Motor Show – Prologue
Location: Dojo

Just after summer holidays, during the evening…
Taishou, please wake up.
H-Huh? Was I sleeping just now?
Yes, soundly so. Exhaustion must’ve built up inside you.
I was taught that resting is another important aspect of being an idol — I would like you to avoid overworking yourself, Taishou.
Ahh, yeah, uh… I’d prefer not being called “Taishou”, Hiiro-kun.
Hm? Why not? You’re the one who told me to call you that when I first joined the Karate Club in Yumenosaki Academy — am I wrong?
I’d rather you not amend your words so frequently, as it will only confuse me.
Uumyu… I was young and dumb when I said that. Like, I psyched myself up and acted way too cocky, ‘cause I thought I had to inherit the role of Taishou, so…1
Basically, I just want you to forget about it. It was such an embarrassing moment for me.
I’m not skilled enough to be called “Taishou”. I mean, when you first joined, I literally got obliterated by you in the exhibition match.
But, well, I guess it was my own fault for having my guard down.
No, that was my blunder. I wasn’t aware of the rules for the so-called “exhibition match”.
I was taught in the dojo of my hometown that in battle, I must fight with the intent to kill — and did not properly hold back my strength.
However, while I had charged at you earnestly, and thus took you completely by surprise—
You were still able to turn things to your favor with a counterattack, even after being struck so many times. You’re a splendid martial artist, Taishou.
Fufu, the other club members could tell something was wrong, so they came over to stop us… But it makes me wonder: if we had kept going, who would’ve won that fight?
As you’re the more experienced one between us, maybe the judge’s fan would have been raised to your victory?2
No, really, could you drop the “Taishou” thing already…? I’d prefer you calling me by “Buchou”3, or just “Tetora-kun”, since we’re both the same age.
Mm, very well then, “Buchou”… You are quite particular about such things, aren’t you? You seem to be more broad-minded at first glance, though.
Nah, I’m usually all over the place with things~ But I can’t help but get bothered by specific stuff. I don’t really feel like that’s manly of me, though…
…Anyway, we ended up chatting about random stuff, but — did you need me for something?
It’s a bad habit of mine to blabber on ‘til I dunno what the topic’s about anymore!
Fufu, that too proves you’re an excellent martial artist — it is a must to know where one lacks.
I can barely tell where I lack, or rather, I lack the capability to tell, so — I hope to continue being under your care, Buchou~♪
Regardless, it’s nothing urgent. I’ve come for the usual training, that’s all.
There is only so much I can train with on my own, so I wanted to ask if we could spar together, Taish--Buchou.
Though I feel a little remorseful for waking you up from your sound sleep.
Oh nah, I don’t mind. I accidentally dozed off while doing my usual meditation, is all.
Maybe I really have been exhausted, like you mentioned.
I’ve been doing as best as I can while keeping a close eye on everything, but… Lately, there’s such a huge gap between the school’s Ryuseitai — also known as Ryuseitai-N — and Ryuseitai-M from ES…4
Like, Ryuseitai-N’s been staggering in every way, and I just can’t seem to make things work in the unit… It’s been daunting on me.
Then I just get more stressed about it, and start trying to make an effort out of everything, only for it to all come to waste… that’s prolly why I’m this unbearably tired.
Ahhh, I’m just so, so hopeless… It’s so pathetic of me. There’s nothing more wasted than wasted effort.
Fufu, please cheer up, Buchou.
Aren’t you a little too harsh on yourself? From what I heard in school, Ryuseitai-N has been doing well.
Splendidly so, especially compared to us underachievers. There is always someone below you, so look at me and cheer yourself up.
Nah, I feel like ALKALOID’s already surpassed us… or at least, you surpassed the Ryuseitai that I’m the leader of.
Didn’t you guys go all out in the MDM?
You guys’re being called the “supernova of hope”. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of clients wanting you by now.
Actually, are you sure it’s okay to slack off here?
Mmm… No, I don’t think it is.
We may have been able to overcome a crisis by successfully paying our debt, and avoided being evicted out of ES for the time being, but—
I believe that we’re still at the very first step of being idols.
But due to overworking ourselves, the rest of the members are completely exhausted… though, I’m doing quite alright, due to my immensely large amount of stamina.
Thus, I don’t think we can do anything as a unit right now.
On the other hand, I do feel as though all our efforts would be in vain if we were to not take every opportunity that we have while the spotlight is still on us…
Ahaha, things aren’t going well for the both of us, huh…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ “Taishou” here refers to Kuro. Tetora calls him by this title out of respect. It means “chief”, “boss”.
- ↑ Hiiro originally says gunpai, a fan used in sumo wrestling matches to determine the winner.
- ↑ “Buchou” means club captain/president.
- ↑ Ryuseitai-M = Morisawa, the unit under Starmaker Production. Ryuseitai-N = Nagumo, the unit within Yumenosaki.