Sweet Halloween – dis harmony
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Classroom 1-A

G’morning… What’s wrong, Mashiro-kun…? You’re sighing…
I know exactly how you feel… It hurts, doesn’t it? Even just breathing is horrible and tiring, isn’t it? It’s exactly the same for me…♪
You know, medicine could cure the cold in your heart if you're still in the early stages…♪
Huh? No, no, I don't have a cold of any kind, don’t make it sound like we’re the same!
It’s just… I ended up fighting with Hajime.
Oh… That’s weird, I thought you two were super close…
You were always peacefully talking and laughing with each other no matter what…
Seeing you guys like that had always been a soothing part of this school for me… So try your best not to fight, okay? When people and stuff are looking tense around me, I start to feel depressed, as well…
Uu~… It’s not like I fought with him 'cause I wanted to… This is the first time this has happened, and I dunno what to do…
Hmm… You guys have been close friends since junior high, right…?
You’ve known each other for so long, it’s actually weirder that you hadn’t fought before…
Personally, I’d immediately stop talking with anyone I can't get along with…
I can’t deal with arguments or fights, so I’d run away as soon as things get sour…
Like, I don’t even talk to any friend from junior high anymore…
That’s why I always thought you two had it pretty lucky… I'm kinda jealous…
You should make up with him as soon as possible… It’s pretty hard to find a lifelong friend like him…
Ughh… Lifelong friends, huh… Yeah, I also felt like we’d be together just like we’ve always been, forever and ever…
Even after we graduate, then become adults, and then grow old… I thought we’d always be together.
But it’s not like we signed a contract or something. It’s not something that’s guaranteed.
I’m so dumb… I was so naïve, and I ended up upsetting Hajime.
I thought we would always feel the same way about things…
That’s why I thought that if I didn’t agree to it, Hajime would immediately accept that.
But, for some reason, he was really stubborn about it this time…
I whined that I didn’t wanna do it, but out of nowhere, he shouted at me that I can’t get away with saying that this time…
I was in such complete shock that I went silent… then Hajime went pale like he was in shock by his own reaction, and immediately apologized…
I was still overwhelmed that I got angry at him anyway, and shouted “Don’t just apologize!”
He started to tear up, and our argument just got worse from there.
We were wailing and bawling at each other until Mitsuru and Nii~chan noticed we were acting weird and stopped us…
Ugh… It’s such a childish fight…
And it’s still ongoing… Time’s just passing by, and we haven’t resolved anything between us.
I feel like my head’s gonna burst from all this self-loathing and frustration…
But! I really don’t wanna! I don’t wanna cross-dress ever again…!
Huh…? Uhh, what…? Sorry, I completely lost track of where this was going…
Cross-dress…? Um, what were you two arguing over…?
Morning! Wazzup! ☆
Oooh? Midori-kun, talking to a classmate that’s not me? You don’t see that every day.
Morning, Tetora-kun…
Mashiro-kun’s easy to talk to, since he’s pretty much harmless… I can relax knowing he won’t bite me even if I get close…
What even… No normal human being bites you even if you get close to them, alright?
G-Good morning.
…Ah— M-Morning.
Ahh, g’morning, Shino-kun… Did you come to class with Tetora-kun…?
Y-Yes. I met him at the school gate. It would have been weird if we tried to go to class separately, so we chatted and came here together.
Wow, you’re too good at socializing… I would’ve definitely run away from that situation if it were me…
Uh, but…? Isn’t it natural to group up with a classmate when you see them? That seems like the normal thing to do.
D-Don’t you think so, Tomoya-kun?
Uh… Um, I’m not some kind of expert on what’s normal, y'know…
Ah— Uuu…? I-I wasn’t trying to tease you or anything…
…? You two’re acting kinda awkward. What’s wrong? Did you guys fight or somethin’?
Well… I bet you two would make up pretty much immediately.
It’d be nice if you could do that as soon as possible, though. We’d also be in big trouble if things turned so sour for Ra*bits that they split up.
Mm…? What do you mean…?
Ah, you still dunno, right? I happened to meet Taichou on my way here, so he told me 'bout it.
In two weeks, we’re gonna have the Halloween Party—
And it sounds like we’re gonna participate in it together with Ra*bits and another unit.
So we’re all in the same boat together this time~♪
Chapter 2
Location: At the Fountain

puka, puka…♪
mm~… the season really is getting [colder]… even just a little [dip] in the [water] is cold…
i [miss] summer… i wish [global warming] would happen already.
if that were to happen, the [ice] in the [north pole] and in the [south pole] would melt…
and the whole world would be [submerged] in water… and then there would be [ocean] wherever you look~♪
Shinkai-donoo~? Please stop saying terrifying statements, and withdraw yourself from the fountain!
Come on out, the meeting will start very soon~!
I heard that we will be grouping up with other units this time, you know? Everyone would tease you if you were to arrive late!
You are a third year — a senior! Be a little more sensible please!
ufufu. shinobu, you have started saying things like that now~ [lately], it feels like you are [assertive] to me, as well~♪
Well, I mean… After going through half a year with you, I would obviously become more acquainted with you, no?
I am the type of ninja who becomes pushy and assertive towards close comrades I feel comfortable with.
i am a [close comrade] to you~? fufu, if that is how you [feel] about me… then i am very [happy].
i will stay here a little longer~ to [show] how happy i am~ puka, puka~♪
Wffhg!? Bffppt — A bit of water splashed into my mouth!
Shinkai-dono, pleaaase~! Don't splash around like a little child! Get out of there already~!

Hahaha! How peaceful! You’re getting along with a junior — I didn’t expect that! How fortunate for youuu, Kanata-san~♪
uueeh… rogue, i have told you before not to come near the [fountain].
the [running grounds] is your territory [ground], and the [fountain] is my territorial [sea].
I don’t remember eeever agreeing to something like that, though? If I couldn’t come over to this side, I wouldn’t be able to reach the shoe rack ooor the school gate! I wouldn’t be able to go home!
then take a [detour] and go all the way around to avoid the [fountain].
anyway, you would not get [injured] even if you were [barefoot], so you would not need to go all the way around just to change your [shoes].
…? This has always been strange about you two, but Shinkai-dono acts very harshly towards Mikejima-dono…
I do not think you should hate him so much… He is actually much kinder than you would think.
care to explain when exactly you lured [my child] to your side, rogue?
Hahaha, if he’s a kid from Ryuseitai, then he’s my kid too, right?
Juuust kidding, I could never say that for real…… For some strange reason, Shinobu-san isn’t terrified of me and adooores me instead. I can’t help but be happy about it.
Sooo I end up spoiling him… Well, okay, I end up doting on him.
Nihihi, Mikejima-dono gives me ninja merchandise as a souvenir from his work overseas!
I heard that lately, ninjas are getting attention overseas due to appearances in American comic books and stuff~♪
Look, look! “Once upon a time, there was a group of ninjas who survived Nobunaga Oda’s oppression, and they travelled across continents, changing and evolving”—
—Is the backstory of a ninja from Kentucky, and this is his colorful shuriken~☆
you are [fine] with just about [anything] when it is [ninja]-related, aren’t you, shinobu…
it is [good] to have something you [love], but… you have no [standards].
Heh, ninjas are not that popular no matter where you go, so I must take whatever I can get and enjoy it to its fullest, or else I would starve to death.
Besides, I can grow to love almost anything as long as it is ninja-related~
Chapter 3

Slaaam! ☆
Owaah!? Heeey, you shouldn’t crash into people from behind, Mitsuru-san! You might hurt someone, okaaay?
Hmph~! I’m annoyed that I couldn’t keep up with you one bit! You weren’t even taking it seriously!
So I’m gonna vent all my frustrations! Wham, slaaam~!! ☆
Hahaha, this is a preeetty nice massage.
…I think you’re the one who’s gonna get hurt from this; your neck’s gonna get cramped. Don’t keep bashing into me like that, alriiight?
Baaam! Ba-ba-boom!!
You neeever listen to people… It’s easier to stop you myself.
…Hup! Upsie daisy, up you gooooo~! ♪
Wawa—!? You won’t make me happy with this~! I’m not that much of a kid!
I’m as much of an athlete as you! I’ll prove it with another showdown, c’mon! ♪
There’s a meeting coming up pretty soon, remember? I’m gonna keep carrying you like this, so let’s go there together, alriiight? We can have a showdown next time.
Uuu~! That’s what you say now, but you’re just gonna go overseas and you won’t be back for forever!
Ahhh, I’m sorry about that…
There there, Mitsuru-san~ Cheer up~♪
Umm… So you are on good terms with Tenma-kun, Mikejima-dono? Oh yeah, is it because you are both in the Track & Field Club…?
We’re not on good terms at all! He’s my rival in speed!
Sometimes we have a race against the clock around the school!
I still haven’t won a single time! Ughh, it’s so annoying!!
But I feel like he’s starting to get more serious about it, and that makes me happy! And now I’m getting all pumped up~! I’m gonna run around one more time!!
I just told you we have a meeting coming up…
We still had a biiit of time before it started, so I went along with your showdown… But there’s not much time left anymore, and we stiiill have to change back into our school uniforms.
Maaaybe it’s best if we get our stuff from the clubroom and leave the changing for after the meeting…
Uh, we’re gonna have it at the… basketball court fooor some reason…?
Ahh, yes, it seems that it was a very sudden meeting, so there was not enough time to rent a practice room for it.
Although… You make it sound like you are going to be participating in the same meeting as us, Mikejima-dono. Is that correct?
Yeeep! Didn’t you hear? Ryuseitai, Ra*bits, and MaM are gonna participate in the Halloween Party together~♪
It seems that we’re aaall gonna be there together today… If we have some extra time afterwards, we can start practicing riiight after.
Ahhh… Although you work solo, it is still treated as a “unit” activity under the name of MaM…
Is it not lonely to work alone?
It can be, buuut, y’know… A lot’s happened… Plus, I’m surrounded by the audience whenever I’m on stage, so I’m able to forget that loneliness.
Aaanyway, you guys are gonna be at the meeting too, so let’s all go there together.
Although, you need to dry up first, Kanata-san. I can lend you a towel if you come with us to the clubroom~
mm… we are going to work [with] the rogue? it feels like it will only be a ruckus.
well… i suppose that lately i do not [dislike] things being [rowdy], anyway.
three [units] together… that is a pretty large amount of [people]. hmm, will we really be able to work well together…?
Chapter 4
Location: Basketball Court

Heeey, Chiaki-chin~♪ I made enough copies of the printout for everyone~
What’s with the grave look? Is something wrong?
It’s not like you to make such a grim face! C’mon, cheer up~♪
O-Ooh!? You surprised me! Sorry, sorry! I was deep in thought and couldn’t respond in time!
Anyway, so you brought the copies? Thank you! Let me file them in so they don’t fly off, since we’re outside!
I’ve already got a folder right here that we can use! I don’t want to make you carry it, though — It’s pretty heavy, and you’re delicate!
So, please hand me each paper one by one and I’ll file them in.
Okay… Feels like our roles are all over the place… It should be our juniors doing this stuff.
But it doesn’t look like they’re here yet, huh?
Yeah. Looks like it’s only us third years who got out of class early.
We’re more or less just here for exam preparations, so our classes are lessening each day.
They told us that once we reach around the time for graduation, they’ll barely hold classes anymore and we can just come to school whenever we feel like it.
Mmm… I really don’t want to think about graduation right now…
Anyway, I wanted to ask you something, Nito. You’re in the same class as Kanata, right? Do you know where he could be?
He wasn’t in class today. The Three Eccentrics barely show up to class…
But Rei-chin came to class in the afternoon, and said he was in school today.
I see. It’s really hard to get in contact with him… I asked Sengoku to check the fountain before coming here, just in case.
Oh yeah, and my classmate Mikejima-san said he’s coming over after a quick run.
It seems like he always has to use up some of his energy, or he won’t be able to sit still for the day.
Gotcha. Madara-chin’s got way too much energy in him, huh…
He’s reliable, but I haven’t really worked with him when he’s MaM, so I’m kinda worried ‘cause I have no idea what to expect.
Oh, I don’t think you’ll have to worry.
When he’s going by “Mikejima Madara,” he pretty much does as he likes, but when he’s “MaM,” he follows the rules. Basically, he does listen to other people.
I don’t really get where the difference lies… Either way, he’s alone.
So in the end, it’s about whether he’s prioritizing personal affairs or business objectives?
You could say that. ……Alright, I filed everything in the right place.
You know, there’s way less documents than I thought there’d be… I think Anzu made this, though…
The details are written as simple as possible. It just shows that she’s been getting better at being a producer.
Yeah. Well, actually, it’s also likely because nothing’s been completely decided on yet.
There was the S1 in spring, then Tanabata Festival, and now Halloween Party… As the seasons go by, the scale and amount of participants for S1 events both continue to increase.
It’s likely getting harder for her to manage everything on her own.
I think the Student Council and the teachers are helping her out as much as they can, but her responsibilities are increasing either way.
I’m worried that she might reach her limit… If she really does crash down from this, everything else will crash down along with her.
Then we’ve just got to help her out as much as we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.
After all, for Halloween Party, we’re all gathering here so that we can go through step-by-step what we'd need to prepare together.
This was honestly a godsend for us.
The kids in Ra*bits have clearly been growing up well, and they’ve been doing all kinds of things… But our unit funds haven’t been enough for anything else.
But this time around, we can make up for it by working hard on preparations.
So thankfully, we can be on the same level as other units, even without any funds.
Oh yeah, Shino-kun and I were helping out with the preparations yesterday, and he told me about it.
That’s when we decided that we’d join our three units and work on preparations together.
Originally, it was only Mikejima-san who was supposed to participate in the event like that.
He was probably already planning on helping out with Anzu’s responsibilities, since he’s always loved doing preparations for festivals anyway.
Anyway, all we can do in place of providing funds is to work hard in helping out and preparing things.
The amount and scale of the work that we do has been increasing for Ryuseitai, leaving us pretty low on funds, so this is perfect for us, as well.
Even a veteran unit like Ryuseitai is going through this? Well, you guys do a lot of work for no profit, so I suppose it makes sense for that to happen.
Heheh, yep, we mostly do volunteer work.
Also, lately, Yumenosaki has been bustling with activity, but I feel like a problem is rising because of it.
For official DreamFes, we have an S1 event every season, and an S2 event every month…
But that alone isn’t enough for everyone.
That’s why units who want to do more work have no choice but to join unauthorized live shows — The B1 events — but they’re unofficial, so the Student Council won’t fund them.
Well, we should probably be glad that they tolerate the idea of unofficial events instead of completely ridding of them…
But those units have to keep using their own money on the show and its business.
Yeah, it’s possible to make some profit off of selling goods and merchandise, but the actual live show is free.
And to even make that kind of stuff, you need people and money.
Money, money, money… It’s always about money. I’m tired of it.
I know that being an idol is work too, and we’re living in an age of capitalism, but sometimes I wish we could just do all of this through the sheer force of our hopes and dreams.
Ahaha, the most us seniors can do is to make sure to deal with these frustrating bits of life so that the children can continue dreaming and hoping.
That’s true… Ahh man… Living a normal life is tough.
Chapter 5
Everyooone, here’s your tea~♪
I thought it might get cold while we’re outside, so I poured some hot tea in the flask beforehand.
There’s also tea cakes, so please take whatever you like~♪
Thanks, this was really nice of you to do. Just as you’d expect from the Tea Club~♪
Ehehe, my seniors in the club were just done with their work for the day, so I asked them to help me prepare the tea.
Yumenosaki is full of such good people…♪
Ahaha, anyone is a good person to you, Hajime-chin.
Committee Chairman-dono~ I am the one who baked this confectionary!
I spotted them making tea after passing by the Track & Field Club’s room, so I assisted them!
Look closely! It is confectionary in the shape of a shuriken~♪
I have been cooking with Kanzaki-dono and Anzu-dono lately, so I am getting a lot better if I do say so myself!
This is a shuriken? It’s gotten a little squished up; I thought it was a flower.
Hey, wait… Shinobun, we’re not doing any broadcasting stuff right now, so don’t call me “Committee Chairman-dono.”
Very well. I did not expect you to be particular about these things, Nito-dono.
Alright, everyone! Your attention please! I apologize for interrupting your chattering, but I’d like to start the meeting by now! Is this alright for you, Mikejima-san?
Why're you asking me…? Ryuseitai is the biggest in terms of the units here, and you’re its leader, sooo… It’s best if you lead this meeting.
Yep, that’s what I think, too.
If Anzu was here, she’d probably do the leading since she’s the producer, but… I doubt we could make her do everything for us.
So whenever she’s not around, please be the one to lead us around, Chiaki-chin.
Hajime-chin, Tomo-chin, Mitsuru-chin… Are all of Ra*bits alright with that, too?
Yes, I have no problems with it.
Yeah, me too. Personally, I adjust to things better when Nii~chan’s leading us, but it’s alright.
Ra*bits has been led by other units many times before.
Mmm~… It’s so annoying that we’re always being carried around by other people! We’re awesome, too!
But if Nii~chan is okay with it, then I guess I’ll go along with it, too…
Heheh. Yeah, I do hope we'll have the spotlight all for ourselves someday.
MaM is aaall in this, too! Hahaha, calling out our unit names one by one makes it feel like we’re in some strategy meeting! This is fun~♪
Oh, okay… Uuu~… Alright, I’m only a novice, but I’ll do it.
…? chiaki, you do not seem [up] for this… actually, you do not look so [energetic]; are you alright?
Oh, c’mon~! Please get a hold of yourself, Taichou!
This is a meeting of three units; you gotta be even more pumped up than usual! It can easily get chaotic with this many people, y'know!
You seem down lately, Morisawa-senpai… What’s wrong…? I mean, usually it’s depression with me, but it can’t be something like that with you, right…?
Now that you mention it, Taichou-dono does seem quieter than usual…
If your stomach hurts, then allow me to try out my sacred ninja medicine~♪
Eugh… Don’t pull that out, Sengoku-kun… I can’t stand the smell…
Ah, I have air fresheners. There’s one with a nice odor, one that’s odorless…
I even have an odor neutralizer perfumers use~♪
You’ve always got a lot of useful stuff with you, Shino-kun… You’re like Doraemon…♪
Ah, um~! I am still going to do this, so please don’t start chatting to each other!
Hahaha, I saw it coming, but things really are getting rowdy.
Yeah… I’m sorry, Mikejima-san. I can’t lead everyone properly…
This was meant to be only your job at first, so I’d feel really bad if we ended up causing you any problems.
Problems? Not at aaall. I mean, I was only helping Anzu-san by barging in on her work.
I’m always doing things alone, so I’m actually reaaally happy with how lively things are right now.
Plus, we’re Ra*bits, Ryuseitai, and MaM. None of us have aaanything against each other, and we all get along peacefully.
We’ll succeed as long as we do it as we normally would. You don’t have to stress out over it, just enjoy yourself.
Uuu… But depending on the time and situation, doing things “normally” can be the hardest task…
…What’re you looking at me for? Don’t look at me every time the word “normal” pops up.
T-That isn’t why I—… You’re overthinking it, Tomoya-kun…
I was looking around at everyone to see if anyone wanted a refill. I wasn’t only looking at you…
…? Hajime-chan, I want a refill! I ran a lot just a minute ago, so I’m really thirsty!
Okaaay~ You may end up needing the toilet if you drink it too quickly, so please take your time with your tea, okay?
(Mmm… Hajime-chin and Tomo-chin are still acting awkward around each other…)
(I thought that things between them would go back to normal after a while, since it’s those two we’re talking about, but I guess not…)
(We've got something as big as the Halloween Party coming up, so…)
(Maybe I should get myself involved instead of just waiting to see how things turn out…)
(But I’m not sure what to do… I’m not used to this kinda stuff…)
(If it was Mitsuru-chin acting this way, I’d be able to easily figure out the problem and come up with a solution…)
(But I don’t have a single clue as to why Hajime-chin and Tomo-chin are fighting… Just what happened? They’ve always been such good kids, too…)
Chapter 6
(Cough)… Ahem, as I was saying, I hope that we can count on each other for this event.
Hopefully, we’ll be able to get through a grand event like Halloween Party with everyone’s cooperation.
It would make me happy if everyone put all their energy and effort into this. Don't hesitate to tell me if you have any problems.
Everything you need to know is in this folder right here.
I recommend going through it as a reference, but for now, I’ll give a quick rundown.
Halloween Party is an S1 event. An S1 event is a large-scale DreamFes that’s open to the public and happens every season.
This is a big event, just like Tanabata Festival — The one we did in the summer.
Tanabata Festival~!? That was suuuper duper fun! I felt like I could reach the stars with all the bouncing we did on stage~! ☆
Yeah, and it was also extremely exhausting 'cause of all the trouble you put me through… You always just remember the good parts, don’t you…
…? What’s wrong with that?
I’m gonna do my super duper best in Halloween Party for all the trouble I caused in Tanabata Festival! Guts, guts~! ☆
Heheh, you’re so positive about it, Mitsuru-kun. I should really learn from you~
Yeah, the scale has grown even larger than Tanabata Festival, so it’d be perfect if you could perform even better than you did back then.
Actually… Anzu is adjusting the event to prevent some of the mistakes that happened during Tanabata Festival.
I think this is due to Anzu’s S1 events having their own unique kind of system, but…
It seems that in Tanabata Festival, the audience didn’t completely grasp the rules, and were mostly confused about what to do.
So this time around, they’re doing a lot of advertising early on, and making sure the rules are as well-understood as possible.
2wink is well-known in downtown, so they were left to do the advertising work in that area. The rest of us will also spread the word in whichever way suits our unit best.
Also, Tanabata Festival’s event planning took too long to finalize, so they must’ve had to rush setting everything up, among other things.
That’s why this time, they’re starting everything early.
Starting tomorrow, the preparations for Halloween Party will commence.
Our role is to sleep over in school and decorate the whole place through the coming nights.
huh—? please wait a moment, we are going to [sleep over]?
that might be a little too [difficult] for me. my household does not see [sleepovers] in [good] light.
Yeah, we’ll be doing it for a decent amount of time, so things can always be adjusted to suit each person’s own convenience.
I’m all for the idea of just sleeping over whenever you can, and coming to school normally for the rest of the time.
…Kanata-san. If that’s the problem, then maybe I should try having a talk with your household?
no… please try not to involve yourself with my [household] anymore.1
i will try to [talk] to them myself first. i will consider what is [best] to do after i see how they [react].
Alright. It’s okay if you can’t sleep over; it isn’t necessarily required. I’d like to keep things as flexible as possible.
Oh, and I heard Anzu will prepare the bedding and other necessities for our sleepover.
Aren’t most things easily bought from the school store? We can always rent things, too.
We’re not gonna be in some faraway island, so if we had to, we could even ask a teacher to drive us to a shop for anything else we need.
Nihihi, a sleepover with everyone? That sounds like fun~♪
Ahaha, we’ve had jobs where we had to stay the night plenty of times, but this is the first time we’re doin’ it with so many people.
Yes, yes! I'm excited already~
I was really jealous that the second years get to go on a school trip soon, when us first years still have to wait a whole year before our own, you know~
Umm, so basically, we’ll be staying at school all day? I live nearby, so it’s not like I’d miss out on much if I just slept at my own home instead…
If that’s more comfortable for you, then it’s fine, Takamine.
But this is also an opportunity to get closer to units we haven’t worked together with often, so I’d like it if you could sleep over as much as you can.
However, there are other reasons for sleeping over.
We aren’t just helping out with the preparations, but also participating in the event as idols.
Therefore, I’m afraid to say that unless we sleep over, the decorations alone would take up all of our time.
Otherwise, we would barely have any time for practice, and our main job as idols would be neglected.
And we wouldn’t want to lose sight of our main priority, right? That’s why the plan is to use all of our free time to practice and prepare for the event.
Plus, it’ll give us a chance to get to know each other better. That’s also important.
Of course, since this is a sleepover, we’ll need permission from our parents.
One way or another, everything will be thoroughly explained to your parents, so don’t worry.
Also, I know I’ve already said this, but sleeping over isn’t mandatory — if it’s too complicated for you, then coming to school normally is also fine.
We can adjust each person’s schedule however we need to.
We’ll make sure that your choices won’t affect the amount of practice sessions each of you take.
Halloween Party is in two weeks, so we’ll be sleeping over until then.
Any expenses needed during that time will be compensated by our preparation work, so you don’t need to worry about any other responsibilities.
The costumes required for Halloween Party will also be funded through our hard work.
We don’t have to pay for anything as long as we do our best, work hard, and perform on stage.
It’s a pretty good situation for us.
However, it will end up requiring almost all of your free time, so if it ever seems impossible, please come to me about it.
We’re still just high school students. We aren’t actual full-time workers.
I could never truly declare that you should use up all your time for work. Being with your family is also important.
Think closely about what you yourself are willing to do, and the objectives of your unit…
Consult your personal feelings about it, and decide what you want to do. Don’t go by someone else’s words.
I won’t ever say no to your choice. It’s you who should decide what to do with your life and future.
So, what do you want to do? You’ve been given plenty of choices, so think closely about which route you’ll take!