Motor Show – Epilogue
Chapter Index
Chapter 1
Light-hearted PTSD mentions.
Location: Motor Show Venue

Time passes; the day of Motor Show has arrived…
Fufu. Rather than the live performances we as idols should be used to doing, promoting things such as cars has become the work that ALKALOID has been far more familiar with at the moment.
As you may recall, before our first performance at the Bon Festival, we had quite the number of part-time jobs under our belt—
Those experiences are not in vain. Each and every one is still within our minds, and have brought us to this day.
Thank you, O'Heavenly Father, for blessing us with this opportunity.
My, whatever is the matter? You two seem quite dispirited; could it be that the fatigue from the MDM has yet to wear off?
Perhaps it'd be good for the two of you to follow the example of Hiiro-san and those in Ryuseitai and better your stamina.
Well, even Mayoi-san, who normally becomes ill when faced with the prospect of the crowds we would face with our part-time work, was able to do as he should before one.
That much is admirable. Though Motor Show is a simple project, it's a good way to determine just how much we have truly grown since then.
That's right. Ryuseitai will be handling the more difficult portion, while we of ALKALOID shall be doing what we can to aid them.
In fact, it is such a simple task that I may have too much energy for it!
Fufu. Well, seeing as it is a joint effort of our unit and theirs, it wouldn't do to act out of order and cause trouble for them.
Rather, you should save all of that abundant energy for the final performance, don't you think?
I shall! Though we have only been practicing for a short time, we have prepared so thoroughly that I'm certain we'll be able to assist Buchou— No, all of Ryuseitai!
We'll ensure that they never regret inviting us to walk this path with them!
You too, Aira, Mayoi-senpai — let's do our best and give it our all!
However, if it does become too much for either of you, then please, do tell me at once! I'll take your work as my own!
That is what a chief does. As the very head of his people, he aspires to lead others by example; Buchou Nagumo Tetora of Ryuseitai taught me as much.
That's correct. Though Ryuseitai's present condition is unclear to us, as they are focusing their efforts in an area apart from ours…
During practice, as well as the preparations done today, there truly wasn’t anyone who worked as hard as Ryuseitai-N's leader — Tetora-san.
I'd like to do the same. Heaven is not reached through leisure, but solely through steady, hard work.
Precisely. We saved ourselves from being fired by working hard through what we steadily accumulated.
It isn't as if I hope the same thing would happen again in the future, but it is thanks to that experience that we are very familiar with that method of doing things.
It's one of the most standard tactics to fight with your strongest assets on the battlefield!
…How are you two— No, how are you, Hiro-kun, so energetic right now?
I just can't… Seeing all of these cars everywhere just reminds me of what I can only call Tattsun-senpai's Highway to Heaven driving, or something — and my stomach starts to churn all over again…
I think I've got PTSD from it…
Fufu. Even so, that's rather fitting considering our soldier motif, isn't it…?
Well, I don't really recall the time we spent driving around myself, but I think that's due to me fainting from fright during the ride…
But even regardless of that, I'm still not particularly great with crowds of people, as usual.
Oh? I do apologize for that, but I only had the best of intentions in mind while doing this.
If you truly feel that way, then I think it would be fine if you two were to take a break.
In the meanwhile, I'll tell you what I learned of Motor Show myself — for reference, these are from records of the event they hold annually.
However… It would seem that the number of guests who attend decreases every year. Even now the place is rather deserted, with not a single person in sight, apart from ourselves.
That is why they've entrusted us with the job of gathering attendees and enlivening the venue — Though, compared to Ryuseitai, we are comparatively unknown in ES.
The number of people who would come to see us alone is not very many.
On top of that, it appears that those who like idols and those who want to buy a car don't overlap very much at all.
In other words, this event may do well in bringing in new clients and idol fans through Motor Show, but it won't stop the declining rate of customers completely.
Apparently, there are not very many people who'd like to buy a car in recent years.
Mm. Well, there's a reason for that in the first place. Japan itself is a small country, so there is not much need for roads — save for rural areas, which allow wider roads.
Otherwise, a simple bicycle, or the railway system, born from human stubbornness — or rather, born from hopes and dreams, would suffice.
That's right. For this country, the car was but a solitary bloom that blossomed for a mere instance in the economic wake of the explosion caused by Japan's post-war era in the 1950s onward…
It feels as if idols have captured that spot instead, which makes it feel rather karmatic that we, as idols, are now advertising them.
Yes, though it isn't as if we are atoning for anything…
Let us mourn and give appropriate thanks to the car, which propelled our country into a position of wealth — let's make this Motor Show one to remember.
Heehee, it feels like everyone's done more than enough research on cars for this job, so we all really know our stuff—
TBH, it was pretty fun to look up the history of cars and see what kinds were trendy in the past.
And I really like being able to name all the cars that're lined up around us, though I don't know why…
But I think it'd be nice if people took an interest in us, in ALKALOID, and remembered us the same way.
So I guess I’ll work hard and make that a reality. People won't remember idols who've got gloomy looks on their face, after all! So we’ll do everything we can to make this place a party for the guests who've gathered here today!
We'll give it our all to make sure that they have a ton of fun and feel like it was worth coming out here!
Let's. We’ll perform in a way that very much suits the spirit of ALKALOID. Even if we're nothing but a pack of cards played to idle away the time, let's ensure they at least find value in that time they spent doing so.
Chapter 2

Hm? Could that be…?
Well met, Chiaki-senpai! What a coincidence it is to meet you here!
Ohhh? Yup, it’s me, the Burning Heart Morisawa Chiaki!
It’s been so long, Hero-kun! I’m more than glad to see you working hard as an idol! Ha ha ha!! ☆
I am doing my best. However, as I have clarified many times before, my name is not Hero, but Hiiro.
Yes, and what a wonderful name that is!
I’m sure your parents gave you all their blessings with that name! Aren’t you lucky! You’ve been a hero since the day you were born!
Ahh, Hiro-kun's even acquainted with Morisawa-senpai… I'm so jelly.
A-Are you performing in Motor Show too, Senpai?
Nope! If I were to intrude, I’d only be a hindrance to Ryuseitai-N… I don’t plan to perform; I’m actually only here by coincidence.
No way, this can't be just a coincidence. This place is pretty far away from ES, after all.
Oh, but it is! You see, I’ve been thinking of getting a driver’s license!
Not only that, but I just so happened to have a job nearby, so I figured I could take a peek at how Motor Show’s going! Just to pass some time, you see! Making the most of my breaktime and all!
And of course, I’ll be cheering for Ryuseitai-N! But gosh, what a strange coincidence this all is, huh!?
I’ll have to back them up in case they get into any trouble! After all, a hero offers their hand to anyone who needs it, and a hero is just what I am!
chiaki~ so you really did show up.
Woah!? K-Kanata! Huh!? Weren’t all of Ryuseitai supposed to be on the opposite side of the venue!?
yes, that’s right. it is going [swimmingly well]~ the place is [packed] with people, and a lot of the “n” [members] came rushing over to join.
they said that they had a [change of heart], and decided not to quit after all…
instead, they are working hard to do whatever they [can], as [best] as they can.
I-I see… I’m glad to hear that. Actually, no — I knew deep down this would happen.
Nagumo is already a hundred times more splendid a hero than when I first became a leader.
He’s still inexperienced, so his earnest side wound up also being his weakness…
But now that he’s grown, he’ll become the hope, inspiration, and role model for any kid who’s suffering similarly within this warped society.
Actually, let me amend that: he’ll become the one to rescue them. A hero's duty is to save others, but most of all — Becoming this symbol is what makes the present day Ryusei Red undoubtedly a hero.
I can tell that I made the right choice when I chose him to take after “red” in my place.
if that is how you feel, then please tell [him] that. tetora may have [grown], but he is still a [child].
he is surely had moments where he has shed tears from anxiety.
i [cannot handle] salty water — the only one who can [wipe] his tears away is you, chiaki, because you are the one who passed your [position] onto him in the first place.
now then, with that said… let’s go join everyone else.
Huh? Erm, but — I’m just a regular ol’ visitor, y’know!?
And I just happened to end up here! I shouldn’t get in the way of their work when they’re focused, right!?
mhm, mhm, i know the truth. no need to come up with [excuses]. let’s go on [stage] with everyone, why don’t we?
i am sure you [practiced] for motor show’s performance anyway, didn’t you? just in the slight chance you would have to perform. you have always been that sort of person—
and it is a hero’s duty to be [prepared] for that “slight chance”.
besides, you would never [distance] yourself from others simply because you are too [busy].
we are talking about mr. lonely here, aren’t we?
Uuu… (sobs) I’m sorry! I lied to myself!
I was actually so, so, sooooo worried!! I wanted to do whatever I could for them!
But… If I step in and do everything for them, they’ll never, ever grooow…!!
mhm, mhm, i said i know already, didn’t i? and maybe… they do, too.
…Wh-What just happened? They disappeared pretty much the moment they appeared.
Fufu. That is rather "hero-like" of them, isn't it…? But because of who I am, I'm not very good with tokusatsu shows, nor heroes themselves…
Despite that, I cannot help but think Ryuseitai are wonderful — They lended a hand to someone as disgusting and repulsive as myself… It warms my heart.
Yes. It would seem as if their energy has given us some of our own as well; I truly am honored to be performing beside Ryuseitai.
Fufu. Owning a splendid car may not inherently make you a splendid driver, but if you are able to drive it properly and become used to what you own—
Then you will no longer be just a sly fox borrowing a tiger's dignified presence, but rather an amazing person that one can be proud of; that is what I hope I can become as well.
Chapter 3
Obsessive behavior over a person, and mentions of sexual harassment.
Location: Motor Show Stage

Few hours later…
Heeey, ALKALOID! Do you mind coming over here? We’re about to commence the finale for Motor Show!
Of couuurse, Chief! If it were for you, I'd step through blazing fires and raging waters alike~!
Though I am not very good with crowds, I shall do my all for yooou~! ♪
Wah—! Cease this at once, you mustn’t hug me, Mayoi-dono! I’m not against it, but I won’t be able to move like this! Stay down!
Ahhh, mmm… Ryuseitai was working ever-so-hard themselves in promoting cars, weren't they? I can smell the sweet sweat of your efforts even now—
P-Please don’t sniff me… If you ever did this to anyone but I, you’d be sued for sexual harassment, understood?
Uh no, that’s a no-go no matter what, including when he does it to you.
I feel like it shouldn’t be acceptable behavior even if the person’s chill with it. Is this guy really safe…? I’m pretty worried, man~
Fufu. I apologize, Buchou; it's simply that Mayoi-senpai acts erratically from time to time.
Erm, I don’t think a lighthearted “sorry” will cut it. I’d like you guys to amend it if you’re aware of it.
You guys were the tip of the troublemaking over at ES during the summer, so it sure feels just like you to be this way…
Very much so. There is still much we are lacking in as proper idols, so we cannot call ourselves such yet.
That is why I'd like to borrow knowledge from my superiors in Ryuseitai—
I'd like you to answer this for me, please. …What are "idols" to you all?
Aight then! I’m crappy at talking, so I’ll show ya instead!
We’re— No, I’m still inexperienced enough to trip over myself all the time, but I want you to trust and follow after me! I’ll make sure that you won’t regret it!
I’m gonna guide ya so well, no car crash’ll be happening anywhere near us~♪
Mhm, how wonderful! I’m so proud of you, Nagumo! You've truly become the kind of man who’s a perfect fit for the color red! I'm so emotional I can hardly see you through my tears!
Holy—! Man, it sure doesn’t suit you to wear a color that isn’t red, Morisawa-senpai…
But I guess it’d be too weird to have two Reds on stage, so we’ve just gotta make do with this.
Yep. Red may be the color of the leader, but that doesn’t mean the other colors are any less important to it.
The most important thing is to harmonize several colors together — though I know I don’t need to tell you that.
Besides, there are times when the red color is a heavy burden on me, too.
That’s just one of the reasons why I’m happy to get a chance to don a different color, even if it’s only for a brief moment — and I get to do so right now because this performance is led by Ryuseitai-N.
Thank you for growing up to be such a reliable man that I can entrust red to, Nagumo.
Why’re you thanking me? I should be the one showing my gratitude, Morisawa-senpai.
I’m so grateful you brought us all the way here. Thanks to you, we got to have a safe, pleasant trip… You couldn’t have made it any better for us.
Heheh. But driving for a looong time is one of the many causes of accidents, so unworthy as I may be — Nagumo Tetora’s gonna take the wheel from here on!
So I’d like you seniors to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery from the backseat!
Everyone’s seat belts are buckled by now, right? Aight, let’s make sure we follow the traffic rules here — ‘Cuz I’m gonna rev up the engine and put the pedal to the metal!
“Heya guys~! I’m Nagumo Tetora, a member of Ryuseitai!”
“Thanks a ton for showing up to Motor Show! We’re gonna make sure you love what we’re planning to do here, so look forward to seein’ it!”
“We’re gonna keep pressing forward! For the sake of justice, we’ll keep on going and going — carrying all your hopes and dreams with us!”
Ooh… Tetora-kun, you got so excited that you suddenly commenced the performance out of nowhere!
You take action the moment you decide on something — and that’s both a good and bad thing, you know!
Nonetheless, to avoid being thrown off the ride, we shall accompany you. After all, we are comrades here — and most of all, together we are Ryuseitai—!
…And so, Mayoi-dono. If you could please cease carrying me now…?
Ahh, I'd like to become your beloved ride, Chief…♪
You mustn't trouble Ryuseitai, Mayoi-senpai. We must remain steadfast in our own lanes, as closing the distance between our cars will surely cause an accident.

Ahh, if that is how the cookie must crumble… However, thanks to you, Chief, I am perfectly settled with an excessive amount of energy.
I'll be able to appear before a crowd with the others without being frightened.
A thick, protective wall built with the kind bricks of love shall shield me from the ever oppressive wind… fufufu. ♪

Mhm! It’s always been a hero’s duty to protect those in anguish to the very end!
Chapter 4

(Heheh… I feel incredibly relieved. Even just a bit of distance from you all made it hard for me to see how you were doing, but…)
(I can see clearly now — all along, you’ve grown up to be so incredible. I should’ve been well aware of that already, but I still couldn’t shake off the image I had of you guys when we first met…)
(I need to reflect on myself more than ever… I looked down on you guys in the end.)
(You’re no longer babies who’re helpless on your own — You’ve become splendid adults.)
…Hey, you. Don’t you dare think about slipping out of here all proud and happy — You’re on stage right now, so please make sure to do what you’re supposed to do.
T-Takamine? What’s wrong, you seem kind of angry…? You shouldn’t kick your senior’s butt, y’know?
So sorry about that. It was entirely an accident, my legs are just long.
fufu, it is because you are always [late] to the rescue, chiaki. midori and i start getting [irritated] the more we wait for you.
after all, we knew for a fact that you would [come] over one way or another…
and this performance requires all [five of us] for it to [glow] best, so you will not be [helping] anyone by stepping back.
Exactly. Just having these M and N tags doesn't change a thing about us…
You’re still a hero, and a member of Ryuseitai at that, aren’t you? So please don’t go around showing your uncool side.
It’s gonna throw us off if you act so lame… Since you’re still part of Ryuseitai, just like us.
fufu. you heard him, chiaki.
Yeah… If someone really does end up thinking I’m uncool, it’s over for me. I can’t let that happen when I still want to become a cool hero…
you already became one, you know. it is precisely because you managed it that the [children] who aimed to be like you have become so [cool] themselves.
…You’re right… Or rather, if that’s really the case, nothing would make me any happier.
Nothing that has happened was in vain. I was really able to pass on the most important things I inherited from my own seniors to the next era — Both the passionate spirit of justice, and the shining, radiant ideal image of a hero…!
(Ahaha, I can hear you loud and clear, guys~ They’re just casually talking on stage… That bad habit of ours from Yumenosaki is still lingering on ‘em, huh?)
(Feels like it’s become such a norm to do it that nobody bats an eye to it anymore — like it’s a traditional art or something.)
(But we've gotta be keepin' an eye on our audience too!)
(Most of the visitors here are people who love cars. Actual fans of us idols are prolly far and few.)
(That’s why we’ve gotta make our charms shine to this new audience during this live show.)
(Or actually, we’ve gotta perform in a way that’ll entertain everyone in here.)
(That’s what I’ll be doing… ‘Cuz there’s no point in pushing my limits and tryna show off… I’m nothing but a klutz, so I’ll walk down my path in my own way.)
(Thankfully, I really lucked out by having so many of the people I do around me. I’ve got Shinobu-kun and Midori-kun, who’ve supported me through the toughest times — and Morisawa-senpai and Shinkai-senpai, who’ll guide me through this new path.)
(I even have the Ryuseitai-N newbies who look up to me and try to catch up to me — along with ALKALOID, as well.)
(And of course, let’s not forget all our fans.)
(All I’ve ever done is pathetically lose my path over and over, but nobody ever blamed me — they only kept supporting me, protecting me, and cheering for me to keep going. That’s why I was able to make this much progress in my life without ever giving up.)
(It’s all thanks to everyone that I’m here right now. At the very least, I’m gonna try to move forward li'l by li'l so that I avoid causing any delays!)
(The black flame is the mark of effort! With every single flame absorbed within me, I’ll use them as fuel and make those flames shine!)
(Our flames will sparkle with every color in existence!)

You look amazing, Buchou. You're in better shape than ever.
…You think so? Ahaha, you’re gonna make me blush.
I’ve always felt so inferior ‘cuz of my empty self.
I couldn’t stand how empty I was inside, it honestly freaked me out… so I’d act tough by lining up all sortsa cool stuff around me.
Not that it changed much — No matter how much cool stuff I covered my body with, I was always gonna be a lame guy inside that hollow shell.
But right now, there’s so many things inside me — everyone’s hopes, trust, and friendship…
And beside me, I have people who opened the door of the dark car I was cuddling myself in, wanting to join me on the journey.
That’s why I’m able to press forward. I’m in no way some empty shell anymore.
I’ve always loved cool stuff. Like the ever reliable, strong Taishou — the mighty and wild tiger, the rough and awesome cars…
Yearning for them, I reached out — and lived my life nuzzling close to them for comfort, if nothing else.
But no amount of cool stuff around me could make me cool. In the end, I was nothin' but a housecat with painted stripes.
Right now, I’m still just an inexperienced, weak, pathetic, lame, boring guy.
I’m no different from some cocky kid who convinced himself he’s strong just by taking a joyride in a huge, sturdy car.
I plan to work hard in recognizing that about myself, accepting it, and then changing how I am.
Just like how I dealt with the newbies — I’m gonna rip off any signs of stubborn pride, and challenge the world as myself.
So that I truly become cool — and become an actual man among men, one that everyone can look up to and see as their role model.
I was able to see what’s in front of me a li’l better by facing reality like that.
And what I saw was — all the newbies showing up to the venue without a single one of ‘em looking down on me or laughing at me.
It just made me think, what was I even afraid of…? I really am just a dumbass… I’ve still got so much ahead of me to learn.
Heheh… Sadly, I’m still too weak to reach my ideal self anytime soon… It’s a tough life to try and become cool, so could you lend me a hand, Hiiro-kun?

Yes, I shall do so unquestionably. We'll give back as much help as you've given us up 'til now.
Rather, that is how everyone experiences life, so you don’t have to think of yourself as weak at all.
We too shall push on. As you go along the right road, so shall we follow.
However, as we cannot see yet where we are headed, we ask that you guide us… Ryuseitai. ♪

Ossu! You’ve got it, ALKALOID~♪ Then zip it and follow my lead—
Nah, forget what I just said. Let’s instead go down the path together, while having a blast singing together!