Meteor Impact – One Year Ago: Unqualified Hero (Chapter 1–12)
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11 - Ch 12 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Bulletin Board

One year ago, beginning of summer — during breaktime…
(Nope, no good. No matter how much I stare at this billboard, nothing new will suddenly appear. The number of jobs to choose from has clearly decreased.)
(I guess we’re in recession, in a way. After all, last year’s graduates had a bad reputation within the industry, so our school’s been getting less job offers.)
(That’s just how society is. They won’t hire incapable people…)
(Even the graduates, who had been doing so well in school, have been retiring from the industry, and disappearing into the void.)
(There are some exceptions, like the super idol Hidaka Seiya, who continues to work in the industry to this day, but…)
(There’s a decline in the industry itself at this point, I think. Idols don’t last very long anymore, it seems.)
(Is everything really going to be alright when it’s like this…? Or has the idol industry become incapable of holding itself up…?)
(Ahh, it all just feels so disheartening…)
(No, no! Don’t think that way! You just have to keep trying to find the good things in life!)
(After all, I still have the stuntman job the previous captain introduced me to, so my own income is alright.)
(Although I’d hoped I could save up money through idol work instead… But that’s a little tricky right now.)
(The previous captain ended up going to the US as planned, and someone did inherit the Captain role after him, but…)
(I don’t want to badmouth one of my own unit mates, but our current captain is the type who just tries to get through by sucking up to people.)
(He doesn’t seem like he intends to work properly as an idol — all he’s good at is cutting corners.)
(Mikejima-san has been appointed vice-captain, and for some reason, the captain pretends to work hard only when he’s around… other than that, he just plays around.)
(After we became second-years, Mikejima-san has been travelling overseas even more than before for some reason…)
(So whenever he isn’t around, everyone starts doing whatever they want, like they’re trying to vent out their pent-up grudges.)
(Some members couldn’t even tolerate stopping themselves from messing around, so they’ve been transferring to Chess instead, where everyone messes around all the time, whenever they feel like.)
(Ryuseitai is losing both value and people.)
(I do want to stop this, but nothing I say has any influence. I feel like they start to treat me even worse, instead.)

(But I can’t complain at all… Last year, when everyone got serious for a while… apparently, that was because of my “wish”.)
(Apparently, to grant my wish, Shinkai-kun got Mikejima-san involved, since he was already in Ryuseitai… and that’s how the unit turned out the way it did last year.)
(Yeah, that makes sense… Not only the previous captain, but everyone else had suddenly changed their attitudes, too. Like it was magic… Like a miracle…)
(It all happened because that’s what that kid called “God” wanted.)
(I asked Mikejima-san to tell Shinkai-kun to stop doing anything like that anymore, so…)
(It would only be absurd to “wish” for the same thing yet again.)
(Threatening the lazy members to force them to work hard would be awful, anyway…)
(It is frustrating, and it is lonely, but I have no other choice… Enough relying on other people — I’ll do what I can by myself.)
(I’ll never wish for anything ever again.)
(This world has no room for daydreams, so I just have to do what I can, as hard as I can.)
(That would be enough, wouldn’t it, Mikejima-san?)
(Shinkai-kun… You may think it’s unfortunate that you couldn’t get me to wish for something—)
(And if that would make you sad, then I do feel a little bad refusing to do so, but—)
(I’m really sorry. I don’t think I could protect your smile.)

Sorry, but you’re in my way, so~ Move, Morisenpai.
Woah—! Oh, Akehoshi-kun! Hello! I’ve told you this so many times by now, but it isn’t “Mori”, I’m Morisawa!
Oh, right. Sorry, sorry, I just call anyone I’m not interested in whatever comes to mind.
No interest!? That’s mean!
Ah, but Senpai thinks your honesty is a good thing! Let me praise you, come on over, c’mon, c’mon…♪
Don’t call me over like a dog. You really are a weirdo, Morisenpai…
Like I said, I’m Morisaw—oh well… Anyway, is there something I can do for you?
Do you get anxious if you don’t see me at least once a day? Ooh, you little~♪
Nope, not one bit. I’m just here to check if there’s any job offers. Are you doing the same thing, Senpai?
Yup! But as you can see, the number of them is decreasing.
Oh, I see… Ahh, that puts me in a bind~ I mean, all I’ve been doing is solo activity lately.
But since the in-school jobs are based on that “DreamFes” thing, I can’t get any of them as a solo idol anymore.
Hm. So you aren’t part of a unit? Then how about Ryuseitai? You’re always welcome with open arms!
Ehh~ Isn’t your unit just a bunch of lazy bums?
Everyone in a unit gets equally rewarded, so I bet they’d just mooch off of all my hard work.
I don’t see the point in teaming up with people if it’s going to be that way. Me and my mom’re in a rough spot financially right now; I wanna make as much money as I can.
If I don’t start making money, my mom’ll have to work harder than she can handle.
I see… That must be rough. If you’re alright with doing stunt work, I could introduce you to the place I work at; how about it?
Mm, nah… I wanna make my way in life as an idol.
I mean, I won’t have any other choice if my situation gets bad enough, but~ I can make do with solo work at the moment.
So don’t worry about it. ‘Kay, I’ll see ya later~ Just spotted a nice job, so I’m gonna head over there and check it out.
Ooh, you’ve got keen eyesight! You could become a great basketball player! Come visit the Basketball Club sometime, Akehoshi-kun.
Yeah, if I feel like it~ Bye bye now, Morisawasenpai!
(Oh! He called me by my name. The way he said it sounded weird, though…)
(He’s usually cold and distant, like a wild animal… But he still listens to what I say.)
(Ahh, it makes me happy~ Juniors are so nice to have…)
(Aaalright! I’m going to work hard too, so I can become a proud senior! ♪)
(Hang in there! Don’t lose now, Morisawa Chiaki!)
Chapter 2
Location: Gym

Same day, after classes…
Bam! Take this! Finishing move: Super Chiaki Shoot…!! ☆
Heh… One point for me! Justice always prevails!
…Huh, you sure talk to yourself a lot, Morisawasenpai.
UGAAAH!? D-d-d-don’t scare me like that, Akehoshi-kun! When did you get here!? It’s rude to sneak up behind people! I thought I was going to die!
Hm~? Dying from shock? Are you a little animal or somethin’~?
Heheh, it’s all good, though. It’s cute.
Hmph! How could you say “cute” to your senior!? You’re so cheeky~!! But I guess you’re complimenting me, so in a sense, thank you!
Anyway… What’s wrong? Are you going to join club activities today? Didn’t you say you found a job earlier today, though…?
Whaa~ You’re the one who told me to show up sometimes.
…I rejected the job offer after learning the details.
R-Really? Why is that? Did they say something bad to you!? You poor thing! Let me make you feel better!
Nope. When I went there, they asked me to be the substitute for someone I dunno~ I mean, it would’ve been fine if it were something similar to a pinch hitter, but—
I wasn’t just gonna be said person’s substitute, they wanted me to work in the “background”—Basically, they wanted me to hide my face in a radio show and imitate his voice… Like, they were asking for way too much.
Well, technically I can do that, since the person in question is a pretty famous idol, and I more or less get how his character works, but…
Hm. I’m only asking out of curiosity, but who may you be referring to?
You don’t have to tell me if it’s confidential, but — I feel like I’ve heard something like this before, so I’m sort of curious.
If I remember correctly, he’s a famous idol who works solo, and goes by the name Hi… Hi-something, wasn’t it…?1
Hmm, they did tell me to keep it secret, but… I didn’t sign a contract or anything, so I guess it’s okay to tell you…
Or maybe not, since it may affect his reputation… I’m gonna keep it to myself.
Alright then. You respect people’s reputation, huh? I’m proud of you for being so considerate~♪
Umm, it doesn’t make me happy being complimented by you~…
Anyways. Now that I’ve got free time, I figured I could come over to the club to kill some time.
I didn’t bring my P.E. uniform, though. If you have a spare with you, could you let me borrow it?
Oh! I’ve got something great for that! I was just planning to change myself! You see, we have uniforms for practicing!
Which number would you like? You can choose any of them! Ah—but I’m not handing over number four, okay!?2
I don’t mind anything~ … So there were practice uniforms? Is that normal for a Basketball Club? I’m a beginner, so I dunno much.
No, it’s pretty rare. Usually you only wear a uniform during a match.
But since this is a Basketball Club in an idol school, there was once a time when a magazine company wanted to take candid shots for an article, so…
Now we have practice uniforms—or, well, uniforms for photos.
Ahh, I see, the photos wouldn’t be good enough in P.E. uniforms, yeah? It’s actually pretty hard to tell this is a Basketball Club without someone at least holding the ball.
Exactly! You’re really smart, Akehoshi-kun! You understand things so well, it’s wonderful~♪
I feel like you praise me over just about anything… It’s super overbearing, like you’re making fun of me instead.
That isn’t my intention at all~! … I’ve never once been praised by my seniors, so I thought to make sure to pour all my love into my juniors once I had my own!
Hmm~ So you’ve always been a useless one, Senpai?
I’m not useless, though!? No, actually, the “always” part is what hurts! I mean, regardless of how I may had been in the past, I’ve at least grown splendidly now!
C’mon, c’mon~! Look at my wonderfully built abs…☆
Huh!? Why’re you stripping!? I’ll call the police!
Please don’t! I said I’d change my clothes, didn’t I!?
You went too far with that joke; Senpai would love a kid who’s much more honest and attached to them, y’know!?
I don’t wanna be loved by you, anyway~ …But alright, maybe I was a little too mean. Sorry, sorry~ It’s just becoming so much fun to tease you~♪
Chapter 3
Location: Front Gate

Few hours later…
Aaalright! Time to head home, Akehoshi-kun!
Let’s check if it’s safe! Right’s all clear! Left’s all clear! All is clear! Here we gooo~! ☆
Umm~… You don’t have to walk me back home, y’know. I told you before; my house is pretty nearby.
No! Let me walk you back home, please! I’ve yearned to do something like this as a senior…! Thank you, Akehoshi-kun! You always make my dreams come true~♪
Huh? You were talking to me much more politely just a second ago; why’d you suddenly start being more casual?3
Don’t start shortening the distance between us for no reason~ It’s way too friendly, like you think you’re above me or something — It annoys me!
Huh? I’m sorry! I thought talking to you that way made me seem cold, like we don’t know each other…!
We don’t. But whatever~ Do as you like.
Mhm, I’ll do as I like~! It’s dangerous to walk at night, so we’ll go home together~! C’mon, c’mon! Let’s walk while holding hands~♪
I didn’t say you could do that! Stay, stay! You’re so overbearing, seriously…!

Hm? What’s wrong? If there’s anything you want to say, go ahead and say it!
I’m still new to being a senior to someone, so I’m sure I’m far from perfect as one! I’ll fix anything you point out to me!
Mm~ Shouldn’t you say that to the juniors in your unit, instead?
Ah, no… No first years joined our unit this year.
Ryuseitai’s become a bit reclusive for some time now because of the unit’s long history and outdated ties.
And, well, it’s gotten even worse this year.
The new captain is the type to be satisfied by just having fun with like-minded people. Not only does he not scout new members, but he even drives away anyone he can’t stand.
Woah! What kinda hell is that…!? It doesn’t suit you at all! Why’re you sticking around in a place like that? There’s no way you agree with that, right, Senpai?
Yeah… Honestly, I’ve often considered transferring to a different unit, or maybe just leaving units altogether and working solo, but… I can’t get myself to entirely give up on the whole unit…
Ryuseitai is my exact ideal image, since originally its concept was to be both idols and heroes.
Also, maybe the previous captain was just being nice, but he encouraged me. His words to me were: “I leave the rest to you,” and “hang in there.”
And then he told me, “become a great hero.” He patted me on the back and head, and I guess he must’ve been weirdly energetic that day, because then, for once, he hugged me.
Right at that moment, I felt like I had inherited the spirit of Ryuseitai — the very first idol unit to have been established in Yumenosaki Academy—
Like I inherited the burning, passionate spirit of justice. …Ryuseitai is corrupted right now, no doubt about it. But the lazy members who do as they please are all third years.
Once they graduate… The next captain will be Mikejima-san, if we’re looking at who has the skills for it.
I don’t really understand him very well, and he’s kind of terrifying, but he does his job well, has a good reputation overseas, and has a record of accomplishments.
We’ll make him the next captain, and then I’ll support him to the maximum limit if possible, and… If we work hard, I’m sure Ryuseitai will be reborn. Next year is when the real game begins— No, that’s when it’ll be our turn!
That’s what I believe in. There’s hope for the future, so I can bear with anything that comes my way!
Hmmm. I feel like you’re avoiding the real problem here, or like, you’re trying to come up with excuses.
I mean, all I hear about Ryuseitai is bad news. If things don’t go well, the school’s staff might have their eyes on you, or the unit’ll be demolished by next year, or something.
That’s such a terrifying thing to say… No, it’ll be just fine. In fact—I’ll make sure that of all things never happens. I promise you: I will protect Ryuseitai.
I don’t think there’s much point to promising me that, but… Well, do as you like. It’s your life, Senpai.
…Hey, if Ryuseitai really is reborn next year… and if you’re still up for that offer by then, and I still haven’t been able to do any work except solo…
Invite me then, okay? I might agree to join if anything like that were to happen.
Oh!? Got it! That’s our promise to each other! Believe in me, Akehoshi-kun! A hero never breaks his promise with a kid!
Huuuh? When did you become a hero, Morisawasenpai?
Also, don’t tell me the “kid” is me. We’re only a year apart, ‘kay? Gosh, you act so high and mighty…
…But that’s okay. If only a hero really had existed when I was in the worst time of my life…
…? What’s wrong?
Uh… Look up there, Senpai. Is it just me, or is it a little too bright up on the roof? I thought there was a fire for a second there.
Hmm? You have such keen eyesight, Akehoshi-kun! And your attentiveness is incredible! You really do have what it takes to be an excellent basketball pla—Wait, what?
(Ooh? What are those people wearing our school uniform doing on the rooftop? Are they waving light sticks…?)
(Is there a live show happening? No, wait, but… I don’t think anyone is allowed on the rooftop late at night, so…?)
Ahh~ Is that the rumored “Yaobikuni”…? This is the first time I’ve seen them.
Y-Yaobikuni? The legendary story about eating mermaid flesh and becoming immortal?
Ah, no, I don’t actually know what it’s about. It’s just the rumor recently, I think. Sakasaki-kun’s in my class, see—He knows a lot about weird stuff like that.
He’s one of the few friends I have that I can casually talk to, so we have chats sometimes.
That’s when he told me that there’s an illegal circle called “Yaobikuni” in our school.
I dunno how much of it is true, but apparently they’re a religious cult or some secret group.
What was his name again…? Ah! Someone called “Shin kai ka na ta” is acting as the founder of the group.
Huh? Shinkai-kun is the…?
Oh? Do you know him? Yeah, he’s that… What was it, Five Eccentrics?
He’s one of the people who’re called by that name — They’re the most excellent, outstanding idols in this school, yeah~?
Well, the Five Eccentrics are just outstanding idols — I doubt any of them are actually religious founders, or Gods, or whatever…
Buuut, those are the kinda rumors you hear.
People talking about how it’s totally true that that “Shin kai ka na ta” guy will grant any of your wishes.
Chapter 4
Brief mentions of emetophobia and cannibalism ahead.
Location: Rooftop

A few days later, after classes…
(…Yeah, there’s definitely signs that a huge number of people have been conducting secret meetings here. What I witnessed a few days ago was no illusion or dream.)
(It doesn’t give off the sense that it’s been used as a gathering place for delinquents, either. Although unfortunately, there are people like that in this school.)
(I’m already aware of that, since they always throw litter all over the ground. I couldn’t stand seeing the place littered, so I typically clean this area.)
(But, those “Yaobikuni” people… Something feels off about them.)
(No one is supposed to go to the rooftop of the academy, which may be why it’s starting to look a bit dirty around here. This also means footsteps are left behind.)
(Yet, these people have been wiping their traces off the ground before leaving.)
(But the fact that the ground is so clean next to everything else is what makes it so obviously unnatural.)
(There's even a sweet lingering scent left behind.)
(It doesn’t smell like candy or juice, so what is it… Incense sticks, maybe? It can’t be tobacco—Maybe it’s musk?)
(It makes me think of those aromas used for religious purposes!)
(It’s just too suspicious! What’s going on? Who are these Yaobikuni people?)
(What are they doing in the corners of our school?)
(Is Shinkai-kun really acting as their founder…?)
(Why? How did that happen? I don’t understand, and that makes me feel all the more uneasy!)
(…What am I even doing…? No one asked me to do this, yet I’m acting like a detective just because I’m a little curious.)
(Mikejima-san even warned me to not get involved—to not dig any deeper into this…)
(And I doubt me of all people could ever make a difference simply by fumbling around.)
(But… I just can’t help wondering what’s going on. I can’t get myself to overlook this.)
(Mikejima-san… I also think it’s terrible that a human being is being pushed into the role of a God.)
(This may be unnecessary of me, and maybe this is just me being foolish, and having a narrow-minded point of view…)
(And maybe what I’m doing right now is just me trying to look cool, like a middle schooler playing the hero role, but…)5
(But still, I—)
(…Hm? Over there, in the far corner…)
(That person in the garden… Isn’t that Shinkai-kun?)
(I ended up in a different class from him this year, too. After what happened last year, I felt like I had to avoid him, and haven’t talked to him since…)
(Which is just proof that I don’t know a single thing about what he’s been going through, or what he’s thinking, but…)
(I should still go talk to him — I can ask him everything I want to know… Mikejima-san may get angry at me for this, but I want to do it.)
(That kid granted my wishes, like a shooting star. It was all nothing but lies and fabrication done by his worshippers, but…)6
(I still would like to repay his kindness. If he’s suffering from something, then I want to save him.)
(All I did was spray some water at him, and be a little nice to him… Yet he laughed so innocently, like it was the very first time he’s ever had someone do that for him.)
Location: Garden Space (East)

yes? what is it, shu?
that was your Name, right? you have a Name, all of you! fufufu~…♪
and so! because my Name is shinkai kanata, you called me “Kanata”, yes? am i right?
Yes, you’re correct. However, I still don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
It is painfully clear to me that you have had quite a unique lifestyle for half of your lifetime, but how does that have anything to do with me? I don’t see where this conversation is heading.
huh? it is Painful for you? shall i cure you? curing is my Weakest point, though…?
ah! i heard Mermaid flesh works for all kinds of Diseases! how about you try eating me~? ♪
I have no interest in cannibalism! Non! I feel like puking just by the thought!
puking…? so not only is it Painful for you, but it is making you feel Disgusted…? are you Feeling ill?
Chapter 5

Kanata. I will try my best to allow the lot of you to do as you please—or rather, I’ve come to understand just through our very short acquaintanceship, that anything I say to any of you is futile.
However, as you can see, I am currently sewing.
I am not so amateur that a gaze would interfere with the quality of my work, but frankly speaking… You are being an eyesore.
an eyesore? that is Not good, there may be a Possibility that even your Eyes are not Feeling well! you have many Diseases all over your body, don’t you, shu?
Are you doing this on purpose, is that it? Are you trying to provoke me?
on purpose? about what? hmm… the Things shu says are difficult~
People often say that about me. However, you are different from the ordinary masses, are you not? You are intelligent enough to comprehend the meaning behind my words, correct?
Surely you must, as you are of equal rank to me… as we are both part of the Five Eccentrics, the name that was pushed onto us by the masses—yes?
yes. to be Part of something together means that we are the Same, right?
fufufu. it makes me Happy to share something in Common…♪
I am not the least bit happy about it. I, Itsuki Shu, am at the top of all creations—a transcendence that no other may stand next to.
Being grouped with four more people for being similar makes me feel like my worth among the mass is underestimated. It is unpleasant.
Especially you—You act so high and mighty.
Usually, it is that nagging Wataru and Rei that make idle talk, so the two of us rarely ever speak one on one, like we are doing right now.
But every time you speak, you start spouting things about being a God, that you grant wishes, or what-have-you… Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re a savior of some sort—that you have been dispatched by the high heavens to rescue all living things?
hm? it is not the Heavens that i come from~ it is the Sea! also, i am not a Savior, but a God♪
because i am a God, i grant Wishes! shu, what is your Wish?
…You really aren’t listening to me at all, are you?
You’ll grant my wish? Ha! What a joke! That’s something one only says to those they think are below them. Are you trying to say that you are above me?
hm~? are Humans not generally Below me? which is why i can watch over them from Above, and Help them…?
…Forget being irritated — I simply pity you at this point.
I will make this very clear to you: I do not plan to have faith in anyone but myself.
I suppose if I must specify something, then I do have a longing towards muses.
However, that description is more suitable to someone such as Nito — You, on the other hand, would be more comparable to a siren, no?
Not psyche, siren. It may only be folktale, but they are said to be mermaids.
Muses and sirens may be mythical creatures related to water, but sirens are monsters—far different from my beloved muses.8
i am… not a Monster, you know…?
…Such an unbearably sad face you’re making. I cannot tell where your discomforts lie at all. Perhaps that was not the right word choice, I suppose I’ll withdraw what I said.
okay. you are Surprisingly kiー
…? What’s wrong? Have those insolent, belated people who called for us finally arrived? I mean the other Eccentrics, of course.
no, it is nothing… the sun was too bright, and… i think i may have Mistaken something for something else. i am sorry.
(i thought i saw chiaki, but…)
(it must have been a mistake. i think he is Afraid of me, so…)
(he will probably never Talk to me ever again… i am sure you are just the same as Everyone besides the five Eccentrics—you, too, are—)
Location: Garden Terrace

(…Why did you hide, me!?)
(Ahh, Shinkai-kun’s leaving… Seems like he’s meeting up with the rest of the Eccentrics to go hang out somewhere…)
(He looks like he’s having fun walking side-by-side with them.)
(…When those five are together, it really does make a spectacular sight. It has a beauty to it… It makes sense, since they’re the most favored kids of this generation, and they’re currently at the pinnacle of our school…)
(They’re living in a much different world from me, while I’m just someone from low class struggling to get by.)
(I feel the distance between us… And I’m starting to feel like I’m being extremely dumb right now… I mean, he’ll be fine without me doing anything, won’t he…?)
(I may just be getting anxious about all of this for no reason whatsoever… Maybe I’m just losing track of what’s reality and what’s fantasy after burying myself in way too many stories…)
(That’s why I’m getting way too worried, and start running around in circles from panic—)
(I really am nothing but an idiot.)
(Besides, even if this horrid situation continues to get worse… It’ll be alright, won’t it?)
(Shinkai-kun, you have comrades you can rely on, don’t you?)
(You have friends equal to you—the Five Eccentrics… And you also have Mikejima-san, who said he’d do your bidding…)
(All those people are a million times cooler, better, and stronger than me.)
(As long as they're around, you should be fine, right? You don’t need me saving you, right…?)

Chapter 6
Location: Student Council Office

Next day, after classes…
—And that’s all I’ve got to report. What’s your next move, Bocchan?
First, stop calling me that. You switched to a different name for a while, but now you’re back to the first one for some reason.
How incorrigible. I suppose that’s meant to be a nickname, but I just feel like you’re making a fool of me instead. I don’t particularly like it.
Haha, then what should I call ya? Vice-prez? Kei-chan?
Call me whatever you like. I’m already asking a huge favor from you for this plan, so I prefer to respect your free will to some extent.
Do be aware that I’m not trying to control you, but rather trying to let you make use of the Student Council as you please.
Hmmm. And what can this newborn, shabby-lookin’ Student Council even do for me, eh?
What I can offer you for now is authority. If I make everything that you’re doing part of the Student Council’s duties, then it will become a part of justice.
And it’s unlikely that you will misuse what is labeled as “justice,” correct? I trust you on that part.
Or rather, I’m trying to take advantage of your good, sensible mind, and restrain your movement because I know you won’t misuse it.
Haha. You sure you wanna tell me all about your ulterior motives?
Based on everything I know about you, I’ve concluded that the best way to ask for your help is to tell you my real intentions from the start, rather than trick you into helping me.
We may end up being together for a long while, after all. I’m looking at the bigger picture here, since I’d like to properly advance my plans according to what will become useful in the long run.
I just need to win the game by the end. Perseverance is what prevails, and that’s why I’ve been building up my assets slowly, but surely.
(However, as for Eichi… He doesn’t know how long he has left to live, due to his weak constitution… Thus, he may be appalled by how I’m taking my sweet time with this plan. Actually—He might even curse at me for it.)
(Still, I won’t be able to make any real progress by rushing the plan—I’m only human, after all.)
(I would be left with nothing in my hands, and all of it would go to waste.)
(That’s what I learnt after what happened with Sakuma-san.)
(Don’t rush, don’t panic… Take deep breaths in between…♪)

Forgive me for intruding. Hasumi-dono, could you permit me to speak?
…!? Ahh, you surprised me! You were here, Kanzaki!?
Yes, I have been here from the start. I believe that Kiryu-dono was aware of my presence…
However, you both appeared to be speaking very earnestly about something, so I did not wish to intrude, and refrained from expressing my thoughts.
Haha, I was wonderin’ why you were ignorin’ him… So you didn’t even realize he was there, Hasumi?
So you’re going to call me by my family name? Fine, so be it… Anyhow, Kanzaki — You’re a member of Akatsuki, too. You don’t need to constantly ask for permission to speak.
We are equal in this unit. Rather, all human beings are meant to be equal to each other. There is no need to speak to me in a formal manner, like you’re a samurai serving your lord.
…I see. It appears that I have actually been disrespectful through my asking for permission. I apologize. But I also cannot help it; I am not used to acting as a group.
More importantly, I wish to inquire about the mysterious group that Kiryu-dono has informed us of, the “Yaobikuni”.
Ahh, are you also curious about it? It didn’t seem to be a mere superstition…
Thus, I asked Kiryu to investigate what’s been happening, as he has connections with the delinquents in this academy.
Ah, yeah. I’m a regular customer for some shady jobs, though those jobs have become a school part-time thing now.
So yeah, I have more connections with those shady guys than Hasumi, the goodie-two-shoes honor student.
…If Akatsuki and the Student Council are meant to be “justice,” then should I cut my ties with those guys?
My history with them might end up bein’ a weak point to target for the Student Council, y’know?
No, it’s alright. That would be far too unnecessary.
Haha, aight, but if that ever happens, you can throw away the punks, includin’ me.
I have no plans to do that. Besides, the dark and light of this world are blended with each other.
I’m not so happy-go-lucky that I would dream of an ideal paradise where all evil has been extinguished. I’m not a kid, you know.
I—We need you. I’ve lived all my life in an upstanding manner, and that’s exactly why I need someone like you, who can reach those places I’m not well-acquainted with, and can’t reach on my own.
That so? Well, being needed doesn’t feel so bad. I appreciate it, makes me wanna cry a li’l bit.
Fufu, so even demons shed tears.9 Though, I do admit that your discussion right now was a little too difficult for me to comprehend.
Don’t think about it too much, it’s only small talk. That aside—You’re interested in the Yaobikuni, Kanzaki? Don’t tell me you’re also a worshipper.
Mm, a “worshipper”? Is this “Yaobikuni” related to a religion of some sort?
Seems like it. It ain’t an officially recognized group in school or anythin’; it sounds like it’s some kinda network that somehow just came to be.
Chapter 7
Mentions of violence ahead.

Yes. You see, the Yaobikuni don’t appear to have proper headquarters of any sort.
They are simply a large society, keeping in contact with each other for essential information, done through encrypted text messages.
There seems to be no need to perform a ritual, nor pay a fee to join the group.
I’m sure there must be people who aren’t even aware that they’re part of the Yaobikuni due to this.
Hmm… It is like trying to grasp a cloud.
Exactly. There does appear to be someone at the center of the group who is currently acting as the religious founder for them, but…
He doesn’t seem to have any intention of creating or managing the organization.
It seems to be nothing but the group simply prancing around him however they please.
They don't seem to be doing anything terrible at the moment—the only exceptions are the fervent ones trespassing onto the school rooftop, but that's a trivial violation.
So we could just leave them aside for now, but—
They’re starting to grow much too large to ignore, and their bizarre and illogical movements make me uneasy.
I don’t particularly like how it feels like the academy is being slowly taken over by an unknown group of people.
…Cursed cult. They’re so infuriating — Our modern society doesn’t need any religions.
Haha, you’re one to talk, Mr. “I’m the son of a temple”.
I’m saying this because I am one. I know how frightening religions can be. Though for now, it appears to be nothing but a substitute for one—a secret “good luck charm”, if you will.
But, at worst, this may become a large obstruction in our path. After all, the ones the student body should trust is us, the Student Council.
…Maybe I should nip the bud before it sprouts a disaster…
How, though? We’ve got no real authority to do that — You gonna try and change the rules to ban believin’ in religious faith in school?
No, students should be free to have faith as they please. Also, the Student Council has an insignificant amount of authority, so we won’t get anywhere trying to change the school rules.
Everyone would simply ignore them, and it would be all over for us.
There is no point trying to provoke the worshippers without planning beforehand.
That’s gonna be annoyin’, then… Can’t we just beat up the bad guy and get this done and over with?
…Nah, we can’t, can we… Nothin’s that simple.
(The same could be said about what happened with Morisawa.)
(Last year, I made the mistake of thinkin’ Morisawa beat up my pals, and lashed out at him. Man, I must’ve been out of my mind then.)
(I mean, if you think about it… There’s no freakin’ way a frail guy like him could manage that.)
(I should’ve realized that, but I still went and freaked him out by blamin’ it all on him… When he didn’t even do anything wrong.)
(He was just worried about me, carin’ for me after seeing me wounded all over…)
(I was such a goddamn idiot. I’m sorry, Morisawa.)
(I tried gettin’ in touch with my pals in secret to get an idea of who was behind everything… But all I got to know is that it definitely wasn’t Morisawa.)
(I dunno who went ahead and beat up a bunch of punks, and why they would, but—)
(I regretted what I did to Morisawa so bad… so I tried to punish the guys in Ryuseitai for bullyin’ him.)
(I was so angry at myself, I felt so pathetic—I needed a way to vent it all out, badly.)
(But even that was stupid of me to do. Morisawa got angry at me, tellin’ me how I’m an “absolute idiot”…)10
(Ahh, I really am an absolute freakin’ idiot. I can’t even retaliate… But I just dunno any other way to deal with things like this. What was I supposed to do, ma?)
(Can a delinquent ever truly learn his lesson? Am I just goin’ to keep on makin’ the same mistake over and over…?)
(I joined Akatsuki just ‘cuz Hasumi scouted me, and now I’m pretendin’ to be all about justice and whatnot…)
(But no amount of clothes could ever change who I really am. I bet I’ll just hurt someone again…)
(I can’t trust myself.)
(I think I kinda get how those Yaobikuni guys feel… You start wishin’ you could just depend on someone above you to know what to do in life.)
…Kiryu? What’s wrong? Are you feeling ill?
Sorry. I keep asking far too much of you.
Huh? Don’t act like we’re strangers here. I would'a told you by now if this was too much for me, anyway. I’m helpin’ ya ‘cuz I want to, aight? You lookin’ down on me or somethin’?
Yes. I feel the same as Kiryu-dono — there is no need for you to be concerned. It would not be an apology, but rather an insult, Hasumi-dono.
In any case, I would like to propose an idea.
Would you please entrust this “Yaobikuni” matter to me? I, Kanzaki Souma, shall handle it.
…Entrust it to you?
Oh? Got an idea or somethin’, Kanzaki?
I don’t feel like there’s much anyone could do about this vague problem of ours, but — did you get a breakthrough to solvin’ it or somethin’?
Ah, no. I am uncertain whether I will be capable of resolving the issue or not. It is merely that I have ties to the founder of that “Yaobikuni” group.
Founder… You know Shinkai Kanata of the Five Eccentrics!?
Indeed. My interpersonal interactions with him are almost nonexistent, but as our families are connected, I do know a little about him.
The things I have heard about him were a bit too different from what my parents have told me, so I have only just made the connection now.
I know the person called Shinkai Kanata.
I hold a different perspective than the one you two hold, and therefore I may be able to solve the issue… that is what I am thinking. According to all of our ancestors, a thief is required to catch a thief, correct?
Chapter 8
Location: Front Gate

(My worst nightmare came true. Those “Yaobikuni” people really are what I vaguely assumed them to be.)
(To this day, Shinkai-kun is still granting wishes.)
(He listens to other people’s wishes by talking to them, just like he did with me — and always makes sure to grant each and every one of them.)
(He will fairly, indiscriminately grant all wishes… and nothing can stop him from doing so.)
(He keeps on going from one wish to another, no matter who it is.)
(Any wishes that he himself can grant would be done on the spot… For instance, wishing to be patted on the head.)
(When they can’t be achieved by him alone, many of his worshippers will be ready to act—)
(And use any means necessary to grant those wishes.)
(Getting a strict teacher fired for warning a student, taking down a fast food restaurant because they didn’t like how a cashier spoke to them—)
(Driving a kid home specifically through an expensive car because he missed the last train, buying and then giving away multiple copies of a new game console on the same day it releases…)
(I only searched around a little, and still managed to find plenty of stories.)
(I don’t think anybody was warned to keep it a secret, because there are all kinds of stories spread around on public social media accounts.)
(Once people hear about those rumors, they start getting curious about these wishes… and some have a prayer in their heart beforehand, leading them to tell their wishes to Shinkai-kun.)
(Even the people who laughed at the thought of someone being capable of doing this started to change their minds once they saw those wishes come true.)
(Nobody can stop themselves from wishing for more… and it keeps piling up.)
(And with every type of wish being granted, nobody wants to try working hard on their own—they’re all starting to believe that life is easier when you make a wish to Shinkai-kun.)
(They become hollow versions of themselves, and depend on him for everything. And that kept on repeating, until it got stronger, expanded further, until it formed into what you can only call a “religion”.)
(No… This religion existed within this region from the old times. They’re simply being taken in by those strange worshippers Mikejima-san was talking about.)
(Is that Shinkai-kun’s goal?)
(Is it to gain more worshippers, so that there are more people to worship him as a living God?)
(Shinkai-kun. Is that your true wish?)
(If so, then I don’t want to reject it. I can’t say I want to support it, but I at least don’t want to get in your way… But—)
(In a world that has no room for daydreams to exist, something coming true simply by wishing for it is too unnatural.)
(Every time that reality is ignored to grant a wish — In other words, every time someone gains something, someone else is losing something without reason.)
(Those who lose something will only bear a bitter grudge. They’ll try to find out how this happened, and they’ll find their way to Shinkai-kun.)
(And then, from their rage and need for revenge, they may hurt him.)
(…He hasn’t even done anything wrong. All he’s been doing is granting “wishes”…)

Heeeey! Chiaki-saaaan!
…!? M-Mikejima-san! You always appear out of nowhere! It’s bad for my heart!
Hahaha! It’s not like I wanna scare people or anything, but eeevery time I greet someone, they get jumpy for some reason.
…Am I really that scary?
Ermm… You’re noisy and massive, so it isn’t strange to feel pressured by your presence, I think. Still, what are you doing here?
Hahaha! Isn’t it obvious!? I’m running a grilled onigiri stall! I’m using a special secret soy sauce for it, and it’s suuuper tasty! Wanna buy one?
Why grilled onigiri…? I don’t understand, but I’m a little hungry right now, so I’ll have one.
Thank you, come again! I was feeling a liiittle lonely, y’know! I think everyone’s weirded out by a random stall right at the front gate or something, ‘cause they’ve been ignoring me entirely!
Grilled onigiri is so tasty, though~ I guess youngsters these days prefer hamburgers and stuff?
Heheh, I also like those types of fast food. Plus, you don’t see people sell onigiri in food stalls, do you?
Seeeriously? But it’s been Japan’s version of fast food for centuries now! Even sushi was sold like this back in the old days, y’know?
Oh well, guess no one’s familiar with that nowadays. I gotta keep up with the modern times, too—especially now that we’ve become westernized since the Meiji era.
But aaanyway… I didn’t have any customers up until now, so I didn’t bother making any grilled onigiri yet… You’ll have to wait some time for yours.
Yeah, I’ll wait. No one is motivated to do anything in Ryuseitai when you aren’t around, so I don’t have practice nor work to do.
I have time to spare, so I can wait as long as it takes.
Oh? Alright then… How about we chat a little until it’s done grilling?
Ahh, just pretend to be my customer for now.
We don’t know who could be watching us right now, so keep acting like you’re a passerby who’s just caaasually chatting with the storekeeper.
A-Alright. Yaaay~ I’m sooo excited for my grilled onigiri…♪
(whispering) …Were you waiting for me, Mikejima-san? Did you have something you wanted to tell me? Is that why you brought over this authentic food stall—
Chapter 9

Naaah, this is an actual interest of mine, and I figured I could make a profit from it.
People overseas looove authentic Japanese food, so sometimes I sell it while doing investigations.
I just figured I could call out to you, that’s all—It didn’t matter much to me if I couldn’t get to see you today.
Don’t think too deep on this, I’m honestly not expecting anything from you.
You may be good-natured, but you’re just an ordinary boy. I’m not gonna start depending on you for things like you’re some hero or God.
After all, it’s me who wished for you to just remain an ordinary boy, yeah?
I’m not gonna take back those words. Actually, I wanted to further state how you shouldn’t get yourself involved with what’s going on with Kanata-san.
Oh, but don’t get me wrong—I’m not taking you lightly at all. In fact, I’ve compleeetely changed my opinion of you; I think very highly of you now.
…You were the only one.
You were the only one who did as I said when I asked you not to wish for anything.
And you were the very first person who never spoke a word about any wish to Kanata-san, even after how he introduced himself to you.
I mean, even I wished for something once—for my sister’s disease to be cured.
Humans are weak. It’s normal for people to wish for something—to pray for some almighty being to make a miracle happen and make their lives better.
Even people who insist they’re atheists wish on shooting stars.
In a way, that just means there’s a part inside you that’s even stronger than I am… I’m almost jealous.
N-No, you’re wrong. I’m not strong at all, I’m just a coward.
It terrifies me to think that an unbelievable existence, like a God, could forcibly shake up everything I’ve ever known about this world, that’s all.
Even I wish for things. Deep in my heart, I have many fantasies I should be ashamed of.
Isn’t that why Shinkai-kun managed to guess what I subconsciously wished for, and grant them for me?
See, the key word here is that it was your subconscious. In reality, even after knowing he’s a God, you never once spoke a wish.
It wasn’t just because you were terrified of my warning… right?
I’ve threatened other people with the same warning, but they broke their promise and went back to clinging to “God” all over again.
They did it behind my back, thinking everything’d be fine as long as they aren’t caught.
Those kinds of people are only growing in number, so I think what I’ve been up to hasn't been pleasing Kanata-san and the more zealous worshippers…
‘Cause lately, I’m being forced to keep a distance from all this through overseas trips waaay more than ever.
I haven’t been able to stop people from making wishes as much as I used to.
So yeah, all those people I warned could tell I was too powerless to stop them, and went riiight back to making wishes.
It’s pathetic of me, but I really can’t put a stop to what’s happening anymore.
…They haven’t been pleased with you, Mikejima-san? Is that why you’re always overseas?
Yep. I mean, I’m starting to find overseas work fun too, but this was the reason why at first.
It’s only natural this is happening; I’m a traitor to them. I’m the black sheep within the group that worships the all-knowing God Kanata-san.
While Kanata-san maintains his divinity by granting more and more wishes—
I’ve been telling every single person who finds out about him not to wish for anything.
They’re probably seeing it as me trying to kill off the God that has maintained their faith for so long.

Even Kanata-san told me off, y’know? He called me a traitor. An unfaithful, vulgar rogue.11
That isn’t true, though. Aren’t you the only person who’s been trying to protect him as a human being? You did it because he’s your friend—because you love him.
Nah… You’re reading me in good light, but I think I really am a traitor in the end.
That sweet-sounding talk I had with you, too—I bet it was aaall just me putting up a front.
Maybe my real feelings toward Kanata-san are hatred, for constantly acting almighty and God-like—
Yet being unable to cure my sister, and I could only watch her suffer…
Maybe I got sick of seeing everyone be so happy, believing in that God…
And maybe I just wanna tear apart that fake charade, and laugh at them and their shocked expressions once they find out the truth.
That’s who I really am, Chiaki-san—a cruel, unfair guy.

Even so. There’s no such thing as a clean person — everyone holds a dirty, awful part of them inside.
There is no reason for you to be told off as if you aren’t just another human being like everyone else.
…Hahaha, are you getting angry at them? For my sake?
I’ve been calling you an ordinary kid, but I’m gonna change that. You’re a strange kid.
And I love strange kids…
If you were just an ordinary kid, I was gonna warn you once more to make sure you never get involved, and never wish for anything—even if it meant using force.
But since you’re a strange kid, there miiight be something special only you can do. I dunno what it could be right now, but there might come a day when I’ll ask you for it.
Hahaha! Back to our main topic! Look, the grilled onigiri is ready, have a bite! I’m sure you’ve been waiting…☆
T-Thank you, they look really tasty. How much for one?
Mm~ I’ll put it on your tab for now. Consider this an advance payment for the day when I ask a favor from you.
No, that’s kind of terrifying, actually… What are you going to make me do?
Who knooows? I’m no God, I don’t know what the future holds! Haha, if you catch my drift…♪
Chapter 10
Casual mentions of self-injury ahead.
Location: Marine Life Clubroom

Around the same time…
(ooh… my Worshippers have already Set up the Water tanks.)
(they are clearly Used to these things~ we all live in the Sea, after all.)
(they Finished the job while i was Hanging out with the Five Eccentrics…)
(waah~ they even prepared a Manual for taking care of the Fishies.)
(fufufu. but i feel a little Bad… how exciting.)
(no one Wished for Water tanks~)
(this was actually my Wish. there is not enough Water in this school…)
(and it Disappointed me that i could not see any Fishies.)
(i can always see them at Home, so it felt Unnatural not seeing them around.)
(i could not settle down properly, and i felt lonely—)
(“Lonely”? what did that mean again…? lonely… lonely…)
(that is different from “Sad”, yes? it is not Painful, either… what a strange Emotion.)
(it was a Word from that boy who Hangs out Here often lately… kaoru Said it a few times.)
(when i Asked him what it Means, he got upset for some reason…)
(and then left the room… was it embarrassing for him…?)
(but because of that… i still do not know what kind of Feeling “lonely” is supposed to be.)
(why did i Think of that in the first place…? why did i want Fishies around me, to get Rid of feeling Lonely…?)
(i want to Ask someone, but kaoru has not Shown himself since… he is a Meanie, just like chiaki.)
(he won’t Wish for anything from me. i just want to grant him a wish, and save him…)
(so why is he being so Mean to me?)
(i do not understand… not understanding is also kind of “lonely”, isn’t it…)
Pardon me. Are you here, Buchou-dono?
Wha—!? What on earth — The clubroom has been turned into an aquarium…?
ah, umm… i Remember you. you are the one i watched the sea turtle Video with—
Ah, it makes sense you do not recall who I am, as we have not encountered each other since then. My name is Kanzaki Souma, I am pleased to make your acquaintance.
i see… um, so, souma…? do you have Business with me?
oh! i know! you would like me to grant you a Wish, yes…? ♪
Nay, it is an entirely separate matter. I have come to visit you in order to confirm a certain fact.
What a fool I am… I too am a member of the Marine Life Club, even if it is only on paper—
ahh… you were the one who signed the document to join, yes?
i could not make a club without at least Three members, so back then I was trying to find people to join.
kaoru had been lounging in this Room since last year…
so he told me Bluntly, “why don’t you just make this part of a club already?”
and then saying it would make it easier to Do as he likes with the club’s Budget.
i had thought that it was kaoru’s Wish… so i granted it.
but it seems i was wrong~ he told me it was simply a Joke.
so i asked him if he can Do as he likes now… and he only looked at me in annoyance. he is also a difficult one…
Hm… You speak in a peculiar manner, so I am not quite sure what you are saying—
However, even if it was only a coincidence, I feel that it is fate for me to be in the same club as you.
I have been acting rude this whole time, and I humbly apologize for not having realized it was you much earlier.
Typically, I would show my remorse by slicing my stomach open, but please accept this apology for now.
wa— why are you bowing on your knees…12 this is the First time i have seen this in school. i do not think people do this Anymore, you know?
fufu. lift your Head young one, for it is all okay~♪
Aha, oh how lucky I must be! I am extremely delighted to have permission to speak with you!
Chapter 11
Mentions of graphic self-mutilation ahead.

you… ahh, your name is “Kanzaki”, yes?
is that the Kanzaki? the chieftain of this land—of this region?
Indeed. My family has been appointed that role for several centuries now—since the Sengoku period… However, we do not have as much power as we used to in the bygone days.
Even so, we continued to pass on the contract that my ancestors had agreed upon. It had slipped my mind entirely as I hadn't known much back when this had occurred, but at one time in my youth I had been blessed with an opportunity for an audience with you.
ahh~… yes, i think they come Greet me quite often. as well as people from Other households.
you do it in order to never forget the crime you committed long ago.
but, in those Ceremonies, i am always behind the Bamboo blinds…
so i could not tell it was you. it is only natural that neither of us Remember one another.
Aha, I do not deserve such kind words. However, I will surely keep them in my heart for the rest of my life.
mm~… people act so friendly with me within School, so it is actually much more unnatural to hear someone speak the Usual way i am spoken to.
you do not need to speak to me so Formally, really. it is actually Harder to speak to you, as if i feel a Distance between us.
Nay, I must keep a line between us. Even in Shintoism, it is said that us impure humans must only come in contact with God through the strands of the tamagushi—Even with the shrine maidens.
One must rip their ears to hear God, and crush their eyeballs to see.
ahh, i have heard of it. it sounds very painful…
but being kept at a distance in such a way… it truly makes me feel Lonely.
Hm? Did you say something?
no, nothing… anyway, what did you want to Speak to me about?
did you simply want to Greet me? or do you have a Wish in mind?
Nay. I cannot speak for other people, but it would be absurd of us to pray to God. It is not permissible.
That is why, at the very least — I choose to aid God’s conduct, as part of the Kanzaki clan. Typically, our role is exactly as our family name stands: To conceal God during a time of perplexity—13
However, from what I have heard, you seem to be accomplishing your role without any waver.
Thus, we have no reason to perform our duty. However, I wish to repay you for the kindness you have bestowed upon us—The hand of salvation that you stretched out to us.
I am the son of samurais. I have been taught to repay others by being of service to them.
O dear God; surely you must feel uncomfortable in this era, as faith is gradually being lost to the times.
There are those who wish to obstruct your duties and hurt you, for they have forgotten the contract from olden times.
You see, recently I have been visiting the Student Council office, and they seem puzzled by your conduct.
I say this on behalf of Hasumi-dono’s honor, but—in this era it is more common to find people who do not know the truth, thus it is only natural that he is confused.
hasumi… ahh, the Temple people. we have always had trouble compromising with those people.
after all, people from the Temple believe in Buddha, and not God.
Indeed. I have heard all the old tales of the disputes that occurred when people misunderstood or were ignorant of the contract, and thus, in order to avoid that from happening once more… Unworthy as I may be, I swear to protect you.
I shall make sure that you are safe from Hasumi-dono and the Student Council.
I will make the proper arrangements to ensure that, so please continue with your conducts without worries.
I do feel remorseful for decieving Hasumi-dono and breaching his trust, as he is the one who allowed me to come speak to you…
However, he is also someone I deeply respect. I do not wish to see him clash with you for such needless reasons.
Of course, there may also be a time when I must choose between fighting for you, or fighting for Hasumi-dono…
hm. you too are in quite a burdensome Position, i see.
poor you. shall i give you a “good boy, good boy”? kaoru said he Enjoys it when Girls do that to him.
i do not seem to be a Girl, but it may still make you a bit Happy?
Oh, no, please. I could never accept such an offer. It is unforgivable for a filthy criminal such as myself to be patted on the head by God.
oh! “good boy, good boy” is to pat on the head, i see…
i did not quite Understand at first. i am happy you Taught me that.
i will do it to kaoru next time i see him…♪
fufu, people have only been telling me their Wishes lately… they do not Teach me anything, so a lot of things have not made Sense to me.
that child… chiaki would Teach me so much.
was he Special? maybe that is why i feel so Lonely, after not being able to Speak to him for so long…?
…? what is “Lonely”? souma, do you Know?
Pardon? Um… I do know the word, but it is difficult to explain…
i see… sigh… you people sure are Boring.
Chapter 12
Depictions of mental breakdown ahead.
Location: Fountain

Time passes, and autumn comes — Hours after the Venus Cup…
Heeey! Akehoshi-ku—Akehoshi! Good work at the Venus Cup!
I watched you! You were sparkling everywhere! You really are our Basketball Club’s pride!
Heheh~♪ Actually, when the performance was over, I stood around waiting for you so I could reward you for your hard work, but…
You were hugging the other people you went onstage with out of joy, so—
I thought it’s better I don’t get in your way, and held back from calling out to you! How about that!? I’m a senpai who can be considerate, aren’t I!? Feel free to praise me! ☆
But man, how nice, Akehoshi! I’m so jealous! I want to be up on stage like that, too…♪
Hm? Um, yep, that’s me!
Right, right! You’ve been calling me that since a while back now, haven’t you? I’m still not used to it, so I was a little late to respond!
Heheh, that’s right… Our previous club captain quit school, so I automatically took the title after—

Bucho~… Save me…
…!? W-What’s wrong!? Did you just say “save me”!? Are you okaaaaay!?
A-Are you hurt somewhere!?
Ahhh!! Don’t worry!!! It’ll be fine! I’ll be by your side, no matter what! So there isn’t a single thing to worry about, okay Akehoshi!?
Shhh… Sorry, don’t make so much noise.
I kinda forgot I was still wearing the outfit for the Venus Cup, see…
Then like, I had a party with the guys I performed on stage with while still in this outfit…
Oh, but we only did it after we cheered Hidaka-kun on during the play after the Venus Cup.
But then, they pointed out that I’m still wearing this outfit, so I came back over to school for a sec—
I’m just borrowing this outfit, so I gotta make sure to return it, and like… They’ll make me pay if I tear or ruin it.
But, there was clamor all over the school—
And I guess you call them the producer of the Venus Cup…? But I couldn’t find the supervisor from the Student Council either…
I wasn’t sure what to do, so I peeked into the backstage…
That was when I saw this guy crouched down in a dark corner…
This guy…?
Ooh!? Is that… Itsuki Shu from Valkyrie!? The one who’s also part of the Five Eccentrics — the most promising people of our generation — like Shinkai-kun…?
Mhm… and then like, I called out to him, thinking he was feeling ill…
But he didn’t respond back, and when I asked him if I should call for someone, he started screaming really loudly.
I really dunno what to do…
I think he doesn’t wanna be seen by anyone, so I tried to help him up while hiding him, and managed all the way up to this point—
But I mean, the whole school’s going about like nuts, right?
We’re stuck in crowds, so I think it’ll be hard to take him over to some place quiet without being seen… I’m really stuck with what to do now.
What do I do? What happened, anyway? He looks like the world is about to collapse…
I-I don’t know. After watching you onstage, I had to go to a part-time job, and left school for a bit.
But then I thought I should do some practice, so now I’m here again.
W-Well, no matter! Fear not, Akehoshi! I’ll bring over that laundry trolley for cleaning, and some sheets or maybe curtains!
We’ll hide Itsuki-kun like that and carry him off somewhere!
I-Is that good enough?
I dunno… You should ask him, not me. I brought him all the way over here, but I don’t even know if that was the right thing to do or not.
Ahh, that’s true…? Heeey, Itsuki-kun…?
What’s wrong? Did something happen? Can you not move? Can you hear me?
(Eek!? W-what!? He just grabbed my hand all of a sudden!)

I beg of you—
Huh? Huh!? D-Do you need something? Feel free to tell me anything!
I was a fool! I didn’t heed the warning — It’s far too late now, now that I’ve lost everything…!
…Huh? … Wha?
Ahh, tell Rei! Tell Wataru, tell Kanata! And tell our most adorable little boy, too! Do not fight that man!
He’ll demolish them entirely! That man… All of them are demons!

On that night, I found out that on that very same day, Valkyrie suffered a cruel loss against fine onstage.
From that moment, Itsuki Shu, who was once praised to be the sovereign of Yumenosaki, plummeted to the ground…
He stopped coming to school, and in his stead came the Student Council members, taking the center stage proudly.
Thus began the shocking age in Yumenosaki.
Translation Notes
- ↑ It’s very likely that they’re talking about HiMERU.
- ↑ In Japan, number four on the basketball uniform signifies the captain. You can read more on the numbers here (It's in Japanese).
- ↑ Chiaki has been referring to Subaru with kimi up until this point, when he switched to omae. Both mean “you”, but omae is more rough and informal than kimi, so it gives off a much more casual or close feel. But it can also be rude to refer to someone with omae, since it’s typically used towards someone below you, which may be the reason behind Subaru’s reaction.
- ↑ In the original, Subaru trails off before he elaborates, so it’s unclear whether he was asking a question or stating something. He was definitely going to follow up the sentence with a verb, so it’s possible that it was “Do you know anything about my dad?” or “Did you hear about my dad?” or something similar. It’s free for interpretation.
- ↑ As a fun fact, Chiaki uses the word chuunibyou here, and the gacha that came with this event was Chuunibyou. Please check this masterlist for a translation of Chuunibyou.
- ↑ Chiaki uses the word usohappyaku 嘘八百 to say “lies and fabrication”, which share the same kanji used in yaobikuni 八百比丘尼.
- ↑ Originally, Kanata misunderstands and says seire…i?, as in spirit (精霊), because Shu says seireen for “siren”. I changed it to “psyche” to somewhat fit a similar pronunciation as “siren” in English.
- ↑ Apparently, there was a muse that did come from the water, and sometimes they’re referred to as water nymphs.
- ↑ This is an expression to say that even scary-looking people feel compassion, as well as being a reference to Kuro’s last name, as it has the kanji for “demon/ogre” (鬼).
- ↑ Referring to what happened in the flashback chapter in Gang (Chapter 3).
- ↑ Rogue in Japanese is gorotsuki (ごろつき), which has various negative connotations, such as someone who loiters around with no fixed home or job of their own, or who takes advantage of people’s weak-points, or threatens others with force.
- ↑ Souma is doing a dogeza.
- ↑ Souma’s family name 神崎 has the kanjis “God” and “cape (on the coast)”.
- ↑ ぶちょ~, a more drawn out way to say buchou, meaning “club captain”.