Climax – Tears of Shooting Stars
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Shopping District

Nagumo! Takamine! What’s the matter!? What happened here!?
Sengoku was unusually distraught, and his explanation didn’t quite make sense!
But there’s no need to worry anymore! Now that the burning heart Morisawa Chiaki has come to your rescue, all your troubles will be instantly shattered!
We’ll all have a happy ending together with smiles on our faces! Fuhahahaha!! ☆
…Taichou. I’m sorry, but please stay outta this.
No need to act so distant with me, Nagumo! I wasn’t intending on intruding too much, but this is an emergency, right?
The five of us together are Ryuseitai! Let’s solve our problems and worries together!
I’m so sorry! I’ve been so preoccupied with my own matters that I ended up neglecting you guys!
If you’re angry, then throw your anger at me! Grab me by the collar and beat me up! It’s my well-deserved punishment…!
But please, end the fighting with that! What’s the use in fighting amongst your own comrades!?
See, it’s ‘cuz you’re so naïve that—… No, now’s not the time to be blamin’ you.
It’s seriously none of your business, so could you please stay out of it?
Nobody ever asked you to get involved. I know that’s what an ally of justice is all ‘bout, but I’d appreciate it if you refrained from butting in this once.
Within school, not being able to read the room is equivalent to evil, y’know?
—Ahh… I can’t believe I called you of all people evil… I really do need to calm down, huh…
midori~? tetora~? are you two alright?
Oh! You’ve arrived, Kanata. Sorry for running off on my own.
that is the [usual].
…midori, are you really [okay]? are you crying? what happened?
there, there. you are a good boy, so don’t cry, okay…?
Nagumo. I don’t want to think you would, but did you hit Takamine by any chance? You shouldn’t resort to violence!
Please don’t just assume things. I wouldn’t hit him. …I’d only dirty my fists if I punched a spoiled brat like him.
Why don’t you say something already, huh? We’re not done talkin’ here!
Or what, are you just gonna cower away and pretend nothing’s happening!? Are you just gonna sit there, hoping for that kind somebody to swoop in and solve all your problems for you!?
C-Calm down already, Nagumo! Why are you so angry!? Take a deep breath!
T-Taichou-dono~? Shinkai-dono~? I finally caught up with you!
Both of you rushed straight to the scene before I could get to the details…
Sengoku! You’re here just in time — explain the situation!
Hm? Even Anzu is here? Is that a first aid kit in your hand? Did you go somewhere to fetch it?
D-Did someone get hurt after all…? Nagumo seems to be unharmed, so is Takamine the one who got hit?
I’ll help patch him up! Stand up, Takamine! Show me where it hurts!
I often get injured during my stunt work, so I know how to treat small injuries!
Ugh, you’re so obnoxious… I’m not injured anywhere, okay… You’re all panicking way too much…
Then why is Takamine crying!? Anzu, Sengoku, please give me a full report of what happened!
I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault for neglecting you guys this whole time!
However, I truly believed that you would be able to overcome any and all difficulties by yourselves!
Well… This must be a disappointin’ sight then. I’m sorry.
The situation is real simple. Anzu-Anego asked me if we, Ryuseitai, were gonna participate in Repayment Festival.
But to be honest, I thought we wouldn’t be able to.
‘Course, deep down, I absolutely wanna join the festival. I wanted to show my gratitude and return the favor to all the seniors I’m indebted to.
The reason I got to live my life proudly without ever losing heart was all thanks to Taishou and my seniors in Ryuseitai, after all.
I wanted to give ‘em peace of mind by showing ‘em just how much I’ve grown. That’s what Repayment Festival is for.
It’s a farewell ceremony that begins and ends with a bow.1
I wanted to make sure I could do that properly. …It’s sad to part ways, but throwin’ a tantrum won’t change anything.
I wanted to wipe my tears away, so that I can at least say my goodbyes with a smile.
But… that’s just how I feel. I can’t force others to feel that way, too.
If I just go ahead on my own like I always do, I’d only cause trouble for everyone.
That’s why I first started by asking Midori-kun the other day, since we’re in the same class.
I wanted to see if he wanted to join, and if he thinks he can manage it.
He replied the same way he always does.
“I can’t do it”, “I don’t wanna”, “It’s a pain”, “Why me…?” — It’s gotten so tiring hearin’ this stuff over and over the entire past year. Midori-kun, you really don’t have any motivation, do you?
I understand why, though. After all, you signed up for the idol course by accident, right?
You never wanted to become an idol in the first place, right?
So scolding you so harshly, pushing you to do stuff, and forcefully dragging you back in when you’re so unmotivated would just be cruel. That’s exactly what Taichou always did, though.
Chapter 2
Taichou would always pretend to be a terrible, insensitive person — giving you pep talk after pep talk, and pulling you on stage even though you hated it.
That became an everyday occurrence in Ryuseitai.
So, Midori-kun… You may have thought to yourself that the same would happen again this time around, but…
Those easy-going, happy days of ours are in the past.
Taichou and Shinkai-senpai’ll graduate, and there’s nothing we can do 'bout that. We should celebrate that — we should be congratulating them.
From now on, we gotta do things on our own.
We can’t keep on relying on our seniors. We can't keep on pushing all'a the blame and responsibilities onto 'em—
And then snatch only the good parts from 'em.
That’s just shameful. I was the same, too, y'know? I put all the dirty work and heavy burdens on Taishou and my other seniors…
I was a stupid, dumb brat who relished in his own ignorance.
But we’ll become seniors, too. We have to grow up at this point.
We can't just continue being naïve kids who rely on kind heroes to carry 'em into the spotlight.
And yet! Despite all that, you keep going, “I don’t wanna, it’s a pain”! “So depressing, I wanna die”!
What more do you want when you’re already so incredibly blessed!?
And then, when Anzu-Anego and Shinobu-kun once again asked me what we planned to do for Repayment Festival…
I realized that I really didn't wanna let it go, either, so I came all the way to Midori-kun’s home.
I thought that if we talked it through, he’d understand. No, I truly believed that he felt the same way.
But I was wrong. Y’know what, I really can't do what Taichou does.
I just don’t have it in me to sacrifice myself for another person's sake — especially if it meant I'd be hated and found annoying 'cuz of it.
I can't do all'a that just to drag Midori-kun along by force.
That's why, when he refused to continue talkin' to me after a while, I just couldn't say anything anymore.
I felt really pathetic and got irritated… I even grabbed him by the collar, and… We ended up fighting.
Taichou has always entrusted me with his role whenever he's not around…
And I knew I’d be the one to inherit the red color, so I had a bit of confidence in myself.
But every bit of confidence I had is completely gone now — broken and shattered to pieces. I feel like a failure. I can’t even solve a dispute within my own group of people. Saving the world isn't possible for me.
I still don't have what it takes to be Ryusei Red.
That isn’t true, Nagumo.
Even I failed over and over at the start. I couldn't get anything right at all — to the point where just seeing the red color made me feel sick.
I started to feel that tokusatsu shows were nothing but lies — that there was no way anything could conveniently go well the same way it did in the shows.
I cursed the heroes I loved, and there were even nights when I cried myself to sleep.
But I still picked myself back up every time… I pushed myself to solve through each and every problem. I struggled and struggled until I could call myself a man worthy of inheriting the red color.
I still don’t even know if I did everything right. There’s no hero out there who has failed as many times as I have.
Anyone would have felt too disheartened to continue watching and would have changed the channel before the story could have reached its climax.
But that’s only my story. Yours is still in the preview phase.
You’ll always have a chance to recover, and your future is dazzling bright. So don’t give up, Nagumo.
If you give up now, then everything will be all over. After I graduate… What will I be able to wake up to every Sunday?2
A world without heroes is the same as a world without a sun!
So hang in there! Don’t lose now! Don’t give up! Stand back up, hero!
It’s frustrating that all I can do is cheer you on from a distance, but! If I tried to interfere now, it wouldn't benefit you at all!
So I will refrain as hard as I can, and instead yell this!
Nagumo! Takamine! Sengoku! Hit me! If you have any problems, then hit me with every one of them right here, right now! Beat me up as you please!
I’ll be fine! I’m used to getting hurt! But I can’t bear to watch you fight and hurt each other!
The pain is worse than dying! It would be less painful if you just hit me instead!
I’ll take all your anxiety, your pain — everything! And then I'll toss it all into the sun, causing a huge explosion, and we'll then have our happy ending!
Haha. If I hit you for real, you’d die, Taichou.
Well, either way… I understand how you feel. …I won’t blame you anymore, Midori-kun.
I won’t unfairly get angry, so please talk to me.
We're both the same age, and I don't plan to inherit Ryusei Red and Taichou's seat 'til our seniors have graduated.
For now, we’re equal members of this unit, so I can’t order you around as if I know better than you.
Although, I don’t think it’s good for me to hold back like that…
It’s just — I don’t have that kinda confidence in myself yet. I’m still hollow. One day, I’ll become a great man for sure—
But right now, it’s still difficult for me. So, expecting me to act just like Taichou… It’s impossible.
If you refuse me, then I won’t be able to say anything further.
But. Even as your friend, I just can’t understand.
You told me again today — The reason you don’t feel like doing Repayment Festival is 'cuz, on that day—
You have to help out at the greengrocer store, right?
Apparently, there’ll be stalls put up on the same day as the festival. So your parents told you to help out with that, right?
And so, you can’t participate 'cuz you’re gonna be busy with that.
I get that. For the sake of your family — for the greengrocer store — you always worked hard despite all your complaints.
We even made advertisement signboards for 'em together, right? That’s a very precious memory for me, too.3
Chapter 3
But I just don’t understand. Is that really somethin' only you can do, Midori-kun?
Do you really have to help 'em out that badly? Isn’t your family in good health?
If they are, then they should be fine without your help.
But Repayment Festival is our chance to thank our seniors from Ryuseitai for everything they’ve done for us this year. We may never get this chance ever again.
This is somethin' only the three of us can do. Nobody else can do this.
So why're you prioritizing the store over that?
I just can’t for the life of me understand why. So I got angry, and then things got even more blurry… My mind went blank and I just snapped.
I apologize for that. I’m sorry. But I still really don’t get it.
Is it 'cuz it’s sad to say goodbye? Or is it 'cuz you’re too embarrassed to thank your seniors for everything face-to-face?
Is it 'cuz you can’t stand doing somethin' embarrassing?
So you decided to help out your family instead — the people in your comfort zone? You wanted to avoid any hardships or painful situations, so you chose the easy way out?
If so, that’s just irritating. I’ve always hated that part 'bout you.
You're always such a coward! You're just a spineless wimp!
It’s like I’m lookin' at my old self! It irritates me so much!
I’m sorry, but I guess I really am angry!
I just don’t have the same kind of unwavering tolerance as Taishou or Taichou!
But y'know, Midori-kun… Let me ask you something! Exactly what was this whole year to you, then?
Taichou went to pick you up every day! He was always there to help you get through the day, even though you had zero motivation!
Was all'a that effort he spent, running around and encouraging you to work hard together, just a waste of time?
He completely used up his last precious year in high school just to try and hone our skills, y'know! Are you saying all'a that was just a complete waste of his time?
No… Actually, was it too much pressure for you? Or was all'a that help just too irritating for you? Was it all just a nuisance to you?
All of your non-stop whining and complaining, day in and day out —
I was hoping that was just you being embarrassed, that deep down it might've all meant somethin' to you!
But if you’re telling me that all of it was just a waste, that you really meant it when you said you hated everything and wanted to die…
Then what was Taichou’s whole year for!?
I know that nobody asked him to do any of that — that he’s the one who decided to do all of that on his own — If that’s what you’re thinking, it’s true! But the way you’ve been acting is just too much!
He was expecting so much from you! You, who’s so much more talented than me! So much more handsome than me!
To be honest, as one of your classmates, it makes me super jealous!
I wish I could’ve been born to look like you! I’m sure Taichou feels the same way!
We were so envious and so captivated by you! We wanted to see you shine even more!
But all along, were we just pushing our own selfish wishes onto you?
Was it all seriously just a huge bother to you? 'Cuz if it was, then you should’ve said so a long time ago!
Sure, you never wanted to be an idol in the first place — you joined this course by accident — you can’t keep up with this hero act!
I get it, you say it all the time! I’m sick and tired of hearing it!

If that was really the case — If you really hated it that much—!
You should’ve left before you ate away an entire year of his life! You should’ve quit everything and just disappeared!
No one would’ve stopped you! You should’ve gotten up and left, and gone right back to your peaceful life at the greengrocer store!
You shouldn’t have waited all the way 'til this point, when everything’s ending! After being spoiled and helped by 'em time after time! All while making a face like you didn't wanna, but there was nothing you could do 'bout it!
All after being loved and protected and blessed with so much, all 'cuz of 'em!
They helped you so much, and you owe 'em so much, but you refuse to pay that back? Just 'cuz you can’t bother yourself to do something you don’t like?
Hey, Midori-kun… Just how long do you plan to keep being a little brat!?
…Stop already, Nagumo. Please don’t fight, I’m begging you.
[do not] stop them, chiaki~ it is [necessary] that they experience this.
these children were always [good kids]. they never fought, and only listened to what they were told. they were obedient and lively…
but they cannot stay as [children] forever.
they can walk on their [own], without us [carrying] them in our arms. and all we can do is believe in that, as we [watch over] them.
if you were to spoil them right now… they would surely become unable to walk by themselves [forever].
on this [land], being unable to [walk] is the same as being unable to [live].
looong ago, the one who told me that… was chiaki, wasn't it?
…Takamine. I want to hear how you truly feel. I won't know if you don't say anything. Was it really all a nuisance?
Did I really just cause you suffering throughout this whole year?
If so, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll give you a proper apology, and I’ll do anything I can to make it up to you.
I won't mind if you think of our meeting as nothing but an unfortunate accident and forget it ever happened.
I’m fine with that, if that’s what would give you relief and make you smile again… because your smile is the greatest treasure in this whole world.
I would always look forward to making that shine at its brightest. But if I was truly just a nuisance to you all along, then… I apologize. I’m so sorry, Takamine.
Chapter 4
I’m pretty sure I’ve always said this before, though… That you’re annoying, that I don’t wanna do any of it, that it’s all a pain… You just never, ever listen…
But Morisawa-senpai… Is there really anything worthwhile about me…?
I never stood out until high school… I was just a normal middle-school student…
Sure, I was extremely tall, and I look like this… so girls would sometimes be interested in me…
But inside, I’m nothing special… As soon as anyone talks to me, they realize the truth and are instantly disappointed…
I thought the same thing would happen with you… I thought you’d get disappointed and lose all interest in someone like me…
Something like that is only natural… That’s why I always had an escape ready…
The only notable thing about me is my appearance… There’s no way anyone could ever love me for who I really am…
The only people who wouldn’t eventually leave me are my family…
So is it really that strange that I wanna devote myself to my family — to the greengrocer store…?
Ryuseitai may be like a family, but you’re not actually my parents or my siblings…
And anyway, it was only by mistake that I took the idol course in the first place… Then I somehow managed to pass it, and in the end I had no choice but to go to this school…
I’ve always just wanted to run away from everything I can't stand… It’s painful and scary… School exams in particular are tough and ridiculously awful…
All I wanted was to get through this course as easily as possible…
But I’m only here out of dumb luck! I shouldn’t be here when there are so many others who would love to be in my place!
I don’t deserve to be loved by so many people! I don’t deserve to feel the blessings of being an idol…!
And anyway, it's not like I can continue being an idol for the rest of my life…
Only a few people could ever do that… You’d need to want it with all your heart…
But I’m not like that… I just chose the easiest path… I have no will at all compared to everyone else…
Someone like me would be immediately driven out of a place as cruel as the show business…

Everyone had such high hopes for me, but I just can’t do it…
I’ve always felt terrible about it… I felt so guilty… I’ve always wondered if it really is okay for someone like me to even be here…
After all, everyone else is so serious about this! They’re all trying to be idols with everything they’ve got! But I’ve never been like that — Right from the start, it was all just a big mistake…!
Someone like me shouldn’t even try to be an idol! There’s no way I could make it as an idol for the rest of my life!
From the moment I was born until the day I die — I will always just be the son of a greengrocer…!
Yumenosaki — Ryuseitai was a once-in-a-lifetime dream for me!
But there’s a lot more to life! Once I’ve woken up from that dream, I have to keep on living!
But my big brother has an actual dream! He wants to be a lawyer! And he studies every day for it!
He’s tried over and over to pass the exam and he’s failed every time — cried and suffered every time — yet he keeps working hard for it!
I wanna support my brother! I wanna at least be able to tell him that I’ll be the one to take over the shop, so that he can keep working hard for his dream…!
That’s why I’m helping out at the shop! Exactly what is wrong with that!?
I don’t have any real dreams! So at the very least, I don’t wanna ruin someone else’s chance to achieve theirs!
I can’t get in the way of something like that! I should be huddled in a corner somewhere far away where I can’t do any damage!
Becoming an idol? Becoming a hero? It’s amazing, I think it’s incredible!
But not everyone in this world is as incredible as you guys!
Normal people have lives, too! You think they can just keep chasing after their dreams!? Because I can’t! Just the very thought of it is terrifying!
And yet, you go ahead and put all your hopes into someone pathetic like me!
I feel like a horrible, miserable person for making Morisawa-senpai waste a whole year of his life on me!
Did you know? He was so upset about leaving that he cried all alone where no one could see him!
But he intended to hide those tears from us to the very end!
He wanted to say goodbye with a smile, as a hero — and to leave us with nothing but happy memories!
Are you insane!? That’s way too cool! What are you, some kind of saint!?
And I—! I wasted an entire precious year of someone as amazing as that…!
I could never say goodbye with pride like you two!
“I owe you a lot for this year, please leave the rest to us”? As if I even have the right to say that!
I can’t do it! To me, something like Repayment Festival is just—…
There’s no way I could ever repay all that kindness in one day — in one “thank you” as we part ways!
It’d be impossible even if I devoted my whole life to it! It’s just not possible for me, Tetora-kun!
It’s just as you said… I should’ve gotten up and left much earlier…
But I had so much fun… Being with all of you always made me so happy… It was a dazzling and bright youth I never ever thought I'd get to experience…
I loved everyone from Ryuseitai… And that’s exactly why it’s so awful of me to be part of the same unit…
In the end, I’m just a fraud… A dull, fake idol…
I’m so sorry… If you’ve gotten sick of me now, then feel free to throw me out and ignore me forever…
Go and join the festival without me…
It’s just impossible for me… I don’t have the right… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry……
Translation Notes
- ↑ This is in reference to how you must behave in a dojo, starting with respect (bowing) and ending it with respect.
- ↑ Tokusatsu shows air every Sunday morning.
- ↑ Referring to Colorful Autumn.