Sweet Halloween – sweet home (Chapter 1–6)
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Dojo

The next day…
Now then! Looks like everyone’s changed their clothes, so gather round~! ☆
The meeting for Halloween Party will now commence!
This is a sleepover party between three units: MaM, Ryuseitai, and Ra*bits!
Did you just say “sleepover party”? I guess there isn’t really any other way to put it, buuut…
It doesn’t really feel like we’re here for work when you say that, sooo how about calling it a training camp instead?
Well, we can call it anything, really.
But more importantly, is your outfit fitting you alright, Mikejima-san? I did try to make sure yours was extra-large, but if it’s still too tight, then please tell me!
I’ll ask Anzu to adjust it for you.
Is yours alright, too, Takamine? You mentioned that you grew taller recently, right?
Ah, yeah, it’s alright… The outfit’s made of stretchy material, anyway…
It’s really easy to move in it! Did Anego make these? She’s amazing, doing an awesome job like always! ☆
Don’t jump up and down so much, Nagumo. There’s a limit to how far your clothes can stretch.
I mean, we can fix them if they tear, and there are spares for everyone, but… We wouldn’t want to spend any extra money if we don’t need to.
Huh? But you said we do not need to worry so much about money, did you not?
The school is covering all our expenses for us, correct?
That’s exactly why it’d be wrong of us to make them overspend for us, right?
Besides, we’ll be wearing these outfits all throughout this sleepover par— this training camp, so it’ll end up biting us in the rear if we ruin them.
Think about it: if you accidentally spill some milk on yourself right on the first day, then you’d have the stench on you for the rest of the day.
Ah, I plan to take these to wash every day. Everyone has a spare, so it’d be most efficient if we switched between the two every day.
If we needed to, we could even change into our gym clothes, or we could bring over a change of clothes from home.
Mm~… We’re gonna be in school, so we shouldn’t be walking around in our own clothes.
But I wanna ask, Chiaki-chin… Is there a smaller size than the one I’m wearing right now? My pants are too long.
…Woah—Wah—!? Oh no no—!!
Gfhbf—!? Oww—I hit my fwace!
Are you okaaay!?
You tripped on your pants… You’re like a liiittle kid, Nazuna-san~♪
Shut it. Uuu~… I guess I could just roll my pants up if there isn’t anything smaller than this…
It’s really unusual for something prepared by Anzu to be like this… Did she get my size wrong?

Nii~chan, Nii~chan! Maybe yours is mixed up with mine? Look, I’m having the opposite problem! It doesn’t reach my feet!
Hmm? Weird, I’m also having the same problem as Mitsuru.
Hm, let’s see here. Anzu should have written everyone’s name on the clothing tags.
Huh? Where?
Woah—!! Mitsuru, stop! Don’t tug on my pants!! Everyone’ll see my underwear!
Heheh, we’re always changing together, so there’s no need to be shy all of a sudden.
Ah— It’s true, there’s something written on the tag.
Hmm… Mm~… I can’t see it very well.
H-Hajime! Could you please not peek? This isn’t like when we’re changing clothes — It’s just plain embarrassing! Hey—! Seriously, quit staring like that!
I-I’m so sorry.
Um… I didn’t see your name written. For some reason, it had a yellow bunny drawn on it instead.
I thought it was weird, so I accidentally stared for a little too long.
Hm? Mine’s a brown bunny.
So’s mine! But it’s kinda darker than Nii~chan’s…?
…Hm, Hajime’s got a light blue bunny.
Wah— Hold on, please don’t pull on mine! Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want done to yourself! That isn’t very nice!
“That isn’t very nice”? Seriously…?1
Ah! Are these our hair colors?
Hm, I thiiink you may be right.
I just checked our spare clothes, and Ryuseitai’s aaall have stars in each member’s respective color.
I wooonder what mine’s got… Is it gonna be Mama?
It’s gonna be Mama, isn’t it, Anzu-san! Even though you were aaalways too embarrassed to call me that~♪
…rogue, yours just [says] “mikejima.”
Huh!? Reallyyy!? I don’t feel any love in mine! Where’s the love, Anzu-san!?
Even when I care for you this deeplyyy~! Sweet darling daughter, are you rebelling against meee~!
Chapter 2
Hm… So what I’m getting from this is that Nito’s and, erm… Mashiro-kun’s clothes are switched?
Ah, that must be it. Let’s switch clothes, Nii~chan.
O-Okay. Wait— Then why are Mitsuru-chin’s pants not long enough?
Huh—? Ah— Uuu…? I bet I messed up and wore yours, too! A-Ahaha! So your legs were short all along, Nii~chan!
They’re not short, I’m just short in general… I’ve completely stopped growing in size, haven’t I……
What’s wrong, Mitsuru-chin? You’ve been acting strangely for a while now.
N-Nothing! All’s good!
…? Hold on, yours had a bunny with your hair color.
So it can’t be Nii~chan’s. Isn’t it actually yours?
H-Huh? No, um…
Nope, it was just a mistake! It’s actually Nii~chan’s!
It’s a sparkly golden color, just like an angel! Just like the sunlight!
Ahh, so basically you’re wearing Nii~chan’s spare, right?
Ahaha… I don’t really get what’s going on, but we’re already having a huge ruckus just from a change of clothes.
Are we really going to be alright…? I’m getting a little worried… But we won’t get anywhere if we keep chatting, so it’s about time we start our program.
We’ll start by hanging up decorations in the hallways while it’s still daytime, since it’d be a waste of electricity to have to keep the lights on in order to work at night.
You’re right about that. For practicing, we’d only need to use the lights in one room.
Yeah. Oh, and we’re going to sleep here in this dojo for the coming nights. I think Kiryu’s going to bring in futons for us later.
Ossu! When I told him we were looking for a place to sleep in, he gladly told me to use the dojo!
He’s gonna bring over all the stuff we need along with the futons! Maaan, there’s no way I could ever thank him enough for all this~! ♪
I expect nothing less from Taishou! He’s bursting with manly chivalry! Truly a man among men~☆
You’re extremely happy about this, huh, Nagumo. We’re always indebted to Kiryu, so let’s repay him properly one day.
Ahaha, the Karate Club takes a break whenever there’s a big DreamFes comin’ up, and the dojo ends up being unused…
So this became the perfect place to sleep in.
We may not have club activities, but we still gotta keep things clean, sooo… Taishou said he’d be super thankful if we could do it for him.
Ahhh man~! He really is super duper cool~!
Never demanding rewards from anyone~! I wanna be like that too! I wanna help someone and act all “Oh, it’s no problem,” just like him~! ☆
Yep, that’s exactly what a hero is, Nagumo.
…Oh, woops, we went off-topic again.
Alright then, let’s start decorating the place.
We’ll split the work between units and decorate bit by bit every day. We’ll hopefully manage to make the entire place look like Halloween by the end of it, and call it a job well done.
I don’t really expect us to finish it all in one day, after all. The academy is huge.
Every little bit helps, so let’s work hard every day with that mindset.
umm… you said the work will be [split] between [units], which means that the rogue will be all [alone].
isn’t it a little too [cruel] to make him work all alone as much as [us]? well… i suppose he [could] manage it, anyway…
but just because he [could] does not mean we should [make] him… it just does not [seem] right.
Yeah, I thought the same, so I was actually thinking he should mainly work with Ra*bits.
Splitting the work that way will make it fair, since it’ll be between five people on each side.
Ra*bits doesn’t seem like they’d be good at manual labor, so with Mikejima-san’s strength, they should be able to get through their work at the same pace as us.
Ahaha, it’s true that we’re not the best at manual labor, but we do a lot of part-time jobs at school, so we’re pretty good at decorating stuff.
Don’t look down on us just ‘cause we’re small~!
But it’s all good! Anyway, we really aren’t gonna get anywhere if we keep talking, so let’s get to work. Let’s do our very best, you guys~♪
Of course, Nii~chan…♪
Well, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us, so let’s take it slow and steady, and do our best. There really isn’t any reason to push ourselves, and if we really need to, we could always ask for more helping hands later.
We don’t have to try and do everything all by ourselves. All for one, one for all!
That is what Ryuseitai’s aaall about. Hahaha, so you’ve managed to make the hollow theme of the past into a reality.
I’m proud of you. You did a great job, yes you did, yes you did~♪
Uuu… Whenever Mikejima-san’s around, it starts to feel like my past seniors came over to hang out… It makes things a little hard to do…
Chapter 3
Location: Halloween Party Hallway

Hup, here we go…♪
Whew! We have now finished decorating this area!
Mmm… This is taking longer than I thought it would… Feels like we’ve already spent a huge chunk of time just decorating this one section of the hallway…
We probably won’t even get the time to decorate the outside of the building at this rate…
Uu~myu… The academy is pretty big, and for once we’re having guests enter inside the school…
The usual DreamFes just require setting up the stage, though.
It really does feel like this DreamFes will be bigger than ever before.
It seems that we will need to converse with the guests much more than we usually do… I am not sure how I will be able to manage it.
When we are doing work like hero shows, we often come in contact with children, so I have gotten somewhat used to talking to them…
But considering the usual audience for Yumenosaki, the majority will likely be older women.
Ughh… Just thinking about it makes me depressed…
Whaa~? Aren’t you used to customers ‘cuz of the greengrocer shop?
It’s just a local shop, so most of the customers are neighbors I’ve known since I was young…
And even when I’m talking to neighbors, I start dying a little inside if the conversation drags on long enough…
Your heart’s way too weak, Midori-kun… If only we could do workouts for our hearts, too.
…Oh! We shouldn’t be chatting, let’s get back to work~♪
Understood~! Midori-kun, I would like to get down from the ladder, so please move away for a moment.
Ahh, it’s easier if I just carry the ladder with you on it… Up you go…♪
Eeeek!? You are managing it so easily…!? You are definitely much more powerful than you seem, Midori-kun!
You’re really light, so… Plus, I’m used to doing manual labor thanks to the greengrocer shop…
Ahhh—! Just watching you carry the ladder’s making me nervous…! He might fall and get hurt!!
It’d be really bad if that happened, so don’t do anything reckless just to get it done faster!
We’ll all regret it if one of us gets hurt and has to sit out on the day of the event…
I wanna be able to say “The five of us together are Ryuseitai!” during the actual live show, y’know…
Good point… I keep wanting to get the annoying stuff over with as soon as possible, but maybe I should try to take it slow…
…!? What’s wrong, Taichou!?
I heard a large crashing sound! Are you okay!? Did somethin’ bad happen as soon as I brought it up!?
…? Huh!? I don’t see him anywhere! But he was working with Shinkai-senpai over there just a second ago!
Shinkai-senpai, did you eat him!?
huh? i do not understand how you reached that [conclusion]…
i would not eat him, you know~ he would probably [burn] my [tongue] if i did.
Ah, Taichou-dono is being crushed by a box of decorations… Ahaha, he is completely covered in ghosts~♪
G…G-Ghosts!? No, it’s fine, these are just decorations! It’s not scary! Nope!
W-W-W-What is it!? I’m fine! I saw some realistic ghost decorations and freake—
No! I mean— I accidentally slipped on some decorations and fell! I wasn’t paying attention!
Gotta be careful! You guys should be more careful, too! Fuhahahaha!! ☆
chiaki~ you look [pale]… if you are feeling [unwell], then please leave the rest to us and take a [break], okay?
I-I’m fine, Kanata! I will never give in! I will surely get my chance to turn things around and achieve victory!
[what] are you even [fighting] against…?
Mm~… Hey, is it just me, or is Morisawa-senpai acting weird lately…?
Is he not always weird?
No, I meant it like… he’s not acting like himself… It’s like he’s always scared of something…
He seems so nervous over everything that he’s overwhelmed… He doesn’t even pester me as much as he used to…
Oh? Could it be that you’re feeling lonely~? ‘Cuz he’s not paying attention to you~♪
Wh—!? What are you going to do with that hammer, Midori-kun!? You could kill someone with that, you know!?
Ah—…… Sorry, I just had this sudden urge to kill… Wow, I’ve seen it before in movies, but… your mind really does go completely blank…
You freaked me out! You’re good-looking, so it’s terrifying when you get a serious look on your face! I’m real sorry for teasing you, okay? So please, just spare my life!
Mm… No, I’m the one who’s sorry… I’m also shocked by my own reaction…
Chapter 4

But no, really… Hasn’t Morisawa-senpai been kinda off…?
Yeah, now that you mention it… He has been a li’l quieter than usual lately.
He hasn’t been his usual positive self… I mean, he didn’t seem pumped up ‘bout participating in the Halloween Party, either.
You think so…? Ahh, now that I think about it, he never even mentioned it until you asked him whether we’d be joining it or not, right…?
He’d usually be really excited to get things going, and start poking his nose around in everyone else’s business…
Like, that’s how we got ourselves involved with Quarrel Festival, right…
Hmm… Does he not like Halloween very much? Perhaps something bad happened during last year’s Halloween Party…
Huh, but I don’t think there even was one in the first place…
Well, it’s not like I know much about anything that happened last year…
But like, my house’s nearby, right…
And while we did do something for Halloween in the shopping district back then, I don’t remember anyone from the academy passing by…
I wasn’t really interested in idols back then, so that probably didn’t help, but… It was impossible to tell what was going on in the academy from the outside…
It felt really closed off from the world…
Hmm… No one ever tells us ‘bout what happened in the past even when we ask…
There’s only so much we can assume, too.
It’d just be better to ask him directly.
Hey, Taichou~ Do you hate Halloween?
Huh—? Don’t be silly! There’s no way I could hate it!
It’s a day for children, after all! And Ryuseitai are the children’s allies! If the children are happy, then we’ve achieved justice…!!
Uhh… I feel like you’re avoiding the question.
No matter! Let’s quit the chatter and start moving our hands!
It’s no surprise that our work has been a bit slow, as it is the first day and we aren’t entirely used to it, but I’d like to get to a good place to stop at for the day!
I’ve been keeping in contact with the others every once in a while, and it seems like MaM and Ra*bits have progressed far ahead!
If we keep going at our current pace, it’ll end up looking like we were slacking off!
So let’s do our best! Let’s go, we can do it! Put all your energy into it! Fuhahaha!! ☆
Mmm~…? He really is acting weird… Or like, he’s trying really, really hard to seem as energetic as possible…
Location: Garden Terrace’s Kitchen

Hahaha! A balanced diet leads to a healthy life! It’s time to cook with Mama!
I’ll make you all something to rejuvenate your bodies and relieve your exhaustion from all of today’s hard work!
Ahaha, I’m excited. I’ve heard about what a pro you are at cooking, Madara-chin. This is really helping me out~ ‘Cause I don’t really cook much.
Heheh, cooking food for ourselves really does make it feel like a sleepover party. This is going to be fun~♪
Wawa— My phone’s ringing again. I should’ve put it on silent while we cook.
Wahaha! Does your family miss you, Hajime-chan? They keep calling you~♪
Ahaha… The truth is, when I told them I’d be sleeping over for the next two weeks, my entire family clung to me, begging me not to go.
I also miss them, and I keep worrying if they’re all eating well enough…
But there are probably going to be a lot of times when we’ll need to sleep over for work, so they have to get used to things being this way.
I have to, as well……
Uuu~ But I want to hear my siblings’ voices just one more time…
Hello? It’s your big bro~ What’s up~? Yep, I’m doing good…♪
Ahaha, this is obvious, but you really do talk more casually with your family, Hajime-chin. It feels kinda fresh hearing you talk like that.
Yeah, yeah! You can talk casually to us too, you know? After all, Ra*bits is like our own little family!
Huh? What was that? I’m sorry — I can’t hear what you’re saying when I’m talking to someone on the phone~!
Hahaha, it feels reaaally calming just seeing you Ra*bits together.
Buuut aren’t we missing someone? I don’t see Tomoya-san anywhere; where’s he gone to? I’ll go look for him if he’s gotten lost somewhere.
He’s not a baby, y’know… And anyway, Tomo-chin said it’s his turn to feed the animals at the animal shed, so he’s over there.
Each club take turns feeding them, and right now it’s the Drama Club’s turn.
I see. Speaking of the Drama Club, the two other members seem reaaally busy with their unit activities right now…
Sooo I’m guessing it’s only Tomoya-san who can do the feeding.
Well, he seems to like animals, anyway.
Maybe that’s why they like him back… There are times when, while we’re trying to go from one place to another, the dogs and cats come over and everyone starts petting them. We don’t get anywhere when that happens.
Ahaha, it’s one of the benefits of being with Tomo-chan~! ♪
…Um, I think it may be too much for Tomoya-kun to feed all those animals by himself, so may I go help him?
Hm? Ahh… Sure, go ahead. We already have enough people for all the cooking, anyway.
We finished up with our side of the work pretty early, so we made it here before Ryuseitai, but they’re gonna be here sooner or later.
So go ahead. …You seem to be acting awkward around Tomo-chin, so make sure you talk to him and make up properly.
Tell me if you need a mediator, or any kinda help in general.
Okay. Thank you very much, Nii~chan.
I’ll be going now. I’ll come back to help with the cooking as soon as I can, along with Tomoya-kun…♪
Chapter 5
Location: Animal Shed

(O-Okay, I’m going to do this… I have to properly make up with Tomoya-kun.)
(We’re making Nii~chan and Mitsuru-kun worry now…)
(And we have to get through a big event like Halloween Party with all three units…)
(So we can’t keep being tense around each other like this… It’d be awful of us to cause trouble for everyone.)
(Ra*bits is finally doing incredibly well… It’s almost unbelievable that we first started out as a jumbled mess…)
(We absolutely can’t just let everything fall apart now.)
(Ah— Tomoya-kun… Okay, this is good. He doesn’t seem to be done feeding the animals.)
(I can speak to him alone.)
Tomoya-kuuun~ I finished cleaning up this hut here~♪
(Eeep— Huh? Tetora-kun?)
(Why is he here? Did he notice Tomoya-kun at the shed when he and the others from Ryuseitai were on their way to the kitchen…?)
(He’s kind and reliable, so of course he would help him out…)
(But this is bad timing…! Uuu~ What do I do?)
Something wrong, Tetora?
Ah, nah… I thought I sensed something nearby, but it was probably just my imagination.
(Uuu… I just hid without thinking… I really have no backbone…)
(Tetora-kun may be here too, but I could’ve just told them I’m here to help out…)
(I would’ve been able to do that in any other situation… W-Why am I acting like this right now…?)
Mm~… Hey, Tomoya-kun, I’m not sure if it’s alright to ask, but… Did somethin’ happen between you and Hajime-kun?
Huh? Where did this come from? Why would you think that?
Did you hear about it from Takamine? I guess I did tell him about us fighting…
Oh, so you are fighting! I see now~ That’s great~! ♪
No, it isn’t!! Hajime is my oasis~! My heart’s going insane just knowing I can’t talk to him normally!
Why don’t ya just say that to him, then?
Anyway, I mean that it’s a good thing if you know why you’re fighting. It’s way more stressful when things start getting worse and you don’t even know why.
Yeah, true… I feel like you go through that a lot, Tetora… since you’re pretty insensitive.
Woah woah, why’d this suddenly become ‘bout criticizing me…!? You’re not holding back at all, huh? The fight must be affecting ya.
Ah— S-sorry… I lashed out on you.
Nah, it’s okay. I’m bothered by that part of myself, too. I don’t really like being delicate ‘bout things, so I choose to be more straightforward.
I know it’s important to be thoughtful to other people and try to put yourself in their shoes, and to carefully untangle the cause of the fight, but…
Uuu~… That kinda stuff just irritates me.
But… While it might feel like a relief to let everything out, you’ll just end up hurting that person’s feelings.
So it’s important to be more careful with the people who’re gonna be in your life for a long time, right?
But you and Hajime-kun feel way too careful around each other; it’s like you’re both holding somethin’ back…
That’s why I want you two to be more harsh and just punch each other.
There’s no way I could do that to Hajime… I’d rather die.
Then what’re you gonna do!? Are you just gonna waste time being nervous around each other!? That’s so irritating!
C-Calm down, Tetora… Don’t make a ruckus, you’ll scare the bunnies.
Oh no… Sorry. I came here to help you out, but I’m only getting in your way.
Nah, you’re definitely helping me out. I’d only get a headache from worrying about this on my own, so I’m glad I could talk with you about it.
Ossu. As long as it wasn’t a bother, then.
Just watching you guys like that makes me anxious… or as Midori-kun would say, it makes me feel depressed. I want you two to make up as soon as possible.
Yeah… Sorry. But, like… this problem’s pretty serious.
I feel like we’ll just end up getting in a fight all over again, even if we tried to apologize and call it a day.
I think it’s ‘cause there’s a fundamental difference between how Hajime and I think.
…? Which is…?
Hey, Tetora… Am I cute?
Hweh? Mm~… Yeah, you are. Cute enough that I forget you’re my age. You look like a li’l kid, which is normally cute.
Don’t say “normally”… Okay, would you say I’m cuter than a pretty female idol?
If you could, who would you choose to be your lover?
Uh… Umm… I don’t really get what you mean…?
Chapter 6

Like! If I make a cute pose like this! Do you get excited like you would with a cute girl?
This is the best I can do…!! I’m copying this bunny next to me!
Oh yeah, mimicking an animal’s movement makes sense. That’s the secret behind Kenpo.2
I’ve also practiced that sometimes to grow even stronger~ Like the Monkey Fist style or the Praying Mantis Fist style~♪
Yeah, I don’t really know much about Kenpo, but we often have practice sessions where we copy the kinds of things cute girls or animals do.
Ra*bits aims to be cute idols, after all.
But I just can’t seem to get used to it…
Especially lately, there’s a whole bunch of things I can’t keep up with. It made me start feeling pathetic and unsatisfied with myself, and then to top it all off, I even ended up fighting with Hajime…
I’ve always wanted to become like the idols I loved — It’s why I came to Yumenosaki. And, well, I did get to become an idol.
I also got to be a little popular as part of Ra*bits…
My dream did come true. So I’m not supposed to feel unsatisfied like this.
But… I didn’t necessarily wanna become a cute idol.
I know I’m being selfish… I mean, with the kinds of magazines and companies we get requests from…
We’re only going to become more and more specialized in being the perfect ideal of “cute.”
And if we keep going in that direction, the result will be… this. Look at my phone for a bit, Tetora.
Hmm? What’s this really pink-colored website…?
There’s this pioneer, I guess you could call him… He specializes in being cute, and we often take reference from him. He’s an idol who’s like a senior to us.3
You can pretty much always find him in the same magazine.
But just look at the photos on the site. He’s just a girl at this point…
He’s actually an amazing, respectable person. There’s rumors that he’s put in so much hard work and training, even physically remodeled himself to fit perfectly into this specialty…
But when I heard about that, and realized that’s how far you’d have to go… I started to get a little scared. I know I’m being pathetic…
It just became natural for him to cross-dress, and as long as the outfit’s cute, he’d wear all kinds of things, from baby outfits to animal costumes…
And every single time he does anything, he makes sure it’s as cute as it gets.
He’s completely gotten rid of everything else to become fully specialized in being “cute”. But to be fair, that’s one of the strategies to survive in the industry, and he’s now succeeding ‘cause of it.
That’s also the exact methodology that pretty girl idols have established for this sorta industry.
Just by following in his footsteps and copying what he does, I think it’ll take us relatively far.
We’re still inexperienced, and our one big selling point is the “cute” quality we have… so making use of it is the right choice.
It’s the path Nii~chan showed us, when none of us could get anywhere.
On one hand, you have me, and you also have Mitsuru, who’s pretty boyish-looking… But then, Nii~chan and Hajime tend to be even cuter than girls sometimes. They have the qualities and talent for this.
But… what about me?
I get so anxious and worried, like “Is this really what I dreamed to be? Is this the kind of idol I always aspired to become? …Is it really okay for things to be this way?”
I’m always so lost, but… For some reason, Hajime’s been really fired up lately, and keeps picking up more and more cutesy things—
And… he’s always achieving those cute jobs perfectly.
Then he gives me an innocent smile and goes, “If I can do it, then so can you, Tomoya-kun!”, without any ill intention in his heart…
Like, hold on, Hajime… I’m still thinking… Don’t rush me. Don’t pull me by the hand. I’m not like you…
Hajime’s really cute. He’s the cutest being in the entire galaxy… But it’s just so easy to see him as some plain, shy kid that no one noticed how cute he really is until now.
And in Yumenosaki, his talent finally bloomed. He found a way to make the absolute best use of his qualities…
But that’s where I feel like the two of us are different.
I don’t really know how to say it, but like, it feels like we’re a little off. Like something’s just not right.
We’ve been walking this path together, and it’s always been me who tries to lead him wherever we go…
But now that we’ve gotten to this point, I feel like he’s gonna let go of me and leave me behind all of a sudden.
It scares me. He’s a bit of a dummy sometimes, and I’m just someone who’s ‘normal’ in every way… yet despite that, I still took him by the hand…
And then I got all cocky about how I was guiding him around, and let it boost my ego.
But if I can’t keep up with him anymore… if I get abandoned and left behind by him… There’d be nothing left of me.
I wouldn’t have a single good thing left to say about myself.
That’s why I should try as hard as I can to master cuteness like Hajime…
But I can’t help but feel something off about that direction for me.
I spent so much time fretting over it and going around in circles… That Hajime got tired of waiting for me and we ended up fighting… And now we’re just dwelling on this whole thing and not making up.
I’m just being an idiot, aren’t I…? But I really just don’t know what to do…
I guess the best thing I can do is just tell Hajime how I really feel and make up with him, but…
Hajime did nothing wrong. It’s all me and my own issues…
There’s nothing he should be stressing or feeling hurt about at all…
He’s really determined for once, but I just feel like I’m burdening him and ruining the mood…
He’s doing the things he wants to do with everything he’s got, but I feel like I’m just being dead weight.
I’m scared. I alone want to be his ally, forever and ever. I don’t want to make him cry. I don’t ever want to cast a shadow over that gentle smile of his, nor be the cause of it.
Yet right now, I’m the reason why he’s depressed. All ‘cause I don’t have the talent or capability for this… all ‘cause I’m not determined enough.
It frustrates me… I feel so pathetic… I’m not even some normal kid at this point. I’m just a waste of space.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Hajime’s tone here sounds like parental scolding, hence Tomoya’s retort.
- ↑ Kenpo is a Japanese martial arts.
- ↑ The pioneer Tomoya is talking about is mentioned in Romantic Comedy as well. They make their appearance in Parallel World, a story set one year and a half after Sweet Halloween (The story also discusses the the topic of “cute” for Ra*bits). Please check this masterlist for a translation.