[ES!!] Misshapen Masterpiece
[A Stitch Forward] Chiaki Morisawa
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Chiaki’s tracksuit got torn again in a different area. He goes to get it fixed up by the producer, only to find Kiryu in the room too…
This story is set sometime after Chiaki’s Stella Maris mini talk. I recommend reading it!
Season: Spring (ES 2nd Year)
Location: Dressing Room

Ooh, there you are, Anzu.
Ah, Kiryu’s here, too. Are the two of you sewing together?
Yeah, you could say that. I see you’ve got your tracksuit with ya… I assume that means it got ripped again?
Last time, you borrowed the sewing kit and left the room without takin’ my help…
But are ya here again ‘cuz the stitching got loose? I shoulda patched it up for you after all, huh.
Ah, no. The knee area is still stitched up just fine. It’s all thanks to Anzu; she did it in my stead.1
Oh? Li’l miss did it for ya, huh?
Yeah. She probably couldn’t bear to see me struggle, so she offered a hand and finished it up for me in a flash.
She stitched it up so perfectly, you wouldn’t even be able to tell where it got ripped. I’d love to show you what I mean!
You don’t need to. I know more than anyone just how skilled she is, y’know?
Oh yeah, fair enough. You’re Anzu’s teacher, after all!2
…What is it, Anzu? You’re asking if the jacket got torn this time?
Ahh, yeah, exactly. The elbow part got ripped a little… Could you fix it for me, please?
I can still have dance lessons without the jacket, so you can get to it whenever you have time.
You’ll stitch it up straight away? Thank you!
By the way, it isn’t everyday that you both are here, is it…? We just started the new fiscal year, so I thought it’d be a busy time for you two.3
Can’t speak for Li’l miss, since she just became a workin’ adult, but nothin’ really changed much for me as of yet.
But either way, it’s more like I hang out here ‘cuz I get so busy, really. The room’s in the ES building, so we can freely pass by here anytime, yeah?
Whenever I’m tired, I do some sewing work here.
Li’l miss’s the same. It seems like she shows up whenever she has a break from work to do a bit of sewing, or to sort out the outfits.
I see. Yeah, the higher-ups can’t keep an eye on you if you’re here. This place acts as a relaxing spot for the two of you, who love to sew—
Or no, it’s like a secret base for you guys, right? ☆
Yeah, basically. …Oh? Looks like she finished stitchin’ up your tracksuit while we were chatting.
Ooh, you’re done already!? Thank you, Anzu!
You truly are incredibly skilled as always. Even the tracksuit seems overjoyed by your stitching…☆
Haha, she looks so happy. Must feel like a blessin’ to have all these skills, huh, Li’l miss Anzu?
Now I just need to adjust the collar’s ornament, and… Aight, I’m done.
Is that an outfit for Akatsuki? Though the style is pretty western…
Nah, it’s for a different unit in Rhythm Link.
I sometimes get commissions from the agency, probably ‘cuz the big-shots recognize my skills now. I accept a few of ‘em here and there, as long as it doesn’t make me neglect my idol activities.
You handle other units’ outfits, too? You’re amazing, Kiryu!
Oh c’mon, this ain’t new for me. I’ve been doin’ this since my Yumenosaki days. I even made you a few outfits, remember?
Yeah, I do. That’s why I’m so impressed by your skill all over again.
Even when you’re busy, you make time for other units. You really are a hero, Kiryu! ☆
Right, right… You’re gonna make me feel embarrassed, so leave it at that, will ya?
Mm. …If only I had the talent for sewing like Anzu and Kiryu, too.
Then I would’ve been able to contribute to Ryuseitai’s activities in this department, as well…
Hey, don’t give up before even tryin’. Sewing’s no talent. The most important thing is to build up experience.
It’s impossible to make an outfit from the get-go, so how about startin’ by stitchin’ a handkerchief or somethin’?
Y’know, I started out by makin’ small accessories, too. I’d redesign old hand towels into handkerchiefs and stuff.
Using a sewing machine makes everythin’ easier, but it’s best to learn the basics by hand-sewin’ first.
You could stitch embroidered badges or combine different patterned fabrics to create somethin’ unique. Sewing goes pretty deep with what you could do with it, and it’s pretty fun, y’know?
Hm, a handkerchief, huh?
…Mm? Anzu, why’re you pointing at the shelf?
Ooh, I’m free to use the scraps of cloth on that shelf?
What about this box? …Oh! It’s got lots of embroidered badges in it.
I can use them however I like? This sewing kit, too…? Woah, it’s like you’ve got everything I need here.
She loves to sew, so she must be pretty happy that you’ve shown an interest in it.
You should be able to find all kinds’a tutorials online. For now, try your best on your own, and you can let us know if you get stuck and dunno what to do.
Mm. Failure is the mother of success. The true shortcut to improvement is by going through trial and error!
I know what fabric I want to use, but the problem now is the badges.
There were embroidered badges for the hiragana “chi” and “a”, but I couldn’t find any for “ki”.
Would it look too crooked if I used scissors to cut a “ma” hiragana and make it a “ki”…?4 Urmm~…
What is it, Anzu? …I could try hand-stitching my name onto the fabric?
That sounds like a great way to build more experience. Mhm, I’ll do just that!
Alrighty then, here I go! Watch over me, you two…☆
One hour later…
I-I finally finished it…!
Anzu, Kiryu! Look over here! It took me a long time, but I finished my handkerchief!
You really did. Great job, Morisawa.
You got it done without ever throwin’ in the towel. You should be proud of yourself. ♪
Thank you, Kiryu! I’m grateful to you too, Anzu. Thank you for helping me out so many times.
My skill is no match for you two, but I managed to even stitch up my name “Chiaki”, so I’m extremely satisfied.5
And I’m already growing so attached to it, since I also made it from scratch! ☆
The most important thing is to build experience… As part of my practice, I’ll also make handkerchiefs as presents for everyone in Ryuseitai.
I can already picture the smiles on their faces! Fuhahahaha…! ☆
Chiaki Feature Scout Stories
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to Chiaki’s Stella Maris mini talk. This story is set sometime after his mini talk. I recommend reading it!
- ↑ “Teacher” here is shishou, which typically refers to a teacher you learn a skill from.
- ↑ The fiscal year in the Enstars universe starts on the 1st of April (this is also when the new school year starts in Japan). This means that this story is set after Anzu graduated from Yumenosaki.
- ↑ The ま hiragana can be turned into き if the bottom part is slightly cut out.
- ↑ For a better view of Chiaki’s work, click here!