Meteor Impact – Two Years Ago: Not Quite A Hero (Chapter 9–17)
Chapter Index
Ch 9 - Ch 10 - Ch 11 - Ch 12 - Ch 13 - Ch 14 - Ch 15 - Ch 16 - Ch 17 - Translation Notes
Chapter 9
Mentions of violence ahead.
Location: Downtown

Same day, at dusk…
(I don’t believe it!)
(It’s like I’m in a dream! Everything’s suddenly heading in a better direction…! …is how it feels. But this isn’t a dream, right? It isn’t some joke, right…? This is completely real, right!?)
(Mhm! It hurts when I pinch my cheek! So this is real~!! Fu fu fu…♪)
(…I don’t know how, but Ryuseitai has changed.)
(Our captain came back after a long time of absence, and brought all the members together to give them a huge pep talk.)
(I’m amazed how he even found this information, but he pinpointed every single shady place they were up to no good in—)
(All of them had fallen into nothing but bad habits, but the captain gave them an eye-opening lecture.)
(I expected all of them to be against him, and find his speech irritating — it would only be natural if they did. And if not that, then they may never want to be scolded like that ever again, since they’re the sensitive type of teenagers…)
(So there was a possibility that they would simply leave Ryuseitai.)
(But, for some reason, neither of those things happened. Maybe this is more evidence of how honorable the captain can be, or maybe there’s another reason behind this…)
(I don’t know myself, but the captain made each and every one of them promise that they would continue to work hard as members of Ryuseitai.)
(And it seems like all of them took his scolding to heart, because they accepted his passionate speech.)
(And they even proved it right after — by practicing together properly, as best as they could.)
(They’re all so talented and experienced at being idols, so much more than someone like me… All they needed to do was to give it a shot.)
(If we keep up our training, we could overtake Othello, or even the unit that’s been the recent talk of the academy, Valkyrie.)
(We could become the number one star in Yumenosaki Academy—No, in the entire idol industry, even.)
(And with such a dream stretching out before us, our future will be shining brightly.)
(Hehehe… Somewhere deep down, I was hoping that someone like the captain or Mikejima-san would scold everyone and motivate them to work hard, since they have great influence on the unit—)
(Hoping that one of them would quickly and easily solve Ryuseitai’s problems, and clear the clouds obscuring our unit…)
(But I almost gave up on the thought, because I figured it would be impossible for it to actually happen… I thought that Ryuseitai was only bound to rot away as time went by…)
(But my fantasy became a reality, and my dream—my wish came true.)

—is that your Wish, chiaki?

(—… ……No, that can’t be… Shinkai-kun has nothing to do with this.)
(He may have called himself a God, but I felt how warm he was when we went into contact.)
(He appeared to be human, like me. He can’t be a God who grants anything you wish for.)
(…Is that really true…? Then how did that filthy pool become spotless in one night? Is there really an explanation for something as bizarre as that…?)
(Wait, no, but… Hmmm? I mean, it matches up pretty well, since it was right after I mentioned it—so maybe the only possible conclusion is that he granted my wish through mystical means—)
(…I must be going crazy. Something so unexpected happened that I’m losing my mind.)
Hey!! Don’t go ignorin’ me like that!
H-Huh? Kiryu-kun!
W-What’s wrong…? Why are you crouching in the dark…? Are you not feeling well?
…Well, guess you could say that.
But it’s nothin’ worth makin’ a scene about.
I was born sturdy an’ healthy, so I’ll be alright even if I don’t patch myself up, and if I’m wrong, don’t go callin’ for an ambulance, alright?
O… Okay…? Wait… you really got roughed up again, didn’t you!? Really, what actually happened!? Are you alright!?
Didn’t I just say not ta make a scene? Don’t make me say it again — talkin’ is hard to do right now.
(Yeah, I’d expect as much… Those are some terrible wounds! S-Something’s definitely up! What should I do in times like these?)
Haha, sorry for buggin’ ya on your way back home.
N-no, I don’t mind… I have nothing planned besides going to sleep once I’m back home, anyway.
Never mind that, please tell me what happened to you! Is there anything I can do for you?
Yeah… Let me use your shoulder for a bit.
I got real roughed up out there and can’t move anymore… How pathetic… I jus’ need help walkin’ — stick with me ‘til we get to the station over there.
O-Okay. It’s a short distance, so I’m fine with that. It would have been better for me to carry you there, but you’re pretty big… I don’t think I’m strong enough to do that.
Haha, relax, won’t ya? Won’t be askin’ ya to do anythin’ impossible.
Chapter 10
Heavy mentions of violence ahead.

Thanks, Megane-kun. I only called to ya cuz I got nothin’ to lose anymore, so I might as well call for help — I didn’t expect ya to actually come to my aid.
Guess you can find someone ta help no matter where, huh… Woah—
A-Are you alright? Here, hold on to my shoulder! Go ahead and lean on me, I’ll support your whole body!
Thanks. … You seem weak an’ all, but you’re actually more well built than you look, huh?
Yes! I’ve been working out! I used to be against working out, since I was afraid I wouldn’t grow any taller, but—1
Oh, I’m in the Basketball Club, so! That’s why it’s better if I could grow taller!
…Wait, what am I talking about this? Uhh… umm…?
Haha, don’t go into a panic. People are gonna turn their eyes on us to see what’s happenin’.
I don’t wanna attract any eyes, y’know… Sorry for askin’ for so much, when you’ve been helpin’ me out here.
See, the guys I got caught up with may come back for more punches, so—
Let’s move quietly… I know I’m saying this far too late, but I still don’t wanna involve you in this.
Mhm, it really is much too late, I’m already involved.
I know it must be annoying that I keep asking this, but I’d really like a proper explanation… What happened? If you were beaten up, then it’s clearly assault. Can’t you report this to the police or something?
Stop. Don’t you dare report this to the police, Megane-kun.
It’s “Morisawa Chiaki”!
My name is Morisawa Chiaki. I just realized I hadn’t introduced myself until now, so!
That so. You gotta get yourself together, ain’t it part of the hero deal to introduce yourself in a cool way?
Huh!? Kiryu-kun, do… do you also like tokusatsu!?
Huh? Ain’t got nothin’ to do with that. It’s jus’ common knowledge.
My li’l sis is still young and all, so she watches those magical girl shows on her days off, and since they’re both on in the mornin’, sometimes she ends up watching tokusatsu, too.
Oh, so you have a little sister!
Yeah, she’s a real cutie. She’s an absolute treasure to me.
I see. I’m an only child, so I’m sort of jealous of people with siblings.
—Wait, did you just try to dodge my question?
Haha, why you little… You’re the one who went changin’ the subject first.
Well, whatever. Sure, guess I’ll give ya the rundown of what’s goin’ down… I still don’t wanna give ya any trouble, but you have been helpin’ me out, so. Can’t keep pretendin’ we’re strangers anymore, ‘specially now that I know your name.
…I’ve been a shitty delinquent for a real long time now. Used to do so much dumb shit, and make my family cry over it.
Hmm… I’ve heard rumors about that before. You were the leader of all the delinquents in the area, or something?
Not exactly that, but I was known for bein’ real skilled in a fight. Not that any of it was worth much.
But, y’see… I wanted to change that about myself.
Might’ve been too late to, but I still wanted t’ try livin’ an honest life.
At least, just enough ta never make my adorable li’l sis cry, ever again… I wanted ta be a respectable “Onii-chan”.
I can’t go huggin’ her when my fists’re covered in someone else’s blood. But, I still wanted ta hug her.
The li’l girl holdin’ her knees all alone, speechless at the sight of our ma’s deceased portrait…
I jus’ wanted ta carry her and take her anywhere she ever wanted, no matter where that was.
That’s why I came to Yumenosaki, even. Wanted to be like the idols makin’ my li’l sis smile. I even cut ties with my old delinquent buds.
Or, I should’ve by now… but once ya soak in the swamp, it’s hard ta clean off all the mud.
They come ta pick fights with me practically every day now.
Those guys I beat up keep comin’ back for revenge, and my old pals come ta get back at me for turnin’ on ’em, callin’ me a traitor.
Every day… every damn day, they beat me up — I’m gonna get a concussion one of these days.
But ain’t nothin’ I can do about it. That’s just what I gotta do ta make up for it all. It’s what I get for bein’ a dumbass for so long. It hurts so damn much, though… I wish I didn’t have ta deal with it anymore.
But I won’t punch back, at least. I’ll take all their punches… I’ll keep holdin’ on, hopin’ it’ll end someday.
If my honest life comes after all the beat-downs, then I just gotta hold on as hard as I can ‘til I reach it.
I dunno if this is the right choice or not, but… all I can do is believe, and keep goin’.
I ain’t good at usin’ my head, y’see… All I ever do up ‘til now is solve things in a fight… don’t know any other way. Can’t even think of another.
…That’s the whole story, I guess. Sorry for makin’ ya listen ta all that boring stuff.
I’m good from here, Morisawa. I got enough energy back ta walk on my own now.
Heheh… I’m gonna pick up my li’l sis now, don’t wanna keep her waitin’. Ya really helped me out here.
Even if I gotta crawl all the way there, I’ll still get there on time as long as I’m on the train.
I can do what she wants me to do, after your help. I can keep bein’ her “normal Onii-chan”… so, thanks again, Morisawa.
Chapter 11
Mentions of violence ahead.
Location: Front Gate

Next day, early morning…
(…I couldn’t really do anything for Kiryu-kun in the end. He completely refused my offer to go with him after helping him reach the train station.)
(I considered doing it anyway, but then he glared at me… And it froze me from trying. All I could do was just rush back home with my head low.)
(I’m such a coward.)
(Was he really alright…? No… There’s no chance he was.)
(What he went through was awful… It doesn’t matter what he’s done in the past, it still doesn’t mean he deserves to get beaten up on a daily basis.)
(I want to help him, but I don’t know how. I mean, he said he’d kill me if I reported it to the police… I’m not sure why he’s so against it, but I could tell he was serious.)
(It’s so frustrating. If only I really was the hero of my dreams… If only I could do a grand transformation sequence, and take down all the villains—)
(…Hm? Huh, why do I hear noises near the entrance? What happened…?)
(I-I’ll at least go check what it is, just in case. Not that I’m a hero or anything—I’d probably just turn out to be another person caught in the trouble…)
(But even if that’s true, there must be something I can do!)
Location: Fountain

(W-What!? There’s a fountain at the entrance! Huh? Wasn’t this fountain broken for the longest time…!?)
(There was a fence around it, too! It was blocked off to warn students not to go near it, since there was so much rubble that someone could trip on it!)
(But now there’s a brand new fountain here, like nothing had ever happened! That’s so strange—I didn’t see or hear any kind of construction going on…!?)
(W-What’s going on!? This is just unfathomable! There’s no way this was done the normal way!)
(What is actually happening here…!? I’ve been seeing so many bizarre situations lately…!)
puka puka…♪
ah, chiaki~♪ we keep running into each other lately, don’t we?
Woah!? Shinkai-kun! So it really was you!
…“so it really was”…?
Uh, no, um—… I keep saying this, but I really don’t think it’s a good idea to bathe in water with your clothes still on.
And you’re doing that in a fountain this time, so it looks even more suspicious and strange than before. You’ll be reported if you aren’t careful, y’know?
…? what does “re-por-ted” mean?
Huh!? It means someone might call the police on you…!?
the Police? then, it is Fine~
the Police are our Manservants, after all.
(…? What? Did he just say manservants? I assume it’s simply a joke, but he’s making a joke out of a government authority… They’re people you can’t go against at any cost, aren’t they…?)
fufufu~ will you puka puka with me for today?
it feels very good, so~ how about it? you seem to be feeling down, so—
you will be revived if you puka puka. without water, i cannot Survive… that is why i Fixed up the Fountain.
Um? So, Shinkai-kun… You really are the one who repaired—or well, rebuilt this fountain, huh?
yes! now, i do not have to go all the way to the Pool to Splash about. c’mon, chiaki, you too…♪
W-Woah—!! Don’t try to pull me in! Your arm power is stronger than I expected…!?
is that so? but what does “arm power” even mean? if it is strong, is it something to be Happy about?
Y-Yes… I suppose it’s better to have strong arm power than weak, yeah…
But I don’t want to think that it’s much more righteous to be strong…
“Rai-chi-ous”? what is that?
Heheh, you ask such difficult questions, Shinkai-kun…
hmm, is that so… was that difficult? am i troubling you with my Questions?
i am sorry… but, there are many Things i do not yet know. i would like to learn more about all of you.
because if i do not know, i will not be able to Help.
which is why i decided to Enroll into School, but… it is still difficult~ there are More and more things i do not know about.
it is troubling… even though i have to Grow faster…
…I see. I don’t completely understand what you’re saying, but I get how you feel, sort of.
I want to grow stronger, too…
really? you too, are the same?
fufu, it makes me happy to know we share something in common… right, chiaki? ♪
Ahh… We had a talk about that, didn’t we? So you still remember it, huh?
I’m kind of happy. People kept ignoring me and finding me annoying—like I was just a background character, and it didn’t matter if I were here or not…
But you’ve been listening to what I’ve been saying, haven’t you?
yes! chiaki’s Stories are interesting. i can Learn many things from them, and that makes me happy.
you have been Providing me so many things.
that is why i would like to Repay you. how should i go about doing that? how can i make you Happy?
Oh no, there’s no need… I haven’t done anything worth being repaid.
(—Actually, wait. This may be my chance. I’m powerless and can’t make any impact on this world…)
(But maybe with this mystical kid—maybe if I could borrow his strength… even I could do something. He may be my transformation belt.)2
Chapter 12

fufufu, that Expression… so you do have some kind of Wish, don’t you?
tell me any Wish, and i will grant it for you! because i am a God, and that is my Job~♪
Huh? Um… But—
(What am I thinking… He may seem capable of rebuilding a fountain in one night, and can perform other miraculous, unfathomable spectacles, but…)
(Just because he can, doesn’t mean I should ask him to do another. I have no right to do so. We aren’t friends — we’re nothing to each other. I should solve my problems on my own.)
(I don’t want to be a helpless victim that asks for help from heroes—I want to become a hero.)
…chiaki? what is wrong? do not Hold back, hurry and tell me your Wish~♪
i can grant it for you~ no matter what it is~♪
…No, I won’t. I won’t wish for anything from you.
huh~? why not? you are being so mean, chiaki~?
Shinkai-kun… Alright, then let me wish for one thing. Stop relaxing in a bath here, and go to class before it begins.
You may be a child prodigy with excelling grades, but you could be expelled if you keep doing as you like.
You’d have to repeat a year, y’know? So go to class like you should.
You’re in a different class than me, but I’ve heard rumors that you don’t show up to class at all. Your class seems full of that, though — Hibiki-kun seems the same way.
hibiki… oh, he is the same, isn’t he.
is he a God, too…? he grants everyone’s Wishes so skillfully…
he is Bothering my Work, so i find him quite the Nuisance.
and the same goes for the second year named “rei”… hm?

Yo, Morisawa.
Ah— Kiryu-kun! Did everything go alright yesterday!?
Yep, thanks to you. I was able to reach my li’l sis’s preschool.
She looked lonely waitin’ for me for so long, and I made her worry over my sorry state.
But the important bit is that I was able to pick her up. Thanks, I owe ya one.
Oh, no… I’m more than happy to know that the little I’ve done could still help you out.
Hmm? Don’t go and make it more complicated than ya need to. You’re supposed to just say “you’re welcome” when someone thanks you, y’know♪
Well, whatever. I said what I wanted to say, so I’m goin’.
See ya. …Also, I do thank ya for yesterday, but…
Seriously, don’t get involved with me, aight? Like I said, I ain’t in the safest kinda place right now.
Um, okay… Are you really alright? If there’s anything I can do, please tell me!
Huh? Don’t get ahead of yourself, you dweeb. Ain’t nothin’ you can do for me, got it? It’s my problem, I’ll clean it up myself.

…hm, i see how it is now.
you are being stingy, chiaki.
Huh!? W-What do you mean, Shinkai-kun?
a Hero really is a God after all, isn’t it? after all, saving people is what a God does, isn’t it?
the reason why you do not Wish anything from me… is it because you are a God, too? or rather, because you want to become one?
a god can grant Wishes, but they do not Wish for anything themselves. that’s what this is, isn’t it?
No, no… I have no clue what you’re saying once again, but… I’m not a God, and I don’t want to become one, either.
but… why, then? why won’t you Wish for anything from me? is it because you do not believe in me?
No, it’s just… I don’t know you that well.
hmph, then just forget it. if you won’t say it Yourself, then i will have to Ask someone else.
and through that, i will confirm what your Wish is, and grant it for you… will you Believe me then?
first… i will grant the Wish that involves that Large person from earlier.
“Large person”? Do you mean Kiryu-kun? N-no, stop! He has a dangerous problem of his own, I’m serious! You’ll get more than a burn if you try to interfere, y’know!?

a “burn”? i will be just fine. Water can extinguish Fire. no— i am a God, so i will not get Hurt no matter what.
Chapter 13
Location: Near the Auditorium

One week later, after classes…
(How incorrigible.)
(This is not what I had anticipated… Not a single step of progress has been made… It makes me want to cling to the guidance of the Buddha. But as someone who has come down from the mountains, I should not expect divine protection.)
(I’m frustrated. I don’t have any backup whatsoever. Is this the limit of my individual strength? Never mind changing the world—I can’t even make a ripple in the pond.)
(…This is incredibly regrettable, but—I may have to speak to Eichi at once, and ask for his formal cooperation.)
(I mean, I speculate that he feels the same as me, but… I haven’t actually made sure if that’s really true, and I also don’t want to rely on him—since he’s so sick and frail.)
(And anyway, he likely can’t move as he pleases—as long as his monstrous grandfather reigns alive.)
(He doesn’t have any money or power at his personal disposal; right now, he’s simply a frail rich kid.)
(But right now I need supporters… I need comrades. I thought I understood this already, but you really can’t change anything on your own.)
(I need an organization that will do my bidding. That’s precisely why I’m trying to re-establish the Student Council.)
(Yet, I’m currently stumbling at that first step. How pathetic… It pains me, but I suppose I should ask Sakuma-san for his help.)
(Sakuma-san has an excessive amount of influence and popularity. If I can pull him into this, I can influence the entirety.)
(Everything will change… Though if possible, I wanted to accomplish that with my own two hands…)
(But under these circumstances, maybe I should just cast my pride aside? Hmmm… It does feel shameful, though.)

…? What is it, erm…?
I’m Morisawa, from the same class as you. Here, I brought the signatures you asked for.
Signatures… Oh, I did ask you for those.
Yes. I told the Ryuseitai captain what was going on, and he helped out, so I managed to gather a good number of signatures.
Pretty much all the members of Ryuseitai signed on, so.
I don’t think they seriously support establishing the Student Council, but rather signed it because the captain ordered them too, but…
A signature is a signature. It won’t be completely useless to you, I hope.
Here. Please accept them.
Ahh… Thank you, this is tremendously helpful.
You’re right, this is a lot of signatures. I’m grateful; we’ve gotten much closer to establishing the Student Council now.
I see. Mhm, well then, I’m glad I was helpful.
Indeed. Truthfully, I wasn’t expecting much from you, but—3
Ah, erm… I didn’t have very high expectations of you—I had forgotten that I’d even asked for help, since I’ve been asking almost everyone around.
I’m not surprised. Heheh, you were just asking around shamelessly.
Hmph. That’s what we need to do—otherwise, ordinary people like us can’t change a thing.
…Oh. That was rude of me to lump you in as “us.” I apologize.
No, I think you’re right. This world is probably run by a small, limited number of geniuses.
No. I think it looks that way, and that might be the case, but… I don’t want it to be.
When I was young, I thought I was a special being. But there is always someone better. I must be ordinary, but… I refuse to spend my life looking down because of that.
Morisawa, was it? If the likes of*—I mean, if you feel the same, I hope you’ll continue to support me and the Student Council. I’ll show them what ordinary people can do.
Of course. I’m cheering you on. I hope you manage to establish the Student Council.
…Whoops. I actually snuck out of a practice session, so I need to head back now. I saw you from the window, Hasumi-kun, so I rushed down here.
Hmph. Sorry for taking up your time. But you could’ve just talked to me in the classroom, since we’re in the same class; there was no need to do it now.
Yes. But isn’t it nice to hear good news as soon as possible?
Well then, I’ll be going now.
He he he… Lately everyone in Ryuseitai has been getting serious, you see—we’re all much more passionate about practice, so it’s fun.
That means we have much more work to do, and I’m absolutely exhausted by the end of the day, but… I feel fulfilled. Ahhh, if only these days would continue forever.
Hm. Things really do change, huh. I was under the impression that Ryuseitai was a hang-out for slackers.
Yes, I won’t deny it. But lately the captain has been strangely enthusiastic.
Well, he’s going to leave the school and head to the US soon, so… I get anxious thinking about what’ll happen after that.
But it should be fine. I think everyone just didn’t know how to work hard—or the joys of working hard either.
To try your very best, and reap the satisfaction of growth and accomplishment…
Now that they know how wonderful it all is, I’m sure they’ll continue to participate in Ryuseitai’s activities seriously.
That’s what I believe.
Well then, Hasumi-kun. See you tomorrow at school.
Yes… See you tomorrow.
(…He’s an idiot.)
(He must be extremely well brought-up. He doesn’t understand how human nature works; he believes that what’s said on children’s TV is the truth.)
(I’ve helped out with funeral services since I was little. I spent time with adults, and listened closely to their stories, so…)
(I know that humans are two-faced, and I know how easily the hidden surface can rot away.)
(Humans are not simple like the characters in a manga are. They’re contradictory and all over the place; they cast aside what’s good and fall astray so easily.)
(That’s why I need a driving force that will accept both the good and the bad, and push everyone forward nonetheless.)
(Like the teachings of the Buddha, like the law, which stands above others and administers justice… something transcendental.)
(I don’t know what that something is yet, but—)
(I will make that mine, no matter what. If God is keeping that entirely to himself—then I will kill him to obtain it.)
(“Ryuseitai”… The oldest idol unit in our school. Even a disorderly crowd can become a force once they band together; they can make possible what is impossible for just an individual.)
(These signatures… I couldn’t have gotten them on my own. I feel like there’s a lesson to learn here. I need to examine it closely.)
(An idol unit. A unit… Just as I thought, I need an organization. There’s no use for individuals to work on their own. I’ll look to organizations more closely from here on out.)
(Humans gather to create a society. If you want to change society, you need to move groups of people as if you’re playing a game of go. As if you’re watching everything from above, like the Buddha—)
(Heh. Truly, thank you, Morisawa. Thanks to you*, I now know what path I must take from here.)
Chapter 14
Heavy mentions of violence ahead.
Location: Downtown - Star Street

Next day — At night, on a day off…
(Yes, yes, yesss! Morisawa Chiaki, you’re doing a great job!)
(Heheh. I didn’t just buy my favorite novels at the bookstore today, but the books I needed for my job, too!)
(You’re off to a great start already, aren’t you, Chiaki? Congratulate yourself!)
(I’m usually buying any tokusatsu merchandise and DVDs I can find, so I’m always low on cash…)
(And textbooks are usually pricey, so my allowance took a huge hit, but! I don’t regret any of it!)
(As long as I finish my work properly, I’ll get my share of salary! So it’s actually a benefit in the long run!)
(Heheh, to think that the captain would use his connections to introduce me to a job before leaving for the US…)
(We’ve barely talked before besides unit business, and yet!!)
(He told me, “Oh yeah, you like heroes, right?”, which means! He was even watching over someone like me—a low rank in the unit! I’m so happy!)
(Thanks to his connections as an action movie actor, he gets to visit their studios often, and that’s how he managed to get me the stuntman job! He said they were already trying to recruit people!)
(I’m brand-new, so they’ll likely only give me the small tasks for now…)
(But I’m going to get the training needed in order to become a stuntman, and if I prove myself useful, then I might be chosen as a stunt performer!)
(Which means! If I work hard enough, I may one day also be able to become a hero actor, like I’ve always wanted!)
(Aaah~! This has always been a dream job of mine, Taichou! Thank you!!)
(In fact, I was going to follow that dream instead if I couldn’t get into Yumenosaki… But, I didn’t actually know how to get a job like that.)
(Because of that, I almost forgot I even had this in mind. But the captain saw right through me and realized this dream of mine, and showed me the path to it! Yes, yes, this is amazing! I’m so happy! I’m going to do my absolute best~!)
(The door to my future has opened! My wishes just keep coming true, one after the other! It’s sort of strange how that keeps happening to me, but there’s no need to feel bad about good things!)
(He he he… I’m going to head straight home, and start reading all these books I bought for the job.)
(I’ve bought books about this before, ones with interviews of actors playing as the hero, so I’ll reread those too.)

(Ahhh!! I’m just so excited! I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep tonight!! I’m too pumped up…!)

(Wha—!? I-Is that Kiryu-kun? I keep bumping into him lately… It’s like our lives are always happening at the same place—well, maybe not literally…)
(Wait—… I feel like he’s heading straight over to me—)
Don’t you dare move! I’ll kill you!
…Huh? —… Huh?
I finally found ya, ugh… Took forever… Don’tcha have any friends? I asked a buncha people, but nobody even knows where ya live.
But this game of tag is now over. Haha, checking this area was a good idea.
We met here last time, yeah? You live somewhere around here?
Well, whatever. … Come with me a sec. We’ll talk over there, where it’s darker. Don’t want anyone seein’ us.
I got somethin’ real important to talk about. Better not try to fight, Morisawa… If you make me any angrier, who knows what’ll happen to ya, especially with how pissed off I am right now.
…? …?
Location: Downtown

Hmph. Don’t make a single damn noise, it’ll look like I’m bullyin’ ya…!
People’re always mistakin’ me for a bully, but lemme tell ya — I got no interest doin’ that!
(W-what? He dragged me by the collar to the alleyway, and threw me straight onto the ground! It feels like I’m being attacked by a wild animal! I’m scared!!)
(What is this? Is this how it feels to get attacked…? I’ve been ignored by people often, but I’ve never been through something like this…)
Uuu…? What’s wrong, Kiryu-kun? Why are you so mad…? Did I do something to you!? I think there’s been some kind of mistake!
Huuuh? Quit messin’ around, dumbass. I was such a damn idiot for trustin’ you and tellin’ you my problems!
It’s me who’s got questions to ask here. The hell you tryin’ to do?
Uh, um…? W-What are you talking about? I have no idea what’s going on!
…? Seriously? That’s even worse. Y’know you could just be an actor instead of an idol, right?

Huh? Do you really think so? I hope I have the talent to do so—I mean, I just got a job as a stuntman for a mov—
Shut up! Don’t you dare open your mouth ‘til I tell ya to!
Eeek!? I-I’m sorry!!
I ain’t asking for apologies! Just stop talkin’ already! I’m already pissed off as it is!
W-What do you want me to do!? Please, I have no idea what this is about! Really! Let’s talk this through, please! Violence solves nothing!
Again? An idiot sayin’ the only things he knows, huh?! Anyway—you’re seriously sayin’ that to my face?
…? …!?
…You. You did in my pals.
P-Pals? Did in…? Did what in?
I’m tryin’ ta tell ya! You beat up my buddies, the ones pickin’ fights with me a while back!!
It went viral, y’know! Quit actin’ all innocent already!
U-Um? Kiryu-kun, you’re talking so strangely, I can’t really understand what you’re trying to tell me!
Buddies? Are you talking about the guys who were beating you up…?
It’s true that I felt upset knowing the awful things they did to you, but I didn’t do anything!
I’ve never seen them in my entire life! I’m serious! Please believe me!! I don’t know anything!
Damnit, quit actin’ like ya know nothin’…!!
You! You were the only one, Morisawa! The only one I talked to about my problems!
No one could’ve heard us, and I never thought about tellin’ anyone else about it!
I’m such a dumbass, gettin’ all soft just cuz you were a little nice to me, and went spillin’ all my feelings to you!
I’m regrettin’ it all, damnit…!!
Chapter 15
Heavy mentions of violence and death threats ahead.

How the hell did you do that!? These rebels run wild, but they showed up sayin’ sorry to me, like starvin’ animals or somethin’!
They were askin’ me to spare ’em!
They were all beat-up and bawlin’! When I was a delinquent, I had rough stuff happen to me before, but I’ve never seen my pals so scared ’til now!
They were cryin’, apologizin’, promisin’ they’d leave me alone, beggin’ me to stop!
I-Isn’t that… a good thing…? They were meddling in your affairs and bothering you, weren’t they?
Shut up!
Gyaa!? D-Don’t stomp your foot down! Please, it’s terrifying!
Yeah, be more terrified, cuz I’m freakin’ threatenin’ you here! I’m warnin’ you to never mess with me ever again, Morisawaaa!
What’re you plannin’? What the hell did you do it for? Did you just pity me? Huh!? Is that it!? Did you like playin’ pretend as an “ally of justice”!?
…!? (shakes his head)
You don’t know nothin’ about me, so don’t freakin’ get up in my business! Did I even ask you to!? Don’t you freakin’ mess with me…!!
…Those guys… My old buddies were just worthless trash.
They’re just degenerates shunned by society… but that doesn’t mean you just do whatever you want to ‘em!
Besides… I may have my reasons for breakin’ off from them, but they were still my buddies.
We had so many fun times together… I have great childhood memories with them.
They started callin’ me a traitor, beatin’ me up for it, but that was fine. It was rough, but I handled it alright.
As long as I let ’em get their anger out, their beef would just wash away like water… they may be idiots, but they’re the simple, good sort of guys.
I’m fine with the guys I beat up gettin’ revenge on me, too. I deserve it. Gotta settle all that I’ve done in the past.
And yet, you…! I was alright with my situation, but you went off, beatin’ each and every one of ’em because they “hurt me” or whatever!
You broke ’em inside and out, to the point where they can’t do anything but cry and beg for forgiveness!
I never asked for any of that, but you went off and did it anyway!
I dunno what society’s worldview is, but even delinquents have their own point of view!
And you ignored all that, and destroyed them in the name of “justice” or whatever, and wrecked everything I’ve tried to do! Stop freakin’ messin’ with me here, you dumbass!
…! (shaking his head)
It’s fine now, when they’re still scared and obedient…
But as soon as they’ve healed and gotten past the pain, they’ll just go straight back to start. I was a delinquent once. I know how it is.
I never would’ve become one if I’d learned my lesson after bein’ in that bad a spot!
Trash will always be trash! They’ll never turn obedient!
What d’ya think’ll happen from here, huh? What’chu think they’ll do once they’re all better? D’ya know what’ll stick with ’em?
All the shame of bein’ driven to tears! All the anger from gettin’ beat up! All that pain’s just gonna make ’em furious! They’re gonna start doin’ even worse things after that!
This ain’t some kiddie’s tokusatsu show! Bad people don’t just change their ways! They’re gonna do every damn little terrible thing you can imagine! They ain’t got nothin’ to lose doin’ that, y’know!?
Morisawa, hey… Morisawa, you listenin’? Want me to tell ya what those guys’ll likely do right in the middle of their rage?
They’re gonna find the best way to hurt me. Fights’re just another way to say hello for me, after all.
But this situation ain’t somethin’ to laugh about now.
Those guys… They’re gonna go after my adorable li’l sis first.
Then they’ll aim for my family, my home, then my school… and, of course, me. They’ll hurt everythin’ and everyone I love. They’ll destroy it all.
People who’re soaked deep in hatred n’ anger destroy everything in their way.
They’ll never stop… no religion, no politician can ever save people like us. Violence only brings more violence, and it’ll just keep on going.
I’d been tryin’ to end it by bearin’ with the pain! That’s the only way I had to settle all of this! But you had to go and get all heroic and ruin everything!

Heroes’ll never be able to exist in this world! Quit your daydreamin’ already, damn brat! I’ll never forgive you!
Morisawa. If my li’l sis gets a single scratch from this…
You’re gonna pay. I’ll freakin’ kill you myself.
Chapter 16
Location: Pool

Few hours later…
(…He isn’t here, either. Nor was he at the fountain… He’s nowhere to be found. He disappeared like he was just some kind of illusion or dream…)
(But I have to see him! He said something about granting my wish…! My wish regarding Kiryu-kun…!)
(And then something really did happen! The things I wished for, deep in my heart, came true! And the guys who were hurting Kiryu-kun suffered a terrible fate!)
(I swear I didn’t do anything! Shinkai-kun must have — I can’t think of any other possible explanations!)
(I don’t understand any of this, but! The one who wanted this—who wished for this—was me! I didn’t tell him directly, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I did wish that would happen!)
(I wished for justice to befall them! That all the delinquents who hurt Kiryu-kun would be punished for what they’ve done! But, something like that… anyone would think about that!)
(In reality, you can’t change anything just by making a wish! That’s what I’d thought, so I didn’t do anything but pray for it to happen!)
(And then somehow, Shinkai-kun must’ve read my mind and changed the world!)
(Like when the pool was cleaned overnight and the fountain was rebuilt the next day! He made it all a reality, like a God—like a miracle!)
(That’s the only possible explanation…! It’s unbelievable, but he… maybe he really is a God!)
(If that’s what you wanted me to believe, then I do! I won’t doubt you anymore!)
(So please, don’t do this! And if you can, please turn everything back to normal! Just pretend I hadn’t wished for anything!)
(This wasn’t what I wanted…! I just didn’t want Kiryu-kun to suffer anymore — I never imagined it would affect him and his family…!)
(I’ll never wish for anything so over-ambitious ever again!)
(It’s just like Kiryu-kun said! There’s no such thing as a hero in this world! So I’ll never make a stupid wish to become one ever again!)
(Please, just let me do this all over again! I—… Someone got hurt because of me! I can’t bear to think about it!)
Shinkai-kun! Where are you!? Please respond! Please, if you’re out there…!

Goootcha! Too bad, so sad, don’t get mad! You thought it was Kanata-san, but it was I! Madara-san!4 ♪
…Huh!? M-Mikejima-san! So you really did come back! But why are you here?
Ah… You wouldn’t know someone like me, would you… I’m Morisawa Chiaki, from the same unit as y—
Yep, I’m gonna stop you riiight there. You can sometimes be really hard on yourself, y’know. You don’t need to tell me who you are.
I have a great memory, and it’s my job to know eeeverything about anyone who’s involved with Kanata-san, so.
Needless to say, I know who you are… Morisawa Chiaki-san~♪
I know you like the palm of my hand, from your family ties, to what you love, what you hate, your backstory, how you operate… I have it all mapped out.
I know anything and everything. I’m not “God”, so I’m far from being omniscient.
But I essentially know everything, and can do aaanything. We, the Mikejima family, must do the bidding of God… or something like that! Hahaha, how old-fashioned~
You are… Erm, what exactly? Shinkai-kun mentioned you; are you his friend?
Hahaha, nooo way, I could never say I’m his friend. He’s a God, y’know?
At some point in my childhood, I did make the careless mistake of wanting to become his friend, but the world—fate isn’t so forgiving about relationships like those.
T-That kid… Is Shinkai-kun really a God after all?
Yep. Or, at least in this region, he is. He’s an all-knowing God, and there’s pleeenty of people out there who believe in him.
You’ve been living an ordinary, everyday life, so you wouldn’t know about what lies within the other side of this world—the side with a mystical land inside it. Gods and flesh-eating monsters dominate the territory.
But I know all about it, so I’m here to tell you this: It’s best you don’t get any closer than this.
You should just forget all this ever happened, go back home and sleep soundly in bed.
That’s the best option for someone like you—who’s just an ordinary kid.

Hahaha. Telling that to a teenage boy would only have the opposite effect, though.
They’re aaalways the type to yearn to escape from their boring everyday lives, and live a heart pounding, extraordinary one instead.
But, that’s exactly why I’m here to tell you about the disappointing truth—so you don’t yearn for it.
And that’s why I made a dramatic appearance and waited for you here, at this pool, in the dead of night.
By the way, Kanata-san has to perform opening ceremonies on the beach around this time of year, so he’s tucked away at his home.
He won’t be around campus, so you won’t be able to find him no matter how hard you try.
You’re just an ordinary kid, so you gotta live your ordinary life, right?
You don’t have the time to look around for a God, so lemme make your life easier~♪
Right then. Let me be honest with you—There are no such things as “myths” in this world.5
…? (surprised look)
“God”? There’s no way something like that exists. In this world, there are no superpowers, no aliens, no youkai…
You prooobably know this already, but there’s no place for fantasies to exist in a world controlled by the laws of physics.
B-But… You just said the opposite a second ago. You said he’s a God, didn’t you?
I was only saying that there are a looot of people who believe that.
That includes Kanata-san… to these kinds of people, who believe in such a being… They also believe that Gods, magic, and everything else like it are real, too.
That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I mean, if you try to prove to people that Santa Claus isn’t real, it’s not gonna make anyone happy.
That’s why these customs don’t die out. Even now, mamas and papas dress themselves red, wear a white beard, and place presents under their children’s pillows for the ones who believe in him.
It’s just a daydream to give color to this boring world. And I think that’s wonderful—after all, festivals are a necessity in this world.
Kanata-san being a “God” is exaaactly that, Chiaki-san. There are people who yearn and dream for an omniscient being to make all their wishes come true.
Y’see, it’s ‘cause there was a terrible time when these fantasies were once needed to forget aaall about the pain of reality, even if only for a second.
Weeell, I talk like I’ve been through it myself, but obviously, I’m talking about a very old tale from before I was even born.
Kanata-san being a God is just faaar too stable a fantasy that it’s kept going all the way up to this very generation.
And, after a long period of preparation, this fantasy has even plotted a scheme to maintain itself.
Chapter 17

I’m talking as if I’m not part of that “scheme,” but I am.
As long as there are people foolishly yearning for God, Kanata-san will always, always stay on the top of the shrine.
Even though him being treated as a God means that he isn’t being treated as a human being… He doesn’t think of it as misfortune and accepts it as his fate.
I couldn’t bear to see him that way… It was only for a mere moment, but once upon a time, we were friends—and there was a time when I considered taking him by the hand and getting him out of there.
But it was impossible for me. There’s no chance of me easily breaking apart such a long-planned scheme.
Zealots are frightening ones—They’d do whateeever it takes to protect their fantasy.
For example… they would even gather in the dead of night, invade a school, and clear an entire pool, despite gaining nothing by doing it.
Or, negotiate with the school to rebuild the fountain that’s been broken for sooo long…
Making sure to rebuild it all in one night… and making sure to do it in a way that wouldn’t cause any legal problems…
(I see now. That is true—there’s no way any of those incidents were because of some extraordinary phenomenon. These are manageable as long as you have the time and resources.)
(I had thought it was strange back then, because I couldn’t figure out why anyone would do this, but…)
(I see… So it was to protect a fantasy… In other words, for the sake of “faith”…)
(I don’t believe in that same faith, so to me, it just looked like an unbelievable phenomenon.)
Yep. Aaall of it is to keep up the act that Kanata-san is “an all knowing, extraordinary God who grants wishes.”
“He will grant you anything you wish for”… The scheme exists to achieve that.
And so, as he keeps granting more and more wishes, more people will come to believe that he’s a God.
You too—you almost believed he was before I started explaining things, didn’t you?
…Yes, you’re right. But he’s not a God, right?
I could tell from his body temperature when we made contact. He’s a human being like us, right?
Yup, that’s right. He’s part of a sacred ancestry, yeah, and he is an extraordinary talented kid, but he’s just another human being like us.
Though, he has never had a proper check-up, so I can’t be completely sure about that…
I know the full truth, yet even I have moments where I find it frightening how remarkable he can be.
Mikejima-san… I’ve been wondering; why do you know so much?
The truth that he isn’t a God but actually a human should be something no one should find out about… right?
That’s because I was born in a family that believes in it. My dad’s side of the family has had many generations of people who made sure to protect that faith.
On the front, they’re policemen, and inform the police headquarters that they’re monitoring Kanata-san’s household for being a “possibly suspicious religious family”.
But, in reality… They’re basically just a bunch of worshippers.
I’ve aaalways been a sly little kid, so when I was asked to play with Kanata-san 'cause we just so happened to be the same age…
I could tell he wasn’t so different from me through physical contact.
My sister has always been a sickly child since the moment she was born, so in private, I made a wish to Kanata-san to make her healthy…
He agreed, and tried to grant my wish, but my sister was never cured from her chronic disease.
Once I saw that, I realized the truth.
Kanata-san said it was simply because he was still inexperienced at being a God, but that’s absurd.
If you could cure diseases simply by praying to God, then we wouldn’t need any doctors.

Well… Relatedly, I had promised to cure my sister from her disease before making my wish, aaand… it ended up with my sister calling me a liar, and hating me for it.
I made her hope for a way out but betrayed that trust, and made her fall deeper into despair instead… so it’s no surprise she acted that way towards me.
I may have lost my faith then, but there’s still many, maaany people who believe him to be a God.
Even now, this fantasy is only getting stronger, and more stable.
I want you to be aware of this, and ask you to stop yourself from getting involved, please.
Because Kanata-san tried to grant your wish, I researched and learned everything about you, and what I understood from my research is that you really are just a regular, naïve, good kid.
You don’t get any rewards for your hard work, yet you don’t fret over it… you’re ignored and bullied all the time, yet you hold no grudges… You work hard, to the best of your ability, to make your dreams come true.
A good-natured, respectable kid like you is rare these days.
Someone like you doesn’t need a God. It’ll take time, but as long as you work hard, you’ll get what you want.
Relying on a God for these things will only make you dependent on it. The idea that you can just achieve whateeever you want without shedding a single bead of sweat is the way lazy people think.
But, well, people are the type to want to make things easier for themselves. They’ll get attached the moooment they find out that there really is a God who’ll grant their every wish.
But you’re a kid who can work for what you want. If someone like you also fell down this rabbit hole, it’d be a loss to humanity, wouldn’t it? Though, this is a cliché you hear often…
In a future where no one has to learn how to count 'cause they can just use a calculator for it, no one would be able to make them anymore, or even have the capability to add 1+1.
And then, society would fall to ruin, or civilization would progress backwards. Hah, do you think it’s amusing that I’m bringing such huge factors like that into this topic?
Because I don’t find it amusing. How I see it, we won’t be reaching the end of the world through a meteorite crashing in, it’ll be through these pile-ups of corruption, one by one… That’ll be the thing that will eradicate everything.
That’s why I’m going to say this to you, specifically. Save the world, ordinary boy.
Don’t ever wish to become a hero—a special being of this world.
…Are you telling me to know my place?
Is that how it sounded to you? Well, you’re mooore or less right, so I won’t ask you to reconsider your thoughts…
Besides, I took a liking to you after just a little research.
I felt envious, y’know? Like, “If only I could live like this~” kinda thing.
I had always wanted to live in the front side of the world, foreeever innocently laughing and enjoying daydreams of Gods and heroes.
And anyway. I keep saying this, but there’s no room for daydreams to exist in this world.
Yet somehow, Kanata-san has been granting wishes unnaturally through “faith” and “mystery”…
And those acts are twisting and bending our reality, which will likely recoil and bring about a great tragedy…
Maybe I’m just overthinking it, but I’m a liiittle scared, y’know?
Like, they’ve touched a really dangerous area with the Kiryu Kuro-san incident, and a few other incidents, too.
Cleaning a pool is not thaaat big a deal, but this time around they’ve actually hurt a bunch of people.
All that bloodshed will forever cling to them. I wasn’t directly involved in that incident though—It was my mother who ordered them to do it.
My mother… to put it short, she’s someone from society's underground.
Kuro-san seemed worried about this, but some basic ol’ delinquents from the streets are easy to suppress for her, and she’s capable of doing the necessary procedures to make sure they don’t eeever come back for retribution.
My mom’s an expert on violent crime. She’s well aware of how delinquents work, and she knows exactly how to deal with them.
But she isn’t a God, either. There’s no such thing as God in this world. I’m sure there’ll be a few mishaps here and there.
When enough of those pile up, they’ll surely bring about destruction.
That’s why I want you to at least avoid wishing for things to Kanata-san. No matter how much I ask—no matter how hard I try, he’ll probably try to remain a “God”…
That might be what his “happiness” is, but… I’ll do whatever it takes to leave behind a path where he can live as a human being.
If people stop wishing for anything… and if people lose faith in him, he’ll slowly become less of a God. That’s what I want to happen. I’m not wishing for it—I’m expecting it.
I mean… You get what I’m saying, right? He’s a human being, after all.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Some people have a concern that exercise can stump their physical growth, or even make them shorter.
- ↑ A transformation belt is what a tokusatsu hero (usually a Kamen Rider) uses to transform.
- ↑ Like the previous chapter Keito was in, he was about to refer to Chiaki with kisama (rude “you”), but quickly switches it to kimi to sound more friendly in his next line. It’s a little difficult to show the difference between the two “you”s in English, so in this chapter, I’ve added an asterisk after every line he uses (or was about to use) kisama in.
- ↑ To clarify, the JoJo-like reference is purely coincidental and not in the original text; it just fit the tone Madara was going for.
- ↑ The word used for “myths” is shinpi 神秘, the same word in Ryusei Blue’s catchphrase: The blue flame is the mark of mystery (shinpi). Its literal meaning is “unfathomable mystery.” Also, as an important side note… the first kanji means “God”.