Climax – He Won't Cry
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Basketball Court

Ta~kamin? Why’re you so spaced out? You tired?
Then again, you’re always like that! Ahahahaha! ☆
…Heyy~? At least answer me! Let’s communicate with each other!
Fwah? Ohh, sorry, Akehoshi-senpai… I’m always up early, so I get sleepy by this hour…
Oh~? Are you a li’l kid or something? Ahaha! ☆
I get up early in the morning too, ‘cause I have to walk Daikichi! We’re the same, huh? Isn’t it so nice to share something in common?1 ♪
Hah… Umm, well, my family owns a greengrocer store, so… They always make me help out every morning with preparation, like lining up the vegetables for sale…
Even when I stay asleep, they just force me to wake up… Though I can’t sleep much either way ‘cause of all the noise downstairs…
We live in the shopping district, so it’s really lively in the morning…
Oh yeah~ You help out at home, huh? That’s amazing! Lemme praise you! Theeere, there, there~♪
Please don’t pat my head… You’re as insanely touchy-feely as that, aren’t you…?
You’re both so similar, it’s almost like you’re brothers…
As touchy-feely as “that”…? Ohh, do you mean Chi~chan-senpai? Aww come on, no need to say something so vomit-inducing as that, y’know! ☆
I didn’t go that far!?
Ahaha. Sometimes I do wish I could be more like Chi~chan-senpai, though. But there’s just no way I could get along with anyone and everyone the same way he does.
I know, right… I mean, he doesn’t even mind connecting with people who don’t really fit in, like you and me…
He’s basically kind to just about anyone, isn’t he…
Whoa, you just grouped us together, didn’t you? Into the “zero friends” group! You little rascal~! Don’t lump me with you~!
Ehhh…? First you say you’re glad we share something, now you’re annoyed we do…?
I don’t get you… What did you want, anyway…?
I doubt you have any interest in me… I know we’re in the same club, but we haven’t really ever talked to each other, have we…?
Mm~… That’s ‘cause ever since you came to school, Chi~chan-senpai’s only had his eyes on you, soo~
Maaaybe I’m a little jealous or something…♪
Huh…? What does that mea—
Akehoshi! Takamine! What’s up, what’re you guys up to!? Are you sitting around and having a nice chat!? Sounds fun! Make some space for me! ☆
Gah!? Hey, watch it…! Please don’t jump on me out of nowhere — You almost broke my spine…
Yeah! We’re used to it by now, but you’d get arrested if you hugged a stranger out of nowhere, y’know?
Officer~! This man is a pervert!

Heh! ♪ It’s still a little chilly, so you’ll start to feel cold if you don’t move around!
That’s why your senior decided to be considerate and share his warmth with you through a hug! Squeeze, squeeze~☆
Actually, it’s freezing cold… A farewell party’s fine and all, but why’re we having it outside…?
I feel like it would’ve been better if we had it in a restaurant, or at least inside the gym with the heater on…
Basketball courts are small anyway, so it’s really crowded and suffocating with this many people around…
What’s that? You’re in pain, Takamine!? Alright then, let me perform the lifesaving technique I learned from Kanata! I’ll give you oxygen through mouth-to-mouth…☆
Gaahh!? Get your face away from me, you weirdo! I’ll seriously call the police…!
You haven’t been drinking or anything, have you, Chi~chan-senpai?
Nope! I’m underage! I think I’m just getting a little too excited!
Ahh, I can’t control myself! I feel like hugging and kissing every single person I see!
You better cut it out soon, or I’ll tie you up with rope…
Oh, that sounds like the perfect hero crisis! I’m intrigued! But I’d rather you refrain from doing that for now!
For you see, as a final parting, we’re having a match between the graduates and underclassmen!
We’re on a basketball court, after all! Doing nothing but eating snacks and chatting would be a little too sad, right?
This is the Basketball Club’s farewell party, so let’s play basketball!
Fuhaha! You guys should also change into your uniforms and join us! Let’s have a final showdown! Come on now, let me feel your growth firsthand…☆
Mm~… Sounds tiring, so I’ll pass…
I’m annoyed enough that you dragged me here when I’m not even the type to go to parties…
Oh, sure. I’m in!
Heh… I’m gonna give you a good beating as payback for everything you put me through the past two years… Chi~chan-senpai~♪
Ooh, I’m excited to see you try! I won’t be beaten by a fledgling so easily, Akehoshi! ♪
You should join us, Takamine. I’d be happy if you could at least cheer me on.
This might be the last time you see me in a basketball uniform in all my glory, y’know? Make sure you burn it straight into your very eyes! Fuhahaha! ☆
Ehhh… I feel like if that was burned into my retinas, I’d never be able to get a good night’s sleep again…
Chapter 2
Location: Corridor

(Ugh, it’s already dark outside…)
(Our farewell party ended up going on for a really long time…)
(Ahh, I’m so sleepy… I just wanna go home and melt into my bed…)
(Uuu~ It’s so dark… The school at night feels way too creepy…)
(But since Morisawa-senpai dragged me over to the farewell party—)
(I ended up leaving my bag in the classroom, so I have to go back and get it…)
(But man… I’m seriously so tired…)
(I don’t even like wild parties in the first place… and I still got forced into playing a bunch of matches…)
(Basketball is, well… I mean, it’s kinda starting to be fun for me, but… I prefer not to move around so much…)
(It’s tiring… I feel exhausted just watching people play…)
(As tiring as it is to have so many people in the club, it ended up being in my favor this time, ‘cause I barely got a chance to do anything…)
(Everyone wanted to have a final match with Morisawa-senpai, I guess…)
(All the underclassmen are fond of him, after all… The only ones who rebelled were me and Akehoshi-senpai…)
(Maybe I should’ve been a little nicer to him before everything was over…)
(But I dunno, even that feels waaay too late… I should leave that to the juniors who always acted in that “I love Morisawa-senpai! ♪” way…)
(Especially since it was kinda like I was always keeping “everyone’s Morisawa-senpai” to myself… )
(Considering we share the same club and unit, and all… Man, why did he get so involved with me, anyway…?)
(Meh, anyway… I was expecting something way more sad for the farewell party, but…)
(It was just a ridiculously cheerful atmosphere from start to end…)
(Morisawa-senpai was also laughing the whole time…)
(I thought he was gonna make us all cry with a big speech retelling our past memories or something…)
(But in the end, nobody shed a single tear — everyone was just laughing until their whole bodies hurt… It didn’t really feel satisfying somehow…)
(Well, it’s not like we’re parting by death or anything, so I guess this is how it goes…?)
(Hmm…? Wait, huh? The lights are on in the gym…?)
(Is the club having some kind of after-party…? I bet they still don’t wanna part ways… Man, they’re so energetic…)
(Wait, no, it’s too quiet for that… Weird, did they just forget to turn off the lights…?)
(Uuu~ It’s so hard for me to shake off these kinda thoughts… Maybe I’ll grab my bag quickly, and then take a quick look on my way home…)
(And anyway, if there really is someone from the club around, I’d like them to go home with me… I’m too scared to walk alone at night…)
Location: Gym

(Mm… Huh…? There’s nobody here…)
(Then why’re the lights on…? Did they really just forget to turn them off…?)
(What a waste of electricity… Let’s see, where was the light switch in the gym…?)
(I think I touched it a few times during my basketball activities…)
(…Eep!? Huh!? Morisawa-senpai!?)
(W-Why’s he just standing in the corner, all spaced out…? I almost let out a weird sound ‘cause I thought I saw a ghost…)
(Huh…? Is Morisawa-senpai… crying…?)
(His shoulders are shaking… and I can hear muffled sobs, too… Huh? What’s going on…?)
(Why’s he crying all alone in the gym in the middle of the night…?)
(Ahhh… I feel like I saw something I shouldn’t have… I-I gotta leave before he notices me…)
(I don’t want him pestering me like he usually does…)
(It’s not very heroic of me to leave someone crying all alone, though…)
(Wait, no… I may be a member of Ryuseitai, but I don’t recall ever becoming a hero…)
(And since he always wants to look cool for some reason, I don’t think he’d want anyone to see him crying anyway…)

(What’s wrong?)
(You’re always smiling and laughing, while yelling about stuff that makes no sense… You’re over-enthusiastic and constantly bothering everyone with everything you do, aren’t you…?)
(It’s not like you to sob like that… You know that, right, Senpai?)
Chapter 3
…Hmm? Woah—! That surprised me!!
So it was you, Takamine! What’s up, what’s wrong!? Are you on your way home?
You shouldn’t stay around for so long, y’know! Go back home, brush your teeth, and go to bed!
Ah—… Um, no, I just left my bag in the classroom, so…
(Huh…? I guess Morisawa-senpai wasn’t crying after all…?)
(He’s got that usual dumb-looking smile on his face… Ah wait, but there’s traces of tears around his eyes…)
(Did he just stop himself from crying and force a smile in the short time he noticed me and turned around…?)
(You’re always like this.)
What’s the matter? You don’t seem well! Are you sleepy? Sorry for keeping you up late for the farewell party!
Ah, I remember now! Weren’t you always too scared to walk alone at night? Alrighty then, let me take you back home!
Wait for me, I’ll be ready soon!
Heh! ♪ Just to let you know, I was cleaning the gym as thanks for all the wonderful memories it gave me the past three years!
Showing our gratitude is important, Takamine! Both as a hero and an idol!
……Is everything alright?
Hm? Is what alright? I don’t know what you’re referring to, but worry not, Takamine! My engines are always at full throttle for the sake of protecting the peace of the world!
Fuhahaha…!! ☆
…I see.
(Ahh… I wonder why I feel this way…? Morisawa-senpai hasn’t even done anything wrong…)
(But seeing that smile of his irritates me to no end for some reason…)
(Morisawa-senpai, why’re you smiling…? You, who loves everyone and is loved by everyone in return… How can you even be smiling right now…?)
(Graduation is supposed to be something upsetting, so agonizingly lonely and sad…)
(Yet… Are you really gonna try and look cool while parting ways, until the very end…?)
(No… Even before all of this, you’ve always been—…)
Takamine? Heeey, really, what’s wrong? You look like you’re feeling down…? You’re a handsome guy, so seeing you all silent and blank-faced is terrifying!
No, not really… I’m just a little tired, sleepy, and irritated…
Location: Basketball Court

Heeey, Subaru! (waves) I’m guessing the farewell party’s over by now?
Sorry! I really wanted to join, but I had a ton of Student Council work to do~!
You know how the Repayment Festival is in two weeks? And how unit activities’ll mainly be done by the second-year students starting with that festival, yeah?
Since everyone’s so new to this, there’s been a lotta trouble, and I’ve been busy dealing with it.
And to top it off, both the president and vice president are seriously thorough when it comes to these things…
So now I’ve been handed over all the tasks, and have been entrusted with full authority. They won’t even give me any advice!
It’s like, completely up to us underclassmen now. I feel like we have a very bleak future ahead of us at this rate, but I’d like to adapt to it somehow as soon as possible.
Ahaha, wow, Sally~ It’s not every day I see you complain, huh?
Lemme vent a little~ I have to act like the big guy now, as the next Student Council President…
So I’m always presenting myself as a proper leader and stuff when I’m at the Student Council office.
If the boss complains, the subordinates are just gonna get anxious, right?
So, I’ve been holding it back and working through everything as fast as I can, but I guess a lotta those worries started building up inside me.
Ohh~ Seems rough for you. There, there, let me pat your head~♪
Ahaha, it sounds busy at the Student Council, too. Good work out there!
Trickstar’s a unit of only second-year students, so nothing’s really changed for us. It’s pretty peaceful actually.
But the other units are bustling with stuff they need to get done, huh?
Like, I wonder what Ryuseitai’s gonna do, since they won’t be able to say their signature line, “The five of us together~” anymore.
And like, today… From what I could tell, Chi~chan-senpai and Takamin were both acting a little off.
So since I was kinda worried, I tried my best to talk to them, but…
I’m just not good at that sorta stuff. I’m impressed that Chi~chan-senpai can do it so easily. And you too, Sally~♪
Haha, it’s fun taking care of people. At the same time though, the more attached you get, the harder it is to say goodbye.
It gets unbearably gloomy around this time, and it sucks.
Yeah. But well, we can’t stop the clock, can we… The least we can do is part ways properly—
And to say goodbye with a smile, so that our seniors won’t have any regrets when they leave.
It’s pretty hard to do it right, though~ Takamin is terrible at smiling, for one thing.
On the other hand, Chi~chan-senpai’s smiling a lot more than he used to last year. …Aren’t those two kiiinda similar?
Really? I personally think they’re the exact opposite… What kinda world do you have to be in to perceive it that way~?
Well anyways, it’s pretty late by now, so let’s go home.
We were supposed to hand gifts to our seniors in the club today… Since we promised we’d buy them together.
But I’ve been so busy that even that got delayed… I feel really bad.
It’s fine, really! As long as we make it before they graduate.
This wouldn’t have been the right timing for emotional graduation gifts anyway…
It was pretty much the usual fooling around we do in the club… It’s almost hard to believe that even that will no longer be the usual for us soon.
Hey Sally~, graduation really does suck… Even I have to push myself to smile all the time.
Translation Notes
- ↑ “I’m so happy/It’s so nice to share something in common” is a typical phrase Chiaki says to others.