Climax – Heroes of the Future
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: At the fountain (White Day)

Tetora-kuuun! At last, it is the day of the Repayment Festival! ♪
Ahh, it was really tough up until this point!
While it is a good thing that we, Ryuseitai, have decided to participate… In the end, Midori-kun did not show up to practice.
Neither did Taichou-dono nor Shinkai-dono… They insist that Repayment Festival is mainly conducted by juniors, so they will be watching from the audience seats only.
We decided to participate really late in… Because of that, I feel like we have not been able to get enough practice.
The future ahead of us is shrouded in mysterious darkness~… Ninjas are destined to thrive in darkness, though.
But it seems we will only be singing our most well-known songs rather than doing something new, so…
As long as we do our best and focus, I believe that we will get through it.
Normally, it would be all five of us performing the songs together, so… having to do all this work on our own will be tough.
I feel like if it could have been the three of us — If Midori-kun were here — We could manage to make it look good enough…
But there is no point in wishing for what you cannot have, so we will get through Repayment Festival with the two of us.
Let's prove to everyone that Ryuseitai, Yumenosaki’s oldest powerhouse unit, is still going strong! Hip hip hooray! ♪
T-Tetora-kun? Please respond~ I am going against my character for the sole purpose of pumping us up!
I-If even you become clouded with darkness, it will seriously be a doomed ending~! Isn't our bright and fun liveliness what makes us Ryuseitai?
…Ah, my bad. I was meditating.
I make it a rule to sit cross-legged and meditate before every live.
Nothing’ll come outta complainin’ at this point, sooo I’m gonna brace myself and get through this with everything I’ve got.
I’m sorry, Shinobu-kun. All I’ve done is make you worry.
If I was all alone in this, I prolly would’ve broken down.
But you kept saying silly things to ease the mood, even if it was forced… You really helped me out.
Actually, no — you’ve always helped me out.
Ninjas are meant to be the dark type, but whenever you’re around, the mood gets a lot brighter. You really are a single miracle shining into the darkness~♪
Heheh, there is no need to thank me, Tetora-kun.
All for one, and one for all. That is what Ryuseitai is all about.
But you know, it feels like, while everyone has been emotionally unstable — Or rather, while everyone's getting emotional and sentimental about the coming graduation—
I’m the only one who is acting like everything is normal. I feel like I’m being heartless.
No way~ I admire that 'bout ya. You’re always looking on the bright side of things.
I’m constantly pessimistic and worried over everything, so I’m envious of that.
Ahaha. In sentai squads, Yellow is typically the one to liven the mood.
But Black is the opposite and like, seems to always be putting up with heavy burdens — that sort of thing.
I’m not trynna act the part, though. I really am feeling depressed…
I said horrible things to Midori-kun. I acted unfairly, like I knew better than him.
If we join Repayment Festival without Midori-kun, it’ll be really hard to go back to the way things were.
I know that, yet I still decided that we’d join in ‘cuz I wanna repay our seniors.
I’m so selfish, I always make it 'bout myself. I’m really not fit to be a leader.
Ahaha, it isn't like you can do things perfectly from the very beginning.
It took me many years before I was finally able to properly hit bullseye with my shuriken.
It requires constant training. And if anyone ever laughs at you or says it was a waste of effort—
Then your comrades from Ryuseitai — or at the very least I would praise you in awe and say, “That was totally awesome!”
So hold your head high with pride and do your best with everything you have, and you will get through every hardship that comes your way.
I may not be that reliable, but I will always be your ally… Future Taichou-dono.
…Thanks, Shinobu-kun.
Heeey, you two! Can we talk for a sec? (waves)
That surprised me—! W-wh-wh-what is it… Erm, Hakaze-dono?
Ahaha, I’m not of a high enough status to be called by -dono.1
The same can be said about Souma-kun, but why're you mixing up time periods like that? Man, this school really is filled with weirdos~♪
But it’s good that way. It’d be boring if everyone was the same.
Anyway, you two are from Ryuseitai, right? Do you know where Kanata-kun might be?
There’s something I want him to help me with a little, sooo~♪
Mm…? Um, Shinkai-dono and Taichou-dono are only going to be our audience for Repayment Festival…
And it seems they are scheming something in particular, so they are not here.
I know that much from keeping in contact with them… Wait, no— I know this because ninjas are messengers.
Hmm… Ahh, alright, I see. Kanata-kun’s busy on his side too, huh.
Oh well, nothing I can do about that… Looks like it’s up to me to deal with Souma-kun.
…? Did something happen to Kanzaki-dono?
If he is in any trouble, I will do whatever I can to help~.
Ooh, you boys from Ryuseitai really are good kids.
Mhm, Moricchi must’ve done a good job raising you. If only I’d gotten close to him sooner, then I could’ve learned the secrets of that kinda stuff.
But it's too late to say that now, so I've just gotta work as hard as I can with what I have, right?
Chapter 2
…? What are you talking about, Hakaze-dono?
Ahaha, it’s nothing to do with you guys.
Sorry for interrupting you guys right before the live show~ Repayment Festival is centered on you juniors, so you’re probably unsure of yourselves, but… just do what you can~♪
I’m cheering you goody boys on. …Well, time to go, bye byeee~♪ (waves)
Ossu, good work out there…? (waves)
…What was that ‘bout, anyway?
No idea… I’m not sure what’s going on, but it seems like things are hectic and all over the place…
It’s always like that when Anzu-dono plans a DreamFes, though.
But that’s what makes it worth it to be a part of ‘em. I do feel like we go through a lot when it's a DreamFes by Anego, but once it’s all over with, the memory is usually a happy one.
I’m hoping it'll be the same this time, too, so… Let’s do our very best, Shinobu-kun.
Of course! Even if it’s just the two of us, we are still Ryuseitai! Let’s do our best to ensure our guests have fun~! ♪
Yep. No matter the outcome, as long as we put all our effort into this, we won’t have any regrets. No matter how roughed up and muddy we get, we’ll make sure to repay our seniors.
We’ll start by working on the first half of the festival.
Similar to Chocolat Fes and the S1 event that Anego planned back in the latter part of the year, the festival is split into two halves.
For the first half, we perform on one of the stages in the academy.
Then, any unit that earns a lotta votes get to participate in the second half of the festival.
Ryuseitai has a lotta loyal fans, and we got a pretty good score in the preliminary Chocolat Fes, so…
We should be able to perform our live in the grand auditorium.
I feel a li’l bad relying on the legacy left by our seniors, but all the same… as long as we don’t make some huge mistake, we’ll prolly be able to proceed to the second half.
Fufu, other units are probably doing all they can to repay their seniors, too… So if we’re careless with our performance, we will get knocked right out of the competition.
Although overthinking it will not necessarily lead to a good outcome, either…
Let’s relax and work on getting our performance down as precisely as possible before the real thing begins.
Ossu, gotcha. Let’s practice as much as time will let us, Shinobu-kun.
…Erm, and just in case… It might end up goin' to waste, but… Can we practice doing our performance as if it’s all three of us?
Just in case… Midori-kun comes rushing back to us.
I haven’t talked to him since we fought, so I know it's not good to get my hopes up too much.
I'm sure it’d be better if we just made it into a two-man performance and practiced it that way, but…
…I’m such a wuss, aren’t I? But I don’t wanna think that Midori-kun would look away and ignore his own friends when they’re in trouble.
He’s surprisingly sharp-tongued, and there are times when I do think it’s frustrating how uncooperative he can be, but…
When it comes down to it, he's a good guy — or, well, a really cool guy, y’know?
So I wanna believe in him and wait for him ‘til the very end… ‘Cuz he’s our comrade — our friend.
I feel the same way, Tetora-kun.
Heh~ So it’s our duty to fight with everything we have until our comrade comes back, correct?
I am sure that, as long as we don’t give up, we will be able to miraculously turn things around to our side.
That is exactly what tokusatsu shows always promise to deliver.
Location: Shopping Distract

(Ahh… I hear music coming from Yumenosaki’s direction…)
(Repayment Festival has already started by now, huh…)
(Anzu-san told me that those two decided to join the festival without me in the end…)
(And it sounds like our seniors will stay in their seats for the entirety of it… I wonder if Tetora-kun and Sengoku-kun will be okay…)
(She told me that it seems like they're going through a lot, so I should go work hard with them, too…)
(But even if you ask me to do that… It has nothing to do with me… They’re probably sick of me by now, anyway…)
(From the very start, all I’ve ever done is hold everyone back… Whether I’m there or not changes nothing…)
(I guess if I'm there as part of the audience, I could at least help Ryuseitai get an extra vote, but… that really won't make a difference either way…)
(And I have work to do in the greengrocer shop, anyway…)
(From now on, that’s the only thing I’ll be able to do — Just supporting them as a fan…)
(Ahh, I'm doing it again… I'm running away from something I can't stand, and making up whatever excuses I can think of… Why am I always like this…)
(Even though it's White Day today… the day to return all the love you were given…)
(I practically owe them my whole life — Tetora-kun, Sengoku-kun, and all of Ryuseitai — and yet I'm just…)
(…Even if I go to them now, I wouldn't be of much help, but… I don't want it to end like this, either…)
(At the very least, I'll make sure to support them whenever I have time off from work…)
(I don't care that it won't make any difference… I love everyone, so I…)
(I'll do it, only ‘cause I’ve always felt so bad for constantly causing trouble to my precious allies…)
Chapter 3
D-Dad? Mom? Big bro?
Is… Is it okay if I leave for a moment when I have time off from work…?

Good morning!
Excuse me, I’d like vegetables! Anything is fine, as long as it isn't eggplants!
good mooorning~ i would like some [fish]~♪
Huh!? What are you two doing…?
Umm… Repayment Festival has already started… Are you sure it's okay not to go and support Tetora-kun and Sengoku-kun…?
They're doing their very best to repay you, y'know…?
Yep! Of course we plan to go and support them!
But before that, we're warming up, since Repayment Festival lasts for a long time! And as we were thinking of doing that, we decided to drop by here!
you do not have fish?
mmh~ what you have is pretty [bad], isn’t it…?
We're a greengrocer store, after all… If you want fish, then there’s a shop for it right across the street… Go buy all the fish you like over there…
i see, i may go do that. it is the [morning] so the [fishies] must be [fresh], too.
i would like to [eat] some while it is still tasty~♪
You can't eat it as it is, Kanata! You need to prepare it first, okay? Although, I think there are shops selling food on that street!
Today, they’ve set up stalls around the shopping district and even have special menus out, ‘cause they’re expecting people from Repayment Festival to come…
Every shop’s excited to make some money…
This always happens since Yumenosaki is so nearby…
Every time there’s a big DreamFes going on, I’m also dragged around to do work all over…
Mhm, so it seems. I talk to your parents often, so I’m aware of that.
For better or for worse, you really do have normal parents.
So when trying to explain to them that their son is now an idol who’s gotten fairly popular, it doesn’t really seem to sink in for them.
My parents are the same. When I tell them that I've got a lot of jobs going on and that it's a lot of hard work, they always reply with something like “Look at you, sounding like an adult! ♪”
Parents will always see their kids as spoiled babies who can't even change their own diapers.
But don't you want to prove to them that you've become an adult despite that? Don't you want to show them how much you've grown?
Umm… What do you mean…? I don't really get what you're trying to say…
Well, I don't mean to look down on your work here, but it's something even a little kid could do.
But right now, in Yumenosaki, there's work that only you can do.
So go now and do it. That's all I can say — all I can ask of you.
I’m in no position to forcibly pull you by the hand anymore.
So all I can do now is hope, like how one puts hope upon a shooting star.

midori, we will do your [job] in your [place].
it looks like it is all really simple [work], something even a [child] could do.
but repayment festival is [centered] around the [underclassmen]… and because we will not be up on the [stage], we have some [free time] right now.
Um, but still… I'm sure all of this is a nuisance for you. Please go and support Tetora-kun and Sengoku-kun…
I'm sure there are a lot of other juniors who wanna say their thanks to you as well, not just Ryuseitai…
I feel really bad, making you two waste your time on me…
Huh!? What is it!? Your face is way too close — you're always like this…!
Sorry. You never react much, so I always end up thinking you couldn’t hear me well.
If you don't like my face being this close, then reply back. At least go “yeah” or “mhm” back.
Don’t ignore me, it feels lonely.
Don't worry, I won't say anything that'd hurt you. Though I suppose you're thinking that’s just a load of garbage, especially after all the stress that I've put you through.
You don't have much time. You have to go now, they're all waiting for you.
…Leave this place to us.
Takamine. I was a sickly child, so I've done nothing but cause trouble for my family.
That's why I wanted to be a great idol — to earn money and make things easier for my parents.
I was a clumsy person, so there wasn't much I could do properly—
But I was good at singing and dancing, and people have always found me likeable for some reason…
So I felt that it might suit me to be an idol.
I hastily decided that was the way that I should live — the thing that best fits with what I could do.
That was the reason at first. That's how everyone is at first. People aren't always aiming to be an idol because of a big dream or ideal.
That's why, Takamine, there's no need to look down on yourself.
I've always loved heroes since I was young, so I joined Ryuseitai because I thought it was something like that.
But the actual state of Ryuseitai was horrible… I was constantly disappointed, constantly in regret, constantly crying — crying until I couldn't anymore.
No one lives their life exactly how they thought they would.
Dreams don't even come true most of the time — though I could never say that in front of children, even if they pried my mouth open.
Everyone's like that, it isn't just you… Takamine.
Everyone, everyone, gets carried into situations they don't expect throughout their life, and everyone complains, “Why is this happening to me!?”
Everyone worries about their own lives, struggling, and causing trouble to those around them.
Chapter 4
Takamine. The reason I tried to make Ryuseitai into a great, strong unit was because…
…I wanted to be able to say I was the leader of a veteran unit.
I wanted to earn points and get high marks for this unit, so that I could use it to my advantage when I graduate. That's how it was at first.
I kept only the good parts of Ryuseitai, and used it for my own sake.
But you're a considerate person, so benefiting from the unit’s value… might have felt wrong for you.
But it isn't something to feel guilty about at all. That’s what units are for.
It exists so that, together, we can climb up to a place we wouldn’t be able to reach on our own.
I'm not a genius like Kanata. But thanks to Ryuseitai — Thanks to everyone, I was able to make my dream come true.
I won't frown on that. I’m thankful and proud of it.
It's the same with you, Takamine; there's no need to feel guilty at all.
Was this year you spent with Ryuseitai not fun for you?
Was it nothing but a pain? Was it only irritating? Were you always unhappy?
If not, then you shouldn’t be staying here!
Run! Run now, Takamine! Isn’t there something only you can do for the sake of your beloved comrades!?
This is the last time I’ll act like your superior and lecture you like a know-it-all! So don't ignore me! Listen to me!
I'm begging you, Takamine! Please go save my beloved comrades!
Both Nagumo and Sengoku are still struggling! They’re in grave danger and need your help!
The three of you are shining bright arrows that’ll shoot hope into people as you chase the night sky!
So go now! Run, Takamine! It’s the hero’s turn to shine! Your filler arc is over now, so go fight for the sake of your world’s peace!
Gooo, Ryusei Green! Make our wishes come true…!!
As usual, nothing you say makes any sense… or it's like you’re shouting with so much energy that I have no idea what's going on…
But I guess I've gotten used to it… I sort of get what you're trying to say…
…I'll go to Yumenosaki Academy. I don’t know what I can do, but…
I’ve been encouraged and pushed all the way to this point — If I cower back… If I run away now, I really will end up looking way too uncool.
Yes! You're a good boy, Takamine!
Hang in there, hero! Don't lose now, hero…!! ☆
Don't shout so loudly… See, now people are probably wondering what's going on and looking at us…
There's gonna be rumors now… so depressing…
If people start saying bad things about me to the point where I can't live here anymore… then please take responsibility, Morisawa-senpai…
Yep! Leave it to me, I'm always welcome! ☆
Does this guy even know what he’s saying…
Well whatever, I'll go now… Is it really okay to leave the greengrocer work to you two…?
Yes. Actually, your family and I have already talked it over. When I explained everything, they accepted it and even supported it.
Your family even apologized since they felt like they’ve given you a lot of grief. They’re good people. Cherish them well, Takamine.
Your brother said that if he can't become a lawyer, he'll take over the shop.
It seems like he's already thinking of a backup plan in case he can’t achieve his dream, so you should keep this in mind when you decide things.
First things first: try to do your very best as an idol. If you ever lose track of your path, or can't progress any further, then come back here.
Your family will always be here to welcome you back.
And while you two are doing your very best for your dreams, it seems like both of your parents are determined to keep the shop in top shape.
They boasted about it, saying, “No way are we gonna die before you.”
So they said, if neither you nor your brother will take over the shop…
Then they'll either pass it on to one of your relatives, or close up the shop and live their lives as old people.
You have a tough, yet warm family.
So what exactly is dissatisfying for you, Takamine?
What’s so “depressing”!? What’s making you “want to die”!? Is this really the time to be dying!? Enjoy your life to the fullest, just like your family wants you to!
Promise me that. This is my wish right now — Please make it come true, Ryuseitai.
You’re still part of Ryuseitai, aren't you…? So will you make my wish come true, too…?
Hm? I don't mind, tell me anything! I’ll do what I can!
Then please make sure you two come back to Yumenosaki later, okay?
Repayment Festival is for saying thanks to our seniors, so if you’re not there, it’ll be a little awkward…
And from what I understood from Anzu-san, we may have a present for you that you'll enjoy a lot…
Hm? Anzu? What about her? Actually, aren't we supposed to be the ones to give her something on White Day?
Yes… That's all the more reason why you have to come to the stage…
It’s something even Anzu-san would enjoy; an unbelievable unfolding of events straight from a tokusatsu awaits you…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ “dono” is an honoric title to refer to someone, like “Mr.”. Dono can also be translated as “lord”.