Motor Show – Progress at a Snail's Pace
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5
Chapter 1
Stalking depiction and casual suicide mention.
Location: Dojo

Hup! Haa! Hup-nnh!

Ossu! Ossuossu—oooossu! OOOOOOOOO—SSU!
…Buchou, you speak too much while doing a set of kumite1, don’t you think…?
It’s too dangerous to speak right now; we’re both moving rather intensely. You’ll accidentally bite your tongue if you get hit on the jaw, you know?
Ohh, Taishou also said the same thing to me. Ah— When I say Taishou, I don’t mean myself, but actually—
Mhm. You mean Kiryu Kuro-senpai from Akatsuki, correct? He was a member of the club until he graduated last year.
I haven’t interacted with him much so I don't know him very well — actually, no, I have become more knowledgeable about him through you, since you often speak about him.
You must really respect this “Taishou” of yours, Buchou.
I would much appreciate getting to have a match with him, at least once. One only forges himself by constantly taking on difficult challenges, after all.
I totally agree. Oh, wait, hey— Aren’t you also talking while sparring? ♪
Hm, well, we are currently outside of each other’s sparring distance.
However, I once heard that by being vocal, you can relieve the unnecessary tension in your muscles and maximize your power output — So I suppose it depends on how you use your voice?
Heheh, have you been doing combat sports for a long time? That’s how you sound. But you’re new to karate, right?
Like, you seem to have done a type of combat sport I’ve never heard of before in your hometown.
Yes, it was called the Fist of Amaterasu Oomikami.2
The more you talk about it, the fishier it sounds…
Do you think so…? It seems as though my combat style — and anything else that was normal to me in my hometown — doesn’t exist in the city…
In fact, I’m constantly bewildered by many things I’ve never once seen before in my hometown.
For example, cars and vehicles.
When I first saw one, I was shocked and terrified — I thought a metal box was running on its own.
Ahaha, man, which era did you even come from?
Well, to be fair, young people barely even drive nowadays, soo~?
Pardon me! Tetora-kun, Tetora-kun! I’ve come bearing wonderful news~!
Woah—! You surprised me… C’mon Shinobu-kun, you gotta bow before entering the dojo!
Ahh, my apologies! I’m the type of ninja who’s quite ignorant to old-fashioned etiquette!
Were this a certain era, I would have been decapitated! Thank the heavens it isn’t!
No, no, I’d obviously never go that f—
…Shinobu-kun, I see some sorta spirit behind you, like it’s haunting you…
Huh?! Don’t speak of something so terrifying! Taichou-dono would faint if he heard you!3
Ah— I meant Morisawa-dono when I said that!
We have that one rule at ES to call him as such; I assure you that it isn’t because I don’t recognize you as our leader—
Ahaha, you don’t have to worry about that.
Even if someone else were to recognize me as one, I have yet to recognize myself as the leader, so…
It’s actually way more confusing if you switch between the names, anyway. So you’re free to call me by my name even when we’re at school.
Uurgh, but… but…
Oh? Mayoi-senpai! He isn’t a spirit haunting anyone, Buchou. This is Ayase Mayoi-senpai, from the same unit as me.
Ehehe. Please don’t hug me so casually while you introduce me, Hiiro-san.
It frightens me to have our distance shrunken so suddenly; I implore you to get along with me in a much more hesitant, uncertain manner! And carefully — as if you’re handling a fragile object…!
You’re asking for something so complicated, Mayoi-senpai…
Ahaha, Mayoi-dono is in the Ninja Association with me, so we were performing our club activities together in school.
But I had something to inform Tetora-kun about as soon as possible, and so I rushed straight over to ES.

I requested Mayoi-dono to stay behind at school, but…
I see that you followed after me in the end! I never noticed I was being tailed — you are quite the ninja…☆
Huh? Ah— yes, yes. Exactly, this is a ninja skill of mine; I definitely wasn’t stalking you or anything.
Fufu, it looks like you’re enjoying your club activities, Mayoi-senpai. I am too! I was even able to become friends with Buchou straight away.
This just shows that we were able to overcome our hardships and finally enjoy our youth to its maximum extent.
That makes me very happy… Our victory gave us this outcome — this future. We should be proud of that, together~♪

Ngaah, so bright~!? I had been conducting acts simply for my licentious desires, but you’ve been walking straightforward on a life path towards radiance, haven’t you…!?
Ahh, I wish to die! I’m so ashamed of myself!
Nihihi~ ALKALOID gets along well with each other too, huh?
But Ryuseitai refuses to lose to you! For we are all for one, one for all!
And so! I nipped us a job for all our sakes! Since Ryuseitai-N has been in bad shape for quite some time, I’ve found us a chance for a breakthrough!
Go ahead, praise me, praise me~♪
And its name is: “Motor Show”! It’s likely the largest job we’ve gotten so far as Ryuseitai-N…!
Chapter 2

A few minutes later…
Hm, so what exactly is this “Motor Show”…?
I can’t figure out the contents of the job through its name alone, although, I’m always unaware of what things mean. Mayoi-senpai, do you understand what it means?
Erm… May I first ask why we are participating in this conversation, as if it’s a completely natural thing…?
I also don’t understand why there are these sitting cushions, tea, and confectionery in the dojo.
Ahaha, the dojo’s sorta hangout spot sometimes, like, it’s slowly becoming a place to chat about all kindsa things.
Our Taishou even does his embroidery here, so~
It’s useful to have stuff like this around so we can relax in the room. Plus, this way we wouldn’t have to keep bringing them everytime we need them, either.
Although you have strict rules about etiquette and respect, such as needing to bow before entering the dojo, you’re much more lax around those types of things — It gives a sense of adaptability.
Though, it is because we’re a flexible unit and accept everything, that we are Ryuseitai.
Regardless, we have nothing to hide about this topic, and the truth is, we’re a bit short on people for this job, so we’re also searching for a unit that can cooperate with us.
Whether you’re interested in this job or not, I would still like you to hear us out if you have the time to spare, ALKALOID.
Understood, Chief! I’ll make sure to pay close attention and not miss a single word you speak out of your mouth! I’ll even absorb your breath deep into my lungs!
For your breath is so sweet, I have no need for any of these confectionariessss! ♪
…Shinobu-kun. I don’t wanna talk badly about someone I barely know, but are you sure he’s a safe person to have around? I can get him outta here with brute force if needed…?
No, it’s alright. I was also pretty nervous around him at first, but he’s harmless.
He’s very attentive and can do anything — He’s the one and only companion I have in the Ninja Association, so driving him away wouldn’t be helpful to me.
Yes, Mayoi-senpai is a good guy!
He stares at Aira in a strange way sometimes, but he’s far from the type to do anything bad — he’s timid enough to still get shy over small conversations!
Uuu… I’m extremely sorry for being so suspicious and so afraid of strangers…
Heheh, I’m the same as him, so I feel a connection.
Anyway, umm— to put it simply, Motor Show is a car exhibition.
They’re going to announce the new cars they’re going to release and line them up in a spacious area. People will be able to examine the cars and possibly buy them if they’re interested.
And we were requested to be the crowd puller for the exhibition.
While this isn’t a job from ES this time, it seems like we’re free to do what we like for this event, as long as we run it through with the client first.
Ahaha, but even if they say we’re free to do as we like, we prolly can’t do it the Ryuseitai way — by putting on a hero show, right?
Ah, but there are instances of that type of hero content, like Kamen Rider Drive.
Ahh, now that you mention it, vehicles do come up a lot in hero sentai stuff too, don’t they?
And I think Kamen Rider has practically done every genre by now, so I think we should be okay as long as we rearrange it a li’l…
‘Cuz that way, we could make it so that our enemy is a monster in the form of an automobile, or something.
No, no, hold on — The event’s purpose is to sell cars, so I don’t think we should turn them into monsters, you know?
But it’s true that it’s easier to think about it from that angle, so it’s best to mention any idea you come up with, or any existing work.
Yeah, you’re right, since we’re only brainstorming ideas for now.
Oh, that reminds me; there was a monster-like robot called Crazygon in Ultraman, who would eat up cars, and—
Ah, ‘scuse us. We’re idols who advocate superheroes, so we know a lot about those kindsa stuff…
Especially lately, we would end up talking about hero stuff before we know it for some reason.
I bet it’s very boring to listen to for anyone who isn’t interested in this stuff.
Oh no, I can tell it’s an interesting topic for you two. But I don’t have a single clue what you’re saying, so I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with the conversation very well.
Ahaha, we were like that in the past, as well.
Uumyu… I didn’t notice how nerdy I was getting ‘til just recently, when my parents pointed out that I’m becoming more like a nerd and got worried for me.
It’s all Taichou’s— Morisawa-senpai’s fault.
Why are they worried? Isn’t it wonderful to be engrossed in something?
Ahaha, you’re right. Shinobu-kun’s into ninjas, Morisawa-senpai’s into heroes… Midori-kun’s got his mascots, and Shinkai-senpai has his marine animals—
They all have such a sparkling look in their eyes whenever they talk about what they love and it’s really charming.
In that sense, I feel like you’re a mystery, Tetora-kun.
I heard that you got into karate because you admired Kiryu-dono, rather than out of love for the sports.
Do you have anything that you can say is just as important as your very own life? Or perhaps something that exceeds that, even?
Ah, actually, perhaps it’s rarer for people to already have something like that at such a young age…?
Mm~… Wait, hm, it just dawned on me for a sec—
Something just as important as my own life… Huh, nothing comes to mind, actually…? I guess if I had to choose something, then it’d be Taishou…?
Chiiief~ You’re dear to me — I’m engrossed in you! You’re the apple of my eye…☆
Huh? Ah, okay! Thank you~♪
Chapter 3

(Something more important to me than my own life… Indeed, there isn’t anything specific that comes to mind for me either — not yet, at least.)
(However, I am starting to like idols, and of course, each one of my friends is extremely dear to me—)
(Though they might not be more important than one’s own life… A car seems like a luxury, so I’m fairly certain that there aren’t many people who would buy one when they don’t even need it.)
(I don’t quite understand how it works yet, but to try and sell such an item would be quite a difficult task, wouldn’t it?)
(What is Ryuseitai going to do? I haven’t the slightest idea of how they’re going to achieve that…)
Mmm~ Perhaps I was a little too hasty.
You previously mentioned that you love vehicles, so I jumped to the conclusion that you’d love to take on this job, as well.
I thought you’d enjoy being able to view all the new cars up close, regardless of how the job turns out…
I wanted to see you happy and smiling, because you don’t seem to be so energetic lately.
Shinobu-kun… So I really did look like I was down in the dumps, huh…? I’m sorry, it feels like I really made you worry.
But yeah, I do actually like vehicles. Taishou doesn’t seem to do so well with them, though…
So maybe this is one of the very few things I like regardless of Taishou.
But why did I even start liking ‘em anyway…? Mmm, I can’t remember.
It might be useful for this job if I could remember why, though…
Oh? So we will take this job?
I have reserved, or more like they secured, a spot on the job for us, so we are not officially the ones in charge of it yet…
It isn’t too late to take back our word and tell them we can’t do it, you know?
No, it ain’t manly to take back your words.
Plus, I do like vehicles and I am interested in the job, so if you and the others are okay with it, I’d like us to take it.
Looking back on what we’ve done as Ryuseitai-N—
It feels as if all we’ve done is trailing behind, or like, trying to imitate everything Ryuseitai had done last year, but couldn’t actually do that well and ended up going in circles.
So it might be a good idea to have a change of pace and challenge new things.
My interest has been piqued as well. I would like to use how Ryuseitai chooses to act as a reference point.
Maybe it is because you follow your role model diligently and practice repeatedly, but I get the impression that you have an unusually solid foundation.
If I observe your Ryuseitai, and learn from your example, I have a feeling that I will be able to see the proper way to be an idol.
Ahaha, is that how you see it? It felt like we weren’t getting anywhere with anything we were doing, but… Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t all a waste of time in the end.
We should have managed to build up a lot of muscle.
Indeed, effort will never come at a loss to you. This is something we should also check with our companions, but—
If our schedules align, I would like to observe you from up close while helping you out with that Motor Show thing.
Ossu! Aight then, as a fellow idol unit from StarPro, we'd love to work together with you guys for this job if you’re up for it, ALKALOID!
We’ll show ya the ropes as your idol seniors~♪
Though, uh, I feel like we’re just gonna embarrass ourselves if I make such a strong declaration…
Heheh, you seriously sound downbeat lately, Tetora-kun.
Please cheer up! You’re so down in the dumps that even Midori-kun is worried if you’re okay, you know?
Aghhh, I might be on death’s doorstep then… Even though my enthusiasm is supposed to be my strong point… This is not good.
Aaalright! I’ll do push ups to pump myself up! One, two, three, four — Fake it ‘til you make it!
Um… This conversation has been a bit tangential, so I’m afraid I’m still a bit confused — If I am recalling correctly, Ryuseitai-N has quite a lot of members, doesn’t it?
Won’t you be able to manage this job yourselves, rather than going through the trouble of asking for ALKALOID’s aid?
Mmm… I’m still inexperienced myself, so I can’t say this in a loud voice, but…
Our newbies are yet to be well-equipped for a big stage, both skills and experience wise.
We were pretty rough around the edges when we first started out as well, so I believe anyone has the capability to shine if we simply let them develop and hone their own qualities—
All the same, maybe enlisting anyone and everyone because of that wasn’t the greatest idea.
They’re all mostly students who’re still clueless and helpless, and weren’t able to go the elite route and join units like Knights.
Right now, rather than a mixed bag of good and bad, it feels as though we have dozens of rocks lying around that’ll only be able to shine if we polish them with intense effort and care.
Though of course, we will be having them assist us with the job as much as possible…
Ahaha, it’s like we’re treating them like they’re not good enough to do things on their own, even though I hated being treated like that the most from last year.
But now that I’m in the “parent” position in the unit, I finally understand how a parent feels.
Actually, it’s amazing how Taichou — how Morisawa-senpai managed to never give up on us and patiently help us grow.
He’d constantly give us opportunities to shine. And even when we messed up, he’d cover for us perfectly like nothing was wrong.
I gotta learn from him… I feel like I’ve hit a wall right now, so I think I should at least open up and talk to him about it.
But… He’s been busy as hell, so it might be hard to do that…
Chapter 4
Location: Floating Garden

Next day, early morning…
Ooh, a big job? Let’s do it! I’m just bursting with motivation right now!
Fufu. Honestly, I strained my legs so much during MDM that I’ve been making an effort to avoid excessive use of them since then…
But if we take that into consideration, I have no complaints.
“Motor Show”… If it is a car exhibition at its core, I wonder if our job will include… pardon the strange example, but even if we were to just snuggle up to the cars like paddock girls and amiably entertain everyone, you could also call that “work”.
…No, that may be going too far.
I think something like that would probably be left to professionals… It seems as if we’re acting as the crowd-puller, making sure that things stay exciting until the event is over.
Indeed. The focus will be on Ryuseitai-N; we will probably just be providing backup for them.
Of course, there is still a possibility that ALKALOID’s role within the event will change a bit the next time we discuss it, though.
Fufun, it might be good to shove ourselves into the spotlight before Ryuseitai can and steal all the guests’ attention from them, though ♪
Ooh… You’re getting ahead of yourself, but in a good way, Aira-san. I think that’s a lovely thing.
You seem to be quite burdened by various complexes… it makes me worry when you become unusually subservient at times.
Ahaha… I mean, I wasn’t popular at all as an idol, so…
But as part of ALKALOID, I’ve been able to play an active role in all sorts of stuff, like MDM.
It feels like I can finally do the dazzling idol activities I’ve always dreamed of… I’m super pumped up! ♪
I’ll launch myself at whatever job we’re given, no matter what it is!
You did sooooo well, Hiro-kun! It’s amazing how you got us such a nice job! That’s deserving of praise. Good boy ♪
Fufu. It was really Mayoi-senpai’s “Chief” — or rather, the individual known as Sengoku Shinobu — who brought the job to us.
What’s with you using “Chief”? Your word choice is as weird as usual…
Ah, come to think of it… Mayo-san, you joined the Ninja Association, right? Is that why you call the association’s leader, Sengoku-senpai, “Chief”?
Indeed. We met by chance, led by the power of love… a dear little fairy that calls himself a ninja ♪
And I’m in the Karate Club!
You’re in the “basket ball” club, right, Aira? What is “basket ball”?
Umm, that's kinda hard to explain… But eh, I don’t plan on putting much effort into my club activities anyway.
I definitely prioritize our idol activities.
We’ve managed to keep our places as idols for now, so we returned to our classes, but, like… Class feels like a complete waste of time, so I’m always just itching to leave the whole time.
Fufu. Even now, we’re still on unstable footing…
We may have narrowly escaped death, but there’s a saying to “not let your guard down after a victory”, so it is too soon for us to relax; we must keep focused and continue to actively take on work.
Motor Show is a very timely offer for us.
Indeed. It was very fortunate that Buchou casually brought it up while we were training together.
We really got lucky with this! …Ah, I said something that Nii-san usually would.
Ahaha. But really, doesn’t it feel like things are going suuuper well for us?
Even though we were labeled things like “dropouts” and “underachievers” and mocked, it feels like our Cinderella story is finally starting! ♪
Let’s do our absolute best! Hip hip hooray~!
Fufu. You really are bursting with motivation, aren’t you. It’s reassuring to see, Aira.
I am admittedly a bit concerned about Motor Show’s theme… Cars are something I know little to nothing about.
Ah, I have a driver’s license, so if you wish, we could all go on a drive together so that you can grow more used to cars?
Whoa, really? That’s sooo cool; just as I’d expect, you’re fuuuull of adult charm, Tattsun-senpai! ♪
Fufu. It is true that in the olden days, it was a way for men to show their status, but that is less common nowadays. I have heard that the trend of youth losing interest in cars has continued to accelerate.
But due to their price continuing to drop, it was easy to obtain one.
Ooh, you even have your own car? Woooow, how bourgeoisie~ ♪
Ah, that isn’t the case; it belongs to my family’s church rather than me.
It is what we use to deliver food to others, so I cannot use it as I please.
I have my leg injury to deal with, so using it would certainly aid in transportation… If I had the money, I do feel it would be good to buy one for my personal use.
Hmm~ Can’t you just buy one with L$? You’ll be able to get it cheaper that way… Though I guess that has nothing to do with being an idol.
You’d lose just about everything if you got into a car accident anyway, so it’s not usually recommended for idols to drive themselves.
Normally, one’s manager would arrange for a studio bus to be used, right?
Well, ES doesn’t really do the kinds of classic things you usually associate with idols, but…
Ahh, I want to ride a studio bus… it’s sooo idol-like… ♪
Hm… you may be able to rent one with L$ if you claim you need it for work?
Oh, maybe? I’ll take a scroll through HoldHands and see ♪
Fufu. We’ve deviated quite far from our initial topic… That’s alright. It’s lovely to see everyone so full of energy.
We who have already once fallen to the very depths have no need to still conduct ourselves as if we are ashamed of it.
Indeed. I have solid faith that we will reach that dazzling future waiting before our eyes.
Chapter 5
Location: Staff Cafeteria

Same day, in the evening…
—With that said, fortunately, it appears that ALKALOID is considering participating in Motor Show.
I’m so grateful~ From what Mayoi-dono told me, they aren’t as tired as they thought they’d be from their workload during the MDM.
But they do have to keep certain things in mind, such as Kazehaya-dono’s lingering leg pain…
So it’s possible that their fatigue was simply temporarily blown away because of a runner’s high, so to speak.
Tetora-kun? Hellooo~? Are you listening to me?
Ah, yea. Sorry. You’re right, I’m just “Tetora-kun” in the end…
I don’t have the right to be called Taichou… I’m the black shooting star, reflecting no light…
Huh!? What’s wrong!? You’re seriously turning more into Midori-kun, Taichou-dono!
I understand how you feel, but please cheer up~!
…Did someone say my name just now?
Ah! You’ve finally arrived, Midori-kun!
I’ve missed you~ We barely get to see each other lately… Were you able to finish up your solo work?
Yeah, I’ve missed you guys too… I need emotional support…
I just keep regretting every solo job I’ve taken… Ahh, I wish I could kill my past self for being so damn careless…
Ack, please don’t lose heart too, Midori-kun! The mood keeps getting heavier in here…!
Both of you, lighten up! You can do anything with enough fighting spirit!
…Heheh. Yeah, sorry, that wasn’t like me at all. Midori-kun made me realize just now that I’m not even decent at being depressed.
Huh? What the heck does that even mean…? That doesn’t sound like a compliment…
It is! I mean, you’re our biggest earner in Ryuseitai-N right now.
That means you stand out as an idol, and now people wanna see more of you. I’m really jealous.
Ehhh… I don’t really stand out, though…
It’s the people around me that’re so peculiar in their own way, it’s almost baffling to see… Meanwhile, I’m just a regular highschooler you’d find anywhere…
Ahaha, no regular highschooler would get chosen over professional models to be the cover page of a magazine, y’know.
It was for a national magazine, wasn’t it? And thanks to that, people have been recognizing you — We’re now getting tons of people coming over to our Ryuseitai-N live shows just to see you.
Uuu… Hate it… It’s all ‘cause of that magazine that I can’t go one step into the streets without someone talking to me…
I can barely respond back in a way an idol should…
And I’m not even interested in fashion, but they still made me do yet another gravure photoshoot for a magazine today…4
They put weird sparkly stuff all over my body and then forced me to do a bunch of poses… It felt like I was abducted by aliens…
Heheh, you really seem to be getting a lot of those jobs lately, huh?
You’re super handsome, so I think it’s great that you’re getting the chance to make use of your best trait.
I would also love to work in a job that makes use of my ninja arts, as it is my strongest merit.
Your unique ninja trait limits you a lot from having opportunities to shine as one, huh…?
Yet the wacky thing about this industry is that there’s always a job out there for something…
Ahhh, out of all the jobs in the world, why am I working as an idol…?
I should’ve just inherited our greengrocer shop… I miss all the vegetables…
Not to mention, I could genuinely be motivated to work if I had to advertise tasty veggies or mascot characters…
I literally couldn’t care less about anything related to fashion, so if you think about it, I’m being rude to both the client and the fashion designer by working on these kinds of jobs…
Mhm, mhm! You’ve gotten so much better now, Midori-kun! You aren’t acting on your selfish thoughts as much, and you’re being considerate of others!
Wonderful, wonderful! You’re doing a great job~♪
Uuu… Thanks, Shinobu-mama—
Since when was I your mama!?
Ahaha, thanks Midori-kun, the mood’s back to our usual now.
You really picked me up outta that mindset. What a heroic deed you did right there~♪
Huh, I didn’t really do anything, though… I feel kinda bad actually; I just spilled every negative thought I had the moment I got here…
I thought the best choice would be to avoid showing my depressing side to anyone except people close to me, so I ended up building up a lot of stress inside…
I feel like at some point, I’m gonna reach my limit and accidentally let it all out…
But I wanna do as best as I can to fulfill a kid’s dream, so I’ll hold on for longer…
What’re you referring to by “a kid’s dream”?
Ahhh, from what I know, the person who’s been giving him a lot of jobs lately is a multi-millionaire’s daughter.
Apparently, she fell in love at first sight when Midori-kun and I had the job that introduced strawberry picking to people—5
Yeah, that’s the one… It’s such a dirty move to have a higher-up mixed in with the general crowd…
I appreciate her supporting me, but her love feels so heavy…
I feel like she’s just been making me into her very own dress-up doll…
Ahaha, what’s so bad about getting a chance to marry a multi-millionaire? Man, this kinda romance talk is unlike you, we rarely get to hear about this kinda stuff~♪
What’re you on about… She’s just a little kid, y’know… I’m pretty sure she only likes me for my looks…
It’s like I can barely get my point across with her… it really makes you think of a certain someone—
…But if Morisawa-senpai was here, I bet he’d solve all our problems perfectly, no matter what they may be.
Uh, nobody mentioned that guy, though…? Besides, what’s dead is dead; we have to overcome our hardships on our own now.
Hold on a moment! He isn’t actually dead, y’know…!?
As a Ryuseitai member, he is… He’s been doing way more work outside of the unit than I have…
You make a good point there, it does feel as though he’s left Ryuseitai in our hands… And he was very sudden and curt about it — Honestly, this was hardly what I expected to happen.
For example, I can understand Shinkai-dono’s situation, as he has yet to finish dealing with the issue concerning his household, but…
I always thought that Morisawa-dono would work hard as a passionate hero until his dying breath.
Hmph… All his “I love you”’s weren’t true after all; he’s all talk and no action…
No way, I’m sure there’s way more to it than that.
While I didn’t think of him as that type of person back when he was still in school, he’s actually the sort of cunning guy who's always thinking ahead.
I have to follow in his footsteps when it comes to that…
The only people who can push forward through anything without a single thought are a handful of geniuses and kids under their parent’s protection.
So I gotta start growing up… Not to mention, Motor Show deals with cars, and there was a time when that word was another way to call a guy an adult man…
I won’t be suitable for the job if I continue to stay as a kid.
But… I really dunno what I gotta do to become an adult…
Translation Notes
- ↑ Kumite is one of the ways to train in karate, involving sparring with someone else. Read more here.
- ↑ This is referring to Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun in Japanese mythology.
- ↑ “Taichou” refers to the leader (sometimes translated as Captain). It literally means “Commander”. Since the word in English gets mixed easily with (Club) Captain, I've decided to keep it in Japanese.
- ↑ Obligatory note, since googling “gravure” often results in risque modeling—The type of gravure modeling this refers to is more akin to the fanservice of looking cool or suave in photoshoots to appeal to the viewers.
- ↑ Referring to Strawberry Colored Holiday.