Climax – Bystanders


Chapter Index

Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Translation Notes

Chapter 1

Location: At the Fountain

Huh~ So you’re gonna be some sorta multi-talented entertainer after graduation, Moricchi?

I’m not sure what to call it exactly, but I’m mainly going to be performing idol activities. Fortunately, there are a lot of people in the industry want to get in touch with me.

I’m going to be packed with work as soon as spring starts.

But I just can’t bring myself to abandon the dream I’ve had since I was young…

So I’d love to play the role of a hero in a tokusatsu show as well, and even appear in an educational program to inspire children.

Thanks to Tenshouin doing the best he can for me, I think I’ll have a good starting point.

Although, I’m not yet capable of expanding myself to accomplish so much, and on top of that, to succeed in every single thing I try.

It’ll be fine, won’t it? Hard work should be rewarded, right? If people like you can’t make their dreams come true—

If you can’t be happy, then people like me are screwed~♪

What’s that supposed to mean…? What are you going to do after graduation, Hakaze? Did you actually give it any thought?

Huh~? Sounds like you don’t have faith in me… I’m 100% gonna pursue an idol career. I already managed to convince my parents and brother about it.

My sister is fully supporting me, too.

Thing is though, my family is extremely practical~

They told me that if I don’t succeed even after putting in the effort, I should give up on being an idol once and for all.

And then, I should take over the Hakaze family business. I mean, I’m thankful that they have a backup plan prepared for me, but…

I didn’t really ask for their help… But maybe I feel this way ‘cause I’m in a rebellious phase of some sort…?

I was prepared to be disowned, but it just feels like I’m getting supervised instead…

Anyways, it’s kinda hard to do things on my own, so I’m hoping Sakuma-san could join me.

I asked him if he’s interested, so we’ll see what happens… It’s his life in the end. I can’t force him.

I see. Well, I’m sure you’ll be just fine. You’re so full of talent that I’m almost envious.

I mean, if you won’t become an idol, who else will? Good luck out there! If you’re ever in trouble, you can always count on me.

Ahaha, you sure act big, huh~? Well, as fellow graduates, let’s continue to support each other~

Speaking of which… You reminded me when you mentioned Sakuma — What do you think Kanata is going to do after graduation…?

Huh? Wait, you don’t know either? I haven’t heard from him, so I was a little worried…

I really thought he would’ve told you something.

And I thought that he would have told you all about it… You didn’t hear anything either? Really…?

I wonder if he’s going to be alright… He could just disappear without a trace the moment we graduate.

I can totally see that happening~. …Even though we’d be more than happy to help if he just talked to us.

Honestly… The word “distant” was made for Kanata.

…are you two [badmouthing] me~?

Whoa—!? You scared me! What’s the matter, Kanata? Why are you crouching down? Do you have a stomachache?

Ahh~… Since the inside of the fountain has been decorated for Repayment Festival, Kanata-kun can’t have his puka puka time, right?

That’s why he’s gazing at the water with an annoyed look on his face, with his hand touching the surface…♪

It’s still chilly out, so I don’t think you should be soaking in the water in the first place… Okay, Kanata? If you miss moisture, we can go to a nearby bathhouse together…♪

i do [not] like hot [water]~…

uuu~ how dare they do as they [like] to the [fountain] without my [permission]… this is unforgivable.

But the fountain belongs to the school. They don’t need your permission either way, do they?

…Hey, Kanata-kun~ Haven’t you told Moricchi about your household?

no, not really~ chiaki is chiaki in the end, so…

i do not think he would [treat] me any differently whether i explained it or not.

if that is the case, then i do not want to give him something so [heavy] to bear.

and if he already knows but is [pretending] not to, then i prefer to [respect] that [gentle lie].

Huh, I see… You cherish Moricchi a lot, don’t you? ♪

mm~… i am just protecting him, as he is still a little [child]. he cannot do anything without me.

That’s what I should be saying. I was talking with Hakaze earlier about this but — what do you plan to do in the future?

It’s already March, so I’d like to believe you’ve decided on a career path by now…

But if you haven’t, then until the little guys from Ryuseitai catch up with us—

How about you and I temporarily team up as a duo? Like Kamen Rider No.1 and No.2!

fufu. that is also a wonderful idea. i would have loved to do that…

it is all going to be okay, chiaki, kaoru. i also want to continue living on the [surface] with everyone, so…

i will make sure to get through somehow.

i will fight against my unreasonable [fate], and save my [world]. i am a hero too, after all.

You’re saying it all so vaguely… You just have to make it sound mysterious, huh?

fufufu. the [ends of the universe] and the [bottom of the ocean] are humankind’s last [frontiers], after all~…♪

You’re dodging the topic again… Call for me if you need help, Kanata. Whether it’s at the ends of the universe or at the bottom of the ocean, I’ll always come rushing to your side.

okaaay~ i will gladly call for you. i have not told you this before, but…

i have always been a [huge fan] of you, chiaki.

i will call for you even if i have no [reason] to, so… please come see me, okay? [promise] me, chiaki.

Chapter 2

Location: Cafe




Kanata-kun, your word choices are messed up. All you’ve been saying is despair, madness, kill… What are you, a villain?

eh~… then [king crab].

B-B-… Umm…? Wake up, my brain cells!

I already said “bed,” and I can’t say a hero’s name or anything else like that because nobody knows them but me!

Oh! Bedstead! How about “bedstead”!?


mm~…… then it is “d” again…? d-d-de~…?

Yeah, uh, why do I get the feeling you’ll say “death”…? Can we stop playing word chain? It’s really not that fun, and I just feel depressed now for some reason…

It’s mainly Kanata’s fault. What’s up, what’s wrong? You’ve been so gloomy the past few days! Cheer up! ☆

do not make a ruckus in the [cafe]…

i am a little concerned about what mr. [emperor] said. are the children really going to be alright?

we have not [heard] from souma, either… kaoru, did you learn anything?

Weeell… That kid seriously loathes me, soo~

I figured he can’t hate me any more than he already does. That’s why I tried calling him over and over again…

But he just yelled at me and said, “You’re so obnoxious!”, and blocked my number.

fufu, kaoru, you knew souma’s [phone number]~?

Yup, I excel at getting that kinda information out of people. …Anyway, that at least means that Souma-kun is alive and well, right?

Honestly, I’m more excited than worried.

I mean, he hasn’t explained what’s going to both you and Hasumi-kun — It really feels like the serious, good boy’s going through his very first rebellious phase~♪

I’m kinda concerned about my juniors in UNDEAD, though…

I feel like Sakuma-san’s bad side is coming out… Y’know, how he can be waaay too careful, and just ends up hitting a nerve instead.

ahh… rei can be like that sometimes.

Hm… Well, either way, we have no choice but to sit tight and see what happens. Repayment Festival is the debut stage for the underclassmen, and they shouldn’t perform it under training wheels.

While I am worried about the kids, we can’t interfere. We’ll just have to pass the time by chatting in a cafe, or something of the like.

It’s a frustrating but necessary process.

It’s time for the parents to let go, and for the children to be independent. It’s sad and distressing, but I believe it’s our responsibility to stay put.

Well, to tell you the truth, though — I feel like I’m about to explode, trying to hold back the urge to take care of my juniors…

chiaki, stop [tapping] your foot. don’t you know that’s shameful~?

You really are like a mom, Kanata-kun, aren’t you?

…Ah, sorry. Sakuma-san wants me to go see him for some reason, so I’m gonna head back to school.

okay~ what does rei [want]?

No clue. He sent me a message, but…

He sucks at using the phone keyboard, so his messages practically end up needing to be decoded, like this one — he said, “i went t talk bout dedmens”.

“Dedmens”… Ahh, I think he means “Deadmanz”. I haven’t heard that name in a while. Why’s he bringing it up now, after so long…?

Oh well, the only way to find out is to ask him. See you two later then! Thanks for spending time with me, bye bye~♪

Mhm! Farewell, Hakaze! Until we meet again…☆

Heheh… Hakaze seems a little different. He looks like he’s shining these days.

kaoru has always been [sparkling].


Taichou-dono! Shinkai-dono…!

Sengoku? Why do you look so pale…? Did something happen!?

actually, shinobu… how did you know we were in this [cafe]?

is it because you are a [ninja]? it is, isn’t it? fufufu…♪

No, I just happened to see you two through the windo—… Ah, no, I mean — Yes, of course it is because I’m a ninja!

Heh! Ninjas are professionals in espionage! ♪

Sengoku, tell us why you’re here. You don’t seem like your usual self.

Don’t I tell you this all the time? Calm down. Don’t worry, it’s all going to be okay.

U-Uuu~! (sobs) Taichou-dono, Shinkai-dono! I beg of you, from the bottom of my heart…!

Whoa—!? Stop, Sengoku! Don’t kneel on the ground in a public area!

um, shinobu… are you alright? are you crying…?

please don’t cry… everything will be okay, you are a good boy, okay~?

Uuu~… I am not a good boy at all… What I did with the best of my intentions has triggered a catastrophe!

T-Tetora-kun and Midori-kun are fighting! No matter what Anzu-dono or I say, they won’t listen…!

I can’t do anything on my own! I’m too weak! I don’t have the capability to stop them from fighting! So, please, please…! I need your help! This is the only favor I’ll ever ask from you!

Translation Notes

  1. In Japanese, the word for “distant” is mizu-kusai, lit. “watery”.
  2. The word used here, okochama, typically means “mentally like a child”. It's the baby-talk version of the word okosama.
  3. Referring to the first Kamen Rider series, where the first rider was called Kamen Rider ichi-go (No.1), and the second Kamen Rider ni-go (No.2).
  4. In Japanese, they're playing shiritori. It goes: Chiaki → seigi (justice), Kaoru → gingamu chekku (gingham check), Kanata → kutsuu (pain), kurione (clione), Chiaki → neko (cat), neko jarashi (cat teaser), Kaoru → shishi-odoshi, Kanata → shi (which can mean “death”). Since Kaoru's word choices were uncommon, Chiaki's were basic, and Kanata's were negative, I tried to make it similar in the English version.
  5. Originally, Kaoru says that Rei's bad at kanji conversion (tapping on the kanji/katakana you want to use when typing on the keyboard), which leads to Rei converting all the characters incorrectly in the message, like so: でど万ズの子とで話がアル (it should be デッドマンズのことで話がある)