Meteor Impact – Two Years Ago: Not Quite A Hero (Chapter 1–8)
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Translation Notes
Chapter 1
Location: Pool

Two Years Ago — Beginning of Summer…
Heh… The ally of justice has arrived in all his splendid glory.
Now, let’s begin our Super Hero Time! As long as I’m here, evil shall never prosper! Fuhahahaha!! ☆
(…It’s too scary! I’m trying so hard to encourage myself with super cool catchphrases, but I can’t take this anymore! I wanna go home~!!)
(Uuu… Just the thought of the school at the dead of the night is terrifying enough…)
(A dirty pool filled with sludge only makes it worse… It’d be more shocking if a ghost or demon didn’t show up…)
(No! It’ll be fine! Ghosts don’t exist! They’re just something people see when they’re half asleep!1 It’s only my imagination!)
(Besides, despite having idols for students, the school’s security is really low… What I should be more cautious about are the chances of a suspicious person intruding the place!)
(The most terrifying thing in this world has always been humans, not imaginary ghosts!)
(Uuu! You idiot, me! Why are you even talking about freaky stuff!? I-I’m just gonna stop thinking about this!)
(Let’s get this job done quickly, and go home!)
(F-Fuhaha! My duty for today is pool cleaning!)
(This pool is barely used, so it’s been dirty for a long time now. But apparently the other day, some of my comrades from Ryuseitai lit up sparklers here…)
(They ended up not only leaving burn marks, but also dirtying the place with leftover food, so the teachers are furious.)
(It sounds like the actions of my members are becoming inexcusable to the faculty staff…)
(Sagami-sensei told me in secret that they may disband it at this point.)
(But I can’t let that happen! I won’t let Ryuseitai end like this — Not when it has such a long and proud history!)
(There are still some members who never take part in any of these bad deeds, and properly work hard — like our leader, Taichou!)
(I’m going to protect Ryuseitai myself! No, I’ll save it! No one asked me to do this, but I’ll still start by cleaning all the dirt from the pool!)
(I’m sure that if I make the pool usable, the teachers will think better of us!)
(I had a lot of unnecessary work pushed on me all day, so I couldn’t start until late at night…)
(It’s dark, creepy, and terrifying here, but! I’ll be fine! The night always comes to an end!)
(Let’s do this! Justice will always prevail!)
Woosh! Chiaki Crusheeeerrrr!! (Cleans the pool’s floor with a mop)
Now’s my chance! Take this! Finishing move: Chiaki Beaaaaaaam!! (Washes it down with a hose)
Fuhaha! How’s that!? Feel like giving up yet, you evildoers!? Yup, let’s go with the idea that the black sludge was created by the malice within people’s hearts!
The only person who can purify it all is the one and only, Morisawa Chiaki…☆
Yes, aaalright! I’m all pumped up!
Now I can forget all about my fears, and—
(Huh!? W-What was that weird sound just now!? A dog’s wail…? Or maybe a bird…? Or was it just my echo…?)
U-Um, hellooo…? I-Is there someone… out there…?
(…N-No response. Of course there wouldn’t be.)
(No one in our school is enthusiastic enough to practice past school time, and the teacher currently on duty isn’t that serious about their job, either.)
(I specifically chose a day like this, just so I could clean the pool in secret.)
(This is something I personally planned to do… If someone catches me here, I could get scolded for doing something wrong.)
(Even though I’m doing the opposite.)
…Even though, I only want to become a hero.
“hee-roe”…? what is that?
(…Huh!? W-What!? Somebody’s collapsed within the sludge!)
(He’s soaking in it! I-Is he dead!? No, no! He spoke just now, didn’t he…!?)
A g-g-g-ghost!? Oh no, it’s really here—Eeeeeeeek!!!!
what is “goo-st”?
i do not know this Word. could you teach me, please?
Huh!? Um, no… What!? W-What are you!? I’msosorry
…E-Eeek!? W-Why did you just lick me…!? That was mortifying!!
i know! you are from the Sea as well, yes…? ♪
Chapter 2

Several minutes later…
Hmm, okay… I’ll hose you with water like you asked — Are you sure you’re okay with that, umm… Shinkai-kun?
yes! i Love water~ it is my Life force!
Uh, yeah… I think that could be said about anyone, really… Also, you’re covered in sludge at the moment, so it makes sense that you’d want to wash yourself off with water.
Do you have a change of clothes with you? You wouldn’t want to go home completely drenched, right? If you don’t have any, I’ll bring some over.
i am very sorry. please talk more Slowly. i cannot pick up what you are saying.
i apologize. i am not used to having a Conversation…
Huh? Ahh, sorry! Did I talk too fast? I don’t have any friends, so I’m bad at it myself!
Heheh. You always seemed like a distant being, so I’m happy to know that we share something in common.
…? is that so? you are Happy that we share something?
why would you be Happy about that?
(U-Umm… I feel like we’re never on the same page… It doesn’t feel like I’m talking to a human being… Although, he does seem to know Japanese.)
(He keeps asking me questions after everything I say… this conversation is getting nowhere.)
(I’m not that knowledgeable myself, and I keep getting stuck trying to answer all his questions.)
(Is there no one around Shinkai-kun to teach him all of these things…?)
(It doesn’t look that way, though… I’ve got the impression that he’s a well-known student within the school, and that he constantly has followers around him.)
(Shinkai Kanata… We’re in different classes, and I’ve never talked to him until now, so I don’t know much about him, but…)
(If I remember correctly, he passed his entrance exam with flying colors. He even ranked as high as Itsuki Shu and Hibiki Wataru for certain subjects, or possibly even higher.)
(That’s only a rumor, though. The entrance exam results have never actually been shown to the public.)
(Still, he’s a prodigy from a different world compared to me, an ordinary person.)
(I studied hard for the same exam and, my results for the written portion aside, my practical skills were unremarkable.)
(Although apparently I would’ve still been accepted into the academy even if I’d never bothered to study…)
(I just have to believe in the fact that everything I’ve studied and learned won’t go to waste… Not just that, but for everything else I’ve done so far, too.)
(For now, I have to work hard, then work harder, then even harder and harder.)
(It’ll all pay off if I just keep working hard to the best of my abilities… I’m sure of it.)

…? what is wrong? ummm, you…?
i did not ask for your name, did i? could you tell me what it is?
Huh? Ahh, you wouldn’t know who I am, would you…?
yes! i Realized this recently! a big discovery! fufu~♪
each Human has their own Name!
Uh…? Yeah, of course we do. Everyone gets a name from their parents.
from their pa-ren-ts? what is “pa-ren-ts”?
is it a Necessity? where can i get one?
What? Umm…?
if it is a Necessity, then i would like it. i have to act more Human, or everyone will be in Distress, it seems.
where can i get one? or do i need to Buy it with Money from some place?
(…What’s he talking about!? Does he really not know the concept of parents…!? No, no! There’s no way that could be true, right…?)
(No, wait… He might have a complicated family situation.)
(He is from another world, after all… I don’t think I should dig into this topic.)
(Not when I’m nothing but a nobody who just so happened to talk to him.)
…? what is wrong? could you give me a Response? i am sorry. was it a difficult Question?
Ahh, no… That last question was a bit too difficult for me, but I can answer your first one.
My name is Morisawa Chiaki. I’m a first year like you, and I’m currently in a unit called Ryuseitai. I’m still in the lower ranks, though.
Ryuseitai doesn’t have as much influential power as Othello, but it does have a lot of members.2 It’s split between two squads: the first squad always gains the glory by being onstage, while the second squad supports them.
I’m in the second squad, and I’m meant to do the trivial tasks. And honestly, it’s only natural that I was placed in it; I’m a newcomer. I could never allow myself to push aside my seniors and take their position.
“ryu-sei-tai”… ahh, mikejima’s Manservants?
Mikejima? It is true that he’s in the unit, but I’ve never talked to him before.
He may be a first year, but he’s the leading star of the first squad. He’s completely above my level… Is he your acquaintance?
what is “a-kwain-tans”? is that different to Family?
F-Family? Mikejima-kun’s part of your family!? Your brother, maybe? Ah no, you’re both the same age and you don’t look the same, so that can’t be it… right?
hmm… i think he wants to become Family, but… i do not quite understand… how long will he be Playing house…?

Chapter 3

just give me water already. do not make me repeat the Same thing twice. you Should listen to what a God says.
Ahaha, you’re a God, Shinkai-kun? Well, you do have godly potential.
yes. from the day i was born, until i die.
chiaki, you are not a God, are you?
Y-You’re casually calling me by my first name, huh… It’s fine, though. Nope, I’m not~ I’m just your ordinary, everyday guy.
But even someone like me can make your little wish come true! I’ll spray water on you! Be careful not to slip and fall from the water!
yes, feel free to do so. i have been waiting.
Ah, but before that! If you want to clean the dirt off of you, then you’ll need soap! Wait a moment!
I think there was some equipment near the drinking fountain…?
mm… just do it already, please. i Cannot do anything without Water.
i will dry up… without Water, it is painful…
that is why i had jumped into this Pool, thinking there would be Water…
but, there was none… i banged my head on the surface, and Fainted.
it was an Earnest match between the two of us~… chiaki? are you listening?
(Humming) ~♪~♪ Oh! I found the soap! Ahaha, it’s so fancy! Alright, I may as well find a towel to wipe the dirt off!
—… …hurry.
chiaki… i… really, will—…
Hm? Shinkai-kun, did you call for me? Just give me a second longer!
If I remember correctly, there was a jersey in the room for Ryuseitai — I’ll bring one over. It’s better to have a change of clothes, so!
I think that jersey was left behind by the student who quit our unit the other day, so it should be okay to use it…
Yeah, I’ll just make sure to wash it and put it back in its place so I don’t end up stealing it.
W-What’s wrong!? Say something, please! The dark is terrifying! I was able to forget about all my fears because you were chatting!
Shinkai-kun? Woah— Why are you collapsed on the floor!? Is it from anemia? Did you faint!? Are you alriiiiight~!?
…chiaki, w-water…
Water!? Yeah, sorry for the long wait! I’ll spray water on you now! Here goes—!!!
W-Was that good enough…? Please say something!
…whew~♪ yes, i am feeling Better now. i have been revived.
Kyahahahahaha!! ☆
Eeek!? W-What!? Don’t laugh out of nowhere! You surprised me!
i am sorry! i am just so happy, and feeling tingly…♪
fufu. if it is what you Wish, i will not laugh.
N-No, I’d rather see you smiling than have a straight face… The sudden laughter took me by surprise, that’s all.
fufu. you are the Timid type, yes?
Kyaha— Kyahahaha! ♪ Kyahahahahaha…!! ☆
(E-Ermm…? Never mind, it really is terrifying, Shinkai-kun! I don’t get anything you do — It’s just too bizarre!)
…am i scary?
!? Wha—!? Did I say it out loud!?
i can tell by your Face. i have been slowly able to understand those things…
humans have many, many Expressions, especially compared to fish.
i am sorry for scaring you… and thank you for the water.
i have to Repay you somehow, since you have given me a Tribute.
Tribute? No no, no need for anything! It’s been awhile since I— No, I think this is the very first time I’ve properly helped someone, so I’m more than happy!
Your smile is my reward! Heheh, that sounded a little bit like a hero~♪
“hero”…3 what exactly is that? you said you want to Become that, yes?
Huh? Ahh… You heard me talking to myself… That’s so embarrassing…
is it something embarrassing?
it is alright~ i will not look Down on it. i will Affirm any Wish, because i am a God.
if that is what you wish, then i will grant it for you. that is my Job. will that be a sufficient Repayment, chiaki?
Ahahaha, if I could make it come true just by wishing, it would be a lot simpler than this. Reality isn’t so simple in the end; it’s different from tokusatsu shows.
“toku-sa-tsu”…? what is that?
Mhm, I’m sure you’ve seen it at least once, haven’t you? You’re a guy, after all! C’mon, y’know, it’s the ones that go “Transform!”
Yes! Like this, and like this! This is No.1’s transformation pose, and this is No.2’s! ☆4
number… one…? i am sorry, i do not understand…
Huh. You aren’t the type to watch TV? Then why did you want to become an idol? Is it because you watched one at a live show or something?
I’ve always watched all kinds of idols perform on TV! It’s how I came to like them, and why I wanted to become one!
Becoming a hero is hard when reality is the way it is, but I could become an idol if I work hard, right?
I want to become the dream version of myself! The cool, ideal version!
Chapter 4

…is that your Wish, chiaki?
Yep! It’s proving to be difficult, but! Finding out that Ryuseitai existed after entering this school made me jump with joy!
I mean, they’re hero-like idols, y’know? It’s the exact ideal I’ve yearned for!
hm, that is ryuseitai…?
Yep! Oh, though… I don’t know if you know this, but at the moment, Ryuseitai is pretty far from being “heroic.” I mean, they’re still only halfway there when it comes to behaving like idols!
The captain and Mikejima-kun have been properly acting as idols, but…
The others, especially the second squad, just rely on those members, and play around as they like.
hm. is it a bad thing to Play around? both Playing and Singing are a splendid way to worship, though…?5
No no, it isn’t bad… I’m just unsatisfied — I don’t feel like it’s enough. I mean, the way they act is the usual for this school, but…
If they just live off of the legacy of the past without ever working hard themselves, then they’ll never be able to put all their heart into this. I feel like we’ll end up in a tight spot, personally…
But the last time I got fed up, I made a ruckus to be more serious… And after that, it looks like they just saw me as an eyesore.
They don’t speak to me anymore, and they’ve been pushing all kinds of unnecessary work on me ever since…
Is this bullying? No no, it must be my fault for not properly reading the atmosphere, right?
atmosphere… yes, that is a Necessity.
does that mean you are Suffocating, chiaki?
that is Sad… you will die if you cannot breathe…
Huh!? No, I’m not physically incapable of breathing!
Don’t worry, don’t worry! I won’t die! I’m fine!
fufu, you will not die? so you ate Mermaid meat?
Huh? Ahh, do you mean the Yaobikuni legend?6 You know about that, Shinkai-kun?
yes, since it is not Unrelated to me… but, then, what is your Wish?
Hm? Ah, no, it isn’t a wish per se… I just want everyone to be a little more serious, that’s all.
Well, there isn’t any point in me asking for that, though.
…? what do you mean?
…Ryuseitai will likely disband soon if it keeps going at this pace.
hm? what is “dis-ba-nd”?
It means it’ll disappear. What a shame, Ryuseitai is the very first unit established in Yumenosaki with a proud and long history…
Besides Mikejima-san, only our captain is doing his job properly, but apparently he’s been hired from overseas.
There’s still some time left before graduation, but there’s talk that he’s already preparing to leave.
Which means he’ll be dropping out of school to start doing independent work. Those types of people aren’t rare — Talented students always abandon studying here and leave for someplace else.
You’ll gain nothing from being here, after all…
The classes are poor quality, no one bothers to do anything, and lately the school’s been having a bad reputation within the industry.
Any talented student capable of starting their own independent career has no reason to stay here.
Also… No adult in this school helps you out in anything, and if you stay around the rotten students, you’ll turn rotten yourself.
Even I… If I could just have more talent and capability—…
Ahh, I’m sorry for complaining. Point is, only the captain of Ryuseitai has been properly working as an idol, but he may leave the school. That’s why Ryuseitai might disband.
All the members who had been leeching off of him are at a loss, and aren’t really sure what to do.
So lately, all they’ve been doing every time we meet is talk badly of the captain, calling him heartless and stuff…
Just because he’s the captain doesn’t mean he has any obligation to take care of his fellow members.
“Captain”… “Leader”… Those titles are only something written in documents — They don’t mean you have any responsibilities, or influence.
But apparently, the captain plans to quit being an idol to become an action star instead.
Which means, there’s less chance of him bringing any idol work to us through our connection as Ryuseitai.
That’s why the members who had been aiming for that are voicing out their frustrations.
They were hoping to suck out all the good bits from the captain by being part of this unit, so now they're complaining that they were betrayed…
The captain knows this, and it seems he’s gotten fed up with it. He doesn’t show up to the unit’s gatherings anymore.
Not that we do any practice when we gather, anyway — Everyone just plays around.
But soon, we won’t even have gatherings like that anymore.
Ryuseitai will naturally disband on its own, I think. With the way things are right now, there won’t be anyone to inherit the role of the captain, so.
Everyone has been talking about leaving the unit, and joining Othello instead.
No one will bother to protect Ryuseitai. They just want to do whatever’s the most convenient.
As for what I’ll do… I don’t want to become rotten like the rest, but I don’t have the capability to protect Ryuseitai.
I’m trying to help the unit stay alive by cleaning the pool, but… If it disappears anyway, then all my efforts would be futile.
I’m starting to find it pointless to protect Ryuseitai — There’s no hope.
There’s no point in continuing my hero act all alone, either… I’d only waste my precious youth like this.
I’m so weak, so dumb, so pathetic… I criticize others but I’m not any better — I’m just going with the flow without accomplishing a single thing.
The ideal image of the hero I yearn to become is still so far away — I could almost cry.
…Oh! I’m sorry! I just talked to myself for ages! I’m sure it was boring and awful to hear…
Heheh, you’re so strange, Shinkai-kun… I’ve never ever vented any of these thoughts out, but…
You aren’t even my friend, yet I can’t help but tell you my secrets.
Please forget everything I said. It has nothing to do with you.
…that is true. the Land has Nothing to do with a god.
but, it is because a god is Distant, that he can see Everything.
i have watched from Above, and Understood your Wish.
please leave everything to me. i will grant your Wish. will that be a sufficient Repayment, chiaki?
Chapter 5
Location: School Infirmary

Next day, early morning…
Please excuse me!
(Hm? Is Sagami-sensei not around again? But I was thinking of asking for advice, since I really don’t want Ryuseitai to fall apart…)
(He was once part of Ryuseitai, so I thought he could help me out…)
(He was also once the Super Idol, and he’s a teacher, too — He has the power to change things, unlike me, just another nobody.)
(He’s the only person I can count on. I hate that I’m trying to rely on others for my own benefit, though… but…)
(—Wait, this room is a mess. I wasn’t aware of this back when I was just one of Sensei’s fans, but it seems like he can be really sloppy.)
(Alright, I’ll tidy this place up just enough, but not so much that he’d be uncomfortable with it. I’m good at cleaning — I mean, I’m always being forced to do those types of jobs, so.)
(I’d like him to do me a favor, after all — This is me paying in advance for it.)
(Heheh… I’m almost acting like a woman invading a guy’s life~♪)7
(Riiight then! I’ll start with the floor, since it should be fine for me to clean i—)

Shove off, brat.
I wanna sleep here. Dunno what you’re tryin’ ta do, but you’re gettin’ in the way. If ya keep goin’, I’ll step on ya!
Ah!? Uuu? I’m so sorry! I’ll move right away!
Haha, why’re ya talkin’ so polite, we’re the same age… Whatever, fine by me.
H-How did you know that…? Ah! Is it from my necktie?
Huh? We’re in the same class, Megane-kun.8 It ain’t everyday ya find a guy who actually goes to class, so I know who you are.
I’unno your name, though. Ain’t like I ever pop in class, so.
But whatever. No need to be so scared — jus’ leave me alone and I won’t do anythin’ to ya.
I ain’t gonna hurt ya or somethin’. I don’t ever lay a finger on good people.
Ahh~… Sheesh, I can finally rest.
Megane-kun. I ain’t showin’ up in class today, so tell the homeroom teach. Not like they ever check anyway, but just in case.
Ah— Yes! Understood!
But, umm… You’re Kiryu-kun, right… You should come to class, y’know?
Huh? Don’t talk to me like we’re best buds. I ain’t even got the energy to talk…
Besides, this school’s got no problems with skippin’ classes once or twice.
Are ya just as goodie-two-shoes as ya look?
Ah— Um, no, it’s just… I’m sorry! That was presumptuous of me!
I’m sorry if I bothered you! I seem to have a problem with saying the first thing that comes to mind…!

(U-ummm…? He ignored me? Was I too irritating? No, actually… he really doesn’t seem to have the energy to talk with me…)
(What happened…? He looks beaten-up… Was he hit by a car or something…? S-Should I call an ambulance?)
(Or maybe I should call for Sagami-sensei through the loudspeaker… Ah but, I feel like I’d get punched if I went too far.)
(There’s rumors that he’s the delinquent of the academy, after all…)
(I’m terrified…! But… he’s covered in wounds… Doesn’t he need those treated? I don’t think he’s going to die, but I don’t think it’s okay to just leave him like this…!)
(It doesn’t matter if he’s a delinquent! I can’t overlook a wounded person! Be brave, Morisawa Chiaki! If you leave now without doing anything, you’ll only regret it…!)
Ugh, you’re still here. Get lost already, you’re gonna be late for homeroom class.
Uuu? Um, but, uh… Errmm, what did I wanna…
Ah, yes! I wanted to treat your wounds! I often hurt myself by accident, so I know how to do first aid!
Look— It’s only going to swell up if you don’t do anything about it! And the bed will get bloody, too! You shouldn’t bleed on it, y’know — Who do you think cleans them?
Ahh, um! I’m not trying to criticize you or anything! I’m just worried! Ummm… You’re a strong guy, so it’s probably presumptuous of someone like me to be worried about you, but…!
Chapter 6
Mentions of violence ahead.

…I ain’t strong.
…? Huh? What? I couldn’t hear you!
Jus’ talkin’ to myself. … A’ight, guess I’ll take your offer.
O-Offer? What offer? I’m sorry, I don’t properly understand what you’re saying…!
Already forgettin’ what ya jus’ said? You’re givin’ me first aid, aren’t ya? Here — I’m leavin’ it to you, so do whatever ya want to.
A-Alright… I’ll handle it, then… But are you sure? Like, really sure? You won’t get angry, right?
Huh? Are you a baby or somethin’?
If you’re jus’ flatterin’ me, or you can’t be bothered, then it’s all good. Jus’ go ta class already… aren’t ya goin’ to, goody-two-shoes?
Honestly, there’s nothin’ ta get from involvin’ yourself with a punk like me.
…No, a man never goes back on his word.
Haha, you were “a man”? You’ve got such a cute face, I couldn’t tell.
Heheh, so you can crack jokes like that, Kiryu-kun? I didn’t expect that, with how you’re always silent and looking so sour during class.
Huh, that so.. Well, I jus’ don’t really like ta talk, is all.
Nobody comes over to talk to me, anyway — Guess they’re scared or somethin’. I don’t even bother tryin’ ta talk to the other guys skippin’ class.
But, eh, guess school is for studyin’ anyway, not havin’ fun with friends.
Y-Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t expect you to be the type to think about this seriously.
Well, yeah… I’m tryin’ ta take it seriously, after all. Not that there’s any point in doin’ that here. Even the teachers seem like they’ve given up — They do whatever they want for their classes.
What an expensive waste… This school ain’t cheap.
Yeah, I feel the same way, too. … Okay, let me clean the wound — It’ll sting a bit.
Got it. …Sorry for makin’ you help me out, Megane-kun.
It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. After all, it’s a hero’s duty to help those in need!
(—Wait, what am I even saying? Stop it, you can’t just say what immediately comes to mind!)
…Huh, so you’re a hero.

Huh? No, that’s, uh… Forget about it! It’s embarrassing!
Hmm… Ahh right, you’re in Ryuseitai, aren’t ya? So the title ain’t just for show, huh — There really are guys in there actually bein’ heroes.
You guys have an awful rep. Keep hearin’ that you break stuff everywhere, and make a huge ruckus wherever you go…
Well, since I’m a delinquent an’ all… the whiny brats in the streets are always tryin’ ta pick a fight with me, yeah?
That’s where I hear your unit’s name a lot. Always sayin’ they’re an eyesore and all, that they’ll put ’em down sooner or later, or whatever… Better keep yourself safe if you’re out at night.
You all just seem to be doing whatever you like, but you guys’re all just spoiled li’l brats born an’ raised from a well-off, sheltered family in the end.
All you guys’re gonna be done for once a real delinquent’s got their eyes on ya. They’ll play with ya like a plush toy ’til there’s no stuffing left inside ya.
Just go play around somewhere the nicer, peaceful adults can protect ya.
Don’t bother comin’ into the sewers here — There’s nothin’ interesting floatin’ around.

…My bad, I talked a li’l too big. I’m sure ya wouldn’t wanna be lectured by the dregs of society… Sorry ’bout that.
No, I’m thankful for the warning. You’re a good person… Kiryu-kun.
Huh? You got your eyes on wrong or somethin’? How the hell’re ya seein’ somethin’ good in me?
I’m just as delinquent as I look. I ain’t someone people like you should be minglin’ with.
Talkin’ to you and joinin’ this school… feels like I’ll start regrettin’ it all…
I really was dreamin’ of a chance to possibly becomin’ a more honest, good man, though…
…Doesn’t matter. So, you done? Thanks, I appreciate it.
I’m goin’ back to sleep now, so go to class already… Honor student.
No, hold on— I haven’t finished the treatment. I’m not one to give up halfway when doing something, so please let me finish up.
Haha, you’re surprisingly fussy, aren’tcha?
Hm… But how did you end up covered in bruises like this? You seem to have been kicked and punched all over, there’s no other way to explain it… Did you get into a fight?
You shouldn’t do that. Violence solves nothing.
Huh? Ain’t that backwards? Violence is the only way to solve anything.
At the very least, that’s the kind of world I’ve been livin’ in. I asked for this myself, and now I’ve gone rotten and become a shitty delinquent.
Harming everything around me… And lately, I’ve been payin’ the price for that. That’s all there is to it. I ain’t actually goin’ around pickin’ fights or anythin’.
I got caught and surrounded by my old pals, and, y’know… I took their blows without fightin’ back, and there you have it.
I ain’t done any resistin’ nor defendin’, so I guess you could say I’m the victim here.
But you got nothin’ to worry about — It’s unlikely this’ll cause any huge uproar… so I won’t cause any problem’s to all ya idol brats.
W-what do you mean? Your old pals…?
It’s none of your business. … Just forget about it, I’ve already said too much.
It’s better off if you just pretend ya never saw me…
But you’re a good guy an’ all… Talkin’ to me and treatin’ my wounds even when you’re shakin’…
That’s exactly why I don’t want ya gettin' involved with me any more than this. Seriously, I’m not jokin’ around here… Just don’t.
I hate, hate seein’ anyone else get hurt all because they got close to me.
If I let that happen again… I’ll really have had no reason to ever been born. It’d be unforgivable to my ma — the one who went through so much to give birth to me.
Chapter 7
Location: Classroom 1-B

The same morning…
(…Oh, oh no. Class was over before I realized it.)
(I don’t like this. Feels like I’m a little depressed… I keep worrying about how much I need to do something already, but I haven’t accomplished anything meaningful at all.)
(That’s why I’m stressed, and overwhelmed by this feeling of powerlessness, and just… space out entirely. But there’s no real use analyzing myself like this.)
(I want to change the current state of the unit, but… I don’t know how, and I also don’t have the power to do anything. In the end, I wasn’t able to meet Sagami-sensei, either.)
(Well, telling Sagami-sensei probably wasn’t going to change anything, though…)
(Since I’m not his family or his pupil or anything; I’m just his fan.)
(Actually, I’d be reluctant to impose on him when he’s exhausted and retired, but… There’s no one else I can rely on.)
(Ahh… I’m so depressed, I just keep sighing. This is bad. I need to pull myself together. There’s no use worrying about it — I need to act first.)
(I can only do what I can, one step at a time.)
(It might be useless — someone like me, struggling to make something happen — but it will all add up… It has to be better than giving up and doing nothing.)
(That’s what I believe. That’s what I want to believe — that even I can make a change.)
You there… I mean, excuse me, could we speak?9
Eep!? Wh-what is it… um, class rep?
Hasumi. But if you want to call me “class rep,” that’s fine. I am the class representative, after all.
And because nobody else wants to take on the responsibility, I’m head of the library committee as well.
I-I see… Um, that must be a lot of work.
Not really. Taking on such titles means that I receive that much authority as well.
Well, I also take on the responsibilities as well, but I accept that as something like a necessary expense.
(He has a long-winded manner of speaking. Hasumi-kun… I’d never spoken to him until now, so I didn’t know this, but he’s as straight-laced as he looks.)
…? What are you scrutinizing me for… Is it my glasses?
Eh? No, sorry! Was I being rude?
Hmph. …Your glasses are rather nice as well. Where did you get them?
Huh? I mean… At an everyday eyewear store in my neighborhood.
My eyesight isn’t that bad, but I got these when my dad got a pair. He said that it’d be cheaper with the family discount if we purchased together.
I gave my dad a lot of trouble with my tuition, so I thought it would be good if I could help him save up.
I see. Well, glasses get quite expensive if you want to purchase good ones.
They say you get what you pay for, but lately even the stores for middle-class customers sell higher quality glasses, perhaps because they manage to save on material costs through mass production.
That’s capitalism. Companies compete through pricing and the like, and ultimately quality is improved overall.
…I feel like that thought will be a useful lesson of all sorts. I’m going to write it down, so give me a moment.
Okay… Um, so what is it, really? Did you want to talk about glasses that badly?
No. I want to talk to you about something else. You, sign this… I mean, I would like you to sign this.
Yes. I’m actually thinking of establishing a Student Council.
A Student Council…? Wait, Yumenosaki didn’t have one? Don’t schools usually have one?
Indeed. There seems to have existed one in the distant past, but at one point no one had inherited the position, and it eventually disappeared…
And then it was kept in this strange limbo of whether or not it actually existed for the longest time.
When I asked a teacher, I was told that I essentially needed to start from scratch to create an entirely new Student Council if I wanted to make it active again…
And when I looked into the school rules, it seemed like I needed over half the students in the school to sign the petition.
Well, knowing the teachers at our school, I suspect they won’t even properly examine the conditions when we establish it, but…
I don’t want to pretend I established it properly, only for them look into the fact that I didn’t get enough signatures to officially do so… That’s why I thought I would go through the proper procedures.
I want to prove that we have obtained the approval of the students — That the students want us, the Student Council.
Heheh. I see that you’re a serious guy, Hasumi-kun. I don’t dislike it.
That is my strength. In any case, the Student Council is an organization that supports students — Just as the name suggests. It should be helpful without getting in the way.
So if you could, I’d like you to sign this, saying… “I support establishing a Student Council.”
I keep running around and bowing my head, asking people to sign, but most people don’t even listen to me.
And it’s becoming a bit of a hassle. I feel like I’ve tripped before I could even start running.
Worst case scenario, I could ask Eichi to bribe them in secret, but… No, I’d rather not already owe him at this stage.
If possible, I want to stay equals with him. Being indebted to him forever… Just thinking about it makes my heart sink.
…? What are you talking about?
Nothing. I’m just talking to myself. So… will you sign, or will you not?
Ah, right. If that’s the case, I’ll gladly sign. I can even ask around and help you gather more signatures, too.
Hm. That would be helpful. You don’t seem like the kind of person who has many friends, so I won’t expect much, but… I appreciate it.
We should help each other out during times of need, y’know. I hope you manage to establish the Student Council.
Thank you. Well, I have no idea how this will go, but I plan to do my best.
Please lend me your support for my dream. If even just one person sympathizes with my cause and is willing to support me… I can continue to fight.
Please believe in me. I will be the one to change Yumenosaki Academy.
Chapter 8
Location: Staircase

Same day, at break time…
(Heheh, “change Yumenosaki Academy,” huh… It sort of sounded grandiose, but I’ll still be wishing you the best, Hasumi-kun.)
(So there are students other than me who don’t feel like the academy can remain the way as it is right now…)
(That makes me happy. I feel reassured! I’ll also do my best — Well, I’m still not sure what I could do, but…)
(First, I’ll work on cleaning up the pool. I couldn’t do much last night after chatting with Shinkai-kun.)
(It’s completely filthy, so it will probably take a few days to fully clean it up…)
(But after rain comes sunshine — I’m sure I’ll be able to get it done if I keep working on it bit by bit. I’ll use all the time I can get for this… Although, I might get caught by a student or teacher if I do it during break time…)
(But, well… I’m not doing anything wrong. I just have to stand my ground! No one will make a complaint, anyway… Maybe. Hopefully. Mhm, it’ll be fine, it’ll be just fine.)
(Riiight, then! Let’s do this! C’mon, hang in there! Don’t lose now, Morisawa Chiaki!)
Location: Pool

H-Huh? W-what is this!? What just—…!?
(The pool is completely spotless! Like magic! Huh? How? It was filthy when I left it last night… Like it was a garbage dump!)
(Did the janitors come over and finish the job within the day? Wait, but — Why now, all of a sudden? The academy staff had left it to rot this whole time, so…?)
puka puka…♪
ah, chiaki! good afternoon~♪ the weather is Good today, the perfect weather to Splash around!
Woah, you scared me—!! Shinkai-kun!? W-What are you doing!? Stop— You can’t go inside the pool with your clothes still on!
…? was that not okay? could you explain to me where i was Wrong?
Huh…? Um, well, for starters, your clothes will get wet… And it may be the summer season right now, but you could still catch a cold if you keep them on.
catch a… Cold?
Huh? Why do you look so confused!? Have you never caught a cold before? That means you have a really good, healthy body! I’m jealous — I’ve always been prone to illnesses!
hm… so by a Cold, you meant an illness?
i will not become ill, as i am a God. in fact, i should be the one to Heal the illnesses of others, shouldn’t i?
(U-umm…? Shinkai-kun, I really just don’t get anything you say!)
(Well… He talks to me with a smile on his face, which is a lot better than how everyone in Ryuseitai treats me… so I think we could still be friends.)
(…No, acting like I could be friends with a child prodigy… That would be pretentious of me, wouldn’t it… )
what’s wrong, chiaki? are you feeling down?
rather than feeling Down, it is better to be floating Up on water instead~ here, chiaki, why don’t you puka puka with me too?
puka puka… it feels nice~ all your Troubles will be washed away~♪
T-That so? Well, I mean… It does seem like it feels nice…?
But I don’t have my swimsuit with me right now, so I think I’ll pass.
eh~ how heartless… even though i Cleaned up the Pool just for you~?
i thought you would smile and be happy…
i thought this way you would puka puka along with me… it is unfortunate. chiaki, so you were not Cleaning the Pool for that purpose?
it seems i was mistaken. i am still very much Inexperienced.
Uh… um. What do you mean? You cleaned this pool, Shinkai-kun? That’s how you make it sound like, but—
yes. because i thought that was one of chiaki’s Wishes. but it seems that i was unfortunately Mistaken.
then, what is your true Wish? was it the “become a hero” one after all?
Um… Well, yes, that is my number one dream, but, hm…
hm~ i am not very sure what a hero is, so i am stuck. what exactly is it?
Huh— Um, I’m not sure how to explain it off the top of my head… Well, like… It’s a cool being, who protects everybody.
…? is that not what a God is?
No, it’s different from a God. It’s more realistic, like… Defeating villains one after the other, and upholding justice to the very end. And they’re always protecting the helpless—
hm~? i am unable to make a distinction between the two… to defeat Villains — is that different from Divine Punishment?
this is difficult… i recall mikejima was called a hero by others… perhaps i will ask him. after all, he Knows many things.
Hm? What’s up with Mikejima-san? Ah, so he returned back to Japan, huh? But I don’t see him in our Ryuseitai meetups…?
fufufu. mikejima immediately breaks anything, you see. but, he Fears that side of Himself the most.
so, when he feels Irritated, he leaves to someplace Far away, as he does not want to meet with his Frightening Self.
but lately, he is probably in this Country more often. see, since i am here, after all… and mikejima’s Job is to be Useful for me.
i do not really need him to, though… for mikejima to do all the Work is so stingy of him, isn’t it? don’t you think so too?
Huh? Huhhh…? I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand you!
is that so… are the things i am saying difficult to comprehend? i am sorry, i am still not used to Speaking very much.
Ah, no, there’s nothing you need to apologize for— Oh.
Sorry, seems like I’m being called over. I’ll have to go now!
called over?
Yeah, I got a text from our leader… I wonder what this is all about…? I don’t think he’s even been around at school ever since he decided to quit.
Well, no matter. I’ll know once I ask him.
Heheh, alright then, Shinkai-kun. I’m happy we got to talk. Oh, and… you cleaned the pool in my stead, right? I really do appreciate it.
(Just thinking about how he managed to clean the pool in one night is a little unsettling, but…)
(He didn’t do anything wrong, and it seems like he simply did his best for my sake.)
(It’s been a while since I’ve been treated this kindly — I feel sort of touched.)
Heheh, well then, I’ll see you later… Shinkai-kun, I know I keep saying this but — You shouldn’t soak yourself with water, okay? It’s still too early in the season to swim.
hm? i am not swimming, i am just puka puka-ing.
if only there were other Places like this around…
i feel as if i will dry out. the Land is always so dry, it is difficult to Breathe.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Chiaki is referencing this children’s song. The English lyrics can be found here.
- ↑ Othello was the previous name of Knights when Izumi and Leo were first years.
- ↑ He says “hero” in katakana, which is the proper spelling, and from here on he’ll continue to say it in the proper spelling.
- ↑ Referring to the first Kamen Rider series, where the first rider was called Kamen Rider ichi-go, and the second Kamen Rider ni-go. The two poses Chiaki is referring to can be seen here. As extra info, even Chiaki’s 2* card is a reference to Kamen Rider ichi-go’s pose.
- ↑ To worship in Japanese is matsuru (祭る), and is where the word matsuri (祭り) is derived from.
- ↑ The tale of Yaobikuni, about a girl who ate mermaid meat, and went on to live for 800 years.
- ↑ 押しかけ女房, lit. a woman who intrudes a man’s home to live with him, regardless of his consent. It’s likely that Chiaki is making a joke out of what he’s doing.
- ↑ Literally means "Glasses + -kun (boy)".
- ↑ Keito was about to refer to Chiaki with kisama (rude “you”), but quickly switches it to kimi to sound more friendly.