Climax – Anxiety and Silence
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Classroom 1-B

(Munch, munch)…♪
Mmm, tasty~ The cookies Yuuta-kun gave me as a “little early White Day gift” are simply delicious…♪
It’s so hot and spicy from all the chili peppers and ginger, that it almost made me wonder if he hates me enough to gift these as a means to torment me—
But it’s warming my body inside out~…♪
It is still a little chilly, so this is a huge life-saver. Mhm, this is Yuuta-kun’s way of caring for me!
I must prepare a gift for him as well before White D—Mmm?
A ruffian…!
Ah— Anzu-dono!? I-I-I deeply apologize for my mistake…!
I felt someone sneaking up behind me and assumed it was a ruffian — That is why I flung the cookie at you!
Ermm, umm… Y-You see, that was my White Day gift to you! ♪
…W-Was that a bad excuse? Are you angry, Anzu-dono?
Please say something! Staring at me without saying a word is terrifying~!
Um, erm… A-As an apology, you’re welcome to tease me!
You used to pinch my cheeks at random, did you not?
While you haven’t done it for a long time now, you seemed to like doing it!
I was very rude to you, so I accept it as my punishment…!
Anzu-dono? Are you alright? You don’t seem well…
Ohhh~? You’re suddenly squishing my cheeks…!? Is this my punishment!? Is this my divine retribution~!?
Uuu~? It doesn’t hurt, but the way you’re just silently doing it to me is terrifying!
…Sniffle. Anzu-dono, now that that’s settled, I must ask… Did you have some business in Classroom 1-B?
Our lessons and homeroom class both ended a moment earlier, so there is no longer anyone around.
As I am on day duty today, I spent all my time wiping the blackboard clean.
I grew hungry however, and thus snacked on a few cookies while performing my duty.
Ah, you see — today, my classmates and I had a White Day gift exchange party.
However, it was very sudden, and I’m unaccustomed to friendly events—
So I felt extremely embarrassed that I hadn’t prepared anything. I ended up only being on the receiving end.
I shall definitely redeem myself from this embarrassment! I plan to go and find a gift for everyone after I’ve finished my duties in school.
Of course, I will also give something to you too on White Day, so don’t worry~♪
Hm? Ahhh, yes, there has been no activity in Ryuseitai lately, so I have the time to spare.
Hweh? That is what you’ve come to ask me about?
Hmmm… Although you are not in charge of producing the upcoming Repayment Festival…
You are helping around the place because you have nothing else to do.
That’s wonderful, Anzu-dono, thank you for all your hard work~. Hmm, so there are some powerhouse units that have yet to apply for the Repayment Festival?
It may have an impact on the number of visitors, so you’ve come to ask each unit how they’re doing…
Ah, Isara-dono asked you to do this? Hm, hm! I understand the situation now.
Isara-dono has been much busier these days, hasn’t he?
He is now the one who must manage everything as the leader of the Student Council, starting with Repayment Festival.
I have also been helping him out with a few trivial tasks! I owe a debt of gratitude to Isara-dono, so I would go through fire and water for him! ♪
Wawa— Please don’t pat me on the head while saying, “good boy, good boy♪”~…
You’ll mess up my hair~ You tend to see me as a toddler, Anzu-dono…
Anyway, hmm… since Ryuseitai has not applied to participate in the Repayment Festival—
You’ve come to us to see if we intend to participate.
But why my class…? I am of low-rank in the unit, so I wouldn’t know anything.
Hmm… You checked Class A, but nobody was there?
I see… But if we don’t do something soon enough, it will be the day of the festival before we know it.
We are late enough as it is, and may not even have enough time to practice our performance.
Mm~… I am, however, fully willing to perform in the Repayment Festival.
The festival seems to have a lot of weight in it, as it is intended to be a repayment to all the seniors who have helped us.
And I have gained a lot all thanks to Taichou-dono and Shinkai-dono.
I owe them more than I could ever repay. I would at least like to reassure them by showing them that we have grown up splendidly.
As for the other two first-year members, however… Tetora-kun and Midori-kun seem to be conflicted about Repayment Festival.
It feels like a topic that must not be mentioned.
No, I don’t know the reason why, either.
We don’t share the same class, nor do we personally meet up other than for our unit activities.
We haven’t had any gatherings for Ryuseitai these days, and we’ve hardly been talking to each other.
Uuu… I also thought it was strange, so I tried to build up the courage to phone call or talk to them whenever we met in the corridors, but…
I feel like they are somewhat avoiding me…
D-Did I do something to make them dislike me?
Uwaaah~! Did I push all the wrong buttons without realizing it~!?
Both of them are precious allies that I fought alongside for a year. I cannot cope with the thought of them hating me…
That is why I could no longer even speak to them, as I did not want them to grow annoyed with me…
To be honest, I am at a loss… W-What should I do, Anzu-dono?
Chapter 2
Location: Corridor 1-F (White Day)

Ohh, they’ve decorated this area for Repayment Festival already~♪
It really does look like another version of Chocolat Fes.
They changed the colors of the heart-shaped balloons~ The blue and white base color give a mystical vibe~♪1
But Repayment Festival is in two weeks, so won’t the balloons run out of helium by the time of the event…?
Did someone get ahead of themselves and place them early…?
Fufu… I think, because the Repayment Festival is an event mainly prepared by underclassmen, everything looks so amateurish and awkward.
As a DreamFes, it’s practically the same as the festival that was held the other day, Chocolat Fes.
Even if all they need to do is follow the setup of that festival, it’s still a little difficult to accomplish.
Hmm… Since the underclassmen are inexperienced when it comes to event planning, the setup remained the same as Chocolat Fes?
I see, so it is not because the academy is out of ideas or anything.
As for the changes — Unlike Chocolat Fes, the sweets for the customers in the Repayment Festival are not made by idols, but by the suppliers instead…
Well, that makes sense. We had more customers than expected at Chocolat Fes, so we were all too busy making sweets~
So that is why some areas have been revised, in order to tackle those problems better this time.
Fufu, it was fun making sweets with everyone in Ryuseitai. We made such a huge ruckus.
As everyone expected, Tetora-kun caused a small fire in the kitchen—
And Shinkai-dono manufactured a bizarre concoction, saying that “it’s edible euglena~♪”
But it was still sooo much fun…♪
To think that… we will never be able to have such fun as the five of us together, ever again… It makes me feel very lonely inside.
Hehe… I shouldn’t speak in such a somber manner, even if it’s hard to hold back because of graduation season…
This is our last time together, so I would like to send off my seniors with a smile and start walking toward the future.
For that reason, I would like to participate in the Repayment Festival, with a proper performance and everything.
But if we continue as we are now, I have a feeling that we will wander into a dark direction… We must band together as one.
Even if we will not be able to say “The five of us are Ryuseitai”—
It’ll be alright… There have been many three-man hero sentai squads in the past.
Heh! I also know a little bit more about heroes now, don’t you think? ♪
Location: Dojo

Ah— There you are, Tetora-kun! (waves) I’m coming in, okay~…?
So you really were in the dojo after all! Tetora-kun’s known for karate, and karate can only mean the dojo!
Were you meditating again~?2
Ah— Sorry. Sengoku-kun, didja want somethin’ from me?
Wh— Why did you correct yourself… You can call me “Shinobu-kun,” you know?
Actually, I have always called you by your first name, but both you and Midori-kun call me by my family name! It feels so lonely~!
Do you dislike me after all? Are you keeping your distance from me~!?
Ahaha, sorry. Sengo—… Shinobu-kun, I thought maybe you don’t like it when people get close with ya.
I’m also pretty thickheaded and clumsy, so~ I couldn’t figure out the right timing to change the way I call you. I’m sorry if it made you feel alienated.
N-No, it’s perfectly alright… Erm, is it just me, or have you grown up since the last time we saw each other…?
Huh? You think so? Well, a lotta things happened the past few days, like the Dragon King Competition3… I’m gonna be a second-year student soon, so I gotta grow up a li’l.
That’s not fair! You dashed up the stairs to adulthood without me!
I have a complex about being childish, so I’ve always wanted to achieve the look of an adult, just like you~!
Ahaha, we all walk at a different speed, y’know.
Ahh, you see!? You’re saying something so mature! It’s not fair~! You’re getting a head start~!
Ehh~? What’s wrong, Shinobu-kun…? You’re real clingy today… Didja have somethin’ to talk to me about?
I see that Anzu-Anego’s with you, too. Ah— Did you come to ask if we’re planning to participate in the Repayment Festival?
Whoa, you’re even getting better at guessing… For real, Tetora-kun, what happened to you?
Ahaha. Well, I just thought that it’s time I graduate from being a spoiled kid.
Anyways, ossu — thank you for checking on us… Anzu-Anego.
I’m sorry to say this after you came all the way here to the dojo, but… Ryuseitai isn’t in the proper condition to perform unit activities right now.
We’ll have to withdraw from participating in the Repayment Festival. It’s ‘cuz of our own personal reasons, but — I’m really sorry…
Translation Notes
- ↑ The word Shinobu uses for “mystical” is shinpi-teki, which is the same word used in Ryusei Blue’s catchphrase, “mark of mystery” shinpi.
- ↑ Specifically, zen meditation, that involves sitting cross-legged. Tetora does this pose in his Christmas Live card.
- ↑ Referring to The Four Beasts of Fistfighting.