Sweet Halloween – let's party!
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Passage 1-F (Halloween Party)

Two weeks later, the day of Halloween Party…
Anzu-saaan! It’s your Mamaaaaa!!! ☆
Hm? Hahaha, you’re riiight! It’s the Halloween Party, so I should be saying Trick or Treat! Touché! You win! ☆
Let me try that again! Trick or Treat! Let’s make this the beest festival ever, Anzu-san~♪
Heheh, I thought you’d be up to your eyes in your producer work on the day of the event, since it is you we’re talking about…
But whaddya know, you’re actually wearing a costume, huuuh?
What is it, anyway? Ohh, Red Riding Hood?
It suits you peeerfectly! Powerless, but will never lose to any monster! Such tenacity!
Yep yep, this is gonna be a wonderful daaay! It’s gonna be a festivaaal! So you should enjoy yourself~♪
Although, you have been acting all excited for a while now.
Why have you been making your hand into a gun and shooting at me with a “Bang! Bang!”, anyway?
Hahaha, are you trying to say something like, “as a producer, I’m going to punish any monster who does evil”? Ooor are you just messing around for fun?
Either way! I’m an immortal type of monster, so a gun won’t be enough to kill me!
I’m gonna stay alive until the very moment Halloween is oveeer!
Hm? What am I going as?
Mm~… I thought about being a cyclops at first, but people told me the eyeball would look preeetty gross.
So after going through countless ideas, I finally decided on being a “Guardian of the Valley of Kings”! So basically an Egyptian monster. If you wanted to be less specific, then I guess it’d be a mummy.
Now then, Anzu-san! Go ahead and call me Mummy~♪
Huh? “You want to be called something mama-like that badly?”, you say? “It’s just impressive at this point”?
Uhhh… Huh? You were sooo excited just a second ago, and now it just died off!
…Heheh. I was preparing for the event with Ryuseitai, and they asked me if I wanted to be a Jiangshi with them.
I was part of Ryuseitai once, and they do get along with me…
Aaand I did have fun working with them, but I really should make sure to keep some distance from them.
I mean, you’re like that too, riiight?
You’re going as a fairytale character — A costume that makes you seem like an outsider… It’s as if you’re trying not to get deeply involved with anyone, or end up matching with anyone.
I’m thinking into it too much? I guess I shouldn’t act like we’re similar, just ‘cause we’re childhood friends…
But I dunnooo, I just can’t help but feel like I’m looking at myself when I see you… It makes me feel really uneasy.
…Hm? What’s up? Are you giving me candy?
Are you trying to cheer me up? Hahaha! You’re always such a sweet kid! It’s truly appreciated!
Alright! You gave me candy, so it’s time to give you your treat~♪
Heaaave— Up you goooo! You were on your way to someplace, riiight? I’ll carry you and take you there!
Where shall we head to? It’s all up to you, Anzu-san! Super Express Mama No.1, taking you to the galaxy and beyond! It’s time to depart~! ☆

hey rooogue~♪ trick or treat!
Waahh!!? Heyo, Kanata-san! You look like you’re having the time of your life!
fufufu, i could say the [same] about [you], too, rogue~♪
I’d really like it if you could stop calling me that already… I thought we got really close to each other after spending two weeks with everyone, y'know?
fufufu. since you are keeping your [distance] from [us], i cannot [reach close] to you from my own position, either.
even if i do want to get close, the [water tank] is in the way, you see?
so how about you [forgive] your old self already? i am also trying to do that as much as i can…
Shinkai-dono~! We have to go to the concert hall now! Our turn starts once the sun sets!
okaaay. you could have just [told] me normally, though.
you are [excited], too, huh? you even [threw] candy at me~
you [should not] throw food like that, okay? this is punishment for your naughtiness~♪
Wawa—!? Please do not tickle me! I am ticklish underneath my arms!
I give up, I give up!! Shinkai-donoo~! Ahahaha!! ☆
Hahaha. You’re preeetty much just like a guardian now, Kanata-san~♪
well, i [had] to be. chiaki was completely [useless] this time around.
so i have to be the one to show enthusiasm, yes? supporting and helping each other is what ryuseitai is all about~♪
Eeeek!! There’s a ghooooost!!!

Eep—!! Please don’t just yell outta nowhere! You scared me!
Please look closely, Taichou. It’s not a ghost, it’s a guest in their costume!
So we gotta follow the etiquette of the event and greet 'em with a “Trick or Treat”! ♪
A-Ahhh… You’re right, they’re actually human.
T-That’s quite the detail to your costume! Did you make it yourself?
Y-You suddenly appeared from the corner, so I thought you were a real ghost! Ahaha~♪
…Eeek!! Something just creeped down my back!! S-Something cold! I’m scared! It’s scary! I’m scared!!
It’s the air conditioning… We made sure to decorate around the vents without blocking them, remember…?
Seriously, are you gonna be alright for this…?
I-I-I-I’m fine! Ghosts don’t exist! They’re just something people see when they’re half asleep!1
Ahaha… Morisawa-senpai’s acting just like a little kid at a haunted house…♪
Chapter 2

Morisawa-senpai, you really are bad with monsters, huh…?
I’m not really good with them either, but seeing someone who's more afraid than me ends up making me feel calm instead…♪
Uu~myu… I don’t feel like there’s any reason to be afraid, though.
Everyone's walking around in monster costumes, but only a few of 'em are actually realistic-looking. Most of 'em are just cute ones!
Aight! Gather over, kids! I’m givin’ out candy~ Trick or Treat~♪
Here you go… We’re going to have a live show at the concert hall, so please come over and watch if you can…♪
C’mon, Taichou! You gotta give out candy and advertise! Look, even Midori-kun's working hard for once!
S-S-S-Sorry! But I really can’t handle scary things…!
It’s just gotten even worse after watching all those movies during the sleepover party! I can’t even walk at night anymore!
Hahaha, looks like the plan to get you used to them failed, huuuh?
fufu. it is not that [easy] to [overcome] your [weaknesses].
unlike you, most people cannot [easily] manage to [do] things just by getting into it… mama.
but, due to chiaki’s [uselessness], the children probably felt they had to [get through] this on their own this time, so…
they are keeping things going in his stead. everything is [just fine]~♪
it is cuter if chiaki shows his [weak side] every once in a while, anyway. although, i am sure he would rather show his [cool side].
Hahaha. He'd be first-rate if he could manage that, but he’s a little too spontaneous to keep up that kind of image… He’s still got a long way to go before he becomes the perfect hero.
But it's ‘cause he's lacking that he struggles to do his best, and ‘cause he's not perfect that he works hard with all he’s got to make up for it. That’s exactly what being human is… It’s completely relatable.
In fact, I think it’s a reaaally cool thing about him.
And so! Do your best, Chiaki-san, do your best! ♪
D-Don’t just smile so casually like that, Mikejima-san! Please help me! It’s scary, it’s scary!
You’re asking for help from the wrong person, don’t you think?
I’ve got a looot of things to do, so I’m gonna have to head off. You should take a deep breath, calm down, and enjoy the festival with your comrades.
Right, let’s go now, Anzu-san. You’re the one managing this event, so everyone needs your help!
fufu, seeing him [carry] her like that really makes them look like a [parent] and their [child].
Indeed. He prefers to be called “Mama,” but he is much more similar to a Papa.
Either way, he is very reliable~ Once again, he has helped us out a lot!
Yeah. In the end, we couldn’t finish decorating the place and prepping for the event just by ourselves.
So Mikejima-senpai ended up contacting some people to help us finish the work on time.
Yeah. It seems that he got Anzu to contact and make connections with new handlers, so that she gets used to doing those sort of things…
At the same time, he also gets her connected with some customers.
But a dispute happened somewhere along the way, probably because the handler was a newcomer…
You see, the usual handlers that prepare things for DreamFes go by what the Student Council says.
Still, Anzu may end up needing handlers she can contact by herself.
There’s surely going to be moments that require her to prepare things as soon as possible. And if she wants to make it in time for the event, she can’t keep waiting for the Student Council to contact them every time.
She’s going to need her own handlers she can call over whenever they’re needed.
He was looking out towards her future, preparing the necessary steps to reach it, and then guiding her over to it… Mikejima-san really is incredible.

Heheh, the more I hear about him, the more awesome he sounds.
Of course, I see my seniors as people I should respect and aim to be like, anyway! ♪
Ehh~… So you even respect Morisawa-senpai, Sengoku-kun…? I don't see what anyone could find respectable about him this time around, though…?
Like, seriously… so what if you’re scared of ghosts…
If you just told us about it faster, we could’ve avoided being worried over nothing… We would’ve just thought, “Wait, that’s it?”, laughed it off, and called it a day…
Oh! So you were worried about me, Takamine! That makes me happy!
I was a little nervous that you might not care about me, since you always act so harshly towards me, but in the end, you really do love me as a comrade! ☆
Wh—!? T-Takamine? Takamine-kun, could you please not shove that giant eyeball in my face…?2
We made them ourselves, so I know it’s fake and all, but it’s seriously creepy-looking…!
fufu, do not [bully] him so much, midori~♪
Mhm… But I just wanna get a tinsy bit more of my revenge for all the times he’s pestered me…♪
Ahaha, their positions are completely switched around this time, for real… Now do you understand a li'l bit of how we usually feel?
But personally, I’m real glad I got to know what you’re bad at, and where your weaknesses lie… I feel like I got to learn a lot more about you, Taichou.
It feels like an honor to know I got to meet Morisawa Chiaki-senpai himself in the flesh, instead of the ideal hero that he came up with.
Uuu… I wanted to look as cool as possible, though…
I just can’t handle eggplants and monsters, no matter what I do… My trauma from when I was a kid still lingers…
…? Did it become hard to handle them due to a terrible incident?
There was a lot of creepy-looking stuff in the early tokusatsu shows, you see…
When I was a young, innocent kid, I watched those without forethought… Then I’d cry from how scary they were, and eventually it just became too much to handle.
Uuu… Doctor Shinigami is super scary… The air he gives off feels so intense that it’s just terrifying.3
Ahaha… Yeah, liking something doesn’t mean you’re gonna love every single thing about it…
I’m like that, too… I’m not gonna be okay with anything just ‘cause it’s a mascot character…
What! But I am completely okay with anything as long as it is ninjas! I really love them, after all~♪
yes, i am also [okay] with anything as long as it is [marine life]~♪
That’s ‘cause you two are broad-minded people who're fine with just about anything…
I mean, you even accept and get along with someone like me, who’s always peevish about everything…
I’m thankful for that… That’s why I wanna work a little harder for Ryuseitai…
Ossu! The same goes for me!
Startin' by pumping up the place with our live show today! Nothing's impossible when we combine our powers! Let’s do this, let’s do this~!! ☆
Ahaha, you’re all so energetic, despite looking like monsters.
That’s exactly why I’m not one bit scared of you guys…♪
Chapter 3
Location: Halloween Party Concert Hall (Ryuseitai)

Heeey! Ryuseitai! Over here, over here~! ♪
The live show’s starting~! You gotta hurry, c’mon!
Woohoo, Ra*bits~! We apologize for taking so long to arrive. Taichou-dono kept trying to flee whenever he saw a monster on the way over here~♪
Yeah… It was seriously a pain just getting here…
I’m so, so sorry!4 I haven’t been able to do anything right during this event!
Nah, it’s fine. We would’ve bought some time for you guys if you didn’t make it in time.
But, y’know, we prepared for the event together. I would prefer it if we could also get the live show going together.
And with Madara-chin, too… Is he not here yet?
Yeah. It looks like some decorations got ruined, so he’s working on fixing them.
But he told me on the phone that he got a chunk of it done, so he’s dashing his way over here.
Ahaha! Then he’ll be here in two seconds flat! Mike-chan-senpai’s dash is the best in the whole world!
I see… Guests can roam around the school during this event, and a lot of them are kids, so I guess the decorations would get ruined…
Kids do tend to touch things that pique their interest.
That’s something to keep in mind as an improvement for the next event. We should inform Anzu about any other improvements we can think of after our live show has ended.
She’ll surely accept all our opinions, grow to become even better, and make us a stage to stand on that shines even brighter than before.
So let’s also shine, sing, and dance in the middle of that stage.
Heheh, this is a lot of fun~ I’m starting to feel excited myself~♪
Oh! Took ya long enough to get your energy back. You’re so late, Taichou~♪
Nihihi! However, we are monsters, so we should probably not be too energetic.
We should be more like Midori-kun; it is much more monster-like to be sluggish and droopy~♪
Ahaha, it’s unusual for Morisawa-senpai to be useless, but I feel like I got to be useful instead…
I got a lot of attention from the guests, and they kept asking me to take pictures with them…
Maybe it’s ‘cause I’m wearing a costume, but I didn’t feel embarrassed about it, either…♪
Yep! It’s just a regular costume for this event, but! Whenever we shout “Transform!”, we are reborn into a new being!
No matter how idealistic or glorified it sounds, we become capable of shouting all our ideals without shame!
That’s why I love heroes! You become able to say things you wouldn’t normally be able to say! Things you’d be too scared to say!
You become able to uphold your feelings, your ideals, your dreams — and everything that you believe to be righteous!
You no longer cower back in fear! Instead, you’re capable of becoming a star of hope that will save and protect someone who’s scared of something, like I am!
Heheh~♪ I’m so happy to know you got to understand what heroes are, Takamine!
Why’re you talking like you’re so wise… You’re looking really pathetic right now, so nothing you say sounds even the tiniest bit convincing, 'kay…?
Please get things done heroically, alright? At least before the live show ends…
Alright! Leave it to me! Justice will prevail…!!
Ahaha, you still sound like you’re trying a li'l too hard to be energetic… but I guess you’re startin’ to sound a li'l bit more like the usual Taichou now~♪
Everyone~! It looks like we have a full crowd now, so please don’t chit-chat.
We have to show them something, or else this big crowd will go to waste, right?

Ahaha, it’s all ‘cause of you, Hajime. You got way too into it, and even invited guests over to the hall.
It looks like a lot of them came here ‘cause they thought you’re cute, or that you seemed nice.
Ehehe… I love to be hospitable. Also, they told us we could get more funds if we manage to sell drinks and such.
I went all-out so that we could keep working a whole lot as part of Ra*bits…♪
Ohh, great job, great job! ♪ We were able to use as little of our funds as possible because of all the preparation work we’ve done, but it’d be very tough to do this for each event.
We’d wear out fast if we had to keep working hard on preparation work and practice.
It’s a lot better to manage your unit’s funds, and work hard within your limits.
This goes for both our units… At the end of the day, it’d be pointless if we ended up losing all capability to continue working.
We all have a future ahead of us. So let’s slowly and steadily think about how to reach for it.
Yeah, we’ve all got a future. That’s something to be really happy about, right? Chiaki-chin~♪
Aaalright, we’ve got ourselves pumped up enough! Let’s do our very best in the live show, you guys!
Make sure to properly do your warm-ups so you don’t trip and hurt yourselves!
Okaaay, Nii~chan…♪
You don’t even need to tell me that, Nii~chan! ♪ Yippee~! I’m gonna jump high up to the stars again!
Don’t frolic around too much, Mitsuru… There’s gonna be a lot of us on a pretty narrow stage, so we gotta be careful not to collide into each other.
Alright! Let’s start our own warm-ups, Ryuseitai! Our live show begins soon, so don’t starting losing your concentration!
Understood~♪ Ahhh, it feels like a lot will happen tonight~!
Chapter 4
“Hello, everyone~! Trick or Treat~♪”
“Welcome to the Halloween Party! This stage will hold a live show between Ra*bits, Ryuseitai, and MaM!”
“Our ages and heights are all over the place, and so are our costumes, but! It’s okay!”
“It feels way more like a monster festival when we’re all a chaotic mess~♪”
“By the way, Ryuseitai’s going as Jiangshi!”
“We’re Chinese zombies, basically~ We’ve been revived by the secret techniques of Taoism, so we’re not rotten bodies! We even smell nice!”
“Our muscles haven't rotted either, so we can even do Kenpo! Hiyah~☆”5
“As long as we have these talismans stuck to our forehead, we’ll be loyal servants to everything you say! So don’t be scared!”
“But if this talisman were to tear off… (Sticks out tongue) Bleeegh~♪”
“Our terrifying nature will show itself and we’ll start hunting you down~! Fuhahahaha! ☆”
…Not that it really matters, but, Chiaki-chin… You say you’re zombies, but you guys are buzzing about with your backs straightened up, so it doesn’t really give me that impression.
Ah, that’s how Jiangshi are like.
They move real quickly, but 'cuz of rigor mortis, they can’t really move their joints around.
Yep, yep! That counts for their knee joints too, so they have to move by bouncing.
It’s exactly like wearing Japanese clothes, and you guys move about like rabbits, so we’re aligning with you, too.
Ohh, so that’s why you decided on Jiangshi. Thank you, I apologize for the concern we caused you~♪
You say some strange expressions sometimes, Nito. It sounds vaguely artistic, or like you’ve tensed up…
Anyway, what did you end up deciding on for your costumes?
I was pretty worried for you guys, since it seemed like you were struggling to decide on something all throughout our time together.
It clearly has rabbit-like features, as I expected it would, but… I can’t tell what monster you’re supposed to be.
Oh yeah, we decided on this with Anzu. We’re zombie rabbits~♪
What’s that…? I’ve never heard of it. Are you literally just zombie rabbits?
Ahhh, I see now… There were zombie dogs in some of the movies we watched with everyone…
Wha— Don’t remind me! Eeek—!! I still can’t get the image out of my head! The window…! There’s a hand on the window…!?
Calm down, Chiaki-chin~… Anyways, we’re not actual rabbits, but stuffed rabbit zombies~
After playing with its owner until it fell apart, the stuffed rabbit was thrown away…
Now it yearns to see its owner again and comes back on the night of Halloween to play with them… Something like that.
Wow, that’s kinda cute… That sort of thing is just like Ra*bits…♪
Really? I find that super scary! Moving stuffed toys are terrifying!
Ahaha, we’re supposed to look a bit eerie, but we also needed it to be cute, as well.
It would’ve been way more gruesome and sad if we were actual rabbits, y’see.
But a beloved stuffed toy coming back to play with you for at least a single night… That’s pretty romantic~♪
My sincerest apologies! I’m sorry for arriving so late…!
Oh, Mikejima-san! You’ve finally shown yourself! You were taking a while, so I was starting to worry about you.
But you really are incredible; a hero really is all about arriving in the nick of time~♪
No no, that won’t do as an excuse… It’s just that I kept running into one problem after another, and had to rush about eeeverywhere.
I think I finally got through them all, though… Ahh man, I’m exhausted.
Heheh, you’ve got a lot of stamina, so you’ll be fine! You can do it, you can~♪

“Trick or Treat~♪ This is a festival where you can't tell adults, children, misters, misses, monsters and humans apart, and where we can all get along and have fuuuun!!”
“So let’s all enjoy ourselves~♪”
Mike-chan-senpai, come over here, c’mon~♪ Why’re you so far away from us? Let’s all have fun singing and dancing together~!
…Sure. Thank you, Mitsuru-san.
Why’re you thanking me? Ehehe~ I don’t get you at all!
So I’m told! But even though I’m like this, I could also get along with everyone and enjoy myself if it’s within a festival!
I can’t hold back my joyyy! I’m so happy, I could soar to the ends of the universe~♪
We can’t have you do that now! Let’s all enjoy this together to the very end, Mikejima-san~♪
that’s right, it is just as chiaki [said]~ come, let’s all dance together~♪
“for tonight only, we [invite] everyone to the monster [festival]! trick or treat…♪”
Chapter 5

Ooh… It’s pretty unusual for Shinkai-senpai to start singing first. We gotta work just as hard, too, Midori-kun~♪
Yeah… But I’m starting to feel tired all of a sudden…
Those two weeks were rough… I’m also tired from worrying so much about how off Morisawa-senpai was acting…
Ahh, man… If only I were lazing around at home, it would’ve been way more relaxing… But I can’t say that now that I’m up on the stage…
Besides, no one’ll notice shooting stars if they don’t shine when they fly by… That'd be kinda sad, and maybe lonely…
That’s why I’ll do my best, at least once in a while…♪

Ooh, you look eerie, Midori-kun! You're acting just like a monster, it's incredible~♪
I’m not really trying to…
But being how I normally am seems to do the trick, so maybe I really am fit for this role…♪
If only I could always be praised for being sluggish…♪
Heheh, Taichou was pretty much useless this time, but Midori-kun’s been making up for it by shining way more than usual.
We surprisingly always balance ourselves out.
“Five stars becoming one, shining with all their might! With the five of us together, we are Ryuseitai…! ☆”
N-Nagumo stole my chance to say our catchphrase…
Dammit, I’m so frustrated… I’m going to lose face at this point; I’ve got to prove that I can miraculously turn the tables around to my side.
ahaha, what would you even get from [competing] against your own comrades, chiaki~?
although, i do suppose it is much [better] to do that than to treat everything with [caution]~♪
[halloween] is the children’s [festival].
you [should not] intrude on their festival~ let’s [relax], and enjoy it in our own way~♪
…Yeah. You’re right, I don’t need to act big, as if I’ve got to do everything myself, do I?
The kids are growing up to be strong and amazing. I really got to see and feel that from the bottom of my heart this time around.
I’m so happy, Kanata. Our dreams, our wishes keep coming true.
With our comrades in Ryuseitai, even world peace is achievable! If we’re together, we could defeat all evil, and turn any ideal into a reality!
Ahh, I’m so happy! What was I even thinking! There really is nothing to be afraid of!

Location: Halloween Party Concert Hall (Ra*bits)

(…Heheh, everyone looks like they’re having fun. I’m so glad.)
(Especially Morisawa-senpai. He was always sighing, so I was worried for him…)
(But he truly is the person Akehoshi-senpai respects. He got through his worries with ease, and is back in high spirits…♪)
(But as for me… I think I’ve reached my limit… I’ve only realized it now, but I really must’ve tired myself out…)
(I-I feel too wobbly to stand up straight.)
(What do I do…? Uu~… After all that practice we all went through together… I can’t believe I ended up like this on the actual live show…)
(I’m so pathetic. Why am I always like this?)
…Hajime? What’s wrong? Are you alright?
I-I’m okay. I’m feeling a little dizzy, but I’ll do my best.
Your “okay” never really is okay… You don’t have to force yourself if you’re tired. Go rest, you can leave the start of the performance to us.
See that pumpkin stand? Just make it seem like you’re making a cute pose while leaning against it, and rest.
It’s Ryuseitai’s turn to sing right now, so you won’t look weird if you stay still.
Heave-ho… I’ll carry you to the pumpkin, Hajime.
Wha—!? T-Tomoya-kun!? Don’t carry me!
D-Don’t move around! You’re pretty heavy, y'know!
I-I’m not heavy, you’re just weak~… Now do you see! You shouldn’t carry me like a princess! It isn’t right!
What “isn’t right”… What’re you getting so embarrassed about all of a sudden…
I carried you like this when we had a marathon in junior high, remember? When you pushed yourself way too hard.
I’m actually really happy I get to help you like this again. We’re gonna pull each other’s hands whenever one of us slows down, aren’t we?
So this is my turn, basically.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Chiaki is referencing this children’s song. The English lyrics can be found here.
- ↑ Out of fear, Chiaki switches to talking more politely with: “Takamine-kun”: a bit more respectful or softer way to refer to someone, especially compared to the usual way he refers to most people (without any honorifics), and “~shite kureru?”: a polite way to request something (“Could you please~”).
- ↑ This is Doctor Shinigami. He appeared in Kamen Rider, which aired back in 1971.
- ↑ He apologizes with gomennasai (polite sorry) instead of the usual way he apologizes, which is “suman” (informal sorry).
- ↑ The original for “Hiyah” is アチョー (Achow), referencing Bruce Lee’s battle cries.
- ↑ “I’m at a climax from start to end” is a reference from Kamen Rider Den-o.
- ↑ “I’ll play a trick on you if you don’t give me a treat” is a common Halloween phrase in Japan.