ☆
…Oh. You look like you’re in a rush. Guess I shouldn’t bother you with random chitchat. Are you trying to put up those posters on the bulletin board?
And I’ve been standing in front of it, so I’ve been in your way, huh? Hahaha, the mystery has been sooolved!
Aaalright! Mama’s free right now, so Mama will put them up for you insteaaad!
You have something you gotta hurry off to do, riiight? So you should be going~♪
Huh? How did I figure it out?
That’s a good joke! I’ve known you long enough that I can tell juuust from looking at your face! Hahaha!
Besides, you’re looking a liiittle prettier today… You uuusually don’t wear makeup, but could it be that you’re wearing a little right now?
Hoho, could you be going to a date? ♪
I’m interested! Whooo’s it with? Tell Mama your secret! ☆
Ah! Hey, wait! Don’t just dash away!
But man, I’m feeling kiiinda emotional… So Anzu-san has reached that time of age, I see…♪ Time flies by sooo fast!
(Hahaha. She covered her ears and ran away immediately…)
(She’s aaalways been pretty shy… Well, it’s more like she just reaaally can’t handle this kind of thing.)
(I think Anzu-san has a complicated family or something… Maybe they have a narrow view about it, sooo she feels like it’s something to be avoided.)
(I’d be glad for her if she could fall in love with someone great and kind, who could help her overcome those complex feelings regarding love, buuut…)
(Everyone treats her as sacred, but I guess it’s more liiike, both her and the other side are holding back from each other.)
(I wonder if there’s someone out there who wouldn’t put her on a pedestal like that…)
(I wouldn’t mind being that someone, but I think she hates me or something. She’s always avoiding me.)
(Hahaha! Life just doesn’t go the way you want it! That’s why it’s so interesting!)
Location: At the Station

Anzu-chaaan, over here, over here~♪
You really came, I’m so happy! You’d just ignore me completely in the past.
You aren’t that wary of me now… I wonder if it’s okay to think of it as us getting closer.
I’m so happy! I’ll make you have lots of fun today! I’ll show you how I really am when I’m serious~♪
What a shame, though~ You’re in your school uniform. It’s our long-awaited date, so I feel like it would’ve been nice if you wore some fancy clothes.
Hmm… You were working at school the whole time, so you immediately came here in your school uniform.
“Also, this isn’t a date”? Yep, yep, I know~♪
But it’s fine to indulge in my happy dream of going on a date with you, right?
It might be good if we find some nice clothes for you before we go to the aquarium, yeah?
Leave it all to me~ I'll make you the most charming girl in the whole world!
Now, give me your hand, princess! I've been waiting for this~ Ahh, today feels like it's going to be the most wonderful day ever…☆

Move any closer to Anzu-dono and I will tear you down by the throat.
…Huuh~? Am I seeing things~? There’s a samurai getting in the way of the perfect couple from a shoujo manga for some reason~?
No one called for you, so can you leave? Shoo, shoo!
I do not mind. But before doing so, I will eliminate you before you can cause any harm to Anzu-dono.
Uhh, you just said that so casually, y'know!? Please don't do anything~ Aren’t we pals from the same club? ♪
I have never once thought of you as a “pal”… You are the disgrace of the Marine Life Club.
Chapter 2
Location: Shopping Mall 1F

For goodness’ sake… A detour will only waste time. Why does our attire even matter?
From what I understood, the objective is to find Buchou-dono, as his whereabouts have been unknown for a while, correct?
There is no reason for this festivity. Our school uniforms should be enough.
You have a weak outlook, Souma-kyun~ We need to consider every kind of possibility, y'know?
Regardless of how Kanata-kun may have been in the past, he wouldn't just disappear now without telling anyone.
If there really is a reason for why he's running away, he might try to hide if he ends up seeing people wearing a Yumenosaki uniform.
So we have to wear a disguise. Now stop complaining and wear this, okay?
Well, I call it a disguise for Anzu-chan, but really, I just want to dress her in cute clothes. You don’t really have anything to do with this, so don't get in the way.
It looks like you won't leave even if I tell you to, and I suppose if Anzu-chan says she’s more content that way, then I’ll go along with it.
But at least do as I say. Don't do anything we don't need happening, okay? You tend to be really reckless, so it's worrying.
I would never commit a reckless deed.
Right right, go change already~ I randomly chose an outfit that might suit you, so get over to the dressing room.
You know how to wear western clothes, right? Or maybe I should help you out~♪
I do not need you to. I have worn western clothing plenty of times for work with Akatsuki. As long as it is not a tremendously strange outfit, I should be able to dress myself.
I will go change now, so wait a moment.
Okay, if you get confused, just call out to us~ Bye bye~♪
……Alright, Anzu-chan! Let’s hold hands and run while Souma-kun can’t see us! Let’s run away to the horizon beyond the sea!
Eek!? A shuriken thingie just flew this way!!
…I may not be able to see you, but I can sense your presence. You best not do anything tactless.
Ughh~ What’s with this kid!? He’s a real pain! This is my long-awaited date with Anzu-chan~!!
This date is why I cancelled all my other plans! I even woke up early today!
Woah—… Don’t pat my head to calm me down, Anzu-chan. You treat me like a kid sometimes~ I’m the senior here, y'know?
It’s fine, though. Today’s a holiday, so the aquarium’s probably really crowded…
I bet we’ll get plenty of chances to sneak away and ditch Souma-kun in there so that we can finally have our alone time together.
Hmm? Why're you looking at me suspiciously~?
Don't worry! I do wanna try and have a date with you as much as possible, but that doesn’t mean I’m not also worried about Kanata-kun! Really, I’m serious~♪
But honestly, I feel like it’s a little too early to start saying Kanata-kun’s gone missing.
It’s only been around a week since he took a break from school, right? And he hasn’t been going to Ryuseitai’s activities, either…
But that's all there is to it, right? He isn't a baby, so I feel like this is just worrying way too much over him.
I mean, he disappeared for a long time at the end of last year.
Huh? You didn’t know? He’s part of the Five Eccentrics — I think it’s just the Three Eccentrics now… He was that kinda person, that's why.
A lot happened to him back then. He may act like things don’t affect him, but he does go through a lot more than you might think.
But nowadays, it feels like he’s having fun pretty much every day.
So there wouldn’t be any reason for him to disappear… Maybe he’s not feeling well and took a break for his health?
His home is like, really protective of him, or something.
Either way… Just to make sure, my role is basically to find him and tell him to come back, right?
Or at the very least, you want me to ask him why he hasn’t been coming to school, right?
Okay then, but why me? I mean, I’m honored, but Kanata-kun already likes you quite a lot, Anzu-chan.
You can do it by yourself, can't you? I don’t need to be here.
It’s true that I'm his friend, and I'm also good at talking it out with people to some extent, so I would be suitable for something like this.
But soon enough, Ryuseitai will have a big job to do, so before that happens, they’ll want him back, right?
That's probably why you're helping out now, as a producer.
In that case, shouldn't Morisawa-kun be the one to take responsibility as the leader and talk to Kanata-kun?
Hmm… So that was what you intended to do at first, but when you looked around for more info, you found out it may be related to his circumstances at home.
That’s when Morisawa-kun told you that I’d be better equipped to handle it.
I feel like he's overestimating me… I may be the son of a locally famous person…
And that does mean I have deep connections with Kanata-kun's household, since they're rooted to this region's seaside…
But that's also exactly why it's going to be really tricky for me to approach him about it.
For once I, of all people, was able to be friends with a guy, so I don't want to make things awkward between us ‘cause of family-related things.
…Ahh, but don't worry. I don’t think it’s going to be that serious this time around.
I’ll do everything you’ve asked of me. It's a favor from you, so I have to do it.
Besides, his most likely hiding spot is in the aquarium, so…
While we’re there, I’ll get to act like I’m on a date with you.
Well, other than having a child accompanying us.

I apologize for making you wait… Do I look strange in this? Am I wearing it properly?
Yep, I almost wanna say that it's all thanks to my good choices, but eh, anything would look good on a pretty person~
Go ahead and rip off the tag, I already paid for it.
What? No, I cannot allow that. I will pay for it with my own money.
It’s fine, it's cheap anyway. But as repayment for buying you clothes, try not to hamper my date with Anzu-chan, okay?
I feel like you are bribing me, and I do not quite like it. I will definitely pay with my own money, so present me the “re-shii-t” for these clothes.
Alright, alright. Ahh man… This doesn't feel like a date, it's more like spending a day off with the family or something.
Chapter 3
Location: Aquarium (Front)

Right then. We wasted way too much time, but we're finally here.
Heheh. Of course, finding Kanata-kun is our number one priority, but we should still have some fun like it’s a date~♪
Sooo, is it fine if Souma-kun runs off to do something by himself?
No, it is not. I am not so foolish as to leave you alone with Anzu-dono.
I will be keeping a close eye on you to make sure that you do not do anything dreadful.
You had better choose your words and actions carefully… You shameless man.
Just what kind of person do you think I am? I don't like to be forceful. If I ever plan to do something, I’ll only do it after Anzu-chan says it’s okay, alright?
The fact that you think “if I ever plan to do something” is already a sin itself. In fact, you being born must be some kind of mistake.
Haha. You probably don't realize it, but you just said something really brutal to me…
But I'm not joking around here. It really is my goal to find Kanata-kun, so… wouldn't it be a better tactic if we were to split up and try to find him separately while keeping in contact?
Hmph. Once again, it is only your mouth that is good at its job.
You have a point, but there is one issue in that plan. I do not currently possess anything that could be used for contact. I am inadequate with electronic devices.
Ahh… Right, I forgot you were from a family detached from the modern times, still communicating through letters sent by an arrow or a horse in this day and age.
…We do have a landline phone at home. But I cannot get accustomed to a “smar-to foon” and all of its unnecessary features. I am not fond of how it is all jumbled up.
“Smar-to foons” should be just like their name, and be more simplified.1
Um, the “smart” is meant to mean clever here, okay?
Oh, woops. Sorry, Anzu-chan. Us guys shouldn't just be talking to ourselves, right~? I’ll make sure not to bore you, so feel free to join in the conversation~♪
Hm? Did you just say we surprisingly get along? Ewww, do you really see us that way?
Mm… Anzu-dono, you are always correct, but this time you are completely mistaken.
Hm? We are in perfect sync right now? You are misinterpreting us… If you must compare us, then he and I would be like water and oil. We are always in disagreement.
We can never be on the same wavelength. Our only common feature is our gender.
No, no, we have some more things in common~ Like our club.
But honestly, I'd rather find something in common between the two of us, Anzu-chan.
People grow closer to others when they have something in common. So c’mon, let’s find all kinds of common qualities between us!
That's what this date is for, after all~☆
Huh? It's not a date? Then why're you wearing a bit of makeup~? ♪
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re starting to notice me, even if just a teensy bit…… Ohh, wait… This is a thing you and I share in common, huh.2
Which means the right thing to do is to pretend I didn’t notice that, but… Hmm~ I want it to be a fun day for us, so I’ll try and get through this gloomy topic as quickly as possible.
Sooo, you’re trying to hide that you’ve been crying with makeup, right? But you're not the type to wear makeup, so it just looks awkward instead~♪
But if that's what it is, I can teach you the basics.
I’ve seen girls wear makeup around me pretty often, and there’s loads of moments where I have to wear it for idol work, so I’m used to it.
Ahaha, you never asked for my help? True, but~ I want to pay you back for all the help you've done for me as a producer.
It's sweet that your love is the kind that doesn't ask for anything in return, but I also find it a little lonely.
…Ah! She just cut me off and ran ahead…
Did I go about it wrong…? I feel like I never choose the right answer when I'm talking to her.
Hold it! What were you muttering about to Anzu-dono?
Ehh~ None of your business. By the way, if you’re going to stick to being the devoted type, then you should start being more aware of the inner workings of your “Master”.
You’re normally really dense, aren’t you?
Sure, there’s some people who’ll think that’s cute. But if you can’t notice when something’s different, then it just means you’re not seeing anything about them at all.
Are you perhaps lecturing me? You may be a “senior” of mine, but you still have no right to lecture me as if you are any better.
That’s what I mean, though. I’ve been slacking off on coming to the club, but you’re different. You were always close to Kanata-kun.
Yet you never realized he was acting differently until after he disappeared.
Shouldn’t you be reflecting on this mistake? I’m aware I’m saying this like I’m not part of the mistake, though… So how about we both start being cautious from now on?
Kanata-kun’s a real handful too, y'know…
So I think it'd be good if there was someone who could always be nearby, and who could then protect him when needed. You’d pretty much fit that role, wouldn't you?
Just what have you been on about for the past minute? Make it easier to understand. Do not talk so vaguely.
Hmm~ I'm just talking to myself…
That aside, we should catch up to Anzu-chan before we lose sight of her. It’s really crowded here, likely ‘cause it’s a holiday. We seriously won’t be able to group up if she splits away from us.
Do not order me around. I will do things on my own accord.
Ehhh… You’re only a baby, Souma-kun. I feel like something “dreadful” will happen the moment I take my eyes off of you. But whatever, do as you like.
You being away from me makes it easier on me, too.
Chapter 4
Location: Light Music Clubroom

Excuuuse meeeeeee!
This is astounding! You called out for me sooo suddenly; I was surprised!
I can’t even imagine what this is all about, buuut! Luckily I’ve got free time, so I can take care of aaanything right now!
Now then! What do I need to do? Does your coffin need fixing after being broken again? Ooor do you need me to help out with idol-related work?
Go ahead and ask aaanything of me! Whether it's demolishing a building, arranging a passport, smuggling, or even murder, I’d do aaanything for you! Hahaha!! ☆
It does not sound like a joke when you say it, Mikejima-kun. One would normally be creeped out if you said that to them. You should slow down with how you speak and act.
Oh, you’re right! I apologize! But it’s reaaally rare for you to ask me for a favor! I couldn’t help but get all excited about it!
I’m sooo happy~! This is suuuch an honor~!! It’s a festivaaal~!! Hahahaha!! ☆
Your boisterous nature never changes… You should really tone it down — both what you say and the volume you say it with. You are already overbearing enough as it is.
You do not wish for people to be terrified of you, correct?
I apologize, once again! I really am trying to be more careful, buuut I guess I’m still new to this!
I can’t do things as well as you do, Rei-san! I’ll work harder… with eeeverything I’ve got!
I’m sooo happy! To think I can work harder — that I can still reach higher!! Hahaha!! ☆
I really do not think it is necessary to forcibly contort your true self into something that you are not.
Every person has their own suitable role. You will only tire yourself out if you keep aiming for that strange “Mama” role of yours.
Hahaha, that’s nooot something you should say, what with that “Vampire” role you’ve given yourself.
That is a harsh point… However, I must remind you that the fate of a monstrous fiend only ends in tragedy.
I know it will pain you, with your enormous body frame and tempo, but be careful not to stray from the path of humanity.
Alas, I did not call you here to lecture you.
My apologies for making you listen to an old man’s rambles on your buoyant holiday, Mikejima-kun.
No need to apologize! Like I said, I had waaay too much free time today!
With this much free time, I could honestly talk about anything with you till daaawn!
I see… You were running around in the corridors for some reason…
I could hear you as you moved about from place to place, so I thought you might have been busy.
Oh, no no! There are live shows going on aaall around the campus, and I thought best not to bother them! I noticed the corridors were empty, so I ran in them instead, that’s aaall!
If I’ve decided I’m gonna run, then I’m gonna ruuun! I can’t calm down otherwise!
I see. It may be a holiday, but that does not mean there is no one around. Be careful not to crash into anyone. Although you are usually very careful about that.
Hahaha, you should be talking more about how I shouldn’t be running in the corridors. But it makes sense that you didn’t, considering you used to be a troublemaker, too… Wait, this conversation is going nooowhere.
I’m truly sorry! My bad, it’s just that it’s aaalways fun talking to you! I could go on for hours about pointless stuff!
But you might have something urgent you need to tell me riiight now, so let’s hear it!
That is correct, so sit down over there. I am the only one here since there are no Light Music Club activities today, so I cannot treat you to any tea… Would you like some tomato juice instead?
Please and thank you! I ran a ton so I’m aaaall parched! I am beyond grateful!
You are always exaggerating things, for heaven’s sake… Well, I am glad to see you are still brimming with energy.
Yes! I’m filled with energy, yet I have nothing to do! It’s the baaane of my existence!
It seems like eeeveryone wants to try and work hard on their own lately, and so my job as a helper has been decreasing by a looot!
…Wait, I just said I'd listen to what you have to saaay, but I ended up talking about myself!
This is bad, terrible! You have this peculiar feel to you that makes me want to vent aaall my worries to you!
Ahaha. Y’see, it's actually somethin’ of a curse that's been placed on me.3
In any case, there is something I wish to ask you, Mikejima-kun.
Little Lady Anzu seems remarkably worn out recently.
I am concerned about her. Though I am not usually one to do so, I had actually lectured her sometime ago, you see. I worry that she has been fretting over that ever since.4
If that is indeed the case, then I only feel remorse. It seems that no matter what I do, I cannot help but see myself within her, and I end up saying more than necessary.
You see, she seems to be tackling each and every worry on her own right now…
It is far too unbearable to watch. Perhaps that is just how it is for a producer, however…
On top of fully assisting with Trickstar’s journey to SS, she is also prioritizing taking care of other units even more than she used to.
It is clearly too much for her. She will reach her limit soon enough. If she collapses from all of this, then it will be a disaster no one could ever bear or benefit from.
However, after taking on a strong front and lecturing her harshly, I cannot suddenly take everything back. As much as I want to, I cannot tell her to take it easy and rest.
It would only throw her off balance even further.
That is why… Mikejima-kun, could you let her know to relax every once in awhile for me?
And I would also like you to support her at all times, if you can.
Not that I even have to request that from you, though. You are the type to poke your nose in other people’s business, so I am sure you are already doing that.
However, if I recall correctly, you are close to Little Lady as you two are childhood friends, correct?
Then you are just the right person for this. After all, as far as I can tell from seeing my younger brother, childhood friends are like family.
Chapter 5
Mm~… Anzu-san’s like a big sister figure. Well, I think it’s more like she grew up without knowing hooow to depend on others.
Sooo whenever I try to look out for her, she rejects my help and pushes it away.
It’s aaalmost like she thinks it’s bad for her to depend on others.
It’s completely ingrained in her head that she has to stay in shape ‘cause she’s the big sister.
I see. I can deeply relate to that, as well.
It’s a difficult issue of hers, but she’s a very important childhood friend…
So I do want to protect her as much as I can. But if she doesn’t want that, then there’s not much I can do about that.
After all, I may end up stressing her out by looking after her waaay more than necessary… and that would only exhaust her even further. Doing things delicately is a huuuge challenge for me.
Yes… I am aware that it is a troublesome request from me, but please do handle the issue carefully. I will also do whatever I can to help.
It is in part my own actions that caused this problem, so I will watch over what happens.
But, y’know… I’m surprised, Rei-san. Your favor wasn’t what I expected it to be. I reaaally thought you were going to talk to me about what’s happening with Kanata-san.
Ahh, yes, Shinkai-kun also seems to be going through some problems.
Since I do not spend time with the Five Eccentrics as much as I used to, I do not know what is happening with him…
But he is an old friend. If danger befalls him, then I cannot sit by and watch. However, from the way I see it, what is happening at the moment is a good sign.
That child, bound by the circumstances of his home, and by the customs of this land…
He is currently moving according to his own will — for his own selfish reasons. I would rather support him.
We should let him do as he pleases. After all, he is far too kind — so much that he always prioritizes making others happy.
But in this modern age, one would not accept living a life like that of a sacrificial lamb.
I agree with you. While I do think it's silly that we're trying to define someone else's form of happiness…
His form of happiness has never been world peace, or the prosperity of land — It's nothing ambitious like that…
Rather, it seems to be those trivial but valuable things, such as simply sitting together as a family, having tea.
After all, when we played house together, he'd have the loooveliest smile on his face from how happy he was—
You almost wouldn’t believe it. Even though he'd always say I'm being annoying or that I’m bothering him.
Kukuku. Shinkai-kun may seem like nothing but a fluffball, but he can spout venom.
Hahaha, yeah, he's pretty much like a jellyfish.
Thing is, though, the venom stored in a sea creature’s body comes from absorbing all the nasty stuff in the water and its food…
But the real Kanata-san is a pure and kind creature. I don't ever want him to live such a miserable life. If that’s his fate, then I will make sure to change it.
Ooh… That is just what I expect to hear from the former Ryusei Purple. You speak like an ally of justice.
Hmm? Ahh, in those days, Ryuseitai would have members coming and going constantly, and I'd change my color every time that would happen…
So I wasn't always Ryusei Purple, Rei-san.
But it is a color that suits you. One that is right between red and blue… It is much better than a vague, capriciously-speckled color like your name.5
Hahaha, my name’s weird, but I like it a looot. Because of it being “Mikejima Madara,” I get to casually call myself “Mama.”
I do not think you need to purposely choose such a difficult way to live… But I suppose you are still young, so it might be alright. It is one of those moments to say “Hold onto your aspirations, boy.”
I am a little envious of you for that, Mikejima-kun.
Hahaha! That's right, that's right! I'm very blessed!
And that is exactly why I am quite worried about you. You are acting a lot like I used to in the past, when I would do whatever I pleased.
You must do your best so as not to repeat the same mistakes as this foolish vampire before you, successor of mine.
Yep, I’m aware. Buuut if I keep being cautious over every single thing I do, I won’t get anywhere.
You’re still young too, Rei-san. I think it’s fine if you aim for a dream again, y’knooow?
Kukuku. I am quite comfortable in this state of semi-retirement.
…Oh dear. It would be against my morals not to give you something as gratitude for taking my request. Mikejima-kun, please have this.
It is a ticket to the aquarium.
Shinkai-kun was walking around selling them, so as an old friend I bought a few.
However, it seems like this aquarium is only open during the hours in which I am most sleepy.
I am not interested enough in fish to force myself to visit, so I will hand them over to you.
You should go there with a friend. Hopefully these tickets are a good enough reward for listening to my request.
Oh yeah, this is a godsend. I also saw Kanata-san walking around selling them, but whenever I asked for one, he wouldn’t sell me aaany for some reason.
And I thought I’d be pushing it too far if I went and bought a ticket from the aquarium myself.
But if you’re gonna give me one, theeen I can now go there with the excuse that it’s where I was fated to be.
Kukuku, what’s this? Does Shinkai-kun hate you?
He has been much more social and friendly lately, yet he did not sell you a ticket despite this?
Mm~ Actually, maybe the reason I’m the only one he now denies has some special motive to it…
But, well… maybe he just thinks I’m overbearing, so that’s why he hates me.
Kukuku. We of the Three Eccentrics may indeed be human, but we have been removed from the fabric of humanity. And that is perhaps why we yearn to connect with other humans.
Thus neither I, Shinkai-kun, nor Hibiki-kun would ever scorn anyone.
The other two from the Five Eccentrics narrowly remain within the fabric of humanity, so they may not have the same feelings as we do towards humans, however.
Perhaps one denies out of love, as well. I would not know for sure, though.
Hahaha, you're getting reaaally sleepy, aren't you? Your words are starting to sound reaaally jumbled, y'know?
It is because it is midday; this is the time for vampires to sleep… Also, you are much too energetic, so talking to you tires me immensely.
Translation Notes
- ↑ In Japanese, su-maa-to (smart) actually means slim/slender (hence, Souma wishing it to be simplified like its name), but Kaoru explains that it means the English meaning of “smart”, not the Japanese version. These types of words are called wasei-eigo.
- ↑ Referring to WANTED!!!.
- ↑ Rei speaks in his ore-speech here.
- ↑ Referring to what happened in Summer Live.
- ↑ 斑 (Madara) means “spots/speckles.” 斑 can also be read as mura, which means “capricious/fickle.” Rei made a double word play on Madara’s name with the same kanji.