Sweet Halloween – Epilogue
Location: Halloween Party Concert Hall (Ra*bits)

Tomo-chin? Hajime-chin? What’s up, did something happen?
Ahh~! No fair! Carry me too, Tomo-chan~♪
Ofgh!! Hey, stop, don’t jump on me! There’s no way I could carry two people at once!
Ahaha, what’re you doing… I just can’t leave you guys alone~♪
I-I’m so sorry. I think I’m feeling a bit weak… I can step down from the stage if I shouldn’t be around here anymore…
Mmm, you don’t have to do that. I mean, I don’t really wanna force you if you’re that tired…
But I wanna get through Halloween Party with everyone, since we went through the effort of preparing everything together, too.
Try to do your best without hurting yourself, Hajime-chin. And with a smile, if you can.
Huff… I-I’ll try.
Mhm, we’ll put all our energy into dancing, so you just focus on singing.
You’re the best one at singing out of the four of us. No, not just that… Your singing is just as incredible as everyone else in Yumenosaki.
So don’t put yourself down. Be more confident with yourself and your skills, and do your very best.
Everything might just go well if you do that~♪
Alrighty then, I’ll start dancing even harder! I’ll give some space for you so people can see you, so go ahead and make a cute pose~! ♪
Okay…♪ I’ll do my best~!
(Ehehe, I’m so happy… I can’t help but feel at ease. It’s entirely my fault for losing all my strength to perform on the day of the live show, and yet…)
(Instead of throwing me away as some waste of space, they let me be useful to them. I’m so happy~ I’m so, so glad to be part of Ra*bits.)
(No, not just that… I’m so glad I joined Yumenosaki, and yearned to be an idol. I’m sure that no matter what happens, I won't regret anything.)
(I’m so, so happy right now…♪)
Hajime? Your eyes are closed… You didn’t fall asleep, right…? Wait, are you alright!?
Yes, I’m awake, Tomoya-kun.
I'm no longer looking at people's backs with longing, but living happily within the same stage — within the same shine as everyone else.
So don’t look so worried, Tomoya-kun… Please do whatever you want to do with everything you’ve got.
I really, really am alright.
…Yeah, gotcha. If that’s what you say, then I believe you.

To be honest, I don’t ever have the time to be worrying about other people. I’ve been scraping the barrel just trying to reach the average.
Still, I can’t keep complaining and saying, “But for someone like me…”… I gotta do everything with all I’ve got.
Ahh, man! Life’s such a pain, dammit~! It’s a rollercoaster!
(Ahaha, you’re hopping about, Tomoya-kun… You did practice acting like a bunny a whole lot, after all.)
(It’s so cute how you work hard with all your might.)
(You’re cute, and so cool, Tomoya-kun.)
(I remember that time in junior high. We were on our way back to school from the marathon…)
(You noticed how slow I was, and turned back to ask if I was okay.)
(And then you picked me up like a princess… I was embarrassed, but you must’ve been embarrassed about it, too.)
(Yet you still carried me, even though you didn’t have the strength to… All for my sake.)

(You’ve been my prince ever since that day.)
(It may be wrong to make a cool prince do cute things…)
(And we may someday find it hard to be together, break off, and walk different paths from each other…)
(But for now, stay by my side…)
(And let’s sing together.)