Motor Show – Muddy Road
Chapter Index
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5
Chapter 1
Location: Time Street

A few days later, at night — On the way home after an all-out practice session with Ryuseitai-N…
Huh… So that’s why you’ve been down lately…?
'Cause our newcomers are dropping like flies…
Actually, now that I think about it, we didn’t really have that many people around at practice in ES today…
But I try to avoid talking to them, so I don't actually recognize any of them well enough to know if that's true…
Erm, I would honestly like you to try and learn about them, though.
We’re the only seniors in Ryuseitai-N, so we must act as the mediators for our leader Tetora-kun and the newcomers.
Uuu… I'm horrible at that, though… I thought I wouldn't have to bother with it, especially since Tetora-kun can get along with basically anyone right off the bat…
Meanwhile, I never really opened my heart to anyone until I got to high school… but then you two became such dear friends to me…
That just goes to show how kind and special you guys are…
…You said that so earnestly, you’re going to make me blush…
Huh? Sorry… Did I say something weird?
Ahaha, I thought that I’d be able to get along with anyone, too, since I’m pretty social.
But leading your juniors and being friendly with your peers are two entirely different things.
‘Cuz if I act friendly, they might look down on me instead.
Like, man, every time one of them left the unit, I’d just laugh it off with “Thanks for giving it a shot~”.
I bet if I was cooler and actually had something going for me, then everyone would've taken me seriously.
I can't help feeling super disappointed in myself — I’m lacking in literally everything.
Mmm… So it’s like, that type of personality is perfect as a coworker, but not so much as a boss, huh… Not that I would know.
Though now that you mention it, you do give off the vibe of a boss people would easily underestimate.
You don’t ever snap at anyone, so it’s like, I dunno, feels like you’d turn a blind eye to anything your subordinates do and laugh it off…
Uhhh, why does that not sound like a compliment at all…!? I get angry every now and then too, y’know?
Ehhh… But as far as I can recall, you've only ever snapped once…
I know I'm kind of a pain, so… It's no surprise I get on people's nerves.
But whenever I’d whine about how depressed I was, or how much I wanted to die, you'd always be worried about me, and mean it, too…
You always gritted your teeth and bore it, all for my sake…
And the one time you did snap, I completely deserved it, really… I mean, anyone would’ve been pissed off at me for that.
Well, nah, it was on me, too. I was so immature about it — I should’ve believed in you and given you time, or maybe even tried to talk it out. Not dump a full-blown rant on you. Man…
But we didn’t have time back then… You could say it went kinda like a sudden car crash…
Ahhh… So that’s what you two are talking about. Repayment Festival, right?1
It all went well in the end, but we certainly experienced some harrowing moments…
Back then, I was so worried that there was no way out of our predicament. I was so certain this would be the end—…
That is why I feel like what we’re going through right now is a hundred times better than back then, Tetora-kun.
No matter how many wounds we receive, they won’t bring us anywhere near death — Instead, what we should do is endure that pain and advance forward.
We should stay positive about this. Shouldering nothing but worries would only crush you, no matter the strength of your fortitude.
Mm… Yeah, I’m not really good at clearing my thoughts up like that, but I’ll do my best to push forward! The black flame is the mark of effort, after all!
Ahaha, haven’t heard that in a while.
Ossu, it’s ‘cuz we haven’t been working as part of Ryuseitai-M for a while now…
I’ve just been wearing the Red outfit this whole time, when I don’t even suit the size yet.
Yeaaah, that’s a whole other can of worms…
Are we really sure Morisawa-senpai and Shinkai-senpai are gonna stick around…? Or did they seriously lose all interest in being part of Ryuseitai…
No way, that can’t be it… Or well, I hope not.
Actually, even if that was their plan, then we’re gonna inherit Ryuseitai and the spirit of justice and protect it ourselves.
…Haha, never mind, I don’t have any right to say that when I’m so pathetic right now…
C-Cease this at once, Midori-kun! Don’t sour the mood after how hard Tetora-kun tried to perk himself back up!
What the— The heck was that? A spell to exterminate demons or something?
It’s called kuji~2 Since ninjas recite it so often for some reason, it’s quite well-known to me!
Um, that doesn't explain why you rattled it off so suddenly, though…? To this day, I still have moments where I just don’t get either of you…
But, well, it’s only natural that I don’t… since we’re all different people.
You might think you can figure them out if you try hard enough, but putting so much effort into it is only gonna exhaust you in the end. So I don’t think you should bother with it, Tetora-kun.
Take it from someone who’s always been depressed. It’s possible the newbies just quit the unit for no real reason, anyway…
And now that they’ve left, they’re not part of Ryuseitai-N anymore. You'll wear yourself out worrying about them on top of everything else…
Uumyu… But it's not that I’m depressed or anything.
It’s just that I have to think these things through — I’m the leader after all, the very same guy who inherited the Red position from Morisawa-senpai.
Also, if I don’t figure out why everyone’s leaving and think up a solution for it, it’s just gonna keep happening over and over again.
I’d only be wasting all my effort if I don’t figure out an actual way to sort this out.
It’s already bad enough that I waste so much of my time going around in circles in the same spot. I’d like to move at least one step forward towards the right path for once.
Otherwise… I’ll never, ever move forward.
Chapter 2

A few minutes later…
Huh… So most people who quit said something about how Ryuseitai-N's different from what they thought it’d be…?
You got it… I dunno what they were expecting from Ryuseitai, but it sounds like we really let ‘em down…
What exactly they mean by "different" is beyond me…
Hmm… They probably wanted to join us ‘cause they saw what we were like last year, right…?
So maybe they were expecting that they could be like that the moment they joined…
What we were like last year…?
Uumyu~… I’m clueless about how people saw us last year… I was always so desperate to keep up with everything that I barely had a chance to think.
It just took all my strength to stay on foot…
Hmmm… If we were to look at it from an outside perspective—
I suppose we must’ve given off the impression of a friendly, cozy unit revolving around Morisawa-dono, like we’re always having the time of our lives. Or that every day’s a summer festival in full swing for us, perhaps.
Ahh… You kinda lost me there, but I also do get what you’re trying to say.
I’m guessing they were readying themselves to have a blast with friends in sparkling summer festivals.
But in reality, all they’re allowed to do is break a sweat preparing stuff for the festival, like each and every stall…
They’ve just been practicing the basics day in and day out, and even then, they don’t get a big role in our jobs.
Ahh… That would be a disappointment. Though personally, I think preparation can be quite fun once you get used to it.
Yeah, but I bet they just wanted to jump right into enjoying good street food and having fun together…
After all, it’s not like they got to see what went on backstage — and all the blood, sweat, and tears we poured into setting up everything for the festival…
Or how much Morisawa-senpai ran himself ragged with preparations and begging the higher-ups for permission, all for the sake of a festival that spanned only a moment in our lives — they don’t know a lick of it.
…I wonder if that’s what I’m missing…
I have to push myself further and do what it takes to prepare a live show that everyone can enjoy… a festival that’d be exactly what they want—
Oh, no! On the contrary, I think you’re doing more than enough as is, Tetora-kun!
Our objective as idols is to entertain our fans with our radiance — it is precisely because we succeeded in this task that they have grown to adore us.
You’d be losing sight of your goal if you strive instead to gain the favor of your own unitmates.
But it’s gotta be true somehow. I must be lacking in some places.
Morisawa-senpai made sure to make both our jobs and our personal time together enjoyable, so I have to try harder and do the same—…
Ahhh, you’re gonna actually become depressed for real if you keep saying nothing but that…
Man, you’re taking this so seriously… Meanwhile, I’m more than glad to know people are quitting…
It’s exhausting with so many members around… I’ve been getting sick of it, so they can keep dropping out as they like…
Midori-kun, you shouldn’t be saying that outloud, even if it’s how you feel.
Sure, but… You can’t deny that it's really costing us to manage all our newbies, on top of everything else we need cash for…
Considering how each practice session burns through our L$, we'd be better off without the unmotivated guys…
Nah, c’mon. I mean, last year you kept going on about being depressed or wanting to die or not wanting to do a thing, right? But even then, our seniors never gave up on you.
That’s the sorta unit we inherited, so it doesn’t make sense for us to throw away other kids who don’t feel like doing anything.
Mm… Oh yeah, didn’t you also always say how things were different from what you expected last year?
I think you wanted to be in Akatsuki first, right…? Didn’t you used to complain about that at first? Like, you always looked like you didn’t feel as if this was where you belong.
What made you stop feeling that way? Maybe once you figure that out, we could figure out a solution for your— Or actually, our problem…?
Eep!? What the— Hey, doesn't that stupidly loud voice sound way too familiar…?
Oh no, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to excuse myself from any alcohol!
I plan to get a driver’s license, you see — I have driving lessons tonight and tomorrow as well, so just having the scent of alcohol on me would be a problem!
I’m really sorry I can’t stay! I’ll be taking my leave now, s—
Oh!? You guuuys…!! ☆
Ugh, he just had to notice us.
My beloved comrades! It’s been so long! Come right on over and leap into my open, loving arms~!
I’m always ready to welcome you! Fuhahahaha!! ☆
Actually, you don’t seem all that energetic, huh? What’s up!?
Are you all feeling well? Sleeping well? Eating well? Keeping the flame of justice burning within your hearts well…!?
“Eugh,” indeed… There is no way anyone could handle the embarrassment of someone loudly calling out to them from across the street… Even I almost want to pretend we’re strangers.
Wazzuuup, Morisawa-senpai~! I hope work went well for you today!
Ohhh! You’re greeting him…! That’s so Tetora-kun-core of you.
What’s that supposed to mean? I wanted to discuss all sortsa things with Morisawa-senpai, so I’m more than happy we came across him.
Also, it’s just natural for sportsy peeps to greet their seniors, y’know?
Ahhh… You know, it’s possible the newbies dislike that side of you…
I mean, a bunch of them are more of the nerdy type who love tokusatsu shows, sooo…
You guuuys~! What’re you talking about!? Yell back your responses, or I won’t be able to hear you! Let me in your conversations! Share with me your experiences!
Holy crap… It's been so long that I'd almost forgotten just how annoyingly loud his voice is… Why does he need to yell so much…?
Can't I just head home first and let you guys deal with that mess of a guy…?
Ahaha, why do you want to head home? It's rare that we get to talk to him these days; you should join in, too!
Chapter 3
Casual mentions of underage drinking and alcohol.

Bam! The wait is finally over — Morisawa Chiaki has arrived on the scene! Fuhahahaha! ☆
Ah, hey. Your arrival was super flashy and all, but you still waited for the light like a normal pedestrian.
It was kinda like someone dubbing the wrong line in a foreign movie.
Well, if I'd just run around in the dark, I could have knocked someone over! Always be sure to follow the traffic laws, alright? Promise me that!
Anyway, Nagumo, Sengoku, Takamine… Did the three of you just finish up with work?
I’m starving after doing so much demanding work myself, so if none of you have eaten yet, how about we all eat dinner together?
We haven’t seen each other in a long while, so it’d be a great opportunity to catch up!
Erm, it hasn’t been that long… Didn’t we perform together during MDM?3
But I guess we didn’t really get any opportunities to sit down and chat back then…
Anyway, we actually just came back from eating dinner. We had some at the ES cafeteria, since it’s cheap and tasty.
Also, to be more specific, we simply had practice today, not work.
Ohh, I see. That’s a shame…
I’ve been doing a lot of work with the TV station nearby, so I've picked up on a lot of tasty restaurants around here. I was hoping I could show you some, but oh well.
Heheh, and honestly, I haven’t had the chance to talk to anyone about how my life's been going lately, either.
So I was hoping we could chat like family, but… Kanata isn’t around right now, since he's been working at a different place from me lately.
Oh, really? Wait a sec— I know I’m asking this late, but didn’t you just turn down drinking with some big shots a minute ago?
Do you really have the time to eat dinner right now…? Weren’t you gonna get driving lessons or somethin’?
Ahh, erm, well… That was just an excuse I came up with on the spot.
As a hero who kiddos look up to, I shouldn’t get anywhere near alcohol or smoking.
That’s why I’ve been refusing these kinds of offers as politely as possible.
Not to mention, sometimes you’ll come across someone who'll lose sense of themselves and try to push you to drink with them… But, at the end of the day, I’m still too young to drink, so I shouldn’t violate the law.
Medicines and such are extremely effective on me, so I imagine I’d black out with just one lick of it.
I do want a driver’s license, though, and it’s how I came up with the excuse, but truthfully… I haven’t had the time to actually get lessons for it.
I blurted out a lie when I’m supposed to be an honest hero… I’ll make sure not to do that again.
Wait, really? You wanted a driver’s license? I didn’t expect that, I thought you were only interested in stuff related to tokusatsu shows.
Yep, I do! The more licenses I have, the more I can do as a stuntman.
I haven’t had the chance to work as one for a while now, since the agency’s always telling me I should avoid getting injured…
But it’s been my dream to be the guy behind the hero mask, y’know?
Sadly though, all I’ve been doing is work completely maskless…
Of course, I’m more than grateful that people appreciate seeing me as myself, rather than as a masked hero, but…
—Wait, sorry. I went straight to complaining even though we’ve only just met up. I’m sure this was too much for you guys… But I really meant it when I said I haven’t had the chance to talk to anyone about these things.
Ah nah, we were ventin' a bit ourselves before you showed up. I’m actually happy to know you do the same.
Y’see, in my head, you’re someone who’s always energetic and positive — basically the perfect hero. ‘Course, it’s only natural you’re not actually like that in reality.
Mhm, I actually complain a lot more than you'd think — I just keep it all in my head. I'm honestly far from perfect, and I still have a long way to go before I’m the ideal version of myself.
I make mistakes almost every day, and I've spent plenty of nights lying awake haunted by regrets.
But of course! When the camera’s rolling or the kiddos are watching, I'm none other than the invincible hero! Fuhahahaha! ☆
Ossu… Right, you always were that kinda person, werent’cha?
I really do look up to you. I’m still nowhere near your level, and I haven’t pushed out anything but crappy results…
I feel so awful about it, I mean, you’re the one who put so much hope in me when you entrusted leadership to me…
But right now, Ryuseitai-N is crumbling. It really shows how I’m just not fit to be the leader.
Nothing about me is enough, from my hard work to my capability—
Ah—I’m so sorry. I ended up venting… I couldn’t help it, seeing you made me feel so relieved, and…
Do you need help?
Ah, um… Nah, don’t worry about it. You’re busy as hell, and we can’t keep relying on you for everything.
We’ll figure something out for Ryuseitai-N on our own.
Hm… Alright then.
(Huh? I didn't expect him to let it go so easily.)
(I was sure he'd try to jump in and help… That's what the usual Morisawa-senpai would have done — at least in the past.)
…I finally get how Mikejima-san feels…
Oh, it’s nothing. Anyway, unfortunately because of our status, we’re pulling in a crowd just by talking here…
We should go our separate ways before we make a ruckus in the streets.
Right then, see you all later. I’m really glad we got to talk. You seem to be in something of a predicament — But don't worry, justice will always prevail! There’s always light at the end of the tunnel, mhm!
Alright, farewell!
…He’s gone. What was that about…? He was acting kinda weird.
I wonder… As always, it feels like you could understand him at first glance, but end up finding out it’s actually the opposite.
Meanwhile, somewhere else…
Ahh, hello? It’s me, Chiaki. Do you have a moment to spare?
Mhm, sorry. I know you don’t have much time either, but — I have a favor I’d like to ask of you, Kanata.
Chapter 4
Location: Vocal Room

Next day, at noon…
Pardon the intrusion, ALKALOID has arrived!
Shinobu-kyuuun, starting today, we'll be practicing together for Motor Show! Let's do our best~!
To be honest, I still have yet to be confident enough to stand on anything save a normal stage—
But if I should hear you whisper sweet praises like "you can do it, I know you can! ♪" in my ear, then I'm certain I'll be more than fine! It'll be through one and out the other!
Isn't that perchance the wrong saying to use in this case?
…How are you all so alive?
I can't take it anymore! I hate cars! I don't even wanna see one ever again, there's no way I'll be able to get through our Motor Show work at this rate!
No, there's totally no way I could just "hang in there"!
I was hoping us joining Tattsun-senpai for a ride could be a useful reference point for Motor Show, but… I should’ve never done that!
For half a day, he ravaged the coastline with his reckless driving — Ugh, just thinking about it makes my stomach churn!
And the cherry on top is that I'm rooming with a pair of top idols, so I haven't been able to sleep a wink since I was assigned there… I'm a total wreck health-wise, can't I take the day off?
That won't do. I've already let Buchou know that all of ALKALOID will be participating — But if you say you truly cannot, then I will consider your request.
Motor Show is rather different from the DreamFes we normally perform in, so I'm counting on you, Aira, and your vast knowledge of idols.
Ughhh, it's true that I've got no idea what'll happen if I leave you guys to your own devices…
I'll have to keep an eye on things. Tattsun-senpai's usually such a level-headed person, but he can really just lose a few screws sometimes.
It’s a shame you feel that way. It's certainly true that yesterday, I discovered quite a new side to myself whilst I drove—
Ah, hello…
Mm? Where's Shinobu-kyun… Could it be? That all along, Shinobu-kyun was merely a convenient hallucination that I imagined for myself…?
fufu… [shinobu] and the others will arrive a little [later].
they said they [needed] to [explain] some things to all the members in “n” first.
“N”… By that, do you mean Ryuseitai-N?
that’s right~ it sounds like they have some sort of [strategy].
i do not [know] much myself~ i only [know] what anzu-san told me.
“strategy”… fufu, that sounds so heroic~♪
In any case… Pardon my bluntness, but who are you?
Ugh, you're as clueless about idols as ever, aren't you Hiro-kun? You've gotta brush up on your idol lore more, seriously!
I mean, everyone knows who he is! He's one of the Five Eccentrics, as well as the second-in-command of Ryuseitai: Shinkai Kanata-senpai!
The Five Eccentrics—
Mm, second-in-command? Then, are you the right hand man of the leader of Ryuseitai, Buchou Nagumo Tetora…?
oh, no, no. this might sound a little confusing, but i am the [second-in-command] for the “m” group.
the [graduates] of ryuseitai do not [interfere] with the “n” side.
I see… I apologize for speaking so rudely, seeing as you being a graduate would make you my senior… May I call you Kanata-senpai?
call me as you like~
Wassuuup~! Sorry we’re late, Hiiro-kun, ALKALOID!
It's alright. It's proper etiquette in sports for those with inexperience to arrive early and wait upon their superiors, right?
I mean, that's common sense in the industry too? We're still rock bottom in ES, so we have to keep our heads low.
There’s no need to be so humble~
Yaaay, Shinkai-dono, you’re here~! ♪
hellooo, it’s me, [shinkai-dono]~♪ there, there. have you all been [good boys]?
Shinkai-senpai…? Huh? Why’re you here…?
Motor Show isn’t supposed to have you seniors involved, since it’s a job for Ryuseitai-N—
fufu, no need to be so distant. it does not matter whether it is “n” or “m” — we are in this together.
or what i should be saying is — all for one, one for all.
—That’s what Ryuseitai’s all about, yeah?
Does that mean you’re planning on joining this job with us? Weren’t you busy?
not at all. there is hardly a [ripple] in my life these days, compared to the [stormy seas] of [last year].
i have managed to clear up my household [problems] at this point~
also, chiaki asked me to take care of all of you.
Morisawa-senpai did…?
yes. it seems like chiaki has finally learned that he can [rely] on people, too…♪
Chapter 5

Several minutes later…
hm, hm~
i see~ so that was the [choice] tetora made? i expect nothing less from our [proud heir] of ryuseitai~
chiaki always hid his [weaknesses], but tetora chose not to do that, yes?
[that] already makes him so much more [praiseworthy] than chiaki.
It was an incredible sight to witness with my own eyes.
Tetora-kun pleaded with the newcomers to gather for a meeting, and then confessed his true feelings to them.
He admitted that he’s still nowhere near as capable as Morisawa-dono — that he’s still an inexperienced, pathetic, thick-headed idiot of a leader…
He apologized for disappointing them when they were so excited to be part of Ryuseitai—
And he stated that he'll never match up to Morisawa-dono, no matter how hard he tries to change himself.
It would have sounded like a bunch of whining from anyone else, but Tetora-kun spoke to them earnestly, bowing his head low.
The confession was just like him, straightforward and honest. He was in tears afterwards, believing he was pathetic; but to me, he looked incredibly cool.
yes, that is a hundred times cooler than the [past] chiaki, who would always put up a strong front~♪
…Shinkai-dono, you have moments when you speak very harshly about Morisawa-dono…
ehe, it is how i show my love~♪
but… i see. so tetora took off his [mask] and showed his [true self] to them, didn’t he?
that is not something just anyone can do — after all, it is [terrifying] to fail to meet someone’s [expectations].
that is why i believe tetora did a [wonderful] job. he knows what is most important to do…
not only that… he must have spoken to you and midori about it to fully [understand] what he should do, yes?
while some parts of him may be [exactly] like chiaki, it is impossible for a human being to be fully [identical] to another.
of course, that is common sense but… it is easy to forget that sometimes, isn’t it?
but our differences are what make us special, and that is one of ryuseitai’s strengths.
we are so much [stronger] than we would be [alone] because of all these different [colors] coexisting with [each other].
Nihihi, it was you seniors who taught us all of that!
Ahhh, Chief, the way you laughed just now was sososo charmiiiing! Once more, please, laugh just once more, for the love of all that is holy…!
Mayoi-dono, your Chief is speaking about crucial matters at the moment, so do keep it for later.
fufu. a [strange person] has taken a liking to you, i see.
mm~… the way he [smells] takes me back…
W-What? Ahhh, I'm sorry to have bothered you anyyy, please just pretend I'm nothing but a speck of dust in the air, O Esteemed Eccentric!
fufu. shinobu took after chiaki when it comes to being liked by a [strange person], i see.
each one of you is taking after [us] in your own way — that makes me very, very [happy].
i am so glad i became [human]. it’s so warm and cozy…
but that aside, how did everyone [react] to tetora’s [confession]? did they leave after they thought of him as “pathetic”…?
chiaki always seemed to be terrified of [that] happening to him.
I do wonder, myself… We didn’t manage to get everyone for the meetup, and Tetora-kun only confessed to them a moment ago, so…
It’s too early to know how exactly they felt about it.
ahh… i am guessing this [discussion] is why you were all [late]?
That’s one of the reasons, but it’s also because each of us have been receiving personal work lately.
Of course, it’s quite a trivial amount of workload compared to your own and Morisawa-dono's.
fufu. it will be alright, because we are all running down the [same path].
even if there are times we cannot see each other’s [faces], our hearts are always [one] and the [same].
we will aaalways be together, forever.
Mhm! No matter what, we will always be Ryuseitai together.
Shinkai-senpai~? Shinobu-kuuun? We’re gonna finish our warm-up soon, so get yourselves ready for the actual practice, ‘kay~?
okaaay, [taichou]~♪
ah, but since i only joined [partway through]… the details are a bit fuzzy in my mind. what sort of [job] is motor show going to be?
Well… Considering how much of a trainwreck I was in front of all the newbies today…
I honestly dunno how many of ‘em are gonna show up for the actual event… So we’ll have to make sure we’re prepared to perform with just the people in this room.
Heheh, it wasn’t a trainwreck at all, Tetora-kun!
Thanks, Shinobu-kun.
But honestly, I feel like I got the timing all wrong~ Maybe I should’ve done it way after Motor Show was over…
I’m super awkward with these kinds of things — I can’t bottle up my feelings for too long, so I end up needing to spill them out as soon as possible… It's one of my bad flaws.
Anyways, apparently ALKALOID drove around on their day off and came up with some ideas.
And we have some ideas to share ourselves, so we can start by talking about ‘em first.
The only thing we agreed on is a live show at the end, since we’re idols and all…
So we’re basically gonna think through a plan on how to reach that end point for the show.
That's right. As for the music itself, it seems that the organizer of Motor Show — that is, the client — has been using the same composition for similar events over the years…
I think we could arrange it to better fit our performance as idols, but—
I still don't completely understand what exactly an idol is, so I would like to hear what my betters in Ryuseitai think.
Ossu! Guess I gotta show off a more senior side of myself, huh? I’ll do what I can~♪