VS★GOURMET – Praise of Delicious Flavors (Chapter 1–7)
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter Translation Note: In Japanese, the chapter name is bimi raisan (美味礼讃), lit. Delicious Flavors Praise/Worship. It’s the Japanese translation of a famous French cookery book called “The Physiology of Taste: Or, Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy”.
From the book’s blurb: Brillat-Savarin (1783-1833) made famous the aphorism, “Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are.” He believed that food defines a nation.
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, Late May)
Location: 4piece Venue (Outside)

First day of 4piece. Right before the audition starts…
Ooh! That must be the 4piece venue. It almost looks like a massive stronghold…!
With just a glance, I can tell that it’s an enormous place that could fit four SS venues in it. It really feels like a worldwide audition could start any moment now, and it’s so exciting!1
Don’t you guys think so too?
(Oh, whoops… I accidentally spoke with the usual Ryuseitai energy. That’s right — 4piece is an individual competition, so nobody’s here with me.)
(It isn’t that I’m unaccustomed to individual work or anything, but it feels lonely not having anyone to share this exhilarating moment with…)
(Kanata, Nagumo, Takamine, Sengoku…! Please, send me over your most extraordinary powah!)2
Location: Dome Pathway

Whatever is the matter, Jun-kun? You’re making a dumb-looking face with your mouth agape, you know?
It’ll be an inconvenience if standing beside you makes people think we’re the same kind, so quit that, will you?
Ahh, sorry ‘bout that. I felt overwhelmed by the size of this venue…
Like, woah, we’re gonna have an individual competition here…
Ahahaha! ♪ You’re unusually nervous, aren’t you, Jun-kun — How adorable. ♪
And on the other hand, Ohii-san — you’re so much like your usual self, it’s kinda a let down, y’know~?
After experiencing ‘Absolute’, no stage could ever scare me now.3
You wouldn’t last very long if you felt nervous over a change in venue size, no?

Mm? Oh, if it isn’t Sazanami and Tomoe! Hey there!
Ah— It’s Morisawa-senpai. Heyaa~
…? Who are you? An acquaintance of Jun-kun perhaps?
—Hey! Don’t just forget!
We’ve had this conversation before, but we live in the same dorms now, don’t we!?4
Ahaha. I was of course joking. ♪ After all, Chiaki-kun, you often visit my dorm room to see Kanata-kun.
I had a couple of opportunities to work with Sazanami, but for Tomoe, Reverse Live was the last time I competed face-to-face with you, right? This feels nostalgic somehow~♪5
4piece is also a competition; an audition to be exact!
So how about we clash with all our might today, so that we leave no regrets behind, you two! ☆6
‘Course. I don’t plan on losing to anyone, not even you, Morisawa-senpai.
Well, I still dunno if I’ll be in the same venue as you, though~
What—!? Did I really smell that sweaty just now?
Sniffs scent… I made sure to dry my clothes under the sun, though…
Hold it, Ohii-san. It’s fine if you act that way towards me, but that sorta attitude’s just rude when it’s directed towards others, ‘kay?
I’m not bothered by it, so it’s alright, Sazanami!9
Anyhow, I never imagined that you two would appear in 4piece.
Eden has Saegusa—A producer too, right? So wouldn’t there be all sorts of trouble if you were to participate in Nice-P’s audition?
What’s troublesome here has far little to do with the presence of a producer, no? I dislike separating from my beloved Eden, but this specific case is unavoidable.
Well, it’s not just us participating in 4piece, but Ibara too, and we’re all aware that there’s a possibility that we’ll fight against each other~
Fufu. So you guys decided to audition after talking it out with one another, huh?
I’m not very fond of these sorts of quarrels, though, you know?
Still, this’ll act as a means to test my abilities — to see just how bright I’m shining as an idol.
Ooh, that’s such a great reason!
I chose to audition in hopes of finding something I could provide for Ryuseitai.10
I wasn’t sure if I should participate or not right until the very last moment, but when I spoke to everyone in Ryuseitai, they gave me the final push and encouraged me to go for it.11
So now that I’m here, I plan to come home only after I’ve obtained the greatest results!
That’s pretty cool, isn’t it~ It’s like your classic shounen manga.
Well, leaving that aside, it’s about time for us to assemble, no? Shouldn’t you change your clothes ahead of time before the dressing room gets crowded, Chiaki-kun?
Whoops, you’re right. But I’m really glad you’re both here. There was nobody but strangers around me, so I felt a little helpless by myself!
I’ll hurry and change my clothes now, so could the two of you stay with me until the screening begins?

Mm~… Perhaps you don’t mind so much, Chiaki-kun, but it isn’t a good idea to be too clingy here.
Mm? Was there a problem with that?
4piece is an individual competition, you see. If we get along the same way you do in Yumenosaki, it’ll be much harder to compete, no?
Yeah, I’m fully aware of that, of course! Let’s clash against each other to our heart’s content once the contest begins…☆
Haha, y’see, Ohii-san’s the type who doesn’t wanna fight against friends.
That’s why he’s saying that if possible, he wants to keep distance from you too, Morisawa-senpai.
Would you stop explaining with that grin on your face! You’re so cheeky, even though you’re just Jun-kun!
True… Being on good terms might turn out to be a shackle for this contest. Which means it’s necessary to have some kind of tenseness between each other.
Alright, if that’s the case, I’ll stop trying to force us to be together all the time! Farewell, you two! (waves)
Sound of footsteps
(I never imagined that Tomoe and Sazanami would also participate in 4piece…)
(If they end up in the same venue as me, they’ll surely be formidable rivals. I should fire myself up once more, too!)
(After all, if I end up with miserable results, I won’t be able to face everyone in Ryuseitai after all the encouragement they’ve given me.)11
(This audition has to do with Thunderbolt from the global entertainment enterprise, ‘Thunderbolt Entertainment’.)12
(The reward is unknown… But it seems that the famous producer, Nice Arneb Thunder-san, acts as chief executive.)
(In other words, if I show excellent results here, it could bring forth a footing to the overseas industry.)
(If that were to happen, I’ll definitely be able to fetch everyone in Ryuseitai a much more wide-scale job than we’ve ever had.)
(It won’t be a waste of time in the least to participate in this audition, even in the sense of having an opportunity to personally improve myself.)
(But most of all — by being among many powerful rivals, with Tomoe at the very head of such people, I’ll be able to find out how far I can fight at my current state…!)
Fufu. It’d be sort of villain-like to say that I feel my blood boiling, but… this is starting to get really exciting~♪
Chapter 2
Several minutes later, after the venue placements were announced…
I got assigned to the second venue — Called “Gourmet District”, is it?
Hearing the name alone makes it sound like an extremely tasty place to be. I wonder what sort of rivals await me here~♪
I can’t do iiiit!! I can’t handle being all alooonee!!
Now, now, calm down, Mayomayo. I understand; being alone makes you feel helpless, yeah?
Like, I also wanted to be together with Ma~kun, but we ended up being separated from each other.13
Other than Nacchan, everyone in Knights are also participating in 4piece, and yet it turned out I’m in a different venue from them, so~

You’re all on your own too, Ritsu-san…? Uuu… It’s simply not possible for me to participate in the audition alone!
It’s already difficult for me with so many people, but knowing I will even have to compete against everyone that stands here is simply just—…
Yeaaah, I’m not really up to doing this either.
If it weren’t for Su~chan strictly commanding us to participate under a King order, I wouldn’t have come to a place like this. I say no to violence, peace for life.
But if that’s the case, why’d you participate in 4piece, Mayomayo?
ALKALOID isn’t a battle-type unit like Knights, is it? And I doubt Ecchan would go as far as to say, “You’re fired unless you pass this audition!”
Did you eat something awful by any chance? Like soy beans on the verge of rotting…
Err, is that not natto beans…?14
Uu… To tell you the truth, there were unavoidable circumstances to this…

Say no more. You’re in it for the prize…♪
H-How did you reach that conclusion!?
I’m just making wild guesses~ Nothing’s been revealed about 4piece, not even the prize, so we don’t know what we’ll get.
Since that Thunderbolt’s hosting this, it wouldn’t be a surprise if a grand prize’s waiting for us at the end.
But if they revealed what it was, we’d probably have people joining just for the prize, so…
I thought that maybe there’s a chance they haven’t revealed it to reduce foul motives, is all.
Ahh… I see your point.
However, I don’t feel as though Nice-P is a calculating person.
His eyes were sparkling ever so brightly. Perhaps I could even say that his eyes resembled Aira-san’s whenever he speaks of idols—
It feels as though he’s purely come here in search of talents yet to be polished.
After all, if he simply wanted to amuse himself by making us compete against each other, he wouldn’t have come all the way to Japan. So I don’t believe it’s a good idea to think too deeply into it.
True, I think I might’ve gotten tangled with schemes and politics way too often that it made me oversensitive.
But well, having pure feelings of coming to Japan in search of talent is also its own kind of crazy…♪
Purity is also a poison of its own if you were to go to the extremes with it, indeed.
From my point of view, that person was too bright to look in the eye. It takes all my energy to watch him through the screen; the thought of meeting him in person terrifies me…!
I doubt he’d gobble you up, y’know. …But, well, I understand that you don’t like strangers getting up close.
Anyway, so why did you come to 4piece then, Mayomayo?
If you’re not here for the prize, then is it ‘cause you want to be produced by Nice-P?
Erm, umm… I’m ashamed to admit this, but I had the wrong idea.
Wrong idea?
Yes… I originally applied to 4piece along with Hiiro-san at Aira-san’s recommendation.
Aira-san and Tatsumi-san have an open radio recording during the audition, so we decided that only Hiiro-san and I would join.
However, I ended up placed in a different venue from Hiiro-san, and now I’m all on my own…
Uu, I wish to go home straight away! I had thought I would be able to enjoy the audition if it were with Hiiro-san, and yet—…!
Where did I go wrong? I wish I never participated if it was going to turn out this way…!
Now, now. Then how about you try it out without caring for the results — Like y’know, those mock exams?15
Since it seems like your motive for participating in the audition is about wanting to share the joy with your unit, that sort of strategy should work.
Uu… But isn’t it rude of me to be here with such a disposition?
Eh, isn’t it way too late to think that…?
There’s nothing you can do now that you’re here, so why not just relax and enjoy yourself?
Like, as if you’re just here to get a grasp of how an audition by a worldwide producer is like, yeah~?
No, no! Isn’t that far too condescending, as if I’m above everyone!?

Fuhahaha! ☆ I heard everything, you two!
Oh? Moririn’s in the same venue too, huh.
The bizarre name aside… I didn’t expect Ayase and Sakuma to be placed in the same venue as me. I hope for a great fight with such skilled people!
Mm. But I wanted to be in the same venue as Ma~kun, y’know~?
If I was up against Ma~kun, I’d be more than glad to lose. If anything, I want to be the one to give him the credit.
Are you sure that’d be fine…?
There’s no problem with that, is there? I’m only participating under Su~chan’s direction, so I don’t even plan on taking this seriously.
But since I’m here now and all, then it isn’t weird to wish that I could be a stepping stone for Ma~kun, right?
Yes. If it were possible, I wish I could’ve stood by Hiiro-san to help him…
Hm. Well, we all have our own stances about the audition in the end.
Mm~… Though, if you two are satisfied with that, then I don’t intend to make any comments.
And so, Mayomayo — Let’s do our best together as the ‘enjoying ourselves group’~♪
Chapter 3

The second 4piece venue, known as “Gourmet District”…
The inside of the dome is practically an alternate world.
I heard that all participants were split between four venues: the “Prince Castle”, “Gourmet District”, “Twin Rooster Pagoda”, and the “Arena”…
So there’s a castle, district, pagoda… and is that other dome-looking building the arena? I never imagined they’d construct it to actually look like an arena, not just be one in name…
The same goes for this venue — It’s an actual town rather than just a set, yeah? 4piece’s pretty impressive as you’d expect, even the amount of money spent on the program is on a global scale.
I wonder what we’ll be made to do here? What sort of idols do they hope to discover in ‘Gourmet District’?
Well, it’s called ‘Gourmet District’, so maybe we’ll compete through cooking? Or is that way too easy of an answer?
There’s also the possibility that we’ll be judged for our sense of taste and art of conversation by guessing the difference between ordinary food and high-class food while blind-folded…
Hm… If it’s like Ayase speculated, then Tomoe would be at an advantage, as he seems he would have a refined palate.
Mm? By Tomoe, you mean that Tomoe Hiyori, right? Is he participating in 4piece?
Yeah. When I arrived at the venue, I came across Tomoe and Sazanami.
I don’t know which venue they ended up in, but there’s a chance the two of them were allocated to Gourmet District.
Oh? Huh… So Hiyohiyo’s also participating.
In that case, maybe I’ll try a little harder…♪ Hey, Mayomayo, you’ll cooperate with me, won’t you?
Ritsu-san’s pressure has suddenly become extremely strong for some reason…! Weren’t we the ‘enjoying ourselves group’…!?
It’s not that strong now, is it?
Well, see, it’s ‘cause I may or may not have my own thoughts about Hiyohiyo related to Anija…?
It’s not really anything to randomly pick a fight over, though. I couldn’t care less about Anija.
Anyways, it should be about time we get an exposition…
Look over there! A gigantic screen popped out from the building’s rooftop!

“Mm~ Mm—mm…”
“Ahh, there’s a lump in my throat! Looks like even I’m feeling a little nervous here!”
“My pulse rate is going up! My whole body is trembling at the very hint of a magnificent tale beginning!”
Uwah, he’s suspicious as hell.
I-I’m so sorry for being suspicioussss~!
Not you, Mayomayo. I’m talking about Nice-P.
I dunno if he’s putting on a persona or what, but he must be completely out of his mind to show up with that sparkly suit. He looks like he’d blow this whole venue up with a smile.
What, like the Joker?17

After the explanation of 4piece…
Ahh~! We’re super duper late!
I took too long changin’ my clothes, so we got here later than necessary…
I was in such a rush to change that my clothes got tangled up even more… Then I had to get your help yet again, Mitsuru-oniisan. I’m so terribly sorry!
Nah, I also kept getting confused on how to get here a buncha times, so we’re both at fault.
This venue’s so big that making it to the second venue took ages~
Thanks to that, instead of arriving before it’s too late, we actually ended up being even more late!
We missed out on hearing the explanation for 4piece, but it looks like they haven’t talked about the rules yet…?
I never expected you to be a participant too, though, Raika-chan. Either way, we managed to make it without being disqualified, so there’s no reason to be upset!
Rules… 4piece has rules we mustn’t break!?
Yeah, ‘cuz without rules, we’d be able to do whatever we want. So I think there’s probably gonna be some, y’know?
What’ll happen if I break the rules? Please don’t tell me that I’ll be in the reflection room without food for the whole day!?18
Wait, now that I think about it, the info on my clothes really resembles the same I had at the “facility”…
Really? So there’s loadsa people at the facility you were in?
Is that why they put info on your clothes, so that anyone could know your name…?
Aye.19 But I wasn’t called by my name “Hojo Raika” — I was called by a number!
Aye! I was called “Number Thirty-Eight”!
Number Thirty-Eight!?
Is this “facility” you were in really an okay place? It’s scaring me a li’l, y’know?
…? That aside, what are the 4piece rules?
Will there really be no meals if I break one of them…?
Mm~ I don’t think you’ll have to worry about food, probably…?
Yaaay! That puts me at ease, then…♪
Um. I have another question, Mitsuru-oniisan, if I may?
Mhm! Go ahead and ask me anything!
—What sort of event is 4piece?
Wait, that’s right from the start!?
Mm~ It’s tough for me to explain that. I mean, they didn’t tell us anything except that some big audition program’s gonna start.
I dunno anything, not even the reward; I just know that the guy wearing the sparkly clothes, “Nice-P”, is the judge, I think?
Eh, Mitsuru-oniisan also knows Nice-sama?
I could ask you the same thing, Raika-chan! You know him?
This happened about a month ago, but… When I was singin’ near the streets, Nice-sama listened to my song.
And then, while Nice-sama was absorbed in my singin’, I snatched his phone from his bag…
You stole his phone!?
Uu… I was taught that stealin’ is bad, but at that moment, my hands couldn’t stop themselves…
But, Nice-sama forgave me.
He said that my singin’ had value, that it had a Nice radiance to it… And before he left the area, he told me to come to 4piece.
Ooh~ Your singing’s that amazing, Raika-chan?
Ehihi. Singin’s all I’m good at…
Woah, you’re suuuper good at it!
It’s so charming, like… wow, how do I even put it! I wanna compliment you, but the words just don’t come to me!
If that’s just how good you are, then I totally see why you’re here!
I get it now~ So Raika-chan was scouted by Nice-P to participate in 4piece. The mystery is solved~♪
Ehihi~♪ Your compliments make me real happy~♪
I only have singin’, but if that’s fine as is, then I’ll sing anytime.
So Mitsuru-oniisan, if you’re alright with it, please do have a listen to my singin’~♪
Mhm! Lemme hear you more and more!
But first, we need someone to explain 4piece to us, or nothing about it’ll make any sense.
If someone that could know is around, they could explain it to us—
Someone that could know— Ah! If that’s what we need, then there’s just the right person for it!
Chapter 4
Mitsuru-oniisan, look over there, if you may!
The person speaking over there is my acquaintance, Sakuma-sama!
Mhm, that’s totally him alright! You’re friends with Ritsu-chan-senpai, Raika-chan?
I have very few acquaintances here, so the senior elder told me that I’ll be having Sakuma-sama look after me. ♪
Senior elder? Do you mean your grandpa?
Ehihi. The senior elder is Sakuma Jii-sama; he’s like a representative of the family~♪20
Right then, I’ll go greet him. Please do follow me, Mitsuru-oniisan~♪
Sakuma-sama~♪ (waves)
Who’re you?
H-How could this beee!?
He got shot down spectacularly…!?
I greeted Sakuma-sama— Rei-sama and Ritsu-sama before, did I not…!?
Or was it all just an illusion I had when I was starvin’…?
C’mon now, don’t be so mean, Sakuma. He’s just a little kid.
I’m kidding, I’m kidding. It’s a Ritsu joke~♪
Tsk-tsk, Moririn, Ho~chan; if you lose heart over something as simple as this, you won’t survive in the industry, y’know?
I never expected to meet Ho~chan at 4piece, but I still remember Anija telling me to take care of you.21

If he has relations with that Sakuma—…san, does that mean he comes from a prestigious household?22
Well, more or less. This kid’s a distant relative of our family. This is only my second time talking to him, though—
But at the very least, he’s not a kid who could threaten you, Mayomayo.
I see… I couldn’t help being on guard, but I’m glad to know my worries are unfounded.
It’s unthinkable that such an adorable kid could do something to me, anyway…♪
Heheeh~ I’m nothing but a measly li’l boy, so there’s nothing to worry about at all!
…By the way, Mayomayo Onii-san?23 May I ask why you’re pattin’ my head?
Ufufu, ufu…♪ That’s because Raika-san is ever so adorable…♪
Sound of a kick
Ohph!? I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry! Please don’t kick me in the shin, I was in the wrooonggg!!
Oh—! Is that Sakuma’s exclusive finishing move, made by combining “Vampire” and “Kick”!?24
It’s just a low kick, really. Anyhow, I said I’d look after him, so that means that I gotta get rid of any bad insects.
Insects? I’m confident in my capability to catch insects!
But most of all, I’m so filled with emotion, knowin’ that ya remember who I am, Sakuma-sama…♪
Ehehe. There’s no way anyone could forget a good kid like you, Raika-chan! ♪
Oh yeah, we got here real late, so I’d like someone to tell us about 4piece, too!
Everything was kept a secret, so I dunno what we’re gonna do and why we’re gonna do it!
Oh, is that what happened? Alright then, for you guys who came late, I’ll do the explaining! ☆
Just a moment ago, a screen popped out from the second venue’s building, Gourmet District.
Nice-P explained the principles of 4piece, as well as the relations ES and Thunderbolt will have from now on, but that part was pretty complicated, so to summarize it all—
It appears that Nice-P will be creating a “Nice Dream Unit” through this audition!12
“Nice Dream Unit”…?
Yeah. To put it simply, it’s a special unit that Nice-P will produce.
The unit will even have a global song release, and this audition exists to decide on the members.
And those members will be chosen from the top rankers among the four venues.
—That’s basically the gist of it. I cut it really short, but was it still understandable?
Mhm. I think I’m good now! A complicated explanation wouldn’t have made sense to me, anyway!
Raika-chan, are you good to go too?
Uhee, I’m worried about the rules of this place…
Like, if I’ll be confined to a pitch dark reflection room for a week if I broke them or anythin’. Please, spare me from that, at least…!
I-I don’t believe they’ll do something as cruel as that to us…
Then will they cut off meals after all!? I don’t want that either…!
The second venue is called “Gourmet District”, so I doubt we’ll have any trouble with getting food, actually?
Fufu. Either way, how we’ll be judged is going to be announced soon. No matter what the scoring is based on, I’d love to compete with all my might! ☆
Mhm! I’m Tenma Mitsuru, Ra*bits’ proud and mighty super star! I’m gonna fight with all my power and aim for the gold medal~!
Chapter 5

(…Fufu. Compared to the other participants, it’s much more lively where Chiaki-kun and the others are at.)
(I ended up in a different venue from Jun-kun and Ibara, so I wasn’t quite sure what I’d do… But watching those kids draws out all the toxic air, doesn’t it?)
(Are they operating as per usual without getting swallowed by the tense air around them, or do they simply lack any tenseness in the first place…?)
(Mm~… It’s likely the latter? Kids from Yumenosaki are usually like that, after all.)
(Tenma-kun came late for example, yet he’s looking so calm. Even though if a judge catches him, he’ll certainly get points deducted.)
(My, my… It’s a problem to be too nervous, but the same can be said about having little to no nerves at all.)
(If I keep looking over at them, the tenseness might get chipped off from me as well, so I’d like it if they could start explaining the rules already.)

“Everyone in the Gourmet District! Can you hear me?”
“Thank you all for patiently waiting. I’ve finished explaining the rules over at the first venue, Prince Castle, so I’ll now provide the explanation you’ve been waiting for at Gourmet District.”
Ooh! So the screening in the second venue is going to start at long last. What sort of trials await us in this Gourmet District!?
Mm! That sounded just like the preview of the next tokusatsu episode…☆25
“Fufu. Thank you for the lovely response, Morisawa-kun.”
Ah! Our conversation can be heard from here!? I’m terribly sorry for interrupting!26
“Ah, no. In 4piece, you idols are the stars of the show, and management simply takes on the role of discovering your shine. So there’s no need to hold back from making any statements.”
“I would love it if you could show your true selves. We, the judges, are also looking forward to your Nice reactions…♪”
“Also, if you have any comments or questions, feel free to let us judges know.”
Ooh, me, me! Nice-P, can you hear me~?
“I can hear you very well, Tenma-kun. Your voice is quite loud and Nice, isn’t it? ♪”
“Fufu. Perhaps this is all because of Morisawa-kun and Tenma-kun… But it seems like the second venue has a different air from the first venue, Prince Castle.”
“I sense a much more extraordinarily relaxed air from the venue that was given the name ‘Gourmet District’.”
“And to all of you who are capable of bringing forth such a pleasant air, this ‘contest’ will be most suitable to you.”
“In the second venue, Gourmet District, you will be judged based on a ‘Restaurant Management Competition’!”
Restaurant management…? I feel like that doesn’t really have much to do with idols, though.
“As many of you may be thinking, you see no visible connection between cuisine and idol auditions, correct?”
“However. In terms of bringing happiness and smiles through cuisine — Serving delicious food requires a high level of skills, distinguishing features, and publicity.”
“The same can be said about idols.”
“When all of you go out to have a meal, what do you regard most important?”
“Menu, flavor, price, proper customer service, location—”
“Every restaurant has its own ‘reason’ to be chosen.”
“And so, we will have you all rediscover your value through ‘food’.”
Through ‘food’… Oh wow. I think I’m feeling a little more motivated now.
Ah, so cooking’s your specialty, Ritsu-san? I had no idea.
Sena’s shared with me sweets Sakuma has made before. They may have a peculiar appearance, but they were extremely delicious.27
Appearance is subjective, but I can definitely guarantee its taste. If we’re having a cooking contest, I’m gonna be at an overwhelming advantage…♪
I somehow feel hungry all of a sudden… (nom, nom)
…Huh? You ate a while ago, but you’re already feeling hungry?
Mm? Actually, Raika-chan, where did you get that bread from?
I took another piece of bread Mitsuru-oniisan was carryin’!
Huh!? He stole it from me at one point!? I didn’t notice at all~!
Hey now, Hojo-kun! It’s a crime to steal other people’s belongings!
Indeed so. Let’s properly apologize to Mitsuru-san for stealing his bread, shall we…?
—Ah! I almost forgot! I’ve been taught time and time again that stealin’ is bad, but it just happens automatically!
I’ve been saved so many times by Mitsuru-oniisan, yet I go ahead and do this! I’m so terribly sorry! (Jumping dogeza)28
Ehhh!? There’s no need to go so far as a dogeza, though!?
Besides, there’s no need to steal anyway! If you want bread, you can just tell me, okay? I’ll always be glad to share with you!
“Fufu. I apologize for ruining the peaceful air, but may I ask you all to keep it down a little? I’m still in the middle of my explanation, you see.”
Ah! I’m really sorry! I’ll listen properly!
Chapter 6
“The details of the competition are extremely simple.”
“For seven days, you will manage a restaurant. The owner who gains the most profit in their restaurant will be the winner of Gourmet District.”
In other words, I can assume that means to “just earn a lot of money”, yes?
“Exactly that, Tomoe-kun. We will add bonus points to the ‘competition score’ of the person who gains the most profits in Gourmet District.”
“Each participant will be given a restaurant. As the owner of said restaurant, you must provide the meals.”
“While owning a restaurant, you will review the menu and ingredients, decide on prices, and attract customers all on your own — Fufu, it really is like you’re an actual manager, no?”
If we have to do everything all by ourselves, wouldn’t it be a hefty task…?
Even the restaurant I had the honor of assisting a long time ago had a lot more staff members, you know…?29
Not to mention, our phones were confiscated before we arrived at the venue. How are we to manage a restaurant without even a recipe at hand…
Nice-san— No, Nice-P!
Our phones were confiscated before we entered the venue, so how on earth are we meant to learn how to manage a restaurant and make the food?
“What an extremely reasonable question!”
“I’m afraid that all I can say is that ‘there is no way to do that’.”
“Knowing management and being proficient at cooking have nothing to do with being an idol.”
“What we want you to compete over is how you’ll make your restaurant appear captivating, you see.”
“What sort of commodities would be favorable, how much profit is ideal — I’d like you to ponder and ponder until you reach your answer.”
“There are no other prohibited rules.”
“If I had to list one, though, then we forbid you from committing any acts that harm the safety of this audition, such as stealing or direct physical assault.”
Erm, in other words… Am I right to think that this means we should “just try to attempt the challenge for now”?

“Mhm. Exactly right on the mark! What a Nice interpretation, Morisawa-kun!”
T-Thank you very much?
Nice-P. Mind if I ask another question?
“Go right ahead, Sakuma Ritsu-kun.”
For the meals we serve, is anything allowed? And how will we fetch our ingredients?
“Mhm. That’s a reasonable question.”
“First, the management team will designate the menu’s theme day by day.”
“For example, let’s say the first day is miso soup. The second day is mapo tofu. The third day is pasta.”
“You’re free to adapt the meal however you like, as long as it remains within the category of the designated theme. It’s all up to you — whether it be pork miso soup, or tofu with wakame, or anything else.”
“Then we have the purchasing of ingredients. Each shop will be provided with a starting budget of 100,000 yen.”
“Regarding how to use those funds to purchase ingredients, it’d be much simpler to explain while trying it out, so I’ll be covering how that works in due time.”
“Are there any other questions? Well, really, you don’t need to overthink it.”
“If I were to summarize the objective of Gourmet District, it would be this—”
“With the budget provided, you’ll purchase ingredients, serve meals according to your stock, and make as much profit as possible!”
“However, it must be noted that this has all been about the ‘competition score’.”
“In 4piece, you are evaluated based on two categories: ‘individual score’ and ‘competition score’. The sum total will be your final score.”
“While you can make ‘profit’ through gaining a favorable reputation from the customers by being resourceful, such as having outstanding performances in attracting customers and winning ‘contests’—”
“Your idol capabilities will also be evaluated based on aspects outside of that ‘profit’.”
“So even in the case that you don’t manage to obtain a good ‘competition score’, not all hope is lost, as you will also be given ‘individual points’ based on your actions during the screening.”
“The judges are watching every single move you take, I assure you. You will be provided with opportunities equally, so I’d like you to keep your chin up and compete against one another! ☆”
Hm… It’s pretty hard to decide on where to start.
Mm~ So basically, we just gotta play the game of “being a shopkeeper”, right?
Yeah, I think it’s fine to think of it that way. Nice-P did say that we should just give it a try for now!
Whew, got it! Then I should be able to do my best!
I was also able to understand!
So I can open a business and attract customers by singin’ and dancin’, right? ♪
Well, I’m sure that’s also a viable way to advertise yourself, yeah?
Since it sounds like this is all about earning the most money through the things you can do.
Fufu. These rules might be way more suited towards me than I expected…♪
Chapter 7
Several minutes later…
“—Everyone in the second avenue. Have you all reached your restaurant?”
“Right, then lastly, I will explain the ‘purchasing of ingredients’ process and begin the screening.”
“That being said, this part isn’t complicated either.”
“There is only one thing you need to purchase ingredients. And that is: ‘leg strength’!”
“In other words — first come, first served. Quite simple, isn’t it?”
So like, does that mean we just need to dash over to get ingredients?
“Exactly so, Tenma-kun. To put it simply, imagine a special sale at a supermarket.”
“Ultimately, we expect you to scramble against each other for ingredients.”
“That’s what I’m best at! I’ll run so fast like woosh, and get everything I want!”
That’s impossible for meeee!! I can already see myself in the near future getting crushed by the crowd and obtaining nothiiiing!!
“Oh my, I almost forgot something crucial.”
“It is strictly prohibited to steal ingredients from others. That is simply theft — A violation of the rules.”
“You will use the 100,000 yen we provided you as a starting budget, and purchase your ingredients in a legitimate manner.”
Got it!
(A scramble for ingredients… I feel as though it isn’t going to be as simple as just running to buy them.)
(There’s likely a limit to the amount of ingredients provided, and there’s also the possibility you won’t be able to obtain the ingredients you had planned to get.)
(Not only that, but while you may be able to serve customers delicious food by purchasing high-quality ingredients, your expenses will increase just as much in doing so.)
(Using high-quality ingredients won’t be enough to guarantee a win.)
(Also, even if you excel at cooking, there’s a possibility to lose in the contest if you fail to purchase ingredients at all—)
“By the way, everyone will be provided with the main ingredient of the designated theme, so you can rest at ease there.”
“After all, if you don’t have eggs to make an egg dish, then you can’t participate in the contest in the first place.”
“Right, that’s it for the explanation regarding the purchasing of ingredients. I wish you all the best of luck!”
“It’s finally time to announce the meal’s theme for today.”
“Are you all ready? For today’s meal, we’d like you to provide—”
“A ‘meal using rice’! Now then, Gourmet District’s screening has begun!”
Woosh~! ☆ I’ll never lose to anyone when it comes to races~!
(He charged immediately without any hesitation, like you’d see at the start of a race! He might be the first one to reach the ingredients… As you’d expect from an active member of the Track and Field club!)
(From the looks of it, Tenma-kun already seems to have a dish in mind.)
(I can’t afford to hesitate either! For a meal using rice, would something like Chinese fried rice be good…? In that case, the ingredients I need are pork fillet, egg—)
Was that Ayase screaming…!? What’s wrong, Ayase!? Where are you, respond to me!
Higya— Gugyan! …Gfh!?
Over there!? Hey, get a hold of yourself, Ayase!
A-Ahh… Chiaki-san. I’m so sorry, I think I’m done for……
The audition has only just begun, y’know!? Hang in there, don’t lose now! You’ve got this, Ayase!
C-C-C-Chiaki-saaan!? I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ll feel nauseous if you keep shaking me back and forth…!
Whoops, sorry!
But are you really alright? What happened?
It isn’t a big deal, really. A lot of people rushed towards where I stood, and…
It appears that I happened to be standing near a popular ingredient.
Uu… I completely miscalculated my starting position…! I wish to go home alreadyyy!
So that’s what happened. Everyone’s in a frenzy to get ingredients, after all… And since you’re bad with crowds, it must’ve been painful for you.
But it’s still far too early to give up, y’know? How about trying for a little bit longer, Ayase?
If you give up and run away from the very first day, won’t Shiratori and everyone else who recommended you to participate be sad as well?
Uuu, you’re right, I do not wish to see Aira-san with a sorrowful expression either…
It’s as you say, Chiaki-san. I’ll try to put in effort a bit longer and not be discouraged at such an early stage.
That’s the spirit! How about we take on the trial that is Gourmet District together…☆
Y-Yes… However, erm… I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault.
Mm? What do you mean by your fault?
Ah, um, I feel terribly sorry you had to do all this for the likes of me… Or rather, while I’m happy that you came rushing to save me…
Due to that, Chiaki-san has also lost in the scramble for ingredients.
Ah, that’s what you meant? Don’t worry about it; aren’t there still a lot of ingredients left?
…? No, I believe that practically all the ingredients have been bought by now…?
Translation Notes
- ↑ As a fun note, this chapter is interesting to read next to the story of the first audition venue. In VS★PRINCESS’s early chapters with Mao and Subaru, Mao has similar thoughts to Chiaki. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Powah, said as pau-a. This is a different pronunciation from how it’s typically said in Japanese; the typical way to say it is pawaa. Chiaki has said “powah” before in Comet Show, in the Prologue and Week-end at the Aquarium 3.
- ↑ This is referring to Eden’s climax story, Absolute. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ This is referring to Hiyori and Chiaki’s exchange in Reverse Live, Rivals 17.
- ↑ This is referring to Reverse Live, a story where Rain-bows (Jun, Chiaki, Tori and Hokuto temporary unit) competed against Lilith (Seiya, Hiyori, and Jun temporary unit). Chiaki and Hiyori had a “seduction showdown” at the end, in Rivals 27. As for the times Chiaki has worked with Jun, please see Wedding March!
- ↑ As a fun note, Reverse Live’s full event name was Saga / Clashing Reverse (Rebirth) Live; the same “clashing” wording Chiaki uses here. Translation link here.
- ↑ The word for “suffocating” is atsukurushii, which is used towards someone who’s overly zealous and enthusiastic that it feels stuffy/suffocating.
- ↑ Hiyori’s catchphrase comes from his name hiyori, which means “weather” (日和). He typically says either ii hiyori (good weather) or warui hiyori (bad weather).
- ↑ Chiaki was shown to worry about this sort of thing back in Stella Maris, Hidden Island 1. Stella Maris happens in the 2nd year of ES, in early May; just before this story!
- ↑ As a fun note, Chiaki has wanted to pick up something else specifically for the sake of Ryuseitai. Read the feature scout story, Misshapen Masterpiece, to learn more!
- ↑ As a fun note, Ryuseitai’s songs involve supporting each other’s dreams and paths, such as Colors Arise, which goes: “If there is a destination you desire to reach, then we’ll push your back, encouraging you to take that step forward”. Midori has also said something similar to Chiaki before in relation to receiving encouragement from Ryuseitai during a time of hesitation; it happens in Climax, Heroes of the Future 4.
- ↑ To learn more about Thunderbolt Entertainment and the 4piece program, see the Wiki page.
- ↑ Mao, Leo, and Tsukasa are in Prince Castle, story name VS★PRINCESS. See more information on the Wiki page. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Natto beans are fermented soybeans. Read more here.
- ↑ In Japanese, Ritsu says kinen juken (記念受験), which are entrance exams you take without a care if you’ll pass the exam or not.
- ↑ Ritsu says enjoy-zei (エンジョイ勢), a term used for people who consider it more important to enjoy a game as it is instead of aiming for high scores and wins. The opposite would be gachi-zei, people who consider winning and high scores most important.
- ↑ A reference to the supervillain Joker. Originally, this is censored in Japanese to avoid copyright.
- ↑ Reflection room is hansei shitsu (反省室), lit. reflecting-on-behavior room, or showing-remorse room.
- ↑ Since Raika speaks in a very old-fashioned speech pattern from the Edo period, he also says hei (へい), an affirmative sound servants and merchants would use back in the day.
- ↑ Jii-sama is 爺様 (Old man/Grandfather + polite honorific).
- ↑ Raika first meets Ritsu in his Idol Story 2. The story talks more about the relationship between the Hojo family and Sakuma family. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Mayoi jolts whenever he hears “Sakuma”, as he used to hear terrifying stories about the family. This is mentioned in the first !! Era Main story, Chapter 31.
- ↑ As mentioned in the prologue, Onii-san is “big brother”. Other than its usage within family, it’s also used to show respect towards a stranger or an older person. In this case, Raika refers to Mayoi as mayomayo no oniisan, which is lit. as if he’s saying "the Mayomayo Onii-san".
- ↑ Ritsu’s word-combination and wordplay is a lot more clever in Japanese. Vampire is kyuuketsu-ki; combined with kikku (kick), you get kyuuketsu-kikku. Meanwhile, Chiaki loves puns and finishing moves!
- ↑ Tokusatsu (meaning “special effects”) is a genre of live-action film or TV drama that makes heavy use of special effects, for ex. Kamen Rider, Super Sentai series, etc… Read more here. Chiaki really loves tokusatsu shows and one of his hobbies is watching them.
- ↑ Chiaki switches from his usual way of speaking to speak in polite language (keigo) with Nice-P.
- ↑ Ritsu’s cooking is known to look strange yet taste incredible. Ritsu also loves cooking them. See the CGs and stories of Sweets and Dark Night Halloween. It’s mentioned or shown in a few other stories too, like Horror Night Halloween, Sweet Hunt, his birthday stories, and more. Please check this masterlist for translations.
- ↑ Dogeza (Prostrating oneself) is a Japanese form of etiquette, where the person kneels on the ground and bows to prostrate oneself while touching one’s head to the floor. It’s used to express one’s deepest apologies to someone or when wanting a favor from someone. Read more here. In this case, Raika does a version where he jumps before prostrating on the ground.
- ↑ This is referring to Dead End Land. Mayoi, Shinobu, Tomoya and Wataru helped out at a cafe.