VS★GOURMET – Praise of Delicious Flavors (Chapter 8–15)
Chapter Index
Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11 - Ch 12 - Ch 13 - Ch 14 - Ch 15 - Translation Notes
Chapter 8
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year, Late May)

Several minutes later, in the Gourmet District kitchen…
Shoot…! I never imagined that the ingredients would nearly all be taken away in that single instant…!
This puts me in a fix. I suppose it was only natural that people would aim for the main ingredients like meat and fish for a meal that goes with rice…
I was hoping to make Chinese fried rice, but not only can I not find any meat, I can’t even spot any notable vegetables, either…
Mm~… What to do…
I did iiittt…♪
Chiaki-san, I did it! Even I managed to purchase ingredients somehoww~!
Ooh, Ayase! I’m so glad to hear that!
So what sort of ingredients did you get?
Eggs! Now I can make omurice!
I’ve made omurice before for work, so I thought maybe even I could manage something with this…♪1
Eggs? Just eggs?
…Ermm, I’m hesitant to say this, but can you really call wrapping white rice with egg an omurice? I feel as though, normally, there’s chicken stir-fried rice inside.
Uu, uuu— My audition is over! Completely smashed to smithereens and overrrrr!
It really was a mistake for someone like me to appear on such a grand stage like this!
If I’m simply going to expose such an unsightly image of myself, I’d rather withdraw straight away…!
Hold on, wait a moment…!? Don’t fall to despair over one mistake!
Uu… P-Please let me goo~! And then let me disappeaaarrrr……
Mm~… But just by watching Ayase, I can’t help but be reminded of Takamine when I first met him, and so I can’t get myself to leave you on your own…
Anyhow, don’t worry about it! I’m the same as you, Ayase! I couldn’t buy any notable ingredients either.
But we can’t afford to sit here and make nothing, right?
So why don’t we devise a meal we can serve for the time being!
Chia-chan-senpai~ Mayo-chan-senpai~! Look, look~☆
Please look over here, if you may~☆
Oh! Tenma-kun and Hojo-kun. It sounds like the two of you got yourselves some fine ingredients.
Hojo-kun, are those vegetables?
It certainly is! I’m thinkin’ of makin’ a meal I’m very familiar with.
Ah, so the taste of one’s home, right? That sounds wonderful, go for it! ☆ And as for Tenma-kun—
Mine is wheat flour~!
I’m gonna make loads of bread with this flour!
‘Cuz I’ve decided that if I’m gonna open a business, it’s gonna be a bakery!
I’ll totally make it the best bakery on the planet! One that’s completely mastered every single type of bread across the world~! I’m super excited~♪
There was someone even crazier than Ayase…!?
Ermm, today’s theme is “meal using rice”, y’know?
I don’t mean to deny your dream, Tenma-kun, but wouldn’t it be unwise to turn your restaurant into a bakery…?
Eh, ahh!? You’re right!?
Oh yeah, Nice-P did mention “meal using rice”! I completely forgot~!
W-What am I gonna do!? It’s not good enough if I just have bread, right…?
A-Ah, yes… Since rice is specified for today’s meal, you won’t be able to receive a legitimate evaluation unless you use it, I believe.
I’m in trouble now~!
Gosh, how noisy.
I was wondering what sort of kids were making such a ruckus; so it was all of you, wasn’t it?
Ooh! It’s Tomoe! Are you also pondering over what meal to make?
Don’t lump me in the same group as all of you. Just how much time do you think has passed since the screening began?
I’ve already decided on my meal, and was just about to start cooking.
In fact, shouldn’t all of you be looking at your surroundings a little bit more?
…? What do you mean?
The audition has already begun, but you’re helping friends and making idle talk.
It’s about time you realize that all of you are becoming dead in the water by trying to comfort each other.
While a sympathetic heart is a virtue… In this situation, it is simply absurd.
Do you truly believe you can hold hands and run to “reach the goal together~♪” without any sort of betrayal before reaching said goal?
If you truly think so, then that’s quite the flowery daydream you’re having there!
Uu—… There’s no need to speak as if there’s a traitor among us, is there? There’s just no way there’s anyone like that here!
Dear me… That sort of mentality truly is just like ‘Yumenosaki’, isn’t it?
Well, it doesn’t matter either way.
I had hoped you’d show me yet another changed form of yourself since our time in Reverse Live—2
You said this morning that we would “clash against each other”, but if this is all you have, then you can’t come close to being my opponent, can you, Chiaki-kun?
May you all do your utmost best not to sink together hand-in-hand. Right, see you then. ♪
W-What on earth was that…?
Umm… If I may ask, is it wrong to get along? That’s how I heard it, but…
Nope, not one bit! It’s true that 4piece is an individual competition, but there’s no way there’s anything wrong with helping one another, right?
That was likely Tomoe’s own way of giving a firm pep talk. Although, his wording was pretty harsh…
But Tomoe does also have a point.
After all, we won’t be able to get any meals prepared if we all stand here frozen.
So how about for now, we all just focus on each of our meals before us!
Mhm! I’ll also try thinking up a meal that uses rice and wheat flour!
Chapter 9

Several minutes later. At a corner in Gourmet District. Chiaki’s Restaurant…
—Alright. And now, it’s complete!
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do when all the notable ingredients were completely gone, but I think I managed to make something I can put up in the store?
I’ve got my own special move to smash through this hopeless situation! And that is none other than…
Grilled onigiri!
Fuhahahaha! ☆ I never imagined that here of all places is when I’d remember the grilled onigiri Mikejima-san cooked for me!3
It’s definitely something I’d consider a prominent memory for me!
Well, the ones Mikejima-san was selling had a special secret soy-based sauce, so mine can’t be on par with that taste.
But I think I at least managed to make some pretty delicious grilled onigiri under normal standards…♪
Now, while I’m grilling them — If I can get the customers to smell the savory aroma of the onigiri by wafting its scent with a fan, I’m sure many will come to my restaurant.
Fan, fan, fan…♪ (Humming)
How’s that for a savory aroma! A scent like this should make the customers unable to resist taking a peek at my restaurant!
Fuhaha. This is a pretty clever strategy for something I came up with impromptu! ☆
Come on over and get some! You’re missing out on delicious grilled onigiri~!
Time passes…
—Whew. And with that, I think I’m all sold out?
I’m so glad I managed it in the end somehow…! Although, the price was pretty low, so I didn’t really make much of a profit.
But considering how I first started out in the audition, this result is superb.
Right then… Grilled onigiri doesn’t take too much time to prepare, so it looks like I have a lot of time to spare…?
Well, I suppose I could just wait until the screening ends, but…
…Oh, I know! I could check out how the other restaurants are doing. Everyone struggled to get ingredients, so I’m curious about what happened afterwards.
Screen transitions to a different area in Gourmet District
…Mm? Who’s singing…?
(Ooh! Hojo-kun has a crowd in front of his store.)
(So he attracted customers through song? That’s a pretty impressive idea you’ve come up with, Hojo-kun…!)
(That being said, what a pretty singing voice. As a listener, the tune draws me in, putting me in a pleasant mood in spite of myself.)
(Mm. I can see how this made so many people gather.)
—Thank ya for listenin’ to the very end! Please do have a bite of my restaurant’s food after this.
Hojo-kun. You have a packed crowd, don’t you! I’m relieved to see it!
Ah, Chiaki-oniisan. How kind of ya to visit my restaurant!
Please do try some of the food too, if that’s alright. There’s no need to pay~♪
Are you sure? If that really is alright with you, I’d love to try it, but—
‘Course it is. I’ll make one for ya right now, so please wait! I’ll treat ya to a meal from my memories!
(A meal from Hojo-kun’s memories, huh. Is it something like the taste of his home’s cooking? I’m so excited to try it out…♪)
—I’m sorry to have kept ya waitin’! Please eat as much as ya like until you’re full…♪
I’ll gladly do so; thanks for the fooood~! ☆
Gyoh—!? H-Hojo-kun. What on earth is this inexplicable white object, and this thick, mushy green object…?
Ahem! ☆ It’s the meal from my memories!
Ah, but I’m usin’ spinach this time. The usual was made with wild grasses, so this is much more fancy than the one from my memories!
Fancy!? This!? It almost seems like animal food, though—
…? Is there somethin’ strange about it? The other customers keep havin’ a similar reaction to Chiaki-oniisan, too…
I see, I see; you must’ve gone through a whole lot of struggles, haven’t you? When 4piece is over, I’ll treat you to much tastier meals to your heart’s content, Hojo-kun…!
Eh!? Is it really okay!? Yaaay, I’m so excited~♪
Screen transitions to a different area in Gourmet District
…That surprised me. I never imagined the meal would look like something a prehistoric creature used to eat…
Rather than the events of this audition, I’m a lot more worried about how Hojo-kun’s been living his life up to now.
Right, next up is Tenma-kun and Ayase—
Mumblemumble, mumblemumblemumble…
Eeep—!? W-What is that eerie low sutra-sounding voice!?4
…Is it coming from this alleyway?
…it…I… can’t… d……t…
Huh!? This is just freaky!
I really just want to pretend I didn’t notice it and wave it off as a hallucination, but… Do I have to go and see what it is~!?5
Eeeep—!? I’m sorry! I’m really sorry for almost trying to pretend I never noticed! So I beg you, please don’t call for my name and curse me…!6
…Hold on. On second thought, that can’t be the case…? No matter how you look at it, it’s impossible for a ghost to specifically call me by name.
Ermmm? I-Is there someone there, by any chance…?6
Umm, Chiaki-san…?
Haah, what~ So it was you all along, Ayase…!
What are you doing over there? It’s scary to hear someone mumbling while crouched down in an alleyway, y’know? Ah, but I wasn’t scared or anything, okay!?
Uu, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I apologize for frightening you, but I just can’t do this anymore…!
Even after all those uplifting words you gave to the likes of me, Chiaki-san… I simply don’t think I’ll be able to live up to your encouragement, and it makes me feel so pathetic…!
C’mon, what’s wrong? The contest has only just begun!
Actually, what happened to your restaurant? Did you not finish making your meal in the end?
Erm, no, I was able to cook my meal.
Though there isn’t any meat in it, I was able to make it pretty tasty despite its simplicityyy…
Then that’s great to hear, isn’t it!
But, um… Then there’s serving customers.
Serving customers?
Yes. When I helped out at the cafe, I only managed to work hard purely because everyone was there with me, but…1
I feel so helpless all on my own this time, that I couldn’t prevent myself from peeling off the wallpaper or the ceiling to conceal myself in a crack…
Yet, customers would continue to visit my restaurant. And I can’t afford to not serve them, correct?
So without any other method at hand, I tried to greet and serve them from their blind spots, only for all my customers to become frightened right away.
And then, before I knew it… My restaurant became treated as a haunted spooottt…!
Chapter 10

At the same time, at Mitsuru’s restaurant…
Mmph, I messed up~…
I’m supposed to make a meal using rice, but I instead bought flour… This is what they call “the greatest mistake of one’s life”!
But I know there’s no point in moping over it. I just gotta make do with what I’ve got right now!
I have cooked rice, wheat flour, and… lots of seasoning.
Mm~… I gotta make a meal using rice, so? A dish with rice as the leading role instead of bread would be good, right…?
Uu… This is so hard~… I mean, both bread and rice are staple foods, so they’re both meant to be leading roles…?
Uu~ Uuu~? Nothing makes sense anymore! Rice or the side dish… Which is the leading role of a meal~…?
Ah—! But aren’t there times when I have a meal without a side dish, that still excites me lots!?
—That’s it! I thought up something suuuper good!
Ahh—! So much time passed while I was thinking…!
I gotta hurry and make it! I’ll go make the food in a dash dash~☆
Screen transitions to a different area in Gourmet District
As you’d expect from an audition; it appears that everyone’s having a pretty rough time…
Right. I wonder how Tenma-kun’s doing? It seemed to me that his biggest problem was the ingredients, but…
Ah, he hasn’t opened his restaurant yet. Is he preparing the food right now?
Mm~… I’d rather not disturb him by greeting him at an awkward timing…
…Mm? Ooh. I should be able to peek at how he’s doing in the kitchen from this window, at least.
(I’ll check what he’s up to quietly, without disturbing him—…)

Doughy, doughy, doughyyy~♪ Knead, knead, knead, kneaaad~♪
Yummy, yummy, that’s what you’ll be…!9
Ahem! I’m so smart~! What a genius idea! ☆
It never had to be only one leading role! I’ll just make you all leading roles~♪
At the same time, at Ritsu’s restaurant…
Here you go, enjoy the food. It’s Sakuma Ritsu’s special deluxe: “Jet Black Risotto of Chaos”~10
It’s got a peculiar look to it? That may be so, but it’s known for its delicious taste, so no worries.
Right, I finished selling out everything today~ And so, I’m sorry to say this, but I’m closing up shop for the day.
I’ll make a dish you can only get a taste of at this restaurant again tomorrow, so come back and have a bite then.
See you then, bye byee~♪ (waves)
…Huff… I’m sooo tired~ I really didn’t plan on working this hard, y’know~…
But ‘cause it was kinda fun making the food, and everyone enjoyed eating it on top of that, I put in a lot more effort than I had planned.
I worked this hard the whole day, so someone better pamper me…!
Ma~kun, whichever venue you’re in right now! Come rush over here and praise me super sweetly — say, “You worked so hard, Ricchan” to me…!11
—Oh? So you sold out, hm?
Not bad. I was wondering who would report next that they’d sold out, but to think it was Ritsu-kun’s restaurant, hm?
I was interested in the most popular dish after mine, but if it’s sold out, then I can’t eat it now, can I? What a shame; such terrible weather!
Mm~? If it isn’t Hiyohiyo. What, are you keeping an eye on your enemy’s next move?
Why yes, I’m killing time while observing my opponent! My dish sold out, you see.
Huh. If I’m not mistaken, Hiyohiyo made paella, yeah?12
I heard about it through all the customers talking. According to rumors, the paella was lavished with high-class seafood and was super tasty.
Wow! You’re also quite the shrewd one, aren’t you, Ritsu-kun! But well, we’re talking about my restaurant, so of course it’d become the talk around here. ♪
I had the impression that you’re someone who can’t really cook, though. So this is pretty surprising~
Or is it by any chance that, like, cooking is also a hobby for aristocrats?
There’s no such thing as the impossible for me, after all! ☆
—But, well, that’s simply a joke!
I haven’t cooked that many times before, but sometimes I appear in a cooking show for work with Eden or Eve, that’s why.
Huh, so you guys also appear in cooking shows? Didn’t know that.
It’s because for a period of time, there was a trend where they made idols who are terrible at cooking attempt to make a dish, and then praise them endlessly for how adorable they look while floundering about.
But well, Jun-kun was usually the one who’d be the sacrifice in those cases…♪
I made paella in a show before, so I simply reproduced the recipe flawlessly!
Oh, I see. Then today’s contest was just particularly advantageous for you, is all, huh.
A naive one, aren’t you! As long as I’ve secured a strong influence from the very first day, I believe I’ll be able to hold onto those raving reviews for the next day and beyond, you know?
Right. It’s almost the end of today’s screening. I can’t wait to see the results. ♪
—Mm? It looks pretty crowded on the other side; whose restaurant is that?

Nice-P, thanks for waiting~! Here you go, it’s Tenma Mitsuru’s special deluxe: “Curry Rice Bread”!
Ooh…! This complex, spicy aroma that tingles my nasal cavity…! I can tell just through that alone that this will be a Nice curry!
Ehehe. I never ever saw it coming that Nice-P’s favorite food’d be curry!
Well then, I’ll have a bite right away. If the food gets cold while talking, then it’d be like disrespecting the feelings of the person who made it.
…Thank you for the food!
(Munch, munch)…
The crunchy fried savory bread and the curry is Perfectly put together…!13 What’s more, this faint sweet taste that tingles the tip of my tongue…
Is this rice!?
You got it~! ☆ Today’s theme is a meal using rice, so I didn’t just make curry bread, but curry rice bread!14
What incredible creativity…! I must bestow upon you your very own Nice, Tenma-kun…☆
I can just feel it with every bite — How the rice doesn’t get in the way while being inside the curry bread, and instead feels like an actual ‘leading role’.
At this point, this is no mere curry rice bread; I believe it could even be called a “Rice Curry Bread” where the rice is the leading role. What do you think, Tenma-kun!?
Ehehe. It was kinda hard, but I managed to make it a reality somehow~♪ It’s my very own bread, that can’t be found in any other bakery!
What a Nice approach! Considering one must make profit immediately in Gourmet District, that’s a plan of action one can’t even adopt in the first place.
To think you would focus on being imaginative and creative in such a limited amount of time, and develop up a whole new dish that nobody has ever tasted before…15
Very Nice! If this is your tactic to win throughout the audition, then your talents are more frightening than anyone could ever foresee…♪
I don’t really know anything about tactics and stuff. I just tried making something while enjoying it myself!
Indeed, I expect nothing less from a member of Ra*bits.
Huh? Nice-P, you know about Ra*bits?
Fufu, there are many things I could talk about regarding all of you, but…16
Ah, no, as a judge, I would simply be meddling if I spoke any further than this. Talking endlessly is a bad habit of mine.
Oh dear. It seems that it’s about time for the screening evaluation.
Huh? Ah! You’re right!
Right, see you another time. Let’s meet at the evaluation!
Mhm. Bye byee~! ☆ (waves)

Time passes…
“—Now then. All participants, allow me to congratulate you for your hard work first and foremost. How was the first day for you?”
“I’m sure there were some participants among you all who couldn’t make as much profit as they had hoped.”
“We’ve now come to the end of the first day’s screening for the second venue, Gourmet District!”
“For today’s sales ranking, it’s scheduled to display on the screen in thirty minutes from now.”
“There are six days left. There are still many opportunities left to convey your bountiful charms.”
“I hope that you show us that radiance thoroughly to the very end…!”
Chapter 11
Thirty minutes later. At the center of Gourmet District, in front of the screen…
Ah! Chiaki-oniisan! May I ask how it went at your restaurant?
I made grilled onigiri, and I managed to sell out in the end!
…I have to show my thanks to Mikejima-san. It was precisely because of the memory of that day that I was able to come up with the genius idea of making grilled onigiri.
I feel like this whole day proved to me that all my accumulated efforts and experience won’t betray me.
But, well, the price of one was low, so my sales weren’t good or anything.
But, but, it’s amazin’ that you were able to sell out! I wanted to have a bite of that grilled onigiri, too…!
Ah! Raika-chan, Chia-chan-senpai, Mayo-chan-senpai~! I hope it all went well for you guys~!
Ooh, the same back to you. Is it all of us here now? It must’ve been rough for everyone from the first day…!
It waasss, just about everything was painful…
Also, just remembering that that frightening scramble for ingredients awaits us again from tomorrow onwards makes me depresseeddd…
Yeah. We don’t know what tomorrow’s designated meal will be, but it seems likely that the scramble will have a heavy hand in who wins.
Depending on the theme, we could be forced into a relentless battle.
I got to enjoy myself a whole bunch, actually! Although, I started making it real late, so I couldn’t make a lotta profit.
But! I had fun, so it’s all good! Plus, Nice-P praised the bread I made~♪ He even gave it the name “Rice Curry Bread”!
Ooh! So amazin’, just as expected of Mitsuru-oniisan!
Ehihi… I wasn’t able to do anythin’ but attract customers through singin’.
For some reason, whenever I brought out the food, everyone would show a twitched smile and then happily leave my restaurant…?
Well, since it was that… It was naturally a little too shocking for the customers, probably?
So Raika-chan’s food was that amazing?
Ah, no, um. It’s a little difficult to explain, but… It was such an avant-garde meal that the modern person couldn’t ever hope to accept…?
Ehh~ What’s that!? I’m so curious! I wanna try it out~!
Then when the audition is over, I’ll pour all my efforts into makin’ one!
Mm. That also sounds nice, but how about you and I go eat tasty food together after 4piece is over? And since this is such a special occasion, it would be nice to go with everyone here, too.
Yaaay! ♪ Food with Chiaki-oniisan~♪
Ehihi. Just today alone, I encountered so many kind people.
4piece is an individual competition, right? So even though I’m supposed to be everyone’s opponent… When I was in trouble, ya saved me without ever abandonin’ me.
I’m so fortunate to have this! I’ll never, ever forget these kind favors from all of ya, Onii-sans…!
I appreciate your feelings, Hojo-kun, but you don’t need to keep thanking us, y’know?
While it’s true that the audition is an individual competition, don’t you know we’re all one and same here, as companions from ES? ☆
Exactly! That’s why it’s only natural to help out whenever you’re in trouble~ Opponents or whatever doesn’t matter at all!

—You’re all so intimate as always, aren’t you?
Ah! Hiyori-senpai and Ritsu-chan-senpai! I hope it all went well for both of you, too!
You too~ Haah, I’m so exhausted… Man, Mayomayo will do at this point, so soothe me~?
W-Why are you leaning against me!? I believe Chiaki-san would be much more dependable here…!
Mm~… Moririn feels suffocating, and I won’t be able to handle it if he starts yelling energetically in my ear. Mayomayo still seems way better in that respect~
Oh yeah, it sounded like Tomoe’s restaurant was flourishing considerably. Even around my restaurant, everyone was talking about how delicious the paella was!
Ah! So “pa-ela” was the name of a dish?
I kept catchin’ word of it, but I had no idea what people were talkin’ about.
Heh-heh. If the opportunity ever arrives, I’ll do the honor of whipping some up for all of you. ♪
That aside, it feels as though the air of tension gets chipped off when I’m near all of you.
Well, since the first day of the screening is already over, I would simply exhaust myself if I continue to stay on guard, so I don’t really mind.
All that’s left is to wait for the announcement of the first day’s results. It seems that they’ve been tallying up the score while we’ve been closing up shop—
Ah! Guys, look at the screen! I think they’re gonna start announcing the results! Let’s see, let’s see…
Sound of a drum roll
Ooh! That’s impressive… Tomoe and Sakuma are first and second place!
Fufu. It’s only natural that I would be shining the brightest. It’s absolutely unthinkable for there to be anyone but me dazzling so brilliantly at the top of this audition…♪
Oh, so I couldn’t get first place, huh~ Well, this is pretty good work as is.
Incredible, as you would expect from Sakuma-sama! Pardon me for not realizin’ sooner that you would excel even at cooking!
Uu, but Ritsu-san, you said that we’re the ‘enjoying ourselves group’…
Sorry~ I can’t have Hiyohiyo be the sole winner in something I excel at, so I got real into it before I even knew it…♪
It was pretty good for me ‘cuz I had fun, but losing a contest makes me feel frustrated~! Uuu, I’m so conflicted!
Mm? Isn’t there somethin’ written at the end of the screen?
Ah, you’re right! The text for the top rankers was so big that I didn’t notice.
Erm, “Sending to the fields: Ayase Mayoi”…?
S-Sending to the fiieeeeeldsss!?
Chapter 12

Nearly an hour later. In the hotel within the center of the 4piece venue…
Uu~ I’m so tired~!
Haha, I never imagined that we’d manage a restaurant… We had to attract customers and serve them all on our own, so even I’m pretty worn out from exhaustion.
It’s like, my body is well enough to dash, but I used my head way too much, so I don’t wanna think anymore…!
By the way, I wonder what’s gonna happen to Mayo-chan-senpai?
Ah, yeah. I never imagined there would be a punishment game for last place…17 Actually, I’m not sure I understand what ‘sending to the fields’ even means here.
The staff took Ayase away somewhere after it was announced that he was in last place, but I wonder if he’s safe…
I hope he isn’t caught up in anything dangerous…

At the same time, in the Gourmet District fields…
…I never once expected there to actually be a field next to Gourmet District.
All I can really say is that it’s a vegetable field with crops planted, but… It almost feels like a prison, perhaps due to it feeling as if one is trapped within the surrounding fences.
Hwah—? W-What are these cotton gloves and this scoop for…?
Erm, wait, um… Simply passing me these and ordering me to work won’t be enough for me to know what to do…!?
Transition back to the hotel…
Well, it’s held within the program, so his life’s likely not threatened in any way. All we can do for now is take a peek at how he’s doing.
Right. How about we go grab a bite for a change of pace?
We already feel this worn out from the very first day — If we don’t properly nourish ourselves for tomorrow onwards, our stamina could drop to nothing…!
Mhm! I think so too.
Oh yeah, I’ve been wondering about how Raika-chan’s doing, so I wanna try getting in touch with him.
You’re right, he didn’t really seem to have any other people he knew, either… He must feel helpless all alone and surrounded by adults. Let’s group up with him.

Whew~ That was so tasty~♪ Fried chicken, ramen, hamburger steak… I ate so much that my tummy could burst!
Yeah. Even though we were surrounded by food all day, we couldn’t really afford to take our time eating during the contest, after all.
Mhm! And they had tasty-looking bread, so I asked for a wrapped takeaway~♪
You can never have too much bread~! Right, Raika-chan~♪
Aye. This place is like heaven; you never have to worry about food…!
There’s always food right before my eyes, I don’t even have to try catchin’ some for myself! I want them to allow me to live here…!
Ahaha, an idol living in the audition venue’d be real weird~♪
If that really did happen, your friends and family would worry about you. It’d be lonely living in a place this big all on your own, y’know?
Speaking of which, Hojo-kun. You’re roommates with Ayase, right? I haven’t seen him anywhere, but… Could it be that he still hasn’t returned to his room?
That’s exactly right. Even when I ask a staff member, all they tell me is to “not worry about it and just sleep”…
It’s a pleasant room to be in, with a soft and fluffy bed… But it seems that bein’ in such a big room all by myself makes it hard for me to relax.
I completely understand your situation, Hojo-kun! Alright then, how about you sleep over in our room?
Huh, is that really okay?
There’s only one answer to that! Of course it is, and I’m all up for it too!
Yaaay! ♪ Tonight’s a sleepover party at Mitsuru-oniisan and Chiaki-oniisan’s room!
Kyahoo! ☆ A sleepover party means I get to talk with Raika-chan for as long as I want! Let’s stay up late and talk about all sortsa things together!
Ehihi. Somehow, it’s almost like that helplessness I was feeling was just a lie, as if it never happened.
I’m so glad I got to meet Mitsuru-oniisan and Chiaki-oniisan…♪
If you ever feel lonely, you can always come to me anytime. You’re free to rely on me for anything as your idol senior~♪
No, not just as a senior — Raika-chan and I are ‘friends’ now!
Ooohh! That line was incredible, Tenma-kun! I’m so moved! This perfectly newborn friendship has me emotional…!
No matter the outcome of the audition, friendship is eternal. That’s what I believe, at least…!
Ehihi, havin’ someone call me a friend… There wasn’t anyone who called me that before, not even at the “facility”, y’know?
I might be prying a little by asking, but — What exactly is this “facility”? Is it something like an orphanage?
Orphanage? My father and mother are alive, though.
Due to family rules, I had to stand on my own once I became eleven years old, so I haven’t seen them in a while, but… they’re probably doin’ okay?
While I’d become independent… I was someone who lived life nonchalantly until then, so there was practically nothin’ I was capable of doin’.
I couldn’t even earn cash, so I did whatever it took to survive. Or rather, I had no choice but to do whatever it took…
And then, while bein’ the mangy petty thief I am, I was taken into custody by “sensei” one day. That was when my life began in the “facility”.
I learned many things there. The ways for a dimwit such as myself to properly live in the world, the rules to adapt in human society…
And also, that if I ever do a “bad thing”, then I must cancel out my sin by doin’ a “good thing”.
There were many things about my life in the “facility” that were harsh and painful, but I didn’t suffer any problems with basic life necessities.
And as I was livin’ my life in the “facility”, Sakuma Jii-sama came over and took me home with him.
Ehihi, Sakuma Jii-sama is the one who taught me about music~♪
After that, I started to earn pocket money by singin’ on the streets…
Ah! That’s when Raika-chan was scouted by Nice-P, right? I heard about this earlier!
Aye. He told me to come to 4piece, and so I temporarily became part of ES!
So that’s how it was. I had thought there were some complicated matters behind it all…
At any rate, we might become a bother to others if we stand here and talk any longer. Let’s carry on the rest of this conversation in our room!
Plus, the audition will continue from tomorrow onwards too. While we can enjoy some chatter, we also need to sleep early and recover our stamina~♪
Mhm! Raika-chan, you’ll be sleeping with me in the same futon!
I-Is it really okay? I can sleep even on the cold bare ground, y’know?
You’ll just get sick if you do that! And we won’t be able to talk, either!
If Raika-chan runs away, I’ll make sure to hug and squeeze you sooo tight so you don’t! ☆
Chapter 13

Next day, Gourmet District…
To all participants, good morning! I hope you were all able to have a good night’s sleep yesterday.
Let’s get straight to it. It’s time to announce the theme for the second day — Today’s designated meal is: “Tom yum goong”!
Tom yum goong represents Thai cuisine, and its charm lies in the peculiar taste of so many spices interweaving with one another. I look forward to seeing how you will all present that cuisine!
T-Tom yum goong…?
What on earth is that? The name sounds like a god of some country…? I can’t even imagine what it tastes like.
Fufu, I’m sure there are plenty of idols here who have never tried this cuisine before.
Among the things we’ll be evaluating you on, one will also be on how you will investigate this “unknown flavor”, and then express it in your own way.
I’m sorry. I wish I could let you know what sort of dish it is — but the truth is, I also only know it by name, and have never tried it before.
What about you, Tenma-kun? Do you know what sort of dish tom yum goong is?
Mm~? I dunno what sorta dish tom…myamungun is, either.19
I see… This puts us in a fix. I never imagined that we’d get a dish none of us know…
Ohh? You seem troubled, huh?
Sakuma. Could it be that you’re aware what sort of dish tom yum goong is?
Yup. Tom yum goong is a “sour and spicy soup”.20
Ooh, thank you! So which ingredients do you need to make tom yum goong?
Okay, that’s all~ There’s a fee from this point on~
Ehhh—!? You told us the start, but won’t tell us the end!?
Weeell~? If there’s some merit from giving you this info, then that’s a different story.
But no matter what world you’re in, info is the perfect material for negotiations, soo… I think you should show me gratitude for at least telling you what sort of dish tom yum goong is, y’know?
Unh—… Sakuma’s got a point there…
So in the end, the only thing we got to know is that tom yum goong is a sour and spicy soup…
Mm~… Still, if we keep pondering here, all the ingredients will disappear again…
For now, we just need to prioritize purchasing our ingredients!
We know it’s sour and spicy, so let’s go and get our own sour and spicy ingredients!
(Moririn and the others sure are earnest about this~ It looks like they’re trying their hardest to make tom yum goong, but…)
Mm~… What am I gonna do, huh…
(Honestly, I don’t think they’re hoping we get the right answer for today’s meal.)
(Yesterday’s theme was “meal using rice”; something simple that anyone can make a dish out of…)
(Yet today is tom yum goong, a dish only an extremely tiny amount of people here would know.)
The difficulty clearly increased way too much. It’s plain as day, seriously.
They’re not expecting every single person to be capable of making the correct dish… In other words, the judges have got a different goal to this assignment.
That’s exactly why, the most important thing here is—

At the same time, in the Gourmet District kitchen…
—How you’ll put effort into advertising yourself, right!
(Most of the participants in the venue aren’t proficient in cooking, and I’m not a chef to begin with, either.)
(So instead of pointlessly wasting time on something you can’t do, you should instead pour effort into what you can do.)
Mm~… Well, this taste is permissible, I suppose?
Considering I’ll directly serve customers at the table myself, this is actually more than permissible — I could even get some pocket change for this…♪
Wha—! Hiyori-senpai, you already finished cooking!? I’d love you to teach me how to make it, too!
I don’t know how to cook tom yum goong at all, though?
But I’ve tried tom yum goong before. So I simply copied the appearance and taste by relying on my memory!
Mhm? Then why’re you so confident of yourself?
That’s because I believe the true essence behind today’s theme isn’t in judging the expertise of our cooking, you see.
There’s almost nobody here who knows how to make tom yum goong, yes?
The proof of that is in how it took a while until all the ingredients were gone compared to the first day. Everyone was at a loss, not even knowing what to use.
As long as there isn’t a person like Shiina Niki-kun, an expert in cooking, then there’s no chance of anyone perfecting a delicious meal here.
However, making something absolutely horrendous is out of the question as well, so it’s necessary to make something tasty enough to be eaten.
Even an average taste can get you a passing mark. In other words, it comes naturally to see that the aim of this theme doesn’t lie in the taste, but elsewhere.
Hm, hm…?
To be precise, I predict that the contest this time is themed around competing through ‘advertising’ — Marketing your dish!
Publicity has always been an idol’s main line of work. And it’s an idol’s duty to ‘captivate’ the audience by presenting a dish in a delicious manner, no matter what said dish may be, no?
Right. It’s about time I head over to my restaurant.
Mhm! I learned lots. I’ll also make sure to catch up with Hiyori-senpai ASAP! ♪
(No wonder Hiyori-senpai’s in first place~ I don’t really fully get it, but I can see that he’s thinking about all sortsa things.)
(…I gotta figure out how I can reach the right answer with a delicious and captivating advertisement, too…)
Chapter 14

Nearly an hour later. At Chiaki’s restaurant…
T-Thank you very much! I hope to see you again tomorrow!
(I managed to open business today, but the problem is—)
(The tom yum goong I made is so awful, even I’m shocked by its taste!)
(I don’t know what you’re supposed to mix to bring out the sour and spicy flavors, so I tried adding as many ingredients as I could think of.)
(Vinegar, lemon, umeboshi, chili pepper… and I added wasabi too as a subtle seasoning, I think?)
(I kept straying off course, and the result was this nasty taste. Even my customers make a questionable look and leave as soon as they have one sip of my dish.)
I feel bad doing this on behalf of the producers of these ingredients, but I can’t really serve this soup anymore, can I…
Uuu… To think I’d face an outcome even more disastrous than the first day…
What are you going to do now, Morisawa Chiaki!? You have to come up with a way to recover from this!
…However, I’ve already used up all my ingredients. And even if I made a new batch of tom yum goong now, I still have no clue what I’m supposed to put in one…
Welcome~ I was actually thinking of closing up shop already—
Huh? It’s you, Anzu. Have you come to judge the screening?
My restaurant’s dish? Ah, no, I’d feel awful to have you eat that. It wasn’t really something edible, you see…
You’ve got such a grand role as the judge, so you can’t risk getting an upset stomach here. I won’t have the heart to face your parents, either.
……You didn’t come to eat a meal? What do you mean…?
Screen transitions to a different area in Gourmet District
“Welcome, come on over! I, Tomoe Hiyori, will gladly introduce my restaurant to you all!”
“Look, look! ♪ This here is my shop. Today’s special is tom yum goong!”
“M~m, this rich shrimp soup has such an invigorating aroma that seeps into my nose… The special tom yum goong full of Tomoe Hiyori’s love simply cannot get any more spectacular than this…☆”
“You’d be missing out on most of your life if you went home without even having tried this! Such terrible weather!”
Ooh, this is…!
There’s a commercial being filmed, just like Anzu said. I had no idea about any of this!
…It became well-known through the broadcast? Mrmm, it seems I was so focused on cooking that I completely missed it.
If I want to use my dish for an advertisement, I’d have to prepare a fresh bowl of soup. But the thing is, I’ve already used up all my ingredients.
This was entirely my mistake. It’s frustrating, but I have no choice but to give up on participating in the commercial shoot.
Anzu, thank you for letting me know. I have to look ahead and make use of this reflection for the next time.
Haha, I actually wanted to show a cool side here, but… It doesn’t always work out that way so easily, huh?
Ne~chaaaaan!! I’m dashing right over to you, so wait a little!
Woah, Tenma-kun!? Are you here to film a commercial too?
Mhm! I rushed to get everything ready! C’mon, Raika-chan, you join me!
Huh? Me too?
“To all the viewers, hello! I’m the greatest super star, Tenma Mitsuru! And—!”
“Hawawa. I’m a newcomer idol — My name is Hojo Raika…!”
“I’ve come here to tell you all the fun going down at this 4piece audition!”
“We’re at Gourmet District. All the idols here are competing with restaurants. Including me, and I’m having a whole buncha fun by making bread and stuff!”
“Everyone who’s watching us on TV can’t experience the taste of our meals, right? That’s why I’ll show you the charms of this audition for as long as I can~☆”
“Raika-chan’s super good at singing. He can pull customers over just by singing…!”
(whispering) C’mon, Raika-chan! Sing!
“Wahaha, isn’t he super duper good at singing? And of course, everyone else’s performances are top notch, too!”
“I excel at singin’, but I’m completely useless at anythin’ else…!”
“Mhm. It’s only natural for each idol to have their own specialty.”
“And see, my dish today was a complete failure too! I couldn’t figure out what a tom-myagonmu is in the end, not even how it’s supposed to look, y’know?”
“But! Even if I fail to cook a dish, even if I struggle to properly present who I am — I’m always doing my absolute best in hopes of bringing smiles to everyone watching on TV!”
“So I’d love you all to watch over our challenges ‘til the very end!”
“4piece is the only place you’ll ever get to see this much radiance from so many idols~!”
(I think this might not be the sort of commercial the program had in mind, but — I can sense Tenma-kun’s wholehearted enjoyment of this audition even from here.)
Whew~ I managed to make it on time by dashing over here! Ne~chan, thanks for telling me about the commercial!
Tenma-kun, Hojo-kun. Are you sure you’ll be alright not advertising your restaurant?
Huh? My restaurant’s already closed for today. Since I couldn’t make tomyanmugom in the end… Raika-chan’s the same as me, too.
A-Aye. I was also unable to accomplish anythin’…
That’s why I’m switching gears and going all out in hyping up this audition! Everyone looks all gloomy ‘cuz they couldn’t make the dish today, right?
I’m sure the people watching on TV won’t feel happy either if they see everyone looking like that.
Like, my fans always tell me, “when Mitsuru-kun shows his energetic self, I start to feel energetic, too,” soo~!
When I decided to join this audition, I got support from a whole buncha people. That’s why, in return, I wanna show my energetic self to everyone!
Even if my dish was a failure, it’s a super star’s destiny to hype up the audition with a smile and lots of fun! ♪
Wah~! Mitsuru-oniisan, you’re so cool! Not to mention, you even allowed me to join the commercial with you…!
My tomyamgun was a complete failure. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to cook somethin’ tomorrow either.
But still, I feel like I learned what’s important as an idol from Mitsuru-oniisan…♪
Chapter 15

Next day, in the Gourmet District kitchen. Today’s theme: “Egg dishes”…
—I did it! If we’re talkin’ about egg dishes, then it just has to be fried eggs~♪
Raika-chan, you went with fried eggs? I went with tamagoyaki omelet, we’re so similar!21
Tamagoyaki omelet!? You truly are amazing, Mitsuru-oniisan. I can’t properly roll the egg at all…
Ahaha. I can’t roll it properly either, y’know? But it’s sweet and tasty, so it’s no problem-o!
And Chia-chan-senpai went with…
Mm, I haven’t finished cooking mine yet!
Besides, this is a serious contest, so — Don’t mind me, I’d prefer you two go and sell your egg dishes to your hearts’ content!
Got it! Same to you, Chia-chan-senpai, you’ve got this~!
Yeah, you know it! ☆
(—So I say, but… We’re already on the third day of 4piece. If I don’t manage to recover here, my chances of winning will get even slimmer.)
(Considering I even missed my chance to be part of the commercial contest yesterday, I haven’t made a single notable accomplishment in this audition so far.)
(That’s why I want to absolutely make sure I achieve good results in today’s “egg dish”…!)
(Thankfully, I secured what I needed in the scramble for ingredients earlier. However—)
Am I really going to go with Chinese fried rice again!? You’ve got such a measly amount of food you can make on your own, me…!22
(There aren’t any striking characteristics in fried rice. If I don’t add something that could work as a ‘selling point’, then achieving success here will be beyond my wildest dreams.)
(I could go with tamagoyaki omelet as I know how to make it, but… That would just be the same as Tenma-kun, and it’s far too questionable as an accompaniment to fried rice!)
(So for other options I could challenge myself to do with my current capabilities, it would be…)
Mo~ririn. ♪
Woah—!? So it was you, Sakuma — Don’t whisper in my ear!
You get spooked way too easily, Moririn~ You had such a grave look on your face, so I was wondering what was wrong.
And so, here, for you. It’s free service from me…♪
Isn’t this… my favorite food, french fries!?
I was thinking of handing it out to any customers lining up. Especially since Hiyohiyo was the cream of the crop as first place yesterday, yeah?
Huh? Didn’t you finish making your tom yum goong?
Ah~… I couldn’t be bothered to advertise for a dish I barely made right. Hiyohiyo’s pretty bold in that sense, don’t you think~
Even if it doesn’t taste like anything special, he’s capable of showing it off as if it’s the most worthwhile dish with the finest quality ever…♪
It’s no wonder he became the billboard for restoring the declining Tomoe Foundation.23 Maybe it’s something like a difference in resolve?
What about you, Moririn? Did you completely give up on the contest? I thought you were pretty eager about it at first, though.
No, that’s not…
Well, you might be surprised to find out how fun it is to be part of the ‘enjoying ourselves group’, y’know? Not that we know where Mayomayo went, though.
I should also prepare to open my restaurant, so. See ya~♪
Y-Yeah… See you.
(Was that… Sakuma’s way of encouraging me? It felt a little dubious, though.)
(Still, I don’t want to give up just yet either…!)

Several minutes later. At Chiaki’s restaurant…
Welcome! Come on over and try some freshly-made piping hot food at my restaurant~!
“Gladly”…? Ooh, thank you very much!
Right then, I’ll make the tenshindon fried rice straight away!24 Please feel free to wait in your seat!
(Alright! I’m managing to attract interest from customers…!)
(By making tenshindon omelet too instead of just fried rice on its own, it should elevate the feeling of an egg dish.)
(And now, it’s time to carry out my advertisement strategy of attracting the customer’s interest through a performance — I’ll stir-fry the rice in front of them!)
(Fufu. I normally always stop Nagumo from cooking food with fire, as he often likes to do that, but — Let’s make this flashy with a much bigger flame…☆)
Thank you for waiting! Here’s Morisawa Chiaki’s hot-blooded tenshindon fried rice. Please savor the food to your heart’s content!
(With this, I should finally be able to fight on the same level as Tomoe and everyone else…!)
(Just you wait, Tomoe! Sakuma! I’m also going to catch up immediate— No! I’ll make sure to surpass you both!)
Ah! I’ll clear your plates. If it’s alright, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the taste…
Hm. “There weren’t enough things to eat, so it didn’t really feel filling. I’d love it if there was more crab in the dish”, is it?
I’ll take that as reference! Thank you very much!
(It’s also crucial that I do the best that I can to obtain a higher rating by taking the customer’s opinions into account as much as possible!)
That being said; more crab, huh… I’m not too sure if I’ll be able to remain profitable if I add more crab per meal, but I just have to try and take on every challenge without fear of the risk.
It’s still too soon to give up, Morisawa Chiaki!
There should still be a chance for recovery from here! Raise your voice, and keep attracting more customers…☆

Thirty minutes after the screening. In the center of Gourmet District, in front of the screen…
Kyahoo! ☆ I finally became a top ranker, too~♪ I’m so glad I managed to cook the tamagoyaki omelet well!
Ritsu-chan-senpai took first place today, huh~ As always, Hiyori-senpai and Ritsu-chan-senpai are tough opponents!
I was also able to sell out all my food, but… My name wasn’t shown, huh.
Mm? Today’s sending to the fields…
Ermm… “Sending to the fields: Morisawa Chiaki”…?
Huh!? Why’s Chia-chan-senpai being sent to the fields!?
T-This is all just a lie, right…?
Translation Notes
- ↑ This is referring to Dead End Land. Mayoi, Shinobu, Tomoya and Wataru helped out at a cafe. He’s holding the omurice he made in his CG.
- ↑ This is referring to Reverse Live, a story where Rain-bows (Jun, Chiaki, Tori and Hokuto temporary unit) competed against Lilith (Seiya, Hiyori, and Jun temporary unit). Chiaki and Hiyori had a “seduction showdown” at the end, in Rivals 27, and Chiaki’s skills impressed Hiyori.
- ↑ Referring to Meteor Impact, Unqualified Hero 8, when Madara was selling grilled onigiri in front of the school gate.
- ↑ Sutras are Buddhist scriptures. It’s custom for buddhists to chant them, and it can sound like a “mutter/mumble” from afar.
- ↑ Because Chiaki’s so terrified, he unusually asks for permission with dame kana. Chiaki’s shown to speak more timidly or without as much confidence when he’s scared; please read Sweet Halloween for a story exploring this side of him.
- ↑ Chiaki switches from his usual way of speaking and speaks in polite language here (keigo). He’s said something like this before in fear/panic, in Meteor Impact, Not Quite A Hero 1.
- ↑ “Side dish” is okazu (おかず) in Japanese, referring to the supplementary dish that’s eaten along with the staple food (typically cooked rice).
- ↑ Mitsuru’s favorite food. See more here.
- ↑ Mitsuru says oishiku naare, a very common Japanese phrase said when cooking or serving food, in hopes of it turning out tasty for the one who’ll eat it. It’s also a type of fanservice found in maid cafes and the like.
- ↑ For risotto, see here for more.
- ↑ The quote is ricchan ganbatta ne, which sounds like how a kid speaks. It’s different from how Mao typically speaks (Mao would say ganbatta na, which sounds more rough/masculine).
- ↑ For paella, see here for more.
- ↑ Nice-P sometimes uses English words, written in roman letters. I kept the word as is and added italics to indicate which ones are said in English in the original text.
- ↑ For curry bread, see here for more.
- ↑ If you’d like another story where Mitsuru’s creativity is explored, check out Tsukimi live! Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Nice says kimitachi for “all of you”. This is about the Ra*bits members only.
- ↑ Punishment game, batsu geemu, is a punishment given to the loser of a contest or game. It’s pretty common in variety shows.
- ↑ Raika says “tom yum goong” in hiragana instead of katakana, implying unfamiliarity with the word.
- ↑ Mitsuru says “tom yum goong” in hiragana instead of katakana, implying unfamiliarity with the word. He also got the pronunciation wrong.
- ↑ “Tom yum goong” literally means “boiling a broth” (tom) “mixing” (yum) “prawns” (goong). Read more here.
- ↑ Tamagoyaki omelet involves cooking fried beaten eggs, hence the similarity. See here for more.
- ↑ Chiaki only recently picked up cooking, first shown in I’m At Your Service, Master!, as well as briefly shown in Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon. He typically cooks with a beginner recipe book, and mostly knows beginner recipes as of this moment. For a translation of Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon, please check this masterlist.
- ↑ This is tomoe zaidan (巴財団) in Japanese. It’s briefly mentioned in fine’s Climax event, Atlantis, Divine Bridge 6. Please check this masterlist for a translation.
- ↑ Tenshindon is a Japanese Chinese dish with fried egg and crab. See here for more.