VS★GOURMET – Profile Cards and PR Videos

310mc (PR Video), @enstarsENG (Profile Card)
ryuseipuka (PR Video)

Character Index

Chiaki Morisawa - Mitsuru Tenma - Hiyori Tomoe - Raika Hojo - Ritsu Sakuma - Mayoi Ayase


To promote the audition, Enstars released several content for the participants. This includes a Profile Card (handwritten by the idol themselves), Self-PR Video (Idol introduces themselves in 20 seconds), and Solo Camera (Full body shot of them dancing in an MV). All of this can be found on the official 4piece account.

See a full playlist of the videos here! It includes solo camera for each participant and their self-introduction videos. But you can also scroll for all the videos and a translation!

Profile Card translation and English handwriting by @enstarsENG. PR Video translation by 310mc.

Chiaki Morisawa

Profile Card

Translation was done and handwritten by @enstarsENG. Original post with Japanese handwriting can be found here.

PR Video

The burning heart Morisawa Chiaki has made his arrival!

As Ryuseitai’s Ryusei Red, I fight with all my power for the sake of the peace of this world each and every day!

Show us your ultimate finishing move!


FUHAHA! Ultimate finishing move—! Galaxy Strongest Magnum Burst Passionate Turbo Super Light-shooting Flash Burning Ultra Cyclone KIIICK!

End of the 20 second PR video

How’s that!?

Solo Camera

Mitsuru Tenma

Profile Card

Translation was done and handwritten by @enstarsENG. Original post with Japanese handwriting can be found here.

PR Video

UOOOHH! I’m Tenma Mitsuru! I’m Ra*bits’ super star~!

Umm, umm…!! What should I say here~!?

And… action ♪

Right now, keep your eyes only on me. I’ll show you that these feelings I have for you aren’t a lie.

I love you.

End of the 20 second PR video

Ehehe! Like this?

Impressive, aren’t you?

Solo Camera

Hiyori Tomoe

Profile Card

Translation was done and handwritten by @enstarsENG. Original post with Japanese handwriting can be found here.

PR Video

I’m sure you’ve all been anticipating seeing me, Tomoe Hiyori, make my appearance.

I’d love every one of you across the world to accept my love into your hearts! That would be such fine wea—THER!?

Excuse me, what is the meaning of this!? How dare you interrupt my introduction!? Absolutely unforgivable! We’re finished here! Such awful weather!

Solo Camera

Raika Hojo

Profile Card

Translation was done and handwritten by @enstarsENG. Original post with Japanese handwriting can be found here.

PR Video

I-Is it my turn? Um, um, my specialty is singin’, and I also love high places!

Also, my name is Hojo— Eh!? Ehh!? W-Why’s it dark all of a sudden!? I can’t see anythin’ in the dark~! Could someone please save m— Wait, huh?

Hehe, I’ll do my absolute best!

End of the 20 second PR video

I expect nothing less from you.

Solo Camera

Ritsu Sakuma

Profile Card

Translation was done and handwritten by @enstarsENG. Original post with Japanese handwriting can be found here.

PR Video

Yaawn… I’m Sakuma Ritsu from Knights… I feel sooo sleepy~…

Music box ON!

Ahh… my eyelids… feel so heavy…

Hehehe… It’s Ma~kun…

End of the 20 second PR video

Oww—! It was just a dream…

Solo Camera

Mayoi Ayase

Profile Card

Translation was done and handwritten by @enstarsENG. Original post with Japanese handwriting can be found here.

PR Video

Umm, ermm… M-My name is Ayase Mayoi… Uuu, I don’t like to be in publiicc, I’m sorryyy…

You can do it!

You can do it!

Eeep!? U-Umm, I’m practically akin to a ground beetle, but I will pour all my efforts for the sake of everyone who cheers for me, so…! Please do support mee…!

End of the 20 second PR video

Uu… I wish to disappear…

That was amazing, Ayase!

Solo Camera