Climax – Blessings and Repayment
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Student Council Office

Pardon my intrusion!
pardon my intrusiooon~…♪
Mm, this is an intrusion, alright… You ought to mind your manners a little.
Can’t you at least be more gentle when you open and close the door? Now all the papers are scattered on the floor from the wind pressure.
Ohh, sorry! I’ll pick them up, I will! ♪
i’ll pick them up, i will~…♪
Hm? Huh, I only called Chiaki over… I wasn’t expecting you to show up as well, Shinkai-kun. What a wonderful surprise.
Fufu, I often spot you in the fountain, so it feels out of place to see you casually walking around the school. ♪
um~ am i an unwanted guest?
Not at all, you’re more than welcome to join. …Come over here, both of you. ♪
…? What’s the matter? We picked up all the documents!
They may be out of order, but I avoided looking at the contents because there might’ve been some classified information!
You’re an honest one, aren’t you? I wouldn’t have confidential documents around when I’m inviting someone over, you know.
Anyway, come on now. Isn’t it a hero’s duty to rush over to wherever he’s called? ♪
What is it? I’ve got a bad feeling about this… You sometimes have a mischievous look on your face, Tenshouin.
There’s no need to be on your guard. I won’t harm you. I’d only tire myself if I got involved with you people, anyway…
That aside — give me your hand, Chiaki.
…? I don’t mind, but why? Are you going to read my palm?
I’m not so weak-willed as to rely on fortune-telling. Tsumugi’s always liked it though, so I have a little bit of knowledge on it.
I mean, look at mine — It says that I’ve got a long life ahead of me. Palm reading simply hasn’t got any credibility, has it?
Ahaha, I’m sure it means you really will live for a long time. …Alright, here’s my hand.
Mhm, here you go. It’s my White Day gift to you. ♪
Mm…? What is this, an envelope?
Yes, and some candy, too. You see, on Valentine’s Day—
Our Tori, all shy and nervous, squeezed a piece of chocolate into my hand.
There was always someone in the Student Council office that day to manage the Chocolat Fes—
But I think Tori was a little too embarrassed to give the chocolate to me in front of everyone.
That’s why he secretly made me hold it in my hand.
It turned out to be quite an amusing story in the end — The ever perceptive Yuzuru noticed his act and teased him for it, and the chocolate had melted in the heat of his palm.
Fufu. But it was so adorable that I couldn’t help but try to imitate it. ♪
Mm. I’ll be frank with you; when you do it, it feels really suggestive and disturbing. It’s just scary.
Is that so? Come now, Shinkai-kun, I’ll also give you a cookie. ♪
mm~ there is no [reason] for me to take it, is there?
Since you didn’t give me any chocolate, right?
Still, it’s fine, isn’t it? I may as well give you a gift since you’re here.
We can now live in this lovely modern age, all thanks to the precious sacrifice of you Five Eccentrics. This is my way of expressing gratitude for your achievements.
i would much rather pour those [feelings] down the drain.
How cruel. I see you don’t like me much. Oh well, I don’t blame you.
…i will also give you a [gift], mr. [emperor]. here is a fish [plush toy]. happy white day~♪
I certainly have no reason to receive a gift from you, though…?
fufu, thanks to mr. [emperor], i was able to have an enjoyable [high school] life~
so this is to express my [gratitude]. thank you very much~♪
Oh, is that so? Knowing you were able to enjoy yourself means that all my hard work has paid off. ♪
Woah, woah, woah! You two are scaring me! Don’t start fighting…!
For goodness’ sake… Get along with each other! Don’t you know that love saves the world?
It destroys it too, though. Regardless… The reason I called you here wasn’t just to give you a White Day gift, Chiaki.
I simply thought to give it to you while you’re here.
Allow me to get straight to the point: Do you, Ryuseitai, have any intention to participate in the Repayment Festival scheduled in two weeks?
I still haven’t received an application for participation from you, and from the looks of it, you haven’t made any preparations, either.
I grew a little concerned, hence why I called you over to confirm your status.
Ryuseitai has grown a remarkable amount over the past year, and has made its return as a powerhouse.
It will affect the number of visitors if you choose not to participate, so I’d like to at least know if you plan to or not.
Chapter 2
Repayment Festival… Ahh, it’s meant to be a White Day version of the Chocolat Fes we performed for Valentine’s Day, right?
I heard that it’s the first DreamFes to be centered around the underclassmen.
Hm. You don’t sound like you’ve looked into the details yet.
I figured that was the case, seeing that you had your very own farewell party yesterday.
Nevertheless, yes — the Repayment Festival is an event centered around the underclassmen.
Therefore, for us third-year students, it isn’t our job to manage it. We’re simply watching from the sidelines.
But that doesn’t mean we can be ignorant of it. The underclassmen are still unsteady on their feet.
For that reason, I thought you of all people would be taking care of your own juniors to an unbearable degree, Chiaki.
Mm… There are all sorts of things I’d love to help them out with, but… I’ve been pretty busy with my post-graduation job, and I didn’t think it would be a good idea to intrude on them.
I see… By the way, the envelope I just handed you has something to do with that future job of yours.
I know you wouldn’t have wanted it, but I’ve laid the groundwork for it nonetheless.
The entertainment industry is not an environment where you can survive through passion alone. I’m sure you’re well aware of that, though.
So, well, I made it a little easier for you to breathe.
Ah, I see… Thank you for that, then. It’s great to have friends by your side, huh — Tenshouin?
Friends, huh… The word still tastes a little too bitter for me.
Anyway… As for Ryuseitai, even before the Repayment Festival… You had already set up an environment, under your principles, that allowed the first-year students to have their thoughts be heard.
It was a unit where each member could assert what they wanted to do, without being restrained just because they were underclassmen.
Everyone shared their opinions and worked together hand-in-hand, correct?
That’s why I thought there wouldn’t be any real reason to worry just because you third-year students are leaving.
Whether it be project planning, deciding the contents of lessons and performances, and any other aspect of a unit…
You had always ensured to keep the first-year students’ opinions in mind, am I correct?
That’s exactly why Ryuseitai was slow at progress at the start, and became a late blooming flower.
After all, you would always respect the first-year students’ opinions above everything, despite their inexperience. You faced a lot of difficulties as a result of that.
Your unit was the type to mature its talents late. In other words, because of all their accumulated experience throughout the year, the first-year students should now have the appropriate skills to carry out their unit activities.
Therefore, they should also be able to handle the Repayment Festival without any problems.
That is what I had assumed — but perhaps I overestimated your unit.
There is no other group that excels at livening up the crowd like yours, so it would be discouraging not to have you participate.
Mmm… Alright, I understand.
I thought everything would go well if I were to leave it to them, including whether or not they should participate in the event, but…
They really haven’t done anything so far…? I see… I wonder what’s wrong — do you know anything, Kanata?
Those three should be fine without us now, shouldn’t they?
mm~… chiaki, you should be more [aware] of your [importance] in their lives.
to those children, it is [as if] the [sun] has gone down.
it is possible they cannot see anything in that darkness and have [lost] their way. gosh, they are such troublesome [children].
i am worried. shall we check how they are [doing] after this?
…No, we don’t need to interfere just yet. There’s still some time before the Repayment Festival.
Let’s wait and see. I’m also going out of my mind with worry, but…
From now on, they have to walk on their own feet. They can’t be spoiled by us forever.
I know a hero’s role is to fearlessly rush over when your allies are in a predicament, but… From here on out, it’s going to be a little harder to do that, as well.
We just have to trust those guys and watch over them. It would be a different story if they were to ask for our help, but for now, we should do our best to leave them to their own devices.
“If we call for help, they’ll surely come rushing for us”—
If they’ve come to convince themselves as such, to the point where they no longer try to fight on their own, then they aren’t qualified to be heroes.
So this will be their first test. I want them to overcome it by themselves as much as possible.
fufufu, you say all that even though you want to rush to their aid as soon as possible…
but [nature] is a harsh world, yes? you will simply [starve] to [death] if you cannot catch [food] on your own.
I agree with you there. It’s quite vexing, isn’t it? I feel like I’m watching a baby stand up for the first time.
Repayment Festival is such a cruel DreamFes…♪
Erm, is fine going to be alright…? Although, the showdown we had the other day gave me the impression that things are going okay on your side.1
Yes, I appreciate your help on that one. There are no real problems on our side, I suppose. Our strength will be more than halved when Wataru and I leave, but…
Tori is growing up beautifully and powerfully.
On the other hand, Yuzuru is fully prepared to assist Tori.
I’m certain that my beloved fine will continue to be the brilliant dazzling sun at the top of Yumenosaki Academy in the next school year.
Rather, the one I’m actually worried about is Akatsuki. Say, Shinkai-kun — Kanzaki-kun is in the same club as you, right?
Did you know that he’s missing?
ah, yes. i came here to [ask] about that, actually. i thought the [temple guy] would know where souma is.
Oh, yes, since Keito is part of Akatsuki. …I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, but you call him by a strange name, don’t you?
i have had a [connection] with that [temple] from long back, after all~…
[god] and [buddha] have always had a bad relationship since a looong time ago.
Ahh, so that’s why you’re so harsh with Keito…
Regardless, I don’t think he knows where Kanzaki-kun is either. He caused a huge fuss this morning because he couldn’t get in touch with him.
i see~… there is something to worry about no matter [where] you [go]…
are the [children] of yumenosaki academy really going to be okay…?
Translation Notes
- ↑ Referring to Triumph of the Emperor.