Meteor Impact – One Year Ago: Unqualified Hero (Chapter 27–33)
Chapter Index
Ch 27 - Ch 28 - Ch 29 - Ch 30 - Ch 31 - Ch 32 - Ch 33 - Translation Notes
Chapter 27
Location: School Route

Few minutes later…
(Mmm~ I dunno what to do… I can’t find Bucho~ anywhere.)
(Did he go home…? But the practice room wasn’t all tidied up after being used…)
(Something doesn’t feel right — He’s not the type to leave things a mess.)
(But I’ve looked everywhere, I dunno where else to check.)
(Oh yeah, Yuuki-kun said he was in the Broadcasting Committee, didn’t he… Maybe I could get him to call for Bucho~ through the speaker.)
(Oh, wait— I think he’d need to ask the Student Council for permission first…)
(I don’t wanna trouble Yuuki-kun—He’s still a first year, so I’m sure he doesn’t have much of a say in anything.)
(Though considering how he is, I think he would try his best if I asked him.)
(But that’s the thing. It’s ‘cause he’s such a good guy that I shouldn’t be relying on him.)
(…I wanted to properly apologize to Bucho~, though…)
(He looked so down… I lost my cool and went way too far, I think…)
(I’m so indebted towards him for practically everything, and yet… I’m being so ungrateful to him.)

(I’m always like this… But… It was such a huge shock to me.)
(I feel like, somewhere deep inside, I thought of Bucho~ as my dad.)
(But he’s not, he’s someone entirely different. My dad’s dead. I know that already.)

Move, move move move~!!
Ahh, that was too harsh of me! Excuse me, please move aside! I’m in a hurry!
I’m coming throooough!! If there’s any complaints, please send them all over to Morisawa Chiaki from Ryuseitai!
(Huh? Is that Bucho~…? W-What’s he doing?)
Shinkai-kun, are you alright? Are you feeling sick from me shaking you around?
well… it is more Comfortable than Walking on my own.
i’m sorry. i am not very Good at Walking… i am not used to it, see — because i’m always being Carried around.
so. this is the Usual for me, and it is comforting.
I see! That’s good to hear! Being bad at walking is like the Little Mermaid! It’s exactly fitting to carry you like this, princess style…☆1
Hm? Ahh, Akehoshi! I’m very sorry, but please let me through!
There’s a lot of things I want to talk to you about, but I’m in a hurry! I have to head over to the auditorium right away!
Ah, okay… But why? Does that mean you’re gonna perform?
Yes! Exactly!
Ahh, but we need idol uniforms! I just realized! Mikejima-san said there’s some in the AV room — we’ll head there first!
…Are you alright with that, Shinkai-kun?
mm~ you will bite your Tongue if you Talk while running, chiaki.
Oh! You’re right! Thank you for the warning~♪
(That guy… is the weird person who clung on to me while drenched in water. Why’s Bucho~ carrying him?)
(He said he’s gonna perform, right…?)
(Tonight’s live show is called the “Battle versus the Sea God” or something, but I didn’t see Bucho~’s name nor Ryuseitai in the performer list…?)
(I dunno what’s happening, but Bucho~ has a good look on his face somehow.)
(He’s sparkling! Ahaha! I see… I, see?)
Bucho~! Sorry, I know you’re in a rush, but please answer this one question! I keep asking about it, but — are you gonna save this guy?
Yep! Exactly! You understood it well, Akehoshi! Well done!
Of course I would! I’ve spent time in the same Basketball Club as you!
But, uh, anyway… Will you be able to win…? Can you really save him?
I don’t know! Honestly, I have no confidence in how I’ll manage it!
What!? Then why? Because you’re a hero?
Yes! No—It’s because I want to become one!
Unfortunately, there are many things about myself I still lack right now, but I don’t have the time to wait for myself to grow and finally become a great person!
But that still doesn’t mean I should give up! I just need to put all my effort into it! I’ll put in every last bit of strength that I have right now, and work hard!
Please cheer for me if you can! Huff, huff… Also I’m starting to lose my breath, so I’d be glad if you could keep the talk short, okay!?
(…Oh, that’s what it was. I don’t really follow, but I understand it.)
(It was alright for me to believe in you. It was alright for me to never give up or lose hope in you… You’re the one who taught me that—)
(That’s why I don’t want you to lose, no matter what. No—If you don’t win this time, then I really won’t forgive you.)

Bucho~! You asked me to cheer you on, right? Then I will! I’ll always do whatever I’m needed for!
Because I’m an idol! Because you let me stay as one!
Hang in there! Don’t lose now, hero!
Chapter 28
Mentions of harassment ahead.
Location: “Battle versus the Sea God” Stage

At the same time, as the “Battle versus the Sea God” performance begins…
(…Incorrigible! Where did this intense air come from!?)
(The audience is acting bizarre. It doesn’t feel as though they’ve gone crazy with intoxication from watching our performance—)
(—No, actually, they have been reacting erratically to every single move we make.)
(Their cheers are abnormal — as if they’re frenzied, thirsting for blood.)
(We selected our audience carefully, yet I can hear many of them causing a commotion when they should be following the stage regulations instead.)
(They keep screaming “kill them,” “viva la revolution,” and the like… This is no longer an idol performance, this may as well be a rally for war.)
(…There was a strange atmosphere to this live show before it had even begun.)
(All I needed to do was make it obvious that we defeated and subdued Shinkai Kanata of the Five Eccentrics.)
(We don’t need more than a few witnesses to confirm our deed, then have it documented officially.)
(All we have to then do is use that fact efficiently and publicize it to suit our agenda.)
(That’s why I’ve chosen to make it an S2 — a live show limited within the school premises. I did the bare minimum of advertisement for the performance, and I even chose to hold it during night-time, an inconvenient timing for students.)

(I also set the tickets to an expensive price, and announced that the regulations to obtain one would be strict.)
(Yet… they still sold out in mere seconds.)
(We had to implement the regulation system immediately after the announcement, thus, we had to spend far too much time inspecting the tickets… It left my plans a mess.)
(But that’s alright, this workload is necessary.)
(We have to be absolutely certain we don’t lose, so I worked hard to ensure none of our guests are the Yaobikuni worshippers, as they may cheer for Shinkai instead.)
(It was impossible to get rid of their religious faith entirely, and they aren’t the type that can switch to worship a different God. That’s why it was an extra step I had to be sure that we completed.)

(Hah. I must say, this is truly horrible of us. The DreamFes seems to be fair on first glance, as long as victory is declared based upon the number of votes…)
(But the Student Council is in charge of managing and planning any DreamFes — there are plenty of ways to influence the votes however we need to.)
(It doesn’t take much to make a fixed match. And by expanding the system within the school and making good use of it, we would have the power to defeat the unrivaled geniuses, the Five Eccentrics—)
(Or at the very least, we can mark that as a victory in the records.)
(People who weren’t present for the performance can only know what happened through the official announcement, which only displays the final result.)
(“The Student Council won against the Five Eccentrics,” “the Student Council is stronger than the Five Eccentrics”—)
(Without a doubt in their mind, they’ll believe that. And, swayed by what the officials say, they will start cheering for us.)
(The more supporters we have, the easier it’ll be to win DreamFes, and so the cycle begins.)
(The Student Council force will be able to continue their advances without problems, and eventually defeat all the Eccentrics as per planned. I must say, we’ve cooked up quite a good scheme here.)
(But something about this makes me uneasy — this plan is going too well… In fact, the students are glorifying us and bashing the Five Eccentrics far more than I had anticipated.)
(It’s baffling to see how far they’re going, even when we’re the ones who prompted them to act this way.)
(Within the school, vitriol overflowing with animosity towards the Five Eccentrics has been flung around, and just the mere presence of fine causes a shower of cheers.)
(I did assume this would eventually happen, but… this change is much too drastic.)

(All of you students, allow me to ask: Why have you gone this berserk?)
(Did you have that much resentment pent up for the Five Eccentrics? Have you loathed them from the bottom of your hearts all this time?)
(While it is true that bitterness and envy drives a person mad… Most of the students within this school were mere imitations of idols — they didn’t even have the motivation to perform basic idol activities.)
(And the Five Eccentrics were above everything else, and were a nuisance for it — in other words, business rivals. It’s no surprise people would feel jealous — at least, the idols who worked hard every day would have.)
(But all of you are different, aren’t you?)
(None of what the Five Eccentrics did mattered to you people; you were satisfied as long as you could take it easy in the school, weren’t you?)
(That is why we had intended to stir a little bit of emotion within the apathy of the people in public.)
(If we lowered the public’s opinion of the Five Eccentrics slightly, and improved how favourably they view the Student Council in exchange—)
(We would be able to win the DreamFes through the voting system. With each victory, we become the ones in power, and become capable of changing history however we like.)
(That was all we had planned… so why are you howling with so much rage and malice?)
(Why are you so intent on cheering for us, and cursing at them?)
(Something isn’t right here… It’s as if they’re going through mass hysteria — like swathes of people raging over the injustice done to them, just before heading into war.)
(…That reminds me — my parents were mumbling their words for once—)
(But I could hear them saying something about the legend of this land… That the evil within the meteorite had amplified the negative emotions of the people.)
(They added that it was more akin to a curse than an illness.)
(Those dyed in evil would lash out at each other in a fit of rage and begin to hurt one another until they fall to ruin.)

(Isn’t this unsettling haze swirling around us that very same thing…!?)
(It’s also known as what once happened when a chieftain had persecuted Shinkai’s family—)
(Apparently, the evil had spilled out once more, and many people of this land suffered a tragic fate.)
(Would that mean that this is my fault…? By devising a tactic to subdue Shinkai Kanata of the Five Eccentrics, I’ve made the evil come back once more…?)
(No…! Impossible! It’s nothing but a legend — a mere superstition…!)
Chapter 29
Brief mentions of self-injury ahead.

Compose yourself, Hasumi-dono!
K-Kanzaki? What’re you doing here!?
I thought I made it very clear you’re banished from Akatsuki…!
Indeed you did. I have no right to be standing on this stage; I am akin to a ruffian running amok.
I have been exiled from Akatsuki… Therefore, I have come here to speak as myself, bearing the family name that I have inherited from my ancestors.
Nay! I speak to you as a fan of you and Kiryu-dono—of Akatsuki! What an unsightly state you present! I misjudged you!
You are both entirely distracted, and neither of you have smiled even once! You are not in the least bit synchronized with the song!
I know not what has intoxicated you, but watching your staggering, nearly inebriated movements is unbearable!
I may have lost the right to call myself a member of Akatsuki, but I am still an “ai-dol”!
I am one of you, as well as your long standing foe! O travellers of the same path of dreams! I shan’t let either of you negate that about me, no matter how much love and respect I hold for you two!
And as I see it, Akatsuki does not have the right to call itself an “ai-dol yu-nit” right now! Such insolent drunkards should not disgrace the name of Akatsuki!
Ahh, I want nothing more than to cover my eyes from this disastrous scene! Perhaps I should cut you down in a fit of anger!?
Straighten your back! Smile, even if you do not want to! Do it for the sake of your guests!
Present yourself whole, and utter every lyric you sing with as much passion—as much soul as one could muster!
Is that not what you two had taught me, back when I knew nothing…!?
…Haha! ♪
Hey Danna, he just told you off. Ain’t ya ashamed of yourself?
You ain’t gonna start actin’ indifferent after bein’ criticized that hard by a chick that hasn't even grown feathers, are ya?
He’s pickin’ a fight, so let’s accept his challenge.
‘Course, we’ll be the losers here if we lose ourselves to anger and start throwin’ punches — and “he hit me first” ain’t gonna cut it as an excuse. But a nerdy young master like yourself would know that much at least, right?2
…Of course I do.
He’s right on one part: I was caught in a delusion. I couldn’t effectively wave off the klesha plaguing my mind, when I’m meant to perform here on stage…3
It doesn’t matter how bizarre or unimaginable this situation is, the guests are still our guests. It’s our duty to ensure our guests are satisfied.
I understand how it feels to be a parent who gets taught by their own child. It seems I still need much more training than I had thought.
Is there a problem? I spoke what was on my mind, and I refuse to apologize for anything! I am far beyond furious right now, I feel as though my beloved katana has been smeared with filth!
…And yet, you never change. You always remain straightforward and clean — like a polished katana.
Even if those “evil things” existed, it would surely never have an effect on you.
They say that it amplifies one’s negative emotions, but it could never manage to do so if those emotions never existed inside the person in the first place.
…? But I can also feel negative emotions…? There are times when I cry, and times when I am angry! I am a human being, after all!
And it is for that reason that I am capable of forming thoughts, for as long as my head stays intact! I felt awful being ridiculed by you… and began to wrack my brain as hard as I could!
You are currently in the middle of a performance, so I will withhold the details, but! Your reason to dispose of me was justified, for you are always in fair judgement!
I had forgotten what it means to be loyal, and attempted to deceive the person I claimed as my lord!
Were this during a certain era, it would have only been natural to be ordered to slice my stomach open! In fact, I am more than grateful that you allowed me to live with a mere exile!
About that exile… I’ll be retracting your banishment.
…What? Pardon?
Or, rather, I haven’t even done the procedures to banish you from the unit. I was too preoccupied with other matters.
If you’re still up for it, then go change into your uniform — There’s a spare sewn by Kiryu in the dressing room.
What!? You prepared an outfit for me, too, Kiryu-dono!?
Sure did. I mean, I didn’t even expect ya to get “banished” in the first place, so I got three outfits stitched up.
Even our songs need three people to perform, so — we can’t get this place goin’ without ya.
No more of this politics and war strategy nonsense — Let’s win this fight by singin’ and dancin’ like idols should.
Once we do, this punk self of mine can finally be reborn as the person I’ve dreamed of bein’.
I’m sure you can tell that we’re a mess right now, Kanzaki… so help us out, will ya?
…R-Roger! Why, of course I will, that is exactly what I was hoping you would say! But as a man who was wrongfully disloyal to you, I could not say it myself!
It has nothing to do with what my ancestors say! I simply wish to sing as part of Akatsuki right now!
You both appear weak and pale at the moment for some reason, and so I shall be your right-hand blade, much like a final trump card!
Wait just a moment! Nay, not even that — for I, Kanzaki Souma, shall hurry back as I were Skanda himself!4 Fuhahahaha…! ☆
…Haha. He’s so happy, like a li’l kid who got his new year’s gift.
It was almost enough to fool me into thinkin’ I’m a good guy for doin’ a good deed.
But you alright with this, Danna? You really lettin’ him come back? Didn’t you want him away from all this dirty work?
I’ll be sure to avoid keeping him near that type of work, obviously. I’ll keep him far away from the swamp through any means necessary, even if it’s by reworking the documents.
But you saw him yourself, didn’t you?
He leapt all the way into our stage in the middle of our performance. Who knows what he’d do if we leave him alone — it’s too dangerous.
That’s why we have to keep a close eye on him. No—It’s our duty to do so. We have to put on a strong front now that we have someone who admires us.
We’ll become seniors that he would be proud to have. That will be our repayment to him for saving us out of this delusion.
I won’t lose my way anymore. I’m the one who started all of this, so I’ll be sure to accomplish my goal without any complaints.
And I’ll need both of you to help with that.
Especially on stage. I may still be inexperienced, but I can fight if I’m not alone. I could kill any God — so let’s show them the power of human beings.
Haha, sayin’ that’ll get you damned to hell, Mr. “son of a temple”.
But y’know, I don’t dislike that about you.
Even the part about you that rambles on and on about borin’ logical stuff, but as soon as somethin’ makes ya happy, it all just blows away from you.

It’s so naïve, and honestly, childish of you… I just can’t leave ya alone, can I? ♪
Chapter 30
Mentions of harassment ahead.
Location: AV Room

Let’s hurry, Shinkai-kun! There was a huge commotion near the auditorium, I think the “Battle versus the Sea God” has already begun…!
(Battle versus the Sea God, huh… It’s probably an extension of the Dragon King Competition, the one Kiryu was in many times and likely got hurt in the process…)
(Now they’re doing a special version of that for defeating their most powerful enemy, the Five Eccentrics.)
(“Sea God”… At first glance, it looks like the most suitable name for Shinkai-kun, but you can also read it as “monster”.5 I feel like that was what Akatsuki, the Student Council force, was aiming for…)
(Shinkai-kun isn’t even a God, let alone a monster… I don’t quite like the naming, but for now, I need to—)
chiaki~? was this what you were Looking for?
Ohh! That’s it, that’s the one! It was exactly as Mikejima-san said — Ryuseitai’s uniforms were all in the AV room!
Whew, I’m glad. I was worried I’d have to buy one of those idol uniforms the school’s been selling recently.
Though, any outfit would’ve been fine, really. But I wanted to change into these if I could.
i see. i’m glad~ i am very Good at Finding things. i am a god, after all~♪
…Uh-huh… Um, yes, you were a big help. Thank you.
you would like Red, yes? i think it’s This one, here you go~♪

Yeah…… Shinkai-kun, I have a question.
Does this uniform suit me…?
huh? i think the Size would Fit you just fine…?
actually, i think the material is Strong enough to be Handled a bit roughly, too?
you should be able to Wear it, and i’m sure it would Fit you. i do not know if it would have fit you a year ago, but right now, you will surely be good enough for it.
that is why. please take it. you always wanted to Wear it, didn’t you?
…Yeah, I did. I’ve always longed to wear it.
(Ryuseitai’s uniforms… They were hidden deep, deep down in here, huh…?)
(We’ve been degrading—trashing our legacy bit by bit, doing nothing but fooling around—until we’d gone completely rotten…)
(But even then, there were treasures preserved within that precious, unbroken legacy of ours, free from the taint and tarnish.)
(And I’ll inherit it. It seems like no one else wants to, so I will.)
(No! I’ve chosen to inherit the passionate spirit of justice because I want to!)
Aaalright, time to change! Ermm, how do you wear this…?

shall i help you, chiaki?
Wha!? W-Why did you change, too!?
…? huh? am i not Allowed to…?
No, um…? It isn’t that — Actually, it suits you way more than I thought, but—! Shinkai-kun, don’t tell me you’re going up on stage…!?
mm… if that is what you Want, then i will. i was already planning on Performing in the live show, anyway.
but my worshippers kept Wishing for me to not Perform—
they forcibly Distanced me from it, so i thought it would be too Difficult to manage it.
but if i can Perform there, then i want to. i want to take Vengeance, on behalf of shu, as well.
since he is my Friend.
…but they Wished me not to, so i shouldn’t go Perform, should i?
am i a failure as their god…? mm…?
…So that’s how it is.
huh? what do you mean?
Ah, no, just talking to myself. Hmm… I’m going to be honest: I didn’t actually want you to perform on stage.
At the moment, practically every student in the entire school irrationally hates the Five Eccentrics.
If you go up on stage, they might start to berate you, and possibly even throw rocks at you.
I can’t take you into such a dangerous place, so I was planning on fighting alone.
I was going to tell you to lock yourself in this room for shelter, and just wait until it’s over.
Once I was done, I would have escorted you back to the beach… so that I may fulfill Mikejima-san’s request.

…you were planning to Substitute for me…? to go Up there, and have Rocks thrown at you in my stead?
you were planning on becoming the Sacrifice, chiaki?
When you put it that way, you make me sound like I’ll honorably sacrifice myself, which sort of feels weird… But, you see — while this isn’t something I’m proud of, I’m actually used to being in horrible situations.
And that’s exactly why— I’ll become the monster subjugated in your stead.
Chapter 31

…you want to become a hero, don’t you?
Yep. That’s what I plan on becoming. The world may see me as a monster, but I will become your hero.
I’ll become a being who can take the pain in place of the persecuted victims, and fight to protect them.
is that what you Desire? is that your Dream…?
didn’t you say that Dreams are something much more Sacred…? that is how i Understood it, but was i wrong?
…I can’t think of any other way to become one.
But that doesn’t mean I can sit still and do nothing about it. You heard it on our way here, didn’t you? The cheering of a pure, innocent kid…
I’m never going to betray those cheers again.
I am terrified, though. It’s pathetic, but my legs won’t stop shaking.
But even if I’m scared — if even one single person believes in me, then I want to become a hero.
…i really can’t see the Difference between heroes and gods, but—
i understand. i am the Same as you. it makes me Happy to know we’re the Same… that is what you taught me.
that is why i will Go with you. it is my Battle, after all.
and besides, i’m wearing such a cool Uniform… i don’t want to Hide without having done anything, as if i’m dead.

i wanted to get involved… even if it meant i got hurt. that is why i came out from the bottom of the Ocean.
i didn’t really want to go back inside… back to the Bottom, where there’s no one else — where it’s quiet, and lonely…
Is that your “wish”?
ah! that’s my Line, you know!? you can’t Steal it from me~ okay, chiaki?
Ah, sorry. ……All I’ve been doing is apologizing.
I want to change that about myself, so I’m going to thank you instead. Thank you for letting me know your true feelings.
Thank you for understanding how I feel, and for wanting to come along with me.
…I messaged the other Ryuseitai members just now.
I told them I’m going to participate in the live show as Ryuseitai, and that they can help out if they’d like.
No one replied. Of course they wouldn’t, they all shun me… and none of them would want to get hurt for no reason.
But you know, that’s exactly why I’ve steeled my resolve to see it through.
I will do this, even if I’m all on my own. If there’s even a slight chance I could become a hero, then I’ll reach out to take it.
If I lose the chance I have now, I’ll just end up a boring, whiny coward for the rest of my life.
But that isn’t what I want to become… I want to become a hero.
That’s why I’ll go there. Honestly, I don’t recommend joining me, but if that’s what you prefer to do, then — I’ll respect your feelings, just like you respected mine. It’s reassuring, and it’ll help me out a lot.
Don’t worry about the rage and hostility they might sling at you — I’ll take on as much of it as I can. Or no— at the very least, I’ll share that burden with you.
It makes me so happy to be able to do something heroic like that.
Let’s go, Shinkai-kun. From here on out, the two of us are our very own superhero sentai squad!
okay. … ah, please wait. you have to change before that.
Oh, you’re right! Sorry! I’ll go transform immediately!
“transform”… you keep saying that. it is an Important thing to do, yes?
Yep! No matter how pathetic someone is, as long as they transform, they can save anything, even the world!
hm… please let me borrow that thing you call a Phone for a second.
Huh!? I don’t mind, but why?
just do it. hm, hm… thankfully, my body is Dry, so i will not be breaking it.
as for how to use it— i learned that from seeing everyone use them.
Mm…? I don’t really understand, but I’ll go change for now, okay?
okay. … alright, it is perfect~♪
i will return your Phone now.
Alright… Who did you message, and for what?
fufu. i gave mikejima a Job to do. he is an important Person within ryuseitai, yes?
i got him to allow me in ryuseitai with that Authority.
he promised to do all the Procedures necessary for me, so it should be Fine.
Join Ryuseitai? You… you’ll join…?
it is only for this one Occasion. the dreamfes Rules say you cannot fight Together unless you’re in the same Unit.
i want to fight alongside you. and i want to Prove to you that i’m not Lying.
I see… You’re completely welcome to do so, Shinkai-kun.
No, allow me to call you by this name! Ryuseitai’s new warrior, Ryusei Blue!
“ryusei blue”… is that me? did i stop being “shinkai kanata”?
that is a strange feeling… but i do not Dislike it.
Yeah! You’re wearing the uniform, after all — so let’s both be reborn as new beings!
I’ll become Ryusei Red! I may not be capable enough to call myself that yet, but—
I’m still much better suited for the role over those who cower away from fighting and pretend nothing’s happening when the time has come!
That’s what I’ll make myself believe in! And even though I’m terrified, I’ll still fight with everything I have!
I will never, ever regret that I made this decision—that I made this choice for myself!
Chapter 32
Location: “Battle versus the Sea God” Stage

(…Mm. The air changed slightly ever since Kanzaki came rushing in here.)
(Actually— I believe what changed here is not the frenzied audience, but my own mindset.)
(Akatsuki needs… No, I need you, Kanzaki.)
(You must’ve been terrified about the legend from the olden days, after learning about it from your parents and seeing the state of your household… But I’m happy to see that you were still able to overcome that fear to come dashing back to us.)
(And I was so cruel to you, too… I bragged about protecting you for your sake, yet only emotionally hurt you in the process.)
(Yet, despite all that… you still want to serve me.)
(You are a true samurai—a man of loyalty. I’ll be sure to reward you for your service.)
(I’ll ensure our victory for your sake, and enlist you on the side of the victors. After all, with the current condition we’re in, we’ll be able to perform as per planned.)
(I doubt Shinkai will show himself, meaning we’ll be able to safely end this with a win by default.)
(In fact, I had picked out Yaobikuni worshippers that I could use for this exact purpose—)
(I told them to distance Shinkai from this performance, and in exchange, we of the Student Council would grant their wishes.)
(Everyone here has gone berserk, as if they really have had their negative emotions towards him amplified by the evil…)
(However, my true intention isn’t to needlessly hurt him.)
(Something is starting to go awry… But even then, I’m still within the tale I hoped to unfold.)
(That’s why, at the very least, I’ll smile for the audience. Even if this were nothing but a repulsive farce of a show, we’ll ensure satisfaction to our guests.)

…!? W-w-w-wh—
What is the meaning of this, Morisawaaa!?
Oh! You finally learned my name!
No matter when and where we met, you would always forget it for some reason — it made me feel blue, because I was worried it meant I was simply that worthless to you!
blue? aren’t i blue?
Yes! I leave that color to you now, so I’ll no longer be blue!
Shinkai—? You, too!? Why!? Why must you interfere with my plans!?
Why did you come here!? If you hadn’t shown up, we would have won by default! I would’ve been able to end this with as little sacrifice as possible!
“why”… because i wanted to, i think?
please ask the Difficult questions to chiaki! because i Don’t know!
but i want to know, so! i will have the hero teach me!
“Hero”? Why do the lot of you try to become something that doesn’t even exist…!?
That’s a wish too great for a human body to bear! Your desire to do so will only tear everything apart!
mm~? it is not a Wish, but apparently a Dream, temple guy?
That’s right! It’s a promise, and a vow! I’m going to make the dream I’ve envisioned since childhood into a reality — right here, right now!
“Hello, everyone! Good evening! You’re probably wondering who I am, so I’ll start by introducing myself! I’m Ryuseitai’s Morisawa Chiaki!”
“No! In fact, I’m a hero that’s part of that unit—my name is Ryusei Red…! ☆”
What even— B-Buchou-dono? Are you alright!?
“buchou-dono”? i don’t know who that is. my name is “ryusei blue”, you know?
Huh? Umm…?
souma. it’s alright. i’m sure you heard the Legend when you were young… and it must have been terrifying for you.
Y-Yes… From a young age, I have had many hellish nightmares of the town being dyed with evil.
I was terrified that it would become a reality if anyone were to lay a hand on you.
Thus, I committed treachery, all in an attempt to avoid the calamity once more.
it was Unnecessary, souma.
i’ll say this once again: it really is alright. even if Evil does spill out once more, i will do something about it.
i’m a god for that reason. i was protected for that reason… and that is why everyone had Faith in my existence for a Long, long time.
i’ll accomplish my Duty when the time comes. i will be the one to protect you all.
“Fuhahaha! Ryuseitai are both heroes and idols!”
“They crush the strong and save the weak! They come running towards anyone in need of rescue! No matter what happens, they’ll make sure to protect you!”
“I won’t ask you to have faith in us — after all, we aren’t Gods to revere!”
"But I want you to have hope — to understand that heroes like us exist in this world!”
“We’re here for you! When you’re feeling hopeless and paralyzed, but still choose to hold your head high to avoid shedding tears—”
“I want you to know: a star will shoot across the sky at that moment!”
“We are shooting stars!7 Even if you wish upon us, it might not necessarily be granted!”
“We’re still too weak and inexperienced! We only have a few people with us who share the same ambition!”
“But we’ll still do our absolute best! So cheer for us! Call for us whenever you’re in trouble!”
“Don’t hold back! You’re free to call for us, ‘Ryuseitai’…!”
“To everyone here! You are all idol students from an all-male high school — which means all of you were once little boys who admired heroes!”
“So you know exactly what to do, don’t you? Call for the heroes whenever you feel you might cry!”
“Stop relying on God for help! That kind of thing doesn’t exist! And the person standing here—Shinkai-kun is just another human being who has worries of his own, who can cry and feel pain!”
“But that’s alright! Because the hero is here!”
“And so! Don’t sulk because ‘God’ hasn’t granted your wish! Don’t get angry!”
“Don’t call him a fraud or liar! That’s just cruel, y’know!? You’re way off base here!”
“Instead! If you have any complaints or frustrations — you bring them to me…!!”
“Toss all your anger and malice towards Shinkai-kun at me instead! I’ll take it head-on, and then I’ll learn what to do better from now on — I’ll work my hardest and improve myself!”
“I’ll do everything in my power! So please, I beg of you!”
“Stop hurting each other! Nothing good comes from fighting! Haven’t you all been taught this by the very people you admired as a kid!?”
“At least, I was! That’s why I’ll become the very same being who taught me all these important things long ago!”
“Those non-existent heroes are practically powerless in this reality, and they can’t do a single thing for you no matter how much you cry for help!”
“That’s why everyone starts to doubt heroes — that’s why they call them liars!”
“I can’t bear to watch that happen — No, it isn’t only that! It’s because I want to repay their kindness, for teaching me everything important to know—”
“That’s why I’ll be protecting their dignity! If there are no heroes in this world, then I’ll become the hero!”
“I’ll keep saying it — the hero is right here!”
Chapter 33

…Haha. I dunno what happened to you, but you’ve bounced back stronger, haven’t ya, Morisawa?
You don’t need to yell it so loud — I’ve always known you were a real cool hero.
(But that’s going to be a thorny path for you, Morisawa. The students aren’t actin’ normally right now — they’re completely blinded by malice.)
(They’ll gang up on you if you throw yourself out to them like that.)
(Look around you— everyone in the audience came here to crush the wretched Five Eccentrics.)
(No matter how much sincerity your speech holds, you won’t be able to stop them — not when they’re in such a frenzy.)
(All those raised fists will turn towards you instead.)
(…Hm, then I guess I’ve got no other choice. If that’s what they’re gonna do, then I just gotta protect ya.)
(I’ll make sure of it this time— I’ll protect my treasured friend in a respectable way—without a single shred of violence.)
…Hm. I was a little shaken after seeing such an unexpected sight, but — our plans haven’t changed. We’ll do what we must, carefully.
“Morisawa. Sorry to interrupt your excitement, but it isn’t your turn.”
“According to DreamFes regulations, performances begin from the unit with the least amount of track records.”
(I’ll have to change the regulations to avoid such an unexpected scenario from happening ever again…)
(I’ll change it so that the units with the highest track record in DreamFes will perform first.)
(We don’t mesh well with the concept of an opening act, but… I’ll be able to move the game pieces forward on the board however I see fit.)8
“Ryuseitai has hardly done any activities, and thus, is much lower than us Akatsuki. In other words, your turn has already ended.”
“You’ve lost this DreamFes. You didn’t perform in the allocated time for your unit, so you have zero votes.”

(But… Even so—)
“… I’ll permit Shinkai’s enlistment into Ryuseitai for this performance.”
“He was working on his own, so I had announced his unit as ‘unknown’ for the time being.”
“That meant he could perform on stage with whichever unit he preferred — Ryuseitai included.”
(Originally, had Shinkai participated— he would have attempted to perform alone, unable to join a unit…)
(And thus, lose in the Battle versus the Sea God, as I made it a rule that one must be in a unit to participate.)
(We would have been able to win against him, even if he were to break free from his worshipper’s wishes.)
(Mmm, no— That’s still what has happened here.)
(After all, we won in the end. We defeated Shinkai Kanata of the Five Eccentrics, and advanced our revolution one step forward. Now, all we must do is announce that fact, and we will commence with cleaning up the aftermath.)
“Nevertheless, your turn is still over… and you’ve still lost.”
“So stand back at once. You said what you wanted to say, didn’t you, Morisawa?”

(…There’s no need for you to bear the brunt of their malice any longer.)
(Yumenosaki is acting bizarre right now — at this point, the mobs of students might be driven to annihilate you out of sheer fury.)
(In this washed-up world, overflowing with malice, you did everything you could for the sake of other people, with no ulterior motive.)
(A good-natured person like you should never get hurt for no reason.)
(Ahh… How can we even call ourselves the “Student Council” when we can’t even protect the earnest, good-natured students we have…)
“Kiryu, Kanzaki, we’re still in the middle of our song. We’ll be singing until the very end. Ryuseitai, get back — we’ll end this performance and conclude our battle.”
“Gotcha. Get back, Morisawa. We already got what you wanted to say.”
“I’m cheerin’ for ya. Go ahead and tell me if there’s anythin’ I can do for you, ‘cuz this Kiryu Kuro of Akatsuki will make sure he’ll be useful for ya.”
“We’re friends, after all. Whatever concerns you concerns me, too — if anyone ever messes with you, just tell me—”
“I’ll clean ‘em up with my own two hands~♪”
“Fufu, it appears that attempting to torment the man known as Morisawa is an act equivalent to picking a fight with Kiryu-dono…”
“My oh my. Personally, I would never be able to conduct such a terrifying act~♪”
(Fufu, how magnificent. As I thought, my seniors in Akatsuki are not tyrants fond of brutality… Even in a bizarre state, they continue to do their best to achieve what is right without relenting.)
(It is exactly for that reason that I shall serve them. Not because my parents have ordered me to, but because I want to.)
(With sincere loyalty! I shall become Akatsuki’s blade!)
(Now then, how has the audience been responding…?)
(…? How strange. They were excessively berserk only a moment ago — and yet, they are now quiet, as though cold water was thrown on them—)
(As if they have become possessed by a spirit.)

(…! Buchou-dono is singing along to the song unplanned!)
(His voice is so divine and otherworldly, I could not even tell it was a person’s voice at first!)
(As soon as the audience heard him, they fell in a trance, despite having been dyed in malice—)
(Their expressions became akin to a youth of their age — as if a curse has been purified through a kagura performance.)9
(Could it be… that? I contemplated the truth of the legend for a long time, only to conclude it was nothing but a fairytale…)
(But this spectacle… this unbelievable, miraculous phenomenon—)
(Ahh, this is why we have been protecting you for generations… for you are the ones capable of pacifying the evil—)
“…? huh? am i not Allowed to sing?”
“i’m sorry. it’s my First time standing on a real Stage, so i don’t know what i’m supposed to do.”
“… Nah. Must’ve been borin’ to just stand around, so sing along with us as a backup singer. You’re up on stage now, after all — not to mention, you’re an idol too.”
“You can do the same, Morisawa. You guys may have lost, but that doesn’t mean you died or anythin’.”
“That’s right. While you do become a spirit once you die…10 your soul won’t be able to move on in peace if you leave behind regrets. Do everything you can while you’re still alive.”
“Ahh… Don’t worry, we haven’t died. We may have lost, but you haven’t killed us without mercy, either.”
“In fact, we’re going to start living from now on.”
“We’ll live on. I was fortunate enough to make an irreplaceable comrade who’ll walk by my side—and who’ll chase after the same dreams with me.”
“Don’t say it’s only for this ‘one occasion’ — Let’s always sing together from here on out… Shinkai-kun~♪”
“No— Ryusei Blue! Let’s burn the flames of justice infinitely, and resound our ensemble!”
Translation Notes
- ↑ The Little Mermaid is ningyo hime (人魚姫), literally “mermaid princess”, and “carrying someone in one’s arms” is ohime-sama dakko (lit. princess carry). Chiaki enjoys wordplays and puns.
- ↑ Kuro refers to Keito as obocchan here.
- ↑ Referring to Klesha, a buddhist term referring to a negative mental state (and polluting thoughts).
- ↑ Referring to Skanda, who is known to be a fast runner.
- ↑ 海神 (Sea God) is read as kaijin, the same pronunciation for the word 怪人 (monster). As mentioned in a previous chapter, this is a common word in tokusatsu shows, and it refers to an antagonistic humanoid with supernatural abilities. This wordplay is why I chose to translate the live show’s name as “Battle versus the Sea God”.
- ↑ You can hear a voiced version of this line here.
- ↑ As mentioned before, the ryusei in Ryuseitai means “meteor”, as well as “shooting star”.
- ↑ In entertainment, opening acts are known to be usually done by the lowly ranks.
- ↑ Information about Kagura here.
- ↑ Keito is referring to how Buddhism views life after death.