Meteor Impact – Monologue
Location: Fountain

Present day — End of the year, at night…
well then~ i’m off~♪
Mhm! Take care! Be careful on the streets! Call for me if any problems show up!
I’ll come rushing to you in a flash!! Fuhahahaha!! ☆
Ahaha… We’re heading straight home, so I don’t think anything could happen…
Eh, I bet he just wanted to say something heroic…
Well, whatever… (yawns) ♪
I don’t feel right going home when we haven’t even finished cleaning up, but I’m also starting to feel really sleepy, so… I think I’ll take my leave, yeah…
Mhm! Honestly, I should apologize for making you all stay up so late!
I’ll have to apologize to your parents after this, since I kept their precious son in school so late! I must really be worrying them!
Uh, no… I doubt mine are worried at all; I told them about this beforehand anyway…
Besides, whenever I’m lazing around at home during nighttime, they just tell me to go hang out with friends…
You wouldn’t expect it, but my brother would always hang out with his friends back when he was in school…
So, since he was so good at pretty much everything, they scold me when I don’t do things the same way… Or maybe it worries them, I guess…
Ahaha, your brother’s your brother, and you’re you! That’s what I think.
I know, right… It really annoys me to be compared to my older brother over just about anything… I’m jealous of you for being an only child, Tetora-kun…
Really? But I’m jealous of you for having siblings, y’know?

Right, right! I know how you feel, Nagumo! Aaalright, you’re free to call me “Onii-chan~♪” from today onwards…!! ☆
Gyaaa!? Like I said, please stop hugging me at every opportunity~!!
Aren’t you planning to keep on cleaning!? You’ve gotta stop using up your energy already — You’ll collapse, y’know!?
shh… don’t Make a noise, everyone. shinobu will wake up.

Mmn… Nyufufu, it is only natural for me to do my duty as a ninja… (mumble mumble)…♪
Ahaha… Sounds like he’s having a nice dream…♪
that’s right. so don’t Wake him up. go to sleep, go to sleep little baby…♪1
Heheh. Kanata, you’re singing him a lullaby while carrying him… I’ve been thinking this often lately, but you’re more of a mama than the one who calls himself one, Mikejima-san.
being Compared to that is just…
well, no matter. we shouldn’t Talk any longer; it’s time to head back Home.
are you sure you’re Fine doing the rest on your own… chiaki?
Of course! I’ll get everything squeaky-clean, so I’ll leave taking the kids home to you… Kanata~♪
yes. you can count on me, chiaki.
first, i must Recover my Energy to properly accomplish my Mission… puka, puka~♪
Mghg—mugaaAAA~!? How cowardly…! But a ninja shall not yield to such tortu—Cough, cough!?

Wai—I’ve given up trying to stop you from getting in the fountain, but at least don’t do it while you have Sengoku-kun in your hands!
He’ll drown to death…!!
ahh, i forgot. ehehe, it was an accident, really…♪
Oh jeez… You’re not livin’ all on your own — Don’t just forget about us, please. If you kill Sengoku-kun by “accident,” he won’t be able to rest in peace…
yes! i am aware! the five of us together are Ryuseitai~♪
…Oh yeah, this reminds me. I heard this from Taishou, but Ryuseitai had a lot of members in the past, right?
Taichou was so eager to tell us how it’s the first time the unit has had five people, so I sorta had the wrong impression at first…
Or like, he just looked so happy when he told us, so I thought, “Oh, I guess I shouldn’t let myself quit this unit then, huh…”
Huh? You’re planning to leave? Reconsider your decision, please! Don’t leave me behind with this group of idiots…!
Nah, I’m not. We’re gonna live and die together~ Although, I did wanna join Akatsuki at first.
But at this point, Ryuseitai is like family to me. Our bond is too deep to break apart, even if I tried.
yes. fufufu~ i have made many Families before i knew it… not that i ever Wished for any of it.
god does not Wish for things, after all.
ah, but… that’s right… i am not a god, am i?
chiaki told me that, but… i had always believed myself as such, so it is still hard for me to shake off the thought…
…? Um, what do you mean?
do you want to know? if you Wish for it, i’ll grant it… just kidding~♪
actually, no… you should know about it too, shouldn’t you? we’re Family, so we shouldn’t have Secrets between us.
i can also answer tetora’s Question from a moment ago, too.
let’s talk about it. our Story—Ryuseitai’s story.
i’m not Used to these things, so please Tell me if there are any strange things i say.
i don’t know the Full story myself, so i’m sure there will be Many missing parts to the story.
but please, do listen. please, know and understand — about the hero who saved the World.
once upon a time… a Meteorite fell down in some place—
Translation Notes
- ↑ If you’re curious, in the original he’s singing this lullaby.